目 录
目 录III
第一章 绪 论- 1 -
1.1 前 言- 1 -
1.2 图像边缘检测概述- 2 -
1.3 论文的主要工作- 3 -
第二章 系统开发工具简介- 4 -
2.1 Visual C++ 6.0简介- 4 -
2.2 Visual C++ 6.0的优点- 4 -
2.3 Visual C++ 6.0的不足- 4 -
2.4 MFC类库- 5 -
第三章 算 法- 7 -
3.1 边缘检测- 7 -
3.2 Sobel边缘检测算子- 9 -
3.2.1 算法概述图像边缘检测- 9 -
3.2.2 Sobel算子边缘特征提取- 9 -
3.2.3 Sobel算子的分解模型- 11 -
3.3 Kirsch边缘检测算子- 11 -
3.4 高斯-拉普拉斯算子- 12 -
3.5 Prewitt边缘检测算子- 14 -
第四章 图像边缘检测算子的比较- 15 -
4.1 第一组图片处理结果比较- 16 -
4.2 第二组图片处理结果比较- 18 -
第五章 总 结- 21 -
5.1 全文总结- 21 -
5.2 存在不足- 21 -
5.3 边缘检测展望- 21 -
致 谢- 23 -
参考文献- 24 -
Along with the development of correlation domain of calculator sense of vision, machine sense of vision and so on, picture processing development is very quick.
Under the trend of the times impetus, this text carried on study and research to the colored image edge examination technique especially. In the article, there is an introduction of a set of complete colored picture edge examination procedures. And at processing picture with different effect, the procedures can use several kinds of classical operators, like Sable and Kirsch . Also the text has enumerated some other operators, just like Laplacian and Prewitt and has made the effective contrast between these operators.
It has clear demonstrated the merit and shortcoming of these 4 kinds of operators in the experiment’s result. The user can according to oneself need to choose the appropriate method to carry on the work and the research.
Keyword: Edge examination, Kirsch calculate operator, Sobel calculate operator, Laplacian calculate operator, prewitt calculate operator