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发布时间:2015-01-12 来源:人大经济论坛
市场营销论文范文 正文目录 第一章 引言1 第一节 选题背景1 第二节 研究意义2 第二章 体验营销和消费者感知的研究综述3 第一节 体验营销相关理论3 第二节 消费者感知价值的相关理论7 第三节 本章小结9 第三章 研究对象、内容及方法10 第一节 研究对象10 第二节 研究的基本内容10 第三节 研究方法11 第四章 数据分析12 第一节 顾客对星巴克感官体验的分析12 第二节 顾客对星巴克情感体验的分析14 第三节 顾客对星巴克思考体验的分析15 第四节 顾客对星巴克行动体验的分析16 第五节 顾客对星巴克关联体验的分析17 第五章 星巴克调查研究结论及建议19 第一节 研究结论19 第二节 建议与对策20 第三节 总结22 参考文献23 致  谢24 附录25 消费者感知在体验营销中的作用—以星巴克为例 摘 要 跨入21世纪以来,一种全新的经济模式—体验经济,在继产品经济、商品经济和服务经济之后在世界悄然兴起。在体验经济时代下,消费者不仅重视物品和服务的提供,更渴望获得体验的满足,因此力图满足消费者体验需要的体验营销应运而生。所以,企业在运用体验营销的同时,必须关注顾客价值,从而赢得竞争优势。 本文重点对消费者感知价值和体验营销体系的构建进行了探讨。首先以顾客价值以及体验营销相关理论为基础,重点分析了体验营销的宗旨是创造顾客价值,顾客价值是体验营销的载体,然后本文以杭州星巴克为研究对象,基于斯密特五种体验模式研究星巴克体验营销策略实施现状,通过调查问卷得出以下结论:(1)消费者在星巴克的消费体验过程突出感官体验;(2)消费者的视觉体验越丰富,感官体验越成功;(3)星巴克产品的卓越品质和服务是情感体验成功的基础;(4)感官、情感和思考体验式消费者的行动体验和关联体验的基础。本文根据调查问卷发现星巴克体验营销的不足,并根据顾客视角的体验6E组合策略提出了基于顾客价值的体验营销创新策略。 关键词:体验营销、消费者感知价值、星巴克 ABSTRACT After entering the 21st century, a new economic model called experience economy, which is followed by the product economy, commodity economy, and service economy, has raised quickly all of the world. In the experience economy era, consumers are not only attaching importance to the provision of goods and services, but also want to get satisfaction through experience. So it came to be the experiential marketing to meet the needs of consumers. Therefore, the companies should pay attention to the customer value when using the experiential marketing, and thus gain a competitive advantage. This article focuses on discussing the consumer perceived value and experience marketing System .First of all, based on the customer value and experience marketing related theories, the article focus on discussing the purpose of experiential marketing is to create customer value and customer value is the carrier of experiential marketing. Then we make the Starbucks' current experiential marketing as our study, discussing the status of implementation of Starbucks' marketing strategy based on the Schmitt Model:(1)Consumer spending the process in the Starbucks highlight the sensory experience;(2) The richer visual experience, sensory experience Starbucks provide, the more successful marketing is; (3) Starbucks' products, superior quality and service is the basis of emotional experience success; (4) Perception, emotion and thought of experience is the basis of the action of experience and the experience associated with experience. Then based on customer experience perspective to propose 6E strategy experiential marketing based on customer value innovation strategy. KEYWORDS:Customer perceived value, Starbucks,experiential marketing
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