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发布时间:2015-04-01 来源:人大经济论坛
制药工程论文范文 目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目录III 1. 绪论1 1.1 阿司匹林简介1 1.2 阿司匹林含量测定方法现状2 2. 实验部分5 2.1 紫外分光光度法测阿司匹林的含量5 2.1.1 紫外分光光度法原理5 2.1.2 仪器与试剂5 2.1.3 紫外分光光度法实验部分5 2.2 高效液相色谱法测阿司匹林的含量6 2.2.1 高效液相色谱法原理6 2.2.2 仪器与试剂7 2.2.3 高效液相色谱法实验部分8 3. 结果与讨论10 3.1 实验结果10 3.1.1 紫外分光光度法测定结果10 3.1.2 高效液相色谱法测定结果12 3.2 实验讨论15 4. 总结与展望18 致谢19 参考文献20 摘要:本论文采用两种方法测定阿司匹林的含量。阿司匹林是一种使用非常广泛、疗效十分显著的药物,现其在中西结合治感冒制剂中普遍存在。阿司匹林主要有镇痛、消炎、解热、抗风湿及抑制血小板聚集等作用。非甾体类解热镇痛药阿司匹林,素来被认为是较安全、较理想的对症治疗药物。很多文献采用酸碱滴定法测定阿司匹林的含量,该法实际应用具有局限性。本论文分别采用紫外吸收光谱法和高效液相色谱法测定阿司匹林的含量,并对两种方法进行比较。结果表明,两种方法均能准确测定阿司匹林的含量,但高效液相色谱法有着分离、分析的作用,应用范围更广,专属性强,灵敏度高,测定结果不受其它成分的影响,故高效液相色谱法更能准确的测定阿司匹林的含量。 关键词:阿司匹林;含量测定;紫外吸收光谱法;高效液相色谱法 Abstract : This article is about the determination of aspirin content with two methods. Aspirin is widely used, which can be commonly found in the combination of Chinese and Western rule prevailing cold preparations, and the effect is quitely obvious. For example, it plays a great role in analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, antirheumatic and inhibittin platelet aggregation aspects. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin, has always been regarded as relatively safe, a good symptomatic treatment drugs. The content determination of Aspirin is acid-base titration in many literatures, which is conditional in the actual application. In this article, we use two methods to determine the content of Aspirin. The two methods are UV spectrophotometry and HPLC. The results suggest that two methods all can determine the content of Aspirin. With comparison of the two methods, HPLC has separating and analytical functions, wider application of a strong specificity, high sensitivity Therefore HPLC is a more accurate determination of the content of aspirin. Keywords : aspirin; content determination; UV spectrophotometry; HPLC
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