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  • 粗毛栓菌木聚糖酶的初步分离与纯化_食品科学与工程论文

    食品科学与工程论文范文 目 录 摘要…………………………………………………………………………………………1 关键词………………………………………………………………………………………1 Abstract……………………………………………………………………………………1 Key words …………………………………………………………………………………1 引言…………………………………………………………………………………………1 1 材料与方法………………………………………………………………………………1 1.1 主要仪器及试剂………………………………………………………………………1 1.1.1 仪器…………………………………………………………………………………1 1.1.2 主要试剂……………………………………………………………………………2 1.1.3 溶液的配制…………………………………………………………………………2 1.1.4 菌株…………………………………………………………………………………2 1.2 实验方法………………………………………………………………………………2 1.2.1 木糖标准曲线的制作………………………………………………………………2 1.2.2 硫酸铵盐析…………………………………………………………………………3 1.2.3 Sephadex G-150 分子筛层析 ……………………………………………………3 1.2.4 木聚糖酶活力测定…………………………………………………………………3 1.2.5 蛋白质含量的测定…………………………………………………………………3 1.2.6 粗毛栓菌木聚糖酶的电泳法制备…………………………………………………3 2 结果与分析………………………………………………………………………………4 2.1 实验结果………………………………………………………………………………4 2.2 结果分析………………………………………………………………………………6 3 结论………………………………………………………………………………………7 参考文献……………………………………………………………………………………7 图2.1木糖标准曲线………………………………………………………………………5 图2.2 Sephadex G-150柱层析结果 ……………………………………………………5 图2.3 蛋白质含量标准曲线………………………………………………………………6 图2.4 电泳后与DNS反应图像 ……………………………………………………………6 表2-1 木糖浓度与光密度值的关系………………………………………………………4 表2-2 粗毛栓菌木聚糖酶各步骤分离与纯化结果………………………………………5 表2-3 牛血清白蛋白浓度与光密度值的关系……………………………………………6 致谢…………………………………………………………………………………………8 粗毛栓菌木聚糖酶的初步分离与纯化 摘要 将粗毛栓菌在麦草粉培养基中培养所得培养物浸提得粗酶液,经超滤浓缩、盐析、透析和Sephadex G-150分子筛层析和活性-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳获得具有木聚糖酶活性的组分。 关键词 粗毛栓菌,木聚糖酶,分子筛层析,活性电泳 Preliminary Isolation and purification of xylanase in Trametes gallica Fr. Abstract The crude enzyme from wheat-straw culture of Trametes gallica Fr. was ultrafiltrated, salted-out ,dialyzed and applied to Sephadex G-150 molecular sieving column.A component with xylanase activity was eventully obtained by native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Key words Trametes gallica,xylanase,Sephadex G-150 molecular sieving,native-PAGE

  • 红薯功能性饮料生产关键技术研究_食品科学与工程论文范文

    食品科学与工程论文范文 目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目录III 1. 绪论1 1.1 研究的背景与意义1 1.2 研究的思路1 1.3 实验目的2 2. 实验部分2 2.1 材料与方法2 2.3饮料的测定4 2.4 实验过程5 3. 结果与讨论15 3.1 红薯酶解液的制备 15 3.2讨论16 3.3实验误差分析.16 3.4此实验的现实缺陷17 4.总结与展望17 4.1总结17 4.2展望17 致谢19 参考文献20 摘 要:本论文讨论了红薯功能性饮料生产加工的关键技术。以新鲜红薯为研究原料,对红薯进行取汁、护色、α-淀粉酶澄清、料水比和糖酸比的确定、均质条件的确定及各种稳定剂的复配比等各项工艺参数进行了研究。着重研究了影响红薯饮料稳定性的因素,解决其不稳定的问题。在本论文中初步叙述了红薯汁饮料的生产工艺及操作要点,采用单因素试验、对比分析、正交试验、感官评定等方法,确定护色剂最佳配比;选取α-淀粉酶最佳酶化温度、处理时间和pH;红薯汁饮料中四个因素即白砂糖、柠檬酸、料水比、蜂蜜、之间最佳配比;均质的最佳时间和压力以及各种胶体的最佳复配比。对影响红薯饮料稳定性的主要因素进行了研究测试,找出红薯与水的比例、蜂蜜添加量、稳定剂种类和添加量、糖添加量、酸度以及灭菌条件与因素的最佳水平。最终研制出营养丰富、酸甜爽口、风味独特、具有稳定性良好的红薯汁饮料制品。 关键词:红薯; 复配;稳定性; Abstract: This paper discusses the functional beverage of sweet potato production and processing of key technologies. Fresh sweet potato raw material for the study, carried out on the sweet potato juice after cooking, color, α-amylase to clarify, the ratio of water and sugar acid ratio determination, the determination of homogeneous conditions and a variety of complex stabilizer ratio, etc. key process parameters were studied. Focused on the stability of the impact factor of sweet potato beverage, solve the problems of instability. In this paper, a preliminary description of the sweet potato juice production technology and operation of the main points of a single factor experiments, contrast analysis, orthogonal test, sensory eva luation methods to determine the optimum color protection ratio; select the best α-amylase enzyme temperature, processing time, and pH; sweet potato juice on four factors namely, sugar, citric acid, the ratio of water, honey, the best ratio between; homogeneous the best time and pressure, and the most variety of colloidal good recovery ratio. Sweet potato beverage affecting the stability of main factors research and testing, to identify the proportion of sweet potato and water, add honey and the amount of stabilizer type and content, add the amount of sugar, acidity and the sterilization conditions and factors, the best level. Eventually developed a nutrient-rich, sweet and sour and refreshing, unique flavor, with good stability and a sweet potato juice beverage products. Keywords:sweet potato compound stability

  • 酶解乳清小肽微胶囊化效果的研究_食品科学与工程论文

    食品科学与工程论文范文 目 录 中文摘要............................................................I 英文摘要........................................................... II 目录.............................................................. III 1 绪论..............................................................1 1.1 苦味的形成原因.................................................... 1 1.2 脱苦的方法.........................................................1 1.3 微胶囊技术......................... ...............................4 1.4 微胶囊化效果的评价方法........... ...............................4 1.5 本章小结............... ............................................6 2. 实验部分.........................................................8 2.1 材料与仪器.................. ....................... ...............8 2.2 WPC80粉水解液的制备.......................................8 2.3 实验方法...................................................8 2.4 乳清小肽微胶囊包埋效果.....................................8 3. 结果与讨论......................................................10 3.1 实验结果...................................................10 3.2 实验讨论...................................................12 4.总结与展望.........................................................14 4.1 总结...................................................14 4.2 展望.................................................. .......14 致谢...............................................................15 参考文献................................................... ..........16 摘 要:本论文主要从微胶囊的包埋率以及风味上研究乳清小肽的包埋效果。乳清蛋白被胰蛋白酶降解为乳清小肽。实验从两个指标,包埋率和苦味评价来研究乳清小肽的包埋效果。影响包埋率的因素有壁材的浓度,均质时间以及包埋温度。结果表明,在一定范围内,壁材的浓度越高,乳清小肽的包埋效果越好,但当壁材浓度超过8%时,包埋效果变化不大。乳清小肽的包埋效果随均质时间增加呈先增大后减小的趋势。均质时间在5min时效果最好,超过5min,包埋效果降低。乳清小肽的包埋效果随包埋温度的升高呈先增大后减小的趋势,包埋温度在40℃左右,包埋效果最好。 关键词:乳清小肽;微胶囊化;包埋率;风味 Abstract: This work mainly studied on the effect of the embedding conditions on inclusion ratio and flavor of whey Peptides. The whey peptides were degraded by protease into smaller peptides. Two indexes, embedding ratio and bitter eva luation values were determined to characterize the inclusion effect of smaller peptides. The embedding effect factors including the concentration of wall material, homogeneous time, embedding temperature were experimented. The results showed that in a certain range, the higher the concentration of wall material, the better effect of the embedding of the small peptide whey, but when the concentration of wall material more than 8%, the embedding effect has little change. The embedding of small whey peptides with heterogeneous time effects were reduced after the first growing trend. Homogeneous time when the best in 5min, more than 5min, the effect of lower-embedded. Whey effect of small peptides with the embedding of the embedded temperature was first increased and then decreased trend, embedded temperature around 40 ℃, the best embedding. Keywords:whey small peptides; Microencapsulation;inclusion ratio;Flavor

  • 粗毛栓漆酶cDNA的PCR扩增_食品科学与工程论文范文

    食品科学与工程论文范文 目 录 引言2 1实验材料与方法2 1.1菌株及培养方式2 1.2 使用试剂和仪器3 1.2.1 使用仪器3 1.2.1 所用试剂3 1.3 准备实验3 1.4 总RNA的提取4 1.5 总RNA纯度与浓度的检测4 1.5.1 RNA纯度测定4 1.5.2 RNA浓度测定4 1.6 总RNA的甲醛变性琼脂糖凝胶电泳4 1.7 RT-PCR反应5 1.71 引物的设计………………………………………………………………5 1.72 RT-PCR反应6 1.8 DNA电泳5 2 结果与分析6 2.1 总RNA提取后的甲醛变性琼脂糖凝胶电泳结果6 2 .2 RNA浓度及纯度检测7 2.3 逆转录及PCR反应7 2.4 DNA核酸电泳7 3 讨论7 参考文献8 致谢9 粗毛栓漆酶cDNA的PCR扩增 摘要 本实验主要以粗毛栓菌为材料,收集菌丝体。提取总RNA,做RT-PCR以扩增漆酶cDNA,漆酶DNA得到扩增。 关键词 粗毛栓菌,漆酶cDNA,RT-PCR扩增 PCR Amplification of Laccase cDNA in Trametesec gallica Abstract Total RNA was extracted from Trametes gallica . RT-PCR was carried out for amplification of Laccase cDNA and laccase was amplified. Key words Trametes gallica, Laccase cDNA, RT-PCR

  • 婴儿奶粉过氧化值测定方法的研究_食品科学与工程论文

    食品科学与工程论文范文 目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目录III 1. 绪论1 1.1 引言1 1.2婴儿奶粉中不饱和脂肪酸含量1 1.3婴儿奶粉脂肪氧化机理2 1.4测定过氧化值的意义3 2. 实验部分4 2.1实验材料与设备 4 2.2实验主要试剂4 2.3实验方法5 3. 结果与讨论8 3.1脂肪提取的方法8 3.2五种检测方法 11 3.3精密度测定19 4.总结与展望23 致谢24 参考文献25 摘 要:至今为止,我国仍没有检测奶粉过氧化值的国标法,而婴儿奶粉中脂肪含量达到27%,其中不饱和脂肪酸占了大半,所以脂肪过氧化值仍是测定奶粉质量的一个重要指标。奶粉中过氧化物的含量很低,所以用油脂滴定法很难准确测定。本论文主要研究内容是奶粉脂肪提取方法的确定和优化,以及应用三种碘量比色法、铁离子法及澳大利亚AS2300-8-6-2004法来测定奶粉中脂肪的过氧化值。实验结果表明超声波萃取法的脂肪提取率可以达到81.89%,且优化后提取率达到92.9%;AS2300-8-6-2004测定方法比较简便且精密度最高(相对偏差为0.18),铁离子法其次,三种碘量比色法的准确性不高且操作过程十分复杂。所以采取超声波萃取法提取脂肪及AS2300-8-6-2004法来测定奶粉中脂肪的过氧化值。 关键词:奶粉;脂肪;过氧化值;测定方法 Abstract: From now on, there is no original method to determinate the peroxide value of dry milk in our country. But the percent of fat in the infant formula is almost 27%, and most of which is unsaturated fatty acid, so the peroxide value is a very important norm to determine whether a kind of dry milk is good. The number of peroxide in the dry milk is very little, so it’s hard to use the means like oli. This paper studies to choose a good method to take fat from dry milk, and how to determinate the peroxide value of dry milk. There are three methods of iodometry colorimetry. The method of ferric ion and a method based on the mean of determinate the peroxide value of milk fat of Australia. The experiment results show that the ultrasonic method had a 81.89% extraction rate. And the precision of Australia method is best the relative deviation is (0.18), then is the method of ferric ion ,the last is three methods of iodometry colorimnate. So use the ultrasonic method to take fat and the method of AS2300-8-6-2004 to determinate the peroxide value. Keywords:infant formula, fat, peroxide value,measuring method

  • 粗毛栓菌漆酶的酶谱分析_食品科学与工程论文范文

    食品科学与工程论文范文 目 录 摘要……………………………………………………………………………………………1 关键词…………………………………………………………………………………………1 Abstract………………………………………………………………………………………1 Key words ……………………………………………………………………………………1 引言……………………………………………………………………………………………1 1 材料与方法…………………………………………………………………………………2 1.1 菌株………………………………………………………………………………………2 1.2 培养基……………………………………………………………………………………2 1.2.1 PDA培养 ………………………………………………………………………………2 1.2.2 固态发酵用微量元素母液………………………………………………………2 1.2.3 液体培养基 ………………………………………………………………………… 2 1.3 主要仪器与试剂…………………………………………………………………………2 1.4 菌株培养方式……………………………………………………………………………2 1.5样品的制备 ……………………………………………………………………………3 1.5.1 浸提 …………………………………………………………………………………3 1.5.2 盐析……………………………………………………………………………………3 1.5.3透析……………………………………………………………………………………3 1.6 电泳(垂直板电泳)………………………………………………………………3 1.7 染色………………………………………………………………………………………3 2 结果与分析………………………………………………………………………………3 2.1 结果………………………………………………………………………………………3 2.2 分析………………………………………………………………………………………4 3 讨论…………………………………………………………………………………………4 参考文献………………………………………………………………………………………4 致谢………………………………………………………………………… …………………5 粗毛栓菌漆酶的酶谱分析 摘要:利用愈创木酚作为显色剂,做活性-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳,至少检测出粗毛栓菌一种漆酶同工酶组分。 关键词: 粗毛栓菌, 漆酶, 酶谱分析 Zymogram analysis of laccase in Trametes gallica Fr. Abstract: At least One laccase isoenzyme in Trametes gallica was detected out by native-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Key words: Trametes gallica,laccase,zymogram analysis

  • 粗毛栓菌漆酶的分离与纯化_食品科学与工程论文范文

    食品科学与工程论文范文 目 录 摘要 …………………………………………………………………………………………1 关键词 ………………………………………………………………………………………1 Abstract ……………………………………………………………………………………1 Key words ……………………………………………………………………………………1 引言 …………………………………………………………………………………………1 1 材料与方法 ………………………………………………………………………………1 1.1 材料 ……………………………………………………………………………………1 1.1.1 菌种 …………………………………………………………………………………1 1.1.2 高产漆酶培养基 ……………………………………………………………………2 1.1.3 仪器 …………………………………………………………………………………2 1.1.4 试剂 …………………………………………………………………………………2 1.2 方法 ……………………………………………………………………………………2 1.2.1 粗酶的制作 …………………………………………………………………………2 1.2.2 超滤 …………………………………………………………………………………2 1.2.3 硫酸铵盐析 …………………………………………………………………………2 1.2.4 离心 …………………………………………………………………………………2 1.2.5 透析 …………………………………………………………………………………2 1.2.6 酶活力和蛋白含量的测定 …………………………………………………………2 酶活力的测定 ……………………………………………………………………2 酶蛋白含量的测定 ………………………………………………………………3 1.2.7 酶液浓缩 ……………………………………………………………………………3 1.2.8 离子交换柱层析 ……………………………………………………………………3 1.2.9 酶活力和蛋白含量的测定 …………………………………………………………3 1.2.10 酶回收率和纯化度的计算 ………………………………………………………3 1.2.11 漆酶的纯化与鉴定 …………………………………………………………………3 2 分析和讨论 ………………………………………………………………………………3 2.1 漆酶的诱导 ……………………………………………………………………………3 2.2 酶液总蛋白含量 ………………………………………………………………………3 2.2.1 牛血清蛋白标准曲线 ………………………………………………………………3 2.2.2 层析前后蛋白含量 …………………………………………………………………4 2.3 离子交换层析结果 ……………………………………………………………………4 2.4 酶的纯化度和回收率 …………………………………………………………………5 参考文献 ……………………………………………………………………………………6 致谢 …………………………………………………………………………………………6 粗毛栓菌漆酶的分离与纯化 摘要:将粗毛栓菌接种在含有麦草粉的培养基中培养25d,过滤得粗酶液,尔后经超滤、盐析、离心、透析、浓缩,将透析液上样于Q-Sepharose F. F.层析柱,获得具有漆酶活性的组分,并测定上柱前、后漆酶的酶活力,以及溶液中的蛋白含量,从而测定漆酶的回收率和纯化度。 关键词: 粗毛栓菌;漆酶;离子交换层析 Sepration and Purification of Laccases in Trametes gallica Abstract: Trametes gallica was cultivated in wheat powder for 25 days. The crude enzyme was ultrafiltrated, salted out , centrifugaled, dialyzed and concentration was applied to Q-Sepharose F.F. ion exchange column. The effluent with laccase acticity was obtained, Determine the column before and after the laccase enzyme activity and protein content of the solution to determine the recovery rate and purification degree of laccase. Key words: Trametes gallica; laccase; ion exchange chromatography

  • 饲料中甲睾酮的HPLC检测_食品科学与工程论文范文

    食品科学与工程论文范文 目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目录III 1. 绪论1 1.1 前言1 1.2 甲基睾丸酮检测技术的国内外发展现状2 2. 实验部分6 2.1 试剂材料6 2.2 仪器设备6 2.3 色谱条件6 2.4 实验步骤6 3. 结果与讨论8 3.1 样品前处理条件的选择8 3.2 色谱条件的选择9 3.3 方法的精密度和准确度12 3.4 线性范围12 3.5 方法的定性和定量检测限16 3.6 样品测定结果16 4.总结与展望16 致谢17 参考文献18 摘 要:本论文研究的目的在于建立一种用高效液相色谱分析技术(HPLC)测定饲料中的甲基睾丸酮含量。用95%甲醇水溶液来提取饲料中的甲基睾丸酮,取部分提取清液过中性氧化铝柱净化;高效液相系统采用C18分离柱,流动相为甲醇:水(75:25 V/V),紫外检测波长为254nm。该方法的线性范围为0.05~5.0μg/mL,线性回归方程为y=52.546x+0.7753,相关系数:r=0.9998。对饲料中甲基睾丸酮的定性检测限为1mg/kg,定量检测限为2mg/Kg,当添加浓度范围为2 mg/Kg~20 mg/Kg时,回收率为86.5%~108.8%,相对标准偏差小于4%。本方法操作简单快捷,分离效果较好,是一种饲料中甲基睾丸酮残留检测的准确、高效的分析方法。 关键词:高效液相色谱分析;甲基睾丸酮;饲料 Abstract: The aim of this paper is to establish a high-performance liquid chromatography analysis techniques (HPLC) of the feed-methyl-testosterone levels. With 95 percent methanol-water solution to extract the feed-methyl-testosterone, some extracts from a neutral alumina Qingye-purification; HPLC system uses C18 column, a mobile phase of methanol: water (75:25 V / V), UV detection at 254 nm. The method of the range of 0.05 ~ 5.0 μ g / mL, linear regression equation y = 52.546x +0.7753, the correlation coefficient: r = 0.9998. To feed methyl-testosterone qualitative detection limit of 1 mg / kg, quantitative detection limit of 2 mg/Kg, when added to the concentration of 2 mg / Kg ~ 20 mg / Kg, the recovery rate was 86.5 percent to 108.8 percent. The method is simple and quick, from better-performing, is a feed-methyl-testosterone accurate detection of residues, and efficient analysis methods. Keywords:HPLC; 17-Methyltestosterone;feed

  • 枯草芽孢杆菌芽孢形成培养条件优化_食品科学与工程论文

    食品科学与工程论文范文 目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目录III 1. 绪论1 1.1 研究目的1 1.2研究概况1 2. 实验部分2 2.1实验材料、仪器与方法 2 3. 结果与讨论4 3.1培养基成分优化 4 3.2培养条件的优化8 3.3 枯草芽孢杆菌生长曲线的研究12 4.总结与展望14 4.1 总结14 4.2 展望14 致谢15 参考文献16 摘 要:如果无菌灌装设备灭菌效果差,饮料在无菌灌装过程中,可能会有微生物的滋生,影响产品的品质。因此无菌灌装设备在出厂前,一般需要无菌验证。枯草芽孢杆菌是一种不易被杀死的细菌,常用作测试菌。本论文对枯草芽孢杆菌芽孢形成的培养基成分和培养条件进行优化,为之后无菌灌装的安全性评价做了前期准备。此次试验通过单因素试验,优化出ATCC9372菌株最适宜的发酵培养基组成和培养条件。结果表明枯草芽孢杆菌的最佳培养基配方为:淀粉5g/L,牛肉膏5g/L ,NaCl 3g/L,K2HPO4 3g/L,MnSO4.H2O 2.4mmol。并将培养基pH调至7.0,在250mL三角瓶分装培养基25mL,在37℃下以150r/min 速度摇瓶培养24h。在此培养条件下,枯草芽孢杆菌ATCC9372菌株的活菌数、芽孢数和芽孢率均能达到最高。本实验还通过采用平板计数法和浊度法研究了枯草芽孢杆菌ATCC9372菌株的生长曲线,结果表明其最佳接种龄为6小时。 关键词:枯草芽孢杆菌;芽孢形成;培养基;培养条件 Abstract: Sterilization of aseptic filling equipment, if poor, drinks in aseptic filling process, the microbes may be breeding. So aseptic filling equipment in the factory needs to aseptic validation. Bacillus subtilis is a bacteria that can not easily be killed, often used as test bacteria. The thesis optimized medium components of Bacillus subtilis and culture conditions, For the aseptic filling of the safety eva luation done for it. Through single factor test, optimize the most suitable medium composition and culture conditions. The results showed that Bacillus subtilis optimum medium: starch 5g/L, beef extract 5g/L, NaCl 3g/L, K2HPO4 3g/L, MnSO4.H2O 2.4mmol. And medium pH adjusted to 7.0, in 250mL flask with 10% of the medium ,at 37 ℃ , shaking speed is 150r/min. Under these conditions, viable count, spore count and spore rate to the highest. This study used the plate count and turbidity was studied strains of Bacillus subtilis ATCC9372 growth curve, the results show that the optimal vaccination age of 6 hours. Keywords:Subtilis; Sporulation; Medium;Culture conditions

  • 芳香族含硫活性化合物的包合技术开发_食品科学与工程论文

    食品科学与工程论文范文 目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目录III 1绪论1 1.1实验内容概述1 1.2本实验的意义4 1.3本实验的研究内容5 1.4本章小结5 2实验部分6 2.1 仪器与试剂6 2.2 实验方法6 2.3检测方法[10] 7 2.4 包埋条件的响应面优化设计7 2.5计算公式8 2.6本章小结8 3结果与讨论9 3.1 BITC的吸收曲线和标准曲线结果9 3.2 β-环糊精-BITC包合物的制备方法10 3.3 β-环糊精-BITC包合物中包合油的测定方法11 3.4 包埋条件的响应面优化设计结果11 3.5本章小结15 4总结与展望17 4.1总结17 4.2展望17 致谢18 参考文献19 摘要:苯甲基异硫氰酸酯不稳定,通过β-环糊精包合技术形成包合物后,可提高该物质的稳定性。本实验确定了β-环糊精-苯甲基异硫氰酸酯包合物的定量分析方法。并采用响应曲面法,优化了苯甲基异硫氰酸酯的包合工艺。分析了各因素的显著性和交互作用。结果表明:β-环糊精-苯甲基异硫氰酸酯包合物制备的最佳包埋条件为:β-环糊精:BITC(g:mg)为0.174,包合温度为55.320C,在最佳包埋条件下的包埋率为96.09%。本方法包合成本低,工艺简便,具有一定的实用价值。 关键字:苯甲基异硫氰酸酯;β-环糊精;包合技术;响应面分析 Abstract: Benzylisothiocyanate is unstable as aromatic sulfur-containing active compounds. It could be embedded into β-cyclodextrin in order to improve its stability by the β-cyclodextrin inclusion technology. In this experiment, the quantitative analysis method of β-cyclodextrin - benzyl isothiocyanate complex was studied. In order to improve the inclusion ratio, response surface central composite design pattern was used. The inclusion parameters was optimized and variance analysis was conducted. The results showed that the best embedding conditions to prepare the β-cyclodextrin - benzyl isothiocyanate inclusion complexes:β-cyclodextrin: BITC (g:mg) is 0.174, inclusion temperature is 55.320C, in this optimum conditions, the inclusion ratio is 96.09%. The developed inclusion process has the advantages of low cost, simplicity, thereby providing a promising approach for the prolongation of the stability of benzyl isothiocyanate. Keywords:benzyl isothiocyanate;β-cyclodextrin;inclusion technology;response surface analysis