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发布时间:2014-10-23 来源:人大经济论坛
目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目录III 1. 绪论1 1.1醋酸的性质1 1.2二甲亚砜的性质1 1.3本文研究的背景及意义1 2. 实验部分3 2.1实验试剂3 2.2实验方法3 2.3分析方法4 2.4 Rose釜校正4 2.5实验数据采集(水-醋酸、水-二甲亚砜、醋酸-二甲亚砜)4 3. 实验数据处理及讨论7 3.1热力学一致性检验7 3.2实验数据的关联8 4. 蚁群算法16 4.1基本蚁群算法的计算原理16 4.2蚁群算法的改进17 4.3蚁群算法在化工领域的运用18 4.4蚁群算法的程序18 4.总结与展望24 致谢25 参考文献26 摘要:折光仪分析水-二甲亚砜、二甲亚砜-醋酸溶液平衡组成偏差大,换用气相色谱分析,用改进的Rose汽液平衡釜,测定101.33kPa下水-二甲亚砜、二甲亚砜-醋酸的汽液平衡数据,并进行了热力学一致性检验。 汽液平衡活度系数模型多为非线性模型,参数回归难度大。过去用Fortr- an、C、BASIC语言编写程序,但程序繁琐且易出错。近年,功能强大的MATLAB语言开始在工程计算中应用,MATLAB语言编程容易,代码短小高效,作者首次采用MATLAB语言编写Van Laar、Wilson 、NRTL和6次多项式的模型参数回归程序。最后,蚁群算法是一种新兴的智能算法,文中对该算法拟合活度系数模型参数,也做了一些摸索工作。 结果表明,气相色谱分析准确,用 MATLAB工具箱函数回归非线性活度系数模型参数,方法简单可靠,四个模型均能较好关联该体系的汽液相平衡数据可为二甲亚砜回收提纯及醋酸萃取精馏工艺开发与设计提供基础数据。 关键词: 汽液平衡;二甲亚砜;蚁群算法;醋酸;MATLAB Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium For Water -Dimethyl Sulfoxide and Dimethyl Sulfoxide -Acetic Acid System Model Parameter Fitting Abstract: The deviation using refractometer to analyse the balance composition of dimethyl sulfoxide aqueous solution is big, exchange for with gas chromatography. The phase composit- ion of isobaric vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE) data for water +dimethyl sulfoxide and dimethyl sulfoxide + acetic acid system was measured at 101.33kPa by using an improved Rose still, and the thermodynamic consistency of the experimental VLE data was satisfactory Most of the activity coefficient model of VLE is the misalignment model, and the regressi- on of parameter is very difficult. In the past, we also used the Fortran,C and BASIC language to compilation the program, but the procedure was cumbersome and error-prone. Recent years,the powerful capabilities of MATLAB language started to apply in the calculation of engineering, MATLAB programming was easy, also the code was short and highly effective. Author used the MATLAB language to compile the model parameter regression procedures of Van Laar, Wilson, NRTL and 6 polynomials for the first time. Finally, the ant algorithm is a new and intelligent al -gorithm. In article, fitting parameters model of activity coefficient used by this algorithm, also done some exploration work. The results showed that the analysis of gas chromatography was accurate, misalignment re- gression activity coefficient model parameter with the MATLAB toolbox function, The method simple and reliable, Four models can better be connected this system the vapor-liquid equilibri- um data, the obtained data could provide a basal data for the dimethyl sulfoxide’s purification, as well as for the design of the acetic acid’s extraction and rectification. Key words: Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium;dimethyl sulfoxide(DMSO); Ant group algorithm;Acetic Acid;MATLAB
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