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University Lab, an important part of the scientific research and teaching, is fostering innovation and practical ability cradle of qualified personnel. Therefore, the construction and the management of the laboratory, the laboratory equipment configuration and use of scientific and experimental content settings, laboratory of teaching and administrative staff levels are not only impact on the school's teaching, research, but also relationship to the future of school development.
This article describes the University Lab management system, which is an experimental centre oriented zust laboratory and equipment information management system. The system uses tools such as Tomcat, MySQL, MyEclipse. It uses the Java programming language, chooses the Browse/Server structure, and designs according to the practice needs of laboratory and equipment management resulting in the web service of laboratory management.
The system provides the function for user to search, add, delete or modify the information of the laboratory courses, grades and laboratory equipment. The student is able to view the individual information, courses and grades and so on. Teachers can not only modify personal information, but also add the grade of each student. Teacher also can search facility and borrow the facility. Administrator should do the job to make arrangements for course and maintain the information of student, teacher and facility.
The system makes full use of the experimental center¡¯s existing network resources to improve the efficiency of the laboratory course management, with the establishment and maintenance of simple, easy to use user.
Key words: laboratory information management system, B/S,JAVA
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