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发布时间:2014-05-14 来源:人大经济论坛
印刷工程专业论文范文 目 录 摘 要Ⅰ AbstractⅡ 1 课题背景与意义1 2 课现代胶印质量控制的介绍2 2.1 印刷质量控制的现状2 2.2 胶印质量控制的定义2 2.3 印刷品质量控制的要素2 2.4 常见的印刷品质量的评价方法与检测技术4 3 测控条在胶印质量控制中的作用及应用5 3.1 印刷测控条5 3.2 常用测控条的介绍及比较7 3.3 测控条使用须知13 4 测控条的设计与制作15 4.1 设计思路15 4.2 各种测控条的分布、意义及部分制作方法15 5 胶印质量控制的前景展望21 6 结 论22 致 谢23 参考文献24 附录1 实物图25 摘 要:本文结合现代胶印的特点,对现代胶印质量控制的方法、实现途径进行学习研究。重点研究了印刷测控条在胶印质量控制中的使用及作用,对各类测控条进行比较分析。运用所学知识,并在实地走访企业的基础上,理论联系实际整理设计了一套较完整,适合各类平版胶印使用的测控条组。 该测控条组主要由三个区段组成,分别为晒版测控条区段、套准测控条区段以及印刷测控条区段。其中晒版测控条区段为晒版测试块和一组分辨力测试线;套准测控条区段包括陷印测试表和一个由圆和十字线组成的图形;印刷测控条区段由星标和一组不同颜色和网点百分比的色块组成。 关键词:胶印;质量控制;测控条 Abstract:In this paper, the characteristics of modern offset printing, offset printing to modern quality control methods, ways to achieve study. Focused on monitoring and control article in the offset printing quality control of the use and effect on all types of comparative analysis of measurement and control article. The use of the knowledge and enterprise in the field visits on the basis of the theory with practice and finishing a more complete design for all types of monitoring and control be offset lithography. It is mainly composed of three sections, namely section buming be monitoring, measurement and control registration Article Article Measurement and Control section, as well as the printing section. Article buming section of which is monitoring the test buming resolution block and a set of test lines; registration Article monitoring test sections include trapping and a round table and the graph lines cross; printing section by section measurement and control and a group of stars of different colors and color composition percentage points. Keywords: Offset;Quality Control;Measurement and Control Article
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