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发布时间:2015-01-24 来源:人大经济论坛
通信工程专业论文 目录 摘 要:1 Abstract:1 前 言:2 第一部分: 键盘设计2 一 方案设计与论证3 二 键盘的电路设计与芯片介绍4 三 测试方法与测试结果9 第二部分:显示部分设计11 一 方案设计与论证11 二 显示的设计介绍12 三 测试方法与测试结果18 讨论:18 参考文献:19 摘 要: 本文阐述了锁相频率合成器中的显示与键盘设计,分析了多种显示器的应用与设计和多种键盘的设计方案及其优缺点。总结了如何合理的利用所学的知识来设计显示器和键盘,并在实际设计中应用在单片机接口上效果良好。 本文利用74LS48 集成电路把BCD码译码成七段显示输出,再利用一块ULN2003作位驱动,购成动态显示器,在键盘设计上采用了优先编码器,防止竞争产生,使得编码输出就直接构成键盘的代码,简化了单片机的程序设计。防干扰措施的采用使得键盘在距离主机很远的时候都可以正确无误地工作。 Abstract: This text has explained the display and keyboard in the frequency synthesizer of phase locking are designed, have analyses the application, design and design of many kinds of keyboards of many kinds of displays. What rational making use of knowledge that we study to design the display and keyboard to use in the application of the one-chip computer is analyses synthetically. Utilize 74LS48 integrated circuit become BCD yards of decipher seven show and export finally. And then use a ULN2003 as the location to drive , purchase into a dynamic display , has adopted the encoder of having priority in the keyboard design, having prevented the competition from producing, and the code outputs the code forming the keyboard directly, have simplified the design program of the one-chip computer 关键词 七段数码显示,优先编码,动态扫描 Key words Seven sections of numbers showing, priority encode, Dynamic scanning
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