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发布时间:2015-01-24 来源:人大经济论坛
通信工程专业论文 目 录 摘要 I Abstract II 绪论 1 1 理论基础及系统要求 2 1.1 引言 2 1.2 系统构成 2 1.2.1 系统基本原理 2 1.2.2 系统组成和流程 2 1.3 控制系统任务 3 2 系统硬件电路 4 2.1 引言 4 2.2 硬件介绍 4 2.2.1 单片机89C2051 4 2.2.2 数字温度传感器DS18B20简介 7 2.2.3 译码器CD4511 13 2.3 硬件电路设计与实现 14 2.3.1 显示模块 15 2.3.2 控制输入模块 15 2.3.3 测温模块 16 2.4 单片机外围电路及端口使用 17 3 系统软件编写与分析 18 3.1 引言 18 3.2 局部功能模块分析与编写 18 3.2.1 显示模块 18 3.2.2 控制模块 19 3.2.3 测温模块 19 3.3 总程序 25 4 系统整体调试 26 4.1 调试工具 26 4.2 硬件调试 26 4.3 软件各模块调试 27 4.3.1 显示调试 27 4.3.2 测温调试 29 4.4 整体调试 31 结论 32 致谢 33 参考文献 34 附录1 系统硬件电路设计原理图 35 附录2 系统PCB外观图 36 附录3 实物外观图 37 附录4 系统总程序 38 摘 要 温度是一种最基本的环境参数,人民的生活与环境的温度息息相关,在工业生产过程中需要实时测量温度,在农业生产中也离不开温度的测量,因此研究温度的测量方法和装置具有重要的意义。测量温度的关键是温度传感器,温度传感器的发展经历了三个发展阶段:①传统的分立式温度传感器,②模拟集成温度传感器,③智能集成温度传感器。目前,国际上新型温度传感器正从模拟式向数字式,从集成化向智能化、网络化的方向飞速发展。 本设计我选择DS18B20作为本系统的温度传感器,选择单片机89C2051为测控系统的核心来完成数据采集、处理、显示、报警等功能。它集温度测量,A/D转换于一体,具有单总线结构,数字量输出等优点。选用数字温度传感器DS18B20,省却了采样/保持电路、运放、数/模转换电路以及进行长距离传输时的串/并转换电路,简化了电路,缩短了系统的工作时间,降低了系统的硬件成本。并用4511译码器驱动LED显示温度值。 在此次设计中,硬件设计使用了工具PROTEL99SE制作原理图和PCB板图,软件设计中使用了模块编程的方法明确逻辑结构。调试过程中使用了示波器,万用表,烧录器,编程器及其软件。 关键词:AT89C2051 温度测量 DS18B20 LED显示 单片机 Abstract The temperature is one kind of the most fundamental environment parameter , life of the people and the environment temperature are vitally interrelated , need the real time measurement temperature in industry procedure of production, the method and device measuring , studying therefore the temperature measurement also being unable to be seprated from the temperature in giving birth to a child in agriculture has important significance. Measuring the temperature key is that the temperature sensor , development of the temperature sensor have experienced three developing a stage: (2) discrete tradition temperature sensor (1), simulates the integrated integrated temperature sensor, (3) intelligence temperature sensor. At present, on the international, the new model temperature sensor is developing at full speed from simulating style to the digital , from the integrated-rization direction to intellectualized, network-rization. DS18B20 designing that I choose originally is the originally systematic temperature sensor , 89 C2051 choosing the monolithic machine are to measure and control systematic core functions such as coming to accomplish the data collect , to handle , show , giving an alarm. It incorporates the temperature measurement , A/D changes Yu an integral whole, have merit such as the Shan highway structure , figure amount output. Select and use figure temperature sensor DS18B20, province but sampling/ hold circuit , a circuit, have shortened systematic on-time , have reduced systematic hardware cost. And, with 4511, the decoder drives LED demonstrating temperature value. Method having pursued , having used in software design the module programming in the board designing that middle , the hardware design have used implement PROTEL99SE to make principle picture and PCB this time makes the logic structure clear. Have used the oscillograph , multimeter , fever to record an implement in testing process, programming implement and their software。 Keywords: AT89C2051 Temperature measurement DS18B20 LED is demonstrated Single-chip microcomputer(SCM)
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