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发布时间:2015-01-21 来源:人大经济论坛
自动化专业论文范文 目录 摘 要II AbstractIII 1 绪论1 1.1 建筑电气概况1 1.2 设计原则1 1.3 设计内容1 2 配电系统设计3 2.1 负荷等级及供电要求3 2.1.1 负荷等级分类3 2.1.2 供电要求3 2.2 电力变压器4 2.3 负荷计算5 2.3.1设备容量的计算5 2.3.2需要系数法5 2.3.3照明负荷计算6 2.3.4动力部分计算7 2.4 导线选择的原则8 2.5 低压配电方式9 3 照明系统设计10 3.1 总则10 3.2 照明标准10 3.3 照明光源的选择10 3.3.1照明光源选择的一般原则10 3.3.2照明光源的分类10 3.4 照明灯具的选择11 3.5 照明节能12 3.6 照度和照明方式选择13 3.7 照度计算14 3.7.1计算步骤14 3.7.2计算方法14 3.7.3房间照明计算17 4 防雷接地系统设计23 4.1 防雷等级23 4.2 建筑物的防雷措施23 4.2.1 一般规定23 4.2.2 第二类防雷建筑物的防雷措施24 4.3 设计结果26 4.3.1防雷设施26 4.3.2接地体27 5 火灾自动报警及电气火灾监控系统29 5.1 总则29 5.2 火灾探测器30 5.3 手动火灾报警按钮33 5.4 消防广播34 5.5 消防电话34 结 论36 致 谢37 参考文献38 附录39 摘 要 随着科学技术的发展和人民生活水平的不断提高,人们对有关供配电、照明、消防、防雷接地、通信等系统的要求越来越高,使得建筑开始走向高品质、多功能领域,并进一步向多功能的纵深方向和综合应用方向发展。 本设计首先阐述了某实验中心楼电气设计的设计依据、原则和方法,接着对供配电系统、照明系统、防雷接地系统、火灾自动报警系统进行了综合设计。绪论部分包括:建筑电气概况,本设计的内容及设计原则等。配电系统设计部分包括:配电方案,电力系统相关内容,负荷计算等。照明系统设计部分包括:光源选择、灯具选择、照度选择、照明方式选择,照明的相关计算等。防雷接地系统设计部分包括:建筑物防雷措施、设计结果等。火灾自动报警系统设计部分包括:火灾探测器、手动火灾报警按钮设置、消防广播等。本次设计完成图纸共32幅,包括系统图及高配系统图和电气平面图,绘图均采用AUTOCAD软件绘制。 关键词: 照度、低压配电、负荷、LPD、探测器 Abstract With the development of science technology and living standard, people’s require for supply and distribution system design, lighting design, lightning protection grounding system, communication design and so on have become increasingly demanding, so construction began to move towards high quality, multi-functional areas and further direction to the multi-functional and comprehensive application of the depth direction. This design elaborates the electrical design of a experiment center building design based on principles, methods and conclusions of design options. This thesis includes five chapters contents: Introduction, distribution system design, lighting design, lightning protection grounding system design and automatic fire alarm system. Introduction section includes: the profile of building electric, the design of the content and design principles. Distribution system design components include: power distribution, power system-related content and load calculation. Lighting system design components include: source selection, lighting options, choose of illumination, the choice of lighting mode and the relevant calculations of lighting. Lightning protection and grounding system design components include: building lightning protection measures, the design result Automatic fire alarm system components include: fire detectors, manual fire alarm buttons, fire radio and so on. The design drawings were completed 32, including system diagrams, high electrical distribution system maps and floor plans, graphics are drawn using by AUTOCAD software. Key Words:Illumination;Low Voltage Distribution;Load;LPD;Detector
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