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发布时间:2015-01-10 来源:人大经济论坛
国际贸易论文范文 目录 第一章 引言1 第二章 区域经济的现状及其发展必然2 第一节 关于区域经济2 第二节 区域经济发展的必然和带来的效益3 第三节 区域分布的现象4 第三章 金融危机下所带来的冲击和影响6 第一节 金融危机的定义及对于中国的影响6 第二节 金融危机下慈溪企业所受到的影响7 第三节 企业是如何考虑和评估这次金融危机的9 一、金融危机的影响9 二、企业的应对策略10 第四章 在金融危机下企业面临的困难和暴露的问题-----以小家电为例12 第一节 产业结构相对落后,升级需求迫切12 第二节 低价劳动力无限供给,产品价格激烈,占有量低12 第三节 现行贸易制度欠完善,国际贸易环境恶化13 第四节 品牌意识淡薄,研发能力有限14 第五节 外贸订单减少,企业利润大幅下降 14 第六节 企业创新意识不强,产品附加值不高15 第七节 企业抗压能力不够,过分依赖政府政策15 第五章 慈溪的产业结构调整和转型的措施——以小家电为例16 第一节 建立行业组织,规范行业发展,强强联合16 第二节 技术创新,推动技术进步17 第三节 调整市场进入模式,有效规避市场风险.18 第四节 推进品牌建设,树立国际品牌18 第五节 企业捆绑在一起抱团取暖19 一.企业搬进杭州湾工业园区利用上下游的关系降低成本19 二、优化人力资源结构,提升核心竞争力19 第六节 加强政府宏观调控能力20 一、政府将原先老厂的厂房鼓励变卖给企业取得融资的平台20 二、给予税收上的减免和给予企业贷款20 三、品牌建设——宁波方太有限公司案例20 第六章 总结23 【参考文献】24 致 谢26 摘 要 浙江是我国产业集群化发展的典型代表,众多特色产业集群是浙江经济得以快速增长和保持活力的重要原因。但是随着市场竞争的日趋激烈以及内外环境的变化,浙江产业集群的优势也正逐步减弱,矛盾和问题也不断突显。尤其2008年以来,浙江进入了转型升级的关键时期,迫切需要寻找出一条适合浙江众多“低、散、小”特点的民营企业进行调整、升级之路来保障浙江产业集群的可持续发展。 本文主要研究在金融危机下企业的转型和升级,同时以该市的主导企业类型小家电展开具体论述和研究。众所周知慈溪的小家电企业在最近10年发展迅速,它的发展模式和进步已经得到了肯定 。在市场的变化和调整过程中,特别是金融危机下企业受到的不同程度的打击和企业自身的调整下逐步完善功能,把危机变成机遇。文章以慈溪的小家电为突破口,试图用学习的相关知识将宏观和微观经济学理论和代表性企业的实际营运情况相结合起来,以此来解释和阐述慈溪在金融危机下企业如何调整和部署渡过难关的。同时也展现下企业在金融危机下所暴露的问题和在产业转型中所面临的困难。如产业化组织程度低,龙头企业带动力不强;产品技术含量较低,创新能力不强;品牌意识淡薄,市场开拓能力不强;经营眼光短浅,市场逐步丧失;出口型企业对外贸易摩擦的不断发生及解决方式等问题。 关键词:产业集群 金融危机 区域经济 产业升级和转型 ABSTRACT Zhejiang has been a typical representative of industrial clusters in China. Owing to these Characteristics of industrial clusters, Zhejiang can keep rapid economic development and vitality. However, the advantages of industrial clusters in Zhejiang are gradually loosing under thefiercemarket competition and the changes in internal and external environment, many problems have been highlighted. Particularly, Zhejiang has entered a crucial period of transformation and upgrading since 2008, there is an urgent need to find out a suitable way for Zhejiang’s private enterprises which are in characteristics of "low, small and scattered ". This article main research under the financial crisis enterprise's reforming and the promotion, simultaneously launches the concrete elaboration and the research by this city's leading enterprise type smallhouseholdelectrical appliances. It is well known Cixi's small household electrical appliances enterprise is rapid in the recent 10 years development, its development model and the progress already obtained affirmation.In the market change and the alignment procedure, under the varying degree attack which and enterprise own adjustment specially under the financial crisistheenterprise receives consummates the function gradually, turns the opportunity the crisis. The article take Cixi's small household electrical appliances as a breach, will attempt macroscopic and the microeconomics theory and the representative enterprise's actual transport business situation unifies with the study related knowledge, will explain by this and elaborated how Cixi the enterprise did adjust and the deployment under the financial crisisgets through the difficult time. Simultaneously also under the development the enterprise the question which and the difficulty which exposes under the financial crisis faces in industrial reforming. If the industrial production organization degree is low, the Leading enterprise drive force is notstrong; The product technique content is low, innovation ability is not strong; Brand consciousness is light, market development ability is not strong; Management judgment short shallow, the market loses gradually; The Export-oriented enterprise foreign trade friction has and questions unceasingly and so on solution way. KEYWORDS::Industrial Cluster;Financial crisis ; Regional economies ;Industrial upgrading and reforming
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