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发布时间:2015-04-03 来源:人大经济论坛
轻化工程专业论文范文 目 录 中文摘要 I 英文摘要 II 1 绪论1 1.1 设计题目的描述1 1.2 产品的规格及技术要求1 1.2.1 产品的分类1 1.2.2 技术要求1 2 建厂的可行性分析3 2.1 工厂设计的背景3 2.2 工厂设计的必要性4 2.3 工厂设计的发展状况4 2.4 需求预测与设计规模5 3 工厂设计条件6 3.1 原材料供应情况6 3.2 动力供应6 3.3 燃料资源条件6 3.4 劳动力资源条件7 4 生产工艺7 4.1 概述7 4.2 工艺流程7 4.3 各层浆的生产工艺流程8 4.4 网部和压榨部流程描述8 4.5 工艺条件和工艺参数选择10 4.6 浆水平衡计算11 4.7 主要设备选型及计算19 5 车间布置说明23 5.1车间布置的基本原则23 5.2 造纸车间布置23 6 车间公用工程24 6.1 厂房建筑与结构24 6.2 给水与排水25 6.3 动力28 6.4 环境保护与综合利用29 6.5 劳动安全卫生29 7 劳动定员及工程经济分析32 7.1 劳动定员32 7.2 人员培训33 7.3 设计总结34 致 谢35 参 考 文 献36 年产15万吨涂布白纸板制浆造纸综合工厂设计 摘 要:本次设计是一个年产15万吨涂布白纸板制浆造纸综合工厂,重点 为日产400吨涂布白纸板网部及压榨部工艺设计。 本说明对涂布白纸板制浆造纸综合工厂设计进行了论证和分析,阐述了建厂的必要性和可能性,造纸设备采用日产400吨的4400纸机,设计内容包括浆水平衡计算图的绘制、设备选型及计算、工艺流程图的绘制、车间设备布置图的绘制。设计说明书分为绪论、建厂的可行性分析、工厂设计条件、生产工艺、车间布置说明、车间公用工程和劳动定员及工程经济分析七个部分组成。 关键词:涂布白纸板;网部;压榨部 A pulp and paper-making multiple-producing mill ,which produce 150000 tons of coated white paperboard every year Abstract: The design is a pulp and papermaking multiple-producing mill, which can produce 150000 tons of double sides paper every year , which can produce 400 tons of double sides paper every day. It mainly centers on the technological design of wire section and press section. The description of the title of the article and the analysis of the mill-establishing possibility; The paper-making machine is 4400 type, which has the maximun productive capability of 400 tons per day. The process of design includes the drawing of pulp and water balance, calculation and choice of equipment, workshop plane layout diagram. Design statement consists of a foreword, the analysis of the mill-establishing possibility, the design conditions of the mill, production craftwork, the explanation of the workshop arrangement, utility engineering of the workshop, quota of staff and the analysis of the engineering economy. Keywords:coated white paperboard, wire section, press section
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