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发布时间:2015-01-10 来源:人大经济论坛
国际贸易论文范文 正文目录 第一章引言1 第一节 选题的背景1 第二节 选题意义1 一、本选题的理论意义2 二、本选题的实践意义2 第二章 纺织品生态标签及欧盟各主要成员国的生态标签制度3 第一节 纺织品生态标签3 一、纺织品生态标签与环境标志制度3 二、纺织品生态标签与绿色壁垒3 三、纺织品生态标签与制度效应4 第二节 欧盟及欧盟各主要成员国的生态标签制度4 一、欧盟纺织品环保标准和生态标准4 二、欧盟各国各种主要生态标准5 第三章欧盟实施生态标签制度对我国纺织品出口欧盟的影响7 第一节 欧盟实施生态标签制度对我国纺织品出口欧盟的影响7 一、生态标签及中国申请状况7 二、生态标签制度对我国纺织品出口欧盟的影响8 第二节 相关案例分析9 一、 绿色通行证9 二、闯出大市场10 第四章我国纺织品出口的应对策略11 第一节 政府层面的应对措施11 一、做好绿色信息的收集,建立绿色壁垒的预替机制11 二、不断完善本国相关标准体系并与国际标准接轨11 三、鼓励企业进行绿色技术创新,创造绿色出口竞争优势12 第二节 行业协会层面的应对措施12 第三节 企业层面的应对措施14 一、企业应转变观念,增强环保意识走可持续发展之路14 二、研制开发环保纺织品、实施清洁生产14 三、积极实施产品认证15 第五章 总结17 参考文献18 致  谢 摘要 纺织行业是我国的传统支柱性产业之一,对外贸依存度很大。从2005年1月1日起,国际纺织品贸易进入了“后配额时代”。由于数量限制不能再作为控制纺织品进口的手段,因此作为全球纺织品最大的贸易方的欧盟以及美国等主要进口国越来越重视非关税壁垒的运用,生态标签业已成为重要的战略性贸易工具之一。而对于我国纺织行业现状来说,绿色意识、检验设备以及质量管理体系还相对落后,欧盟设置生态标签标准,给我国纺织品出口企业形成了一道门槛,给企业无论在出口和纺织品生态标签认证方面造成重大经济损失,给行业发展带来了严峻的挑战。 欧盟在世界纺织品贸易中扮演着非常重要的角色,中国又是欧盟纺织品最大的供应国。所以,欧盟生态标签制度的设置不利于我国纺织品出口欧盟,它使我国纺织品出口的门槛提高,难度加大;由于认证费用的昂贵,使出口成本增加,竞争力下降;同时,使纺织品的出口数量减少,产品出口种类减少。但是,生态标签就如同“绿色通行证”,是挑战也是机遇。它有利于我国提高科技水平和环境标准技术;有有利于我国生产商更新观念,实施清洁生产;有利于改进纺织业结构。而且,生态标签的实施有利于环境保护。因此,针对这些情况,我国应该积极联手企业、行业协会和政府,共同建立一个高效的预警系统,使企业全面的了解生态标签制度的动向,方便企业进行生态标签制度的认证。而且我国应该进步完善自己的生态标签制度,并且加强与各国互相认证,规避绿色贸易壁垒,增强纺织企业的绿色竞争力。 关键词:生态标签 纺织品 欧盟 纺织品贸易 The countermeasures and effects of the eco-label of textile exports to EU ABSTRACT Textile is one of the traditional exports in our country,they depend highly on foreign trade. But since Jan1.2005, the international textile trade has entered a "post-quota era." Because quantitative restrictions no longer as a means of controlling of the textile imports. Europe, as the biggest global textile trade side in the world, and the United States and other major importing countries increasing emphasis on the use of non-tariff barriers, eco-labeling has become a tool of the important strategic. At present, to the situation of China's textile industry, green awareness, testing equipment, as well as quality management system is still relatively backward, these lead the exports of China's textile to form an insurmountable obstacle, and bring the enterprise large economic loss and grim challenges to the development of the industry. The EU , who plays a very important role in the world of the textile trade. China is the largest textiles supplier in the EU trade. So the EU eco-label is unfavourable to our textile exports. It is just as the threshold, and too difficult for expot; and as the the authentication is so expensive,so the cost is rising and competition is descent;furthermore,the export quanlity and kinds are reduced. But, eco-label is just as “the green certificate”, is challenge ,also is a chances. It is favourable to improve the standard of science and tecnoledge, and environment standard; also can renew awareness to produce cleanly. So, China should construct a effective system to alert ourselves hunnry, and recognize the information fully, and convenient for them to authorize. Furthermore, our country should improve system of the eco-label, and we should know how avoid green trade barriers to enhance the green competitiveness of textile enterprises. It need to discusse and dealing with urgently. KEYWORDS: eco-labeling ,textile , EU, textile trade
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