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发布时间:2015-01-24 来源:人大经济论坛
通信工程专业论文 目 录 1绪论1 1.1课题背景及目的1 1.2国内外研究状况1 1.3课题研究方法2 1.4论文构成及研究内容2 2瓶颈节点3 2.1瓶颈节点概述3 2.2概念定义3 2.2.1定义信宿3 2.2.2定义多跳3 2.2.3定义网络寿命4 2.2.4定义瓶颈节点4 2.3准瓶颈节点概念5 2.4准瓶颈节点算法6 3二跳准瓶颈节点概念和算法8 3.1准瓶颈节点算法的缺陷分析8 3.2二跳准瓶颈节点的概念9 3.3二跳准瓶颈算法的提出10 3.4二跳准瓶颈节点的时间复杂度分析11 4算法性能比较13 4.1模拟环境介绍13 4.2改进后算法性能对比15 4.3能量消耗速度对比17 5结论18 致谢18 参考文献18 附录18 附录A 一跳准节点算法实现18 附录B 二跳准瓶颈节点算法的实现18 附录C TopDisc三色算法实现18 摘 要 无线传感器网络中的“瓶颈节点”是指那些由于随机部署的原因而不得不成为连接两个或多个区域的孤立的节点。由于这些节点处于特殊的位置,区域间传送数据都必须经过这些节点,以致其寿命大大小于其它的节点,一旦这些节点死亡,网络将被割裂成不连通的分支,造成网络不能正常工作,网络寿命的终结,因此研究这类“瓶颈节点”有十分重要的意义。由于传感器节点计算和存储能力有限,“瓶颈节点”很难计算出来。于是[1]中提出一种新的概念“准瓶颈节点”,并使用分布式算法寻找到这些节点。 经过本文分析,这个寻找“准瓶颈节点”算法并非是优化的,算法执行的结果包含相当数量的非瓶颈节点,这类节点并不是连接两个或多个区域的孤立节点。本文将分析这类非瓶颈节点的特点,并将其称为“伪瓶颈节点”,在此基础上,分析“准瓶颈节点”算法的缺陷,随后本文将根据这些特点提出“二跳准瓶颈节点”定义,新的定义将消除“伪瓶颈节点”的影响。然后根据新定义提出与之相对应的算法用于寻找这些“二跳准瓶颈节点”,并且证明该算法在时间复杂度不超过的情况下找到的节点更加关键和优化。本次毕业设计还将实现一个简单的模拟器,用于对两种算法的性能做比较,并测量能量消耗速度,最后得出结论:在无线传感器网络中二跳准瓶颈节点具有最快的能量消耗速度。 关键词:无限传感网络;网络寿命;瓶颈节点;准瓶颈节点;二跳准瓶颈节点 A New Approach to the Bottleneck Problem in Wireless Sensor Network Abstract “Bottleneck Nodes” are those connect two or more areas alone with the reason of the deployment.Due to those particular positions, the data transferred between areas will surely go through those nodes. And then the lifetime of those nodes will obviously less than other nodes. Once those nodes are dead, the network would be divided to several unconnected parts and it means the network can not support the application any more. It is really a challenge to find out those nodes with sensor’s limited capability of calculation. [1] presents a new concept “quasi—Bottleneck Nodes” , and a distributed algorithm to find out all the “quasi—Bottleneck Nodes”. In this paper, we will prove that “quasi—Bottleneck Nodes” arithmetic is not optimal, and then we will base the concept described in [1], and present a new concept “two-Hop quasi Bottleneck Nodes”, also we will give the new algorithm and prove that its cost is in .Besides that we will realize a simple simulator for experiment in this paper. The simulator aims at simulating both algorithms and holding a contrast between both algorithms. Key Words:Wireless sensor network; lifetime; bottleneck; quasi—Bottleneck Nodes; two-Hop quasi Bottleneck Nodes
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