目 录
1 绪论1
1.1 我国造纸行业废水污染现状1
1.2 我国造纸行业废水处理研究的紧迫性1
1.3 造纸废水的来源和特征3
1.4 废水处理技术3
1.5 造纸废水治理的新趋势6
1.6 造纸废水的监测7
1.7 选题的目的及意义8
2 蔡伦纸业有限公司的废水处理系统调研9
2.1 公司背景9
2.2 工艺概述10
2.3 工厂处理废水方法10
2.4 杭州蔡伦纸业污水处理流程图10
2.5 废水的特性12
2.6 企业调研结论13
3 企业内部废水数据的监测和分析14
3.1 废水监测14
3.2 工厂废水日测数据14
3.3 废水参数的测定18
3.4 不同生产工段的废水数据20
3.5 监测结论24
4 废水的高效絮凝处理25
4.1 混凝沉淀法25
5 结论及其建议29
5.1 结论29
5.2 建议29
致 谢31
摘 要:
关键词:瓦楞原纸 ;化学耗氧量;混凝沉淀法;絮凝剂
Determination and processing of the integrated waste water from paperboard mill
The waste paper as raw material for the production of corrugated base paper has generally been welcomed by many paper-making enterprises. But the paper industry wastewater is a major source of pollution of water environment. What's more, waste water without treatment is the main root cause of water pollution. Therefore, many effective treatment technologies are applied in the waste water. After conducting a survey about the waste water treatment system from the Cai Lun paperboard mill, we are familiar with the company's related production technology and understand the basic characteristics of waste water from waste paper. Doing relevant experiments that we analysis on water color, solid content and chemical oxygen demand can achieve the purpose of determination. According to certain problems, there exist corresponding solutions in the monitoring of waste water.
In this thesis, the determination of process of the integrated waste water from Cai Lun paperboard mill in Hangzhou is discussed on detailed.
In the study, the high efficient flocculation technology is applied in the treatment of wastewater as the main content we deal with in this paper which is known as coagulation-sedimentation method. Under the same conditions, adding the response of different flocculants to the waste water. After the process of which, the best flocculants and optimum conditions of experimental results come out. And take advantage of the best flocculants for waste water treatment, to obtain satisfactory results.
Keywords:Corrugating; chemical oxygen demand; coagulation-sedimentation method; flocculants