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发布时间:2015-01-18 来源:人大经济论坛
自动化专业论文范文 目录 中文摘要II AbstractIII 1、绪论1 1.1选题背景1 1.2全球汽车防盗报警器的现状1 1.3本论文的主要工作2 1.4汽车防盗报警系统的设计方法3 2、汽车防盗报警系统结构模型5 2.1红外线传感器5 2.2霍尔传感器5 2.3红外传感器和霍尔传感器信息融合技术概述5 2.3.1红外传感器和霍尔传感器信息融合技术基本原理5 2.3.2红外线传感器和霍尔传感器传感信息融合技术的特点6 2.4系统防盗信息的处理模型6 2.4.1红外传感器和霍尔传感器检测点硬件处理模型6 2.4.2红外传感器和霍尔传感器软件处理模型6 3、汽车防盗系统的硬件设计9 3.1防盗系统的电源设计9 3.1.1 电压转换芯片介绍9 3.1.2防盗系统的电压转换10 3.2防盗系统的监测模块11 3.2.1 利用热释电红外传感器实现对汽车的监测12 3.2.2利用霍尔开关器件对车门的开关进行监测14 3.3防盗系统的报警执行模块16 3.3.1报警执行模块的GSM报警17 3.3.2报警执行模块的汽车的自锁操作20 3.4汽车防盗系统的中央处理模块22 3.4.1中央处理器的选用22 3.4.2中央处理器时钟电路25 3.4.3中央处理器复位电路26 3.4.4中央处理模块的接口电路26 4、汽车防盗系统的软件设计28 4.1单片机软件设计概述28 4.2编程环境的选用28 4.3系统防盗功能的软件实现28 5 、结论31 参考文献32 致谢33 摘要 随着工业的发展,越来越多的地方用到了多传感器,也越来越多的用到了信息融合技术。汽车—这个人类工业文明的产物、现代人的代步工具、曾经被视为奢侈品的商品,随着国民经济的快速发展和人民生活水平的日益提高,已经逐渐地成为我国寻常百姓家的新成员。但是随着汽车数量的增加,盗窃分子也开始把目光投向作为高档消费品的汽车。另外,现今的汽车防盗警报器常常使用语音报警。为了使警报声有别于环境中的背景声,汽车警报器的音量常常高达125分贝。汽车报警声已经成为城市噪声污染源之一。由此看来,现有的汽车防盗系统不但不能满足汽车防盗的需求,同时还存在着噪声污染、功耗高、误报率高等诸多缺欠。因此,设计新一代的更为可靠、环保的汽车防盗系统是汽车制造业发展一种必然趋势。 关键字:传感器、信息融合技术、语音报警、汽车防盗系统 Abstract With the industrial development, not only more and more local use of the multi-sensor, but also more and more use of the information fusion technology. Automotive - This product of human industrial civilization, the modern means of transport, has been regarded as luxury goods, With the rapid development and people's living standards rising, has gradually become a new member of the ordinary household . But with the increasing number of cars, theft molecules began to look toward the car as a high-end consumer goods. In addition, today's car burglar alarms often use the voice alarm. To make alarm sound is different from the background environment, the volume of car alarms are often as high as 125 dB. Car alarm noise pollution has become one of the cities. From this, the existing car alarm system car alarm not only can not meet demand, there is also noise pollution, power, high false positive rate, and many other shortcomings. Therefore, the design of a new generation of more reliable, environmentally friendly car alarm system is an inevitable trend in automobile manufacturing industry. Keywords: sensors, information fusion technology, voice alarm, car alarm system
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