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发布时间:2014-10-14 来源:人大经济论坛
目录 摘 要I AbstractII 第1章引言1 1.1背景1 1.2研究内容1 第2章信号采集系统概述2 2.1信号采集系统的概念2 2.1.1信号采集系统的任务及目的2 2.2信号采集系统的分类2 2.2.1独立式数据采集系统2 2.2.2非独立式数据采集系统3 第3章信号采集系统设计5 3.1系统设计概述5 3.2研究内容及主要技术指标5 3.2.1研究内容5 3.2.2主要技术指标5 3.3硬件总体方案设计6 3.3.1硬件需求分析6 3.3.2硬件总体框图6 3.4软件总体方案设计7 第4章硬件电路设计8 4.1信号调理电路8 4.1.1信号调理简介8 4.1.2信号调理电路设计8 4.2AD采样电路8 4.2.1AD转换8 4.2.2AD转换技术9 4.2.3AD转换电路设计12 4.2.4ADS7822简介13 4.3CPLD控制电路14 4.3.1CPLD简介14 4.3.2CPLD控制电路设计15 4.3.3EPM240T100I5简介17 第5章软件设计18 5.1VHDL简介18 5.2QuartusⅡ简介18 5.3软件设计要求19 5.3.1通道选择19 5.3.2AD控制19 5.4模块设计20 5.4.1时钟分频20 5.4.2通道控制20 5.4.3串入并出移出AD转换之后的12位数据21 5.4.4检查是否对本板操作21 5.4.5编码控制22 5.4.66个偏移地址的操作控制22 5.5软件仿真26 第6章结束语28 致 谢29 参考文献30 附录31 摘 要 信号采集是测量和分析的必要手段。目前市场上的信号采集卡种类较多,功能不一,主要分为高速信号采集卡和低频信号采集卡,大部分为针对性设计,通道数较少,适用范围较为局限。为此,本文设计了一款且具有32个通道的模拟信号采集卡,利用CPLD实现采集通道控制和AD转换,通过通道的切换可实时采集32路信号,适合较大规模的信号采集应用。 本文设计一种基于CPLD的信号采集系统。利用CPLD的资源和结构特点是本设计的核心。它能实现信号采集与控制、信号处理、通讯及输出控制等功能。介绍了信号采集的概念和目前各种常见的信号采集系统,分析了信号系统的工作原理。对信号采集系统进行模块化分析,其中,重点介绍了多通道信号采集系统的设计与实现。 关键词:信号采集系统,CPLD,AD采样 Abstract Signal acquisition is the necessary means of measurement and analysis . Currently on the market signal acquisition has many card types and different functions, mainly divided into high-speed signal acquisition card and low-frequency signal acquisition card, targeted for the majority of the design and few channels, limited scope. Therefore, this article and has designed a 32-channel analog signal acquisition card, use CPLD to achieve access control and acquisition AD conversion, the switch can access through the acquisition of 32 real-time signals, suitable for large-scale signal acquisition applications. In this paper, it was based on the CPLD signal acquisition system. The design of CPLD’s core is the use of the resources and structure. It can realize like signal acquisition and control, signal processing, communications and export control, and other functions and so on. It introduced the concept of signal acquisition and the current common signal acquisition system. It also analysis the signal system . The signal acquisition of modular system, which focuses on multi-channel signal acquisition system design and implementation. Keywords: Signal acquisition system, CPLD, AD,Sampling
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