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·¢²¼Ê±¼ä£º2015-01-06 À´Ô´£ºÈË´ó¾­¼ÃÂÛ̳
ÖÜÆڽṹÖÐÉùѧ²¨µÄÉ«É¢¹Øϵ_Êýѧרҵ±ÏÒµÂÛÎÄ ÖÜÆڽṹÖÐÉùѧ²¨µÄÉ«É¢¹Øϵ ÕªÒª:±¾ÎÄÏêϸÌÖÂÛÁË1ЩÖÜÆڽṹµÄÉ«É¢¹Øϵ¡£Ê×ÏÈ£¬¸ù¾ÝÅ£¶ÙÁ¦Ñ§¶¨ÂÉÌÖÂÛÁË1άԭ×ÓºÍ2άԭ×ÓµÄÉ«É¢¹Øϵ£¬½Óןù¾Ý¹ÌÌåÀíÂÛÌÖÂÛÁËA-BÐÍÖÜÆڽṹºÍº¬ÓÐȱÏݲãµÄA-BÐÍÖÜÆڽṹÖÐÉùѧ²¨µÄÉ«É¢¹Øϵ¡£ ¹Ø¼ü´Ê£º³¬¾§¸ñ£»¸ñ²¨£»ÉùѧÉù×Ó£»É«É¢¹Øϵ£»ÖÜÆڽṹ£» The dispersion relations of Acoustics phonon In periodic structure Abstract: Some dispersion relations of acoustic in periodic structure are studied in detail in the article.Firstly, the dispersion relations of acoustic phonon dispersion relations are studied in Unidimensional and Two-dimensional atomic periodic structure by Newtonian mechanics. Secondly, dispersion relations of acoustic phonon in A- B periodic structure and the macro- surface dispersion relations of acoustic phonon in A- B periodic structure contains defact are studied by Solids theory . Key word: Superlattice; Lattice vibration; Acoustic phonon; Dispersion relations; Periodic structure;
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