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发布时间:2014-05-26 来源:人大经济论坛
制药工程论文范文 目录 中文摘要 I 英文摘要 II 目 录 III 1. 绪论1 1.1 一枝黄花概述1 1.2 一枝黄花主要生物活性物质概述5 1.2.1 二萜类成分5 1.2.2 酚类成分6 1.2.3植物精油6 1.3一枝黄花的生物活性6 1.4一枝黄花的应用现状8 1.4.1鲜切花植物8 1.4.2制成化妆品8 1.4.3炼纸浆新型纸8 1.4.4药用价值9 1.4.5饲料资源9 1.4.6新型杀虫剂植物药源10 1.5 主要任务与目标10 1.6本章小结11 2.实验部分11 2.1研究的主要内容11 2.2实验材料与仪器11 2.2.1 原料与试剂11 2.2.2 仪器11 2.3 实验步骤12 2.3.1丙酮提取物的制备与精制12 2.3.2水提取物的制备与精制13 2.3.4提取液进行杀虫试验14 2.4 结果与分析14 3一枝黄花应用展望16 讨论17 致谢18 参考文献19 [摘 要]:方法:本文对加拿大一支黄花采取水、丙酮和其混合液(1:1)三种不同得溶剂作为提取剂,在不同的提取条件下,对切片后的一枝黄花相应条件下回流进行提取,文献:我国对一枝黄花属植物的化学及其生物活性尚缺乏系统研究,近年来关于加拿大一枝黄花在杀虫剂研究方向的文献逐步增多。结果:加拿大一只黄花的不同提取方法均有杀虫效果,在水提取液中,原液的杀虫效果强于稀释后的效果,但随着时间的延长,杀虫效果逐渐增强,48小时后,达到最佳效果,丙酮提取液杀虫效果为三者提取液种效果最强的,同样原液的杀虫效果强于稀释后的效果,但是随着时间的延长,杀虫效果逐渐的减弱,在24小时杀虫效果达到最强。目的:通过实验验证一枝黄花的杀虫活性,并基于此对一枝黄花提取液的杀虫活性的最佳工艺和提取条件进行探索性的研究,最后寄望能找到一种良好的、天然的、对人体、环境无害的高效的杀虫剂植物药源。 [关键字]:加拿大一枝黄花;杀虫活性; 植物药源; [Abstract]: Methods: In this paper, Solidago canadensis to take wate、acetone and their mixtures (1:1) as the three different extraction solvents were agents of the extract in different conditions, on a yellow post-biopsy under the conditions of return for the corresponding extraction literature: our genus Solidago of chemical and biological activity of the lack of systematic research in recent years on Solidago canadensis in the research . literature: pesticides gradually increased. Results: different extraction methods of solidago Canadensis have the effect of pesticides in the water extract, the liquid is stronger than the effect of the insecticidal effect of dilution, but with time going, gradually build up their insecticidal effect, it can achieve tou the best after 48 hours , the same stock solution of the insecticidal effect is stronger than the effect of dilution, but some time laters , the gradual weakening of the effect of insecticide 24 effect from time to time to achieve the strongest insecticide. Objective: Experimental verification of the insecticidal activity of Solidago, and based on this extract of Solidago of the insecticidal activity and extraction of the optimum conditions for exploratory research, the with hope to find a good, natural, the human body and environment-friendly and highly efficient source of plant pesticides. [Keywords]: Solidago Canadensis ; insecticidal activity; invasive plant
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