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发布时间:2015-01-17 来源:人大经济论坛
计算机专业论文范文 摘 要 基于C/S模式的酒店预订信息管理系统是一个非常实用的管理系统。该系统的出现大大满足了现今酒店预订的需要,使原本复杂的预订流程变得方便快捷,从而提高效率并且大大降低了工作人员的工作量。 该系统分为几个功能模块:顾客基本信息登记,预订信息管理,退房信息管理,查看客人信息,查看房间信息和更改密码。其中预订管理模块是该系统的主要功能模块,它实现预订入住功能。当用户输入客户的基本信息后,系统会保存所录入的信息,并实现对客房的预订或入住。此外,该系统也可根据客户的需要实现取消已经预订的房间。其开发主要包括数据库的建立维护和应用程序的开发这两个方面。程序功能实现后管理员将可通过查看客人预订入住的情况,了解房间状况及对客人的基本信息进行查询。 本文首先介绍了本系统所使用的开发工具和开发环境,接着详细介绍了基于.NET的酒店预订信息管理系统的设计,包括系统功能分析,数据库结构设计,程序设计及页面详细功能的介绍分析。 关键词:酒店预订信息;C/S模式;数据库设计;程序设计 The Design of Hotel Reservation Information Management System Based on .NET Abstract The hotel reservation information management system based on the basis of C/S mode is a very practical administrative system. Nowadays, the appearance of this system has greatly satisfied the demands of hotel reservation. It makes the original and complicated reservation procedure convenient and swift, thereby it enhances the efficiency and reduces the work load of staff members greatly. This system is divided into several pieces of function module: registering of customer's basic information, reservation information management, the information management of checking out, looking over guest's information, looking over the information of the room and changing the password. Among them, the reservation management module is the main function module, it realizes being scheduled to move in . After users input the customer's basic information, it will keep the information to the system and realize the reservation of the guest room or move in. In addition, this system can also realize cancelling the room already booked according to the needs of customer. It mainly includes two respects the database setting-up, maintenance and the development of the application program. The administrator can see the state of the room and the basic information of guest through looking over the reservation situation after the procedure function is realized. This paper has introduced developing instrument and environment at first, then it has introduced the design of hotel reservation information management system based on .NET in detail, including systematic function analyze and database structural design, programming and introduction of function analyze in detail. Key words: hotel reservation Information; C/S mode; database design; programming 目 录 1引言1 1.1课题背景1 1.2国内外研究现状1 1.3本课题研究的意义1 1.4本课题的研究方法1 2开发工具和开发环境2 2.1SQL语言2 2.1.1SQL概述2 2.1.2SQL语言的组成2 2.2SQL Server 2000 简介2 2.3.NET 简介2 2.4VB.NET 简介3 2.5ADO.NET数据访问简介3 3基于.NET的酒店预订信息系统的设计4 3.1系统功能分析4 3.2数据库结构设计5 3.2.1数据库概念结构设计5 3.2.2数据库逻辑结构设计7 4基于.NET的酒店预订信息管理系统的实现8 4.1顾客基本信息的登记8 4.2预订信息的管理10 4.3退房信息管理14 4.4查看房间信息14 4.5查看客人信息16 4.6修改密码17 4.7关于界面17 4.8使用说明17 结 论18 参考文献18 致 谢19 声 明20
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