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EDAÊý×ÖÃë±íµÄÉè¼Æ³ÌÐò_×Ô¶¯»¯×¨Òµ±ÏÒµÂÛÎÄ   ³ÌÐò˵Ã÷£º1¡£´Ë³ÌÐò°üÀ¨·ÖƵ£¬¼ÆÊý¿ØÖÆ£¬ÏÔʾ¿ØÖƲ¿·Ö¡£ 2¡£¿ª»úÏÔʾ00¡£00¡£00£¬Óû§¿ÎËæʱ¼Æʱ£¬ÔÝÍ££¬ÇåÁ㣬×î´ó¼Æʱ¿Éµ½59 ·Ö59¡£99Ãë¡£ 3¡£¼¼ÊõʱÖÓΪ100HZ 4¡£²ÉÓÃʱ·Ö¸´Óõķ½·¨¿ØÖÆ4¸öÊýÂë¹ÜµÄÏÔʾ£¬¿É½ÚÊ¡×ÊÔ´¡£ ³ÌÐòÈçÏ£º Library ieee; Use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; Use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; Use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; Entity watch is Port(sel: out std_logic_vector(6 downto 1) ; seg:out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); Beginstop:in std_logic; Reset:in std_logic; Cp2:in std_logic); End watch; Architecture behave of watch is Signal num1: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); Signal num2: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); Signal num3: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); Signal num4: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); Signal num5: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); Signal num6: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); Signal num: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); Signal numlet: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); Signal count: std_logic_vector(17 downto 1); Signal selsig: std_logic_vector(6 downto 1); Signal segsig: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0 ); Signal cp1: std_logic; Signal cp3: std_logic; Begin Process(cp2) ---- ·ÖƵ¡£ Begin If (cp2' event and cp2='1') then if (Count="1100011010011111")then count="00000000000000000"; cp1=not cp1; else count=count 1; end if; end if; cp3=count(10); end process; process(cp1) begin if reset ='1' then num1(3 downto 0) ="0000"; num2(3 downto 0) ="0000"; num3(3 downto 0) ="0000"; num4(3 downto 0) ="0000"; num5(3 downto 0) ="0000"; num6(3 downto 0) ="0000"; else if cp1' event and cp1='1' then if beginstop='1' then num1=num1 1; if num1 (3 downto 0)="1001" then num1 (3 downto 0)="0000"; num2= num2 1; if num2 (3 downto 0)="1001" then num2 (3 downto 0)="0000"; num3= num3 1; if num3 (3 downto 0)="1001" then num3 (3 downto 0)="0000"; num4= num4 1; if num4 (3 downto 0)="0101" then num4 (3 downto 0)="0000"; num5= num5 1; if num5 (3 downto 0)="1001" then num5 (3 downto 0)="0000"; num6= num6 1; if num6 (3 downto 0)="0101" then num6(3 downto 0)="0000"; end if; end if; end if; end if; end if; end if; end if; end if; end if; end process; process (cp3) begin if (cp3' event and cp3='1')then if(numlet(2 downto 0)="000") then num=num1;selsig(6 downto 1)="111110"; end if; if(numlet(2 downto 0)="001") then num=num2;selsig(6 downto 1)="111101"; end if; if(numlet(2 downto 0)="010") then num=num3;selsig(6 downto 1)="111011"; end if; if(numlet(2 downto 0)="011") then num=num4;selsig(6 downto 1)="110111"; end if; if(numlet(2 downto 0)="100") then num=num5;selsig(6 downto 1)="101111"; end if; numlet(2 downto 0)=numlet(2 downto 0) 1; if(numlet(2 downto 0)="101") then numlet(2 downto 0)="011111"; end if; end if; if (num (3 downto 0)="0000")then segsig(7 downto 0)="01111111"; end if; if (num (3 downto 0)="0001")then segsig(7 downto 0)="00001101"; end if; if (num (3 downto 0)="0010")then segsig(7 downto 0)="10110111"; end if; if (num (3 downto 0)="0011")then segsig(7 downto 0)="10011111"; end if; if (num (3 downto 0)="0100")then segsig(7 downto 0)="11001101"; end if; if (num (3 downto 0)="0101")then segsig(7 downto 0)="11011011"; end if; if (num (3 downto 0)="0110")then segsig(7 downto 0)="11111011"; end if; if (num (3 downto 0)="0111")then segsig(7 downto 0)="00001111"; end if; if (num (3 downto 0)="1000")then segsig(7 downto 0)="11111111"; end if; if (num (3 downto 0)="1001")then segsig(7 downto 0)="11011111"; end if; end process; sel=selsig; seg(7 downto 0)=segsig(7 downto 0); end behave;
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