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发布时间:2015-01-23 来源:人大经济论坛
自动化专业论文范文 目 录 摘 要I ABSTRACTⅡ 目 录III 第1章绪论1 1.1温度检测类仪表的现状1 1.2课题的提出2 1.3课题的内容3 第2章系统的总体设计4 2.1系统的总体设计思想4 2.2方案论证与选择5 2.2.1温度采样和测试部分5 2.2.2键盘6 2.3系统设计的技术关键6 第3章系统的硬件设计7 3.1系统的整体结构7 3.2温度巡检仪的硬件构成8 第4章系统的软件设计32 4.1主程序33 4.2子程序33 第5章结束语44 参考文献45 摘 要 本课题针对目前温度检测仪表的现状及其存在的主要问题,设计了一种32路温度巡检仪。该仪表可扩展为0-99路,因此可以巡回检测多个测试点的温度,不仅具有精度高、功耗低等优点,还可以及时报警、显示、打印和采取保护措施,使用相当方便。在硬件上,温度检测元件采用单总线方式下的先进的数字式温度传感器,摒弃了传统的A/D转换器,电路结构大为简化。除此之外,采用了实时时钟电路、显示驱动电路、发光二极管报警电路、继电器保护电路和集E2PROM看门狗up监控于一体的集成芯片作为其主要的硬件结构。在软件上,用汇编语言对单片机编程以实现对各测试点温度值的检测和集中管理,并且通过软件编程以极少量按键实现了对仪表的方便操作。另外,从软硬件两方面对系统进行了抗干扰性的设计,从而使系统的可靠性得到明显的提高,总之,该课题的研究将对一般环境下的温度的巡回检测提高到了一个新的水平,具有较高的社会推广价值。 关键词: 32路 温度检测 温度传感器 ABSTRACT In accordance with the present situation and mainly existing problems of the temperature instrument, a kind of 32-orad temperature-cruising test instrument has been designed in this article. The road's number of the meter can be broadened from No.0 to No.99. Besides its high precision, low power, it can alarm, display and register, which makes it easily controlled. On the hardware, the 1-wire progressive digital the mometer has been elected to test temperature so the traditional A/D converter will not be used. This makes the meter circuit easy. The circuit also include real-time clock circuit, analog series communication port control display driving circuit, LED alarm circuit and the circuit which center Watchdog, E2PROM, up supervisory on one chip. On the software, using assembly language in programming for CPU realized monitoring the temperature on every road and center management. In addition, there are only 4 buttons, but can control easily. Generally, the study on this topic will develop a high level of the common environmental temperature instruments measuring and management, and it is very worthy of generalization and application. Keywords: 32-road temperature-cruising test digital thermometer
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