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发布时间:2014-05-27 来源:人大经济论坛
市场营销论文范文  目 录 第一章 引言1 第二章 文献综述2 第一节 外包和医院后勤外包研究2 一、外包的研究2 二、医院后勤外包方面的研究3 第二节 顾客和顾客满意度研究3 一、顾客4 二、顾客满意和顾客满意度4 第三节 结论6 第三章 研究内容及研究方法7 第一节 研究内容7 第二节 研究方法7 第四章 数据分析9 第一节 访谈结果分析9 第二节 问卷调查结果分析10 第五章 结论与建议17 第一节 主要结论17 第二节 对策与建议17 一、提升餐饮外包的核心竞争力17 二、建立外包控制与管理机制18 三、实行跨文化管理18 四、提高顾客满意度的具体措施18 参考文献20 致  谢21 附件一访谈实录22 附件二 问卷的设计23 摘 要 “民以食为天”,餐饮也是医院重要的后勤服务部门,医院餐饮的外包有很多优点,但也存在许多问题。顾客满意度评价是目前研究的热点,对医院餐饮的外包来说,是否能取得成功,就必须非常注重顾客的想法与感受。本文在回顾医院餐饮外包的相关研究基础上,根据消费者行为学中有关顾客满意感的研究及理论,对医院餐饮外包进行了顾客满意度展调查。在研究方法中,笔者采取问卷法,对杭州天目山医院50名医院职工、病人抽样调查,问卷内容涉及价格感知、人员服务、餐厅设施、饭菜质量等四方面进行调查。经数据分析,得到以下主要结论。一、在食堂饭菜品质满意度中,食物的分量和口味较为重要。二、在价格感知中,荤菜的价格在消费者心目中占较重位置。三、在食堂餐厅设施的满意度调查中,关于饭菜窗口的满意度占较重要位置。四、在人员服务中,服务人员的态度和着装占据较重要位置。在结论的基础上,提出提升医院餐饮外包中顾客满意度的建议和措施。 关键词:餐饮、外包、医院、顾客满意度 ABSTRACT People regard food as their prime want, catering is an important logistic service department of hospital, Hospital catering outsourcing has many advantages, but there are also many problems. Customer satisfaction is the focus of present research, assessment of hospital, whether the outsourcing catering to succeed, we must pay great attention to customer's thoughts and feelings, This artical reviewed research hospital catering outsourcing based on the consumer behavior in the sense of customer satisfaction research and theory on hospital catering development outsourcing customer satisfaction survey conducted. In research methods, the author adopted the questionnaire method, 50 hospitals in Hangzhou Tianmushan hospital staff, patient sample, the questionnaire, price perception, personnel services, dining facilities, food quality in four areas to investigate. After data analysis, the following main conclusions. First, satisfaction with canteen food quality, quantity and taste of food is more important. Second, the price perception in the price of meat dishes and heavier in the minds of consumers account for location. Third, in the cafeteria dining facilities, satisfaction survey, satisfaction with the window on food accounted for more important position. Fourth, the staff service, staff attitude and dress than occupy an important position. In conclusion, based on the proposed outsourcing of food to enhance the hospital's proposals and measures customer satisfaction. KEYWORDS:Catering,Outsourcing,Hospital,Satisfaction
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