目 录
1. 绪论1
1.1 蔬菜护绿的现状1
1.2 海藻糖的性质、功能和应用1
1.3 蔬菜罐头加工的技术要求 2
1.4 本章小结2
2. 实验部分3
2.1 工艺流程3
2.2 仪器和试剂3
2.1.1 仪器3
2.1.2 实验试剂 3
2.3 万年青罐头的工艺要求3
2.3.1 万年青复水3
2.3.2 护色3
2.3.3 浸泡3
2.3.4 装罐3
2.3.5 排气4
2.3.6 密封4
2.3.7 杀菌和冷却4
2.4 影响叶绿素稳定的因素5
2.5 叶绿素的提取和测定6
2.5.1 叶绿素提取方法6
2.5.2 叶绿素提取步骤6
2.5.3 叶绿素A,叶绿素B测定方法6
2.5.4 叶绿素A,叶绿素B吸光度测定步骤6
2.6 护色研究7
2.6.1 不同海藻糖浓度对万年青罐头护色效果的影响7
2.6.2 海藻糖和氯化锌组合试剂对万年青罐头护色效果的影响 7
2.6.3 海藻糖和氯化钙组合试剂对万年青罐头护色效果的影响 8
2.6.4 不同浸泡时间时的护色效果8
2.7 研究杀菌温度和时间对万年青色泽、品质和微生物的影响8
2.7.1 杀菌温度和时间对叶绿素的影响8
2.7.2 万年青感官测定9
2.7.3 微生物检测9
2.8 本章小结11
3. 结果和讨论12
3.1 叶绿素A,叶绿素B和叶绿素总含量计算公式12
3.2 实验结果12
3.2.1 叶绿素A,叶绿素B吸光度测定结果12
3.2.2 叶绿素A,叶绿素B和叶绿素总含量15
3.2.3 万年青感官测定结果17
3.2.4 微生物检测结果18
3.3 结果分析19
3.3.1 护色研究的结果分析19
3.3.4 微生物检测结果分析22
3.4 本章小结23
4. 总结和展望24
4.1 总结24
4.2 展望24
摘 要:本论文是研究AD万年青罐头加工技术,以AD万年青为原料,开展AD万年青的护色试剂研究。万年青是一种经过脱水(干燥)处理后的特色蔬菜。蔬菜脱水除了可基本保持其原有品味外,还有许多特点。万年青季节性短,严重制约其发展,目前在浙江主要加工成干燥的产品,产品单一,不利于销售。在实验中主要是先研究海藻糖对万年青罐头的护色效果,再分别用Zncl2,Cacl2等和海藻糖混合对万年青罐头进行护色研究,进一步寻找适合万年青罐头护色的试剂组合。最后实验得出了海藻糖对万年青有很好得护色效果,万年青在0.6%海藻糖和0.5%氯化钙组合护色剂中浸泡时间60min时护色效果最好。本实验还研究了杀菌温度和时间对万年青色泽,品质和贮藏中为微生物的的影响,通过叶绿素测定、感官测定和和微生物检测结果,从而得到了最佳杀菌条件(杀菌温度85℃,杀菌时间20min)。
Abstract: This article study of AD Rhodea Roth processing techniques to AD Rhodea Roth for raw materials,develop the research of color reagents to AD Rhodea Roth . Rhodea Roth is a dehydrating (dry) handling of a feature vegetables. Dehydrated vegetables in addition to the basic kept its original taste, there are have many features. It seasonal short, seriously hampering their development. Currently in Zhejiang mainly processed into dry products, a single product, not to sell the product. In the experiment is the first major study of the trehalose color effects to Rhodea Roth canned, and then using Zncl2, Cacl2 and other mixed with trehalose to studies the color effect for Rhodea Rothcanned , Further look for the suitable of color composite reagent for Rhodea Roth canned .Experimental reached find that trehalose have a good color effects to Rhodea Roth, Rhodea Roth at 0.6% trehalose and 0.5% calcium chloride color combinations agent soaking the time of 60 minutes when have the best color effective .This study also Research the impact of sterilizing temperature and time on Rhodea Roth color, quality and storage of microorganisms. Though the test results of that the Determination of chlorophyll , sensory and microorganisms,hence the best sterilization conditions(85 ℃of Sterilizing temperature and 20min for Sterilization time).
Keywords:trehalose concentration; soaking time; sterilizing temperature; sterilization time; microbial detection.