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【劳动经济学】Social Networks and the Labour Market Outcomes of R-U Migrants

发布时间: 来源:人大经济论坛
1 论文标题
Social Networks and the Labour Market Outcomes of Rural to Urban Migrants in China
2 作者信息
Corrado Giulietti, Martin Guzi, Zhong Zhao and Klaus F Zimmermann
3 出处和链接
4 摘要
In this paper, the role of social networks on the labour market outcomes of rural migrants in
China is investigated. Information on the size and quality of the network are derived using data
from a unique survey and are used to estimate regression models of wages on social networks.
The main findings indicate that for migrants who found a job through informal channels, having
a larger network and an employed closest tie is associated with higher wages. These results are
corroborated testing the same models for individuals who found the job through more formal
channels. Potential threats to the internal validity of the results are discussed and evidence is
provided to support the fact that endogeneity issues do not affect the results.
3月2日Martin Guzi 到北师大讲座 https://bbs.pinggu.org/thread-1365806-1-1.html
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