楼主: reduce_fat
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[英语] 鼓励大家用英文交流,有奖励的!!!   [推广有奖]







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楼主是新上任的留学外语学习和院校申请斑竹,鼓励大家用英文交流。当然英语不是唯一的外语,但是楼主除了中文和英文不懂其他外语。 暂时只奖励用英文交流的版友。每个人的英文水平不一样,可以开始用中文加英文,外语水平可以慢慢提高。时间久了,就会用更多的英文交流。

以下标准仅做参考,我有时太忙,版友回复很多,无法参照此标准时, 会给于不同的奖励,但是请大家见谅。我仍然在学习中。

感谢大家的热情,但是我期望大家能自己单独发主题帖讨论留学话题,中英文都可以。奖励是为了鼓励用英文,但是特别好的中文建议也可以得到奖励。 从现在开始不再奖励在此帖中回复的版友,抱歉,我时间有限。但是如果你开新的帖子,我会查看并发放奖励的。

大家有必要看一下这个帖子 https://bbs.pinggu.org/thread-2579196-1-1.html

奖励标准:10积分等于10经验值 = 1个论坛币



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关键词:Comments addition Article OPINION comment 外语学习 英语 英文 中文 主题


richardgu26 发表于516楼  查看完整内容

I strongly suggest you to pick up some topics, such as food, fashion, and economics, for discussion. It is hard to find a very general one for every one, but diversified topics can attract more to participate. A good start is business news or economic event analysis. The reason is this forum is supposed to be the biggest one for any one interested in business and economics. That would make ...

Joyce_Vernon 发表于515楼  查看完整内容

As for me , communicating with is really a enjoyable issue .Hope I can meet more friends in math

spirit-moon 发表于514楼  查看完整内容

first,thank you this is my paper abstract In this paper, the fluorocarbon emulsion is prepared with the monomer pre-emulsification polymerization method; the infrared radiative powder is prepared by high temperature solid-phase sintering technique. And then, a kind of thin exterior wall thermal-insulating and energy-saving composite coatings which coexists of three mechanisms of barrier, radiati ...

长风神舞 发表于512楼  查看完整内容

Yes, I have been learning English in Web Internetional English. It is a significant tool for us to comunicate with each other.

puyu_0405 发表于511楼  查看完整内容

wow so many people communicate in english, well, let me have a try, may have some mistakes, but i don't give a *****~:)

松_松 发表于441楼  查看完整内容

yeah,i think this is very useful for us to exercise our Chi-english,oh oh

milankun 发表于442楼  查看完整内容

there are four key points to study English: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Firstly, we should be brave to talk with others in English. By doing this, we can improve ore talking and listening skill. Secondly, we should try to listen to all kinds of English programmes as much as possible. In this way, we can gradually improve our pronunciation. Thirdly, we should often read English b ...

eggers 发表于409楼  查看完整内容

It's so good. I would suggest around a topic to discuss in English in the further. It's hard to me, but I try to participate. Good good study, day day up.

lowei 发表于387楼  查看完整内容

i am trying to write paper in english, so i need to get more familiar with basic framework for foreign literatures, and some terms concerning with research design, result explanation and future research suggestion

cwk1001 发表于386楼  查看完整内容

finally find a place to practice my English,hoping everyone here can make a difference.English is just a tool,but it is used all over the world.if we want to catch up with the developed countries,we should know what they say and how they think.so this is the aim we learn it,not because we will have a good job offered by them,we are not gonna be a slave,but be a man moving faster than them.hoping t ...

萌萌细雨zym 发表于360楼  查看完整内容

I pay a lot of attention on English these days for doing a better gob . I hope this will help .

z364941645 发表于338楼  查看完整内容

I couldn't agree more with your idea.I hope that we can improve our english through long time efforts.

lanlyly 发表于340楼  查看完整内容

This approach is encouraging. Man should not be afraid of the mistakes they may make in practicing English, but learn from those mistakes. Trying is better than not doing anything.

marquis90 发表于331楼  查看完整内容

That is a very good suggestion. But we also need to care about the efficiency of communication. After all, English is not our mother tongue. Support you!

geruigaoxin 发表于333楼  查看完整内容

For me, I strongly support the manager's ideas. I think through this way we have earning and motivation to try to write our best English sentence in this forum. One of my advice is that if somebody wrote the wrong sentence with wrong words or wrong grammars, and somebody else correct them, this guy should get some forum points. If the manager of this forum agrees with me, please give me som ...

xiaodao99 发表于332楼  查看完整内容

Totally agree. Really hope this advocacy would appeal to more attention.Personally,the communication platforms like MSN or Skype may be more helpful than the messages posted.

施冠锐 发表于328楼  查看完整内容

it is a very good opportunity study our english. many people say they don't have good oral because of bad atmosphere. now it comes, no one has excuse.

FlyUFalcon 发表于324楼  查看完整内容

SAA is allocation to asset classes that in the long-run would meet clients’ needs, usually maintain stable weights over time. But it doesn't have to remain fixed all the time, it can be revised optimally if needed e.g. referring to changes in client’s risk profile. It is consistent with passive portfolio management and market efficiency.

jigojigobian 发表于320楼  查看完整内容

The reason I noticed this article at first sight is the funny user name, reduce_fat. However, the 10 sentences you never say to your boss really helps me out. Thank you for sharing. One good manner deserves another

lyvis 发表于317楼  查看完整内容

haha, it is very creative to use this way to improve our English... Yeah, it is very necessary for us to use English as much as possible, otherwise we may get lost when right thesis in English...

825483391 发表于313楼  查看完整内容

the idea sounds great. just support

xiaotao0800 发表于315楼  查看完整内容

For me, I strongly support the manager's ideas. I think through this way we have earning and motivation to try to write our best English sentence in this forum. One of my advice is that if somebody wrote the wrong sentence with wrong words or wrong grammars, and somebody else correct them, this guy should get some forum points. If the manager of this forum agrees with me, please give me some ...

uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu 发表于300楼  查看完整内容

as a matter of fact, i've replied in english for dozens of times, i wonder if the administrator could grant me additional credits.

uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu 发表于299楼  查看完整内容

so this forum takes on another responsibility: english training?

小灵西西 发表于298楼  查看完整内容

That's a wonderful idea! During last two years, I'm trying to find an effcient way to improve my English including listening,speaking and writing. I have contacted many teachers and friends who are good at English. Many of them gave me the same answer - Practice! So that's why we are here. We can chat on some specific topics and gave others some suggestion about the sentence they use. I be ...

cbl223 发表于296楼  查看完整内容

I usually think about one question that why we spend so much time on learning English. Is it worth the efforts? Absolutely. We can learn the real knowledge and theory by reading textbooks, papers or journals in English instead of Chinese.

erpsql 发表于294楼  查看完整内容

It's a great and useful post. Thank you, reduce_fat! Most people must have realized english is one of the most import skill within everyone's study or career. A lot of materials are written in English. And most competitive positions require English ability. So come on...

xinquan2008 发表于293楼  查看完整内容

it is very good. i think many people want to join this program, and then we can learn from each other to improve our writing english. wonderful !

luopulvye 发表于292楼  查看完整内容

From my perspective, English is very important for academic research because we need to read large amounts of literature in foreign countries. What's more important is that how we get the idea of authors quickly and get to his point after reading his paper. So communicating by English is the prerequisite for this.

绮绮a 发表于291楼  查看完整内容

Dear, would you like to do me a favor, please? I want to apply for the 2014 Fall Master of Science in Finance/Management, targeting at top schools in USA and UK. Hence, I am looking for someone who can make suggestions for my personal statement. Since I have read about your essay, which leaves a deep impression on me, on the forum, I sincerely beg your help. If I could get the offer from my dream ...

thetimekiller 发表于309楼  查看完整内容

This is an excellent idea for those want to improve writing in English. With extra rewards, I believe readers are more motivated to use English to communicate with each other. "Warrior comes with great rewards". LOL (LOL=Laugh Out Loud).

lily119258 发表于308楼  查看完整内容

This is a good idea. I hope that we can do it right now and become well in English.

呵呵@ 发表于304楼  查看完整内容

practice makes maybe not perfect ,at least progress.communicating with standard English can not only be regarded as a skill,but also a kind of habit. I appreciate it!

goldtreewater 发表于312楼  查看完整内容

let us make the bbs like a bbs in uk.

whj0451 发表于311楼  查看完整内容

This is good IDEA for us. i agree with you.

linzima 发表于259楼  查看完整内容

It is really a nice idea. We can type English to discuss here and make some friends. Then they can communicate through Skye etc. Practice makes perfect!

小李子whu 发表于256楼  查看完整内容

support! If we want to gain more knowledge about economics, English is pretty important. Because most economic classics are in English ,while the translated books are confusing, full of translating mistakes. It's not good for our study, so we should use English frequently.

remlus 发表于254楼  查看完整内容

It's a pretty good idea, but lz's picture is even better.

zzotse 发表于252楼  查看完整内容

This idea sounds really reasonable.

linuxboy 发表于251楼  查看完整内容

This is good IDEA for us. i agree with you.

wujianjack2 发表于250楼  查看完整内容

Really fantastic idea!Practice makes perfect!

ripllor 发表于247楼  查看完整内容

That's a good suggestion,as we all know,english is becoming more and more important in our business environment.Even in our social life,and when we go for overseas travel,english is the basic communicating tool. As a foreign language,we should have enough chance to use it. The more we practice,The more we learn fast.

h310713 发表于245楼  查看完整内容

when i was a freshman in college, i was very poor in English. but now i am a graduate student, my paper is writing in English. here is a good place for everyone to practice in foreign language. Chinese is becoming popular in the world, but English is more useful.thx

happylife87 发表于244楼  查看完整内容

It's been long time since you were active in Follow Me, and it's a very good idea for people to express their views in English! Thanks for your efforts for the forum!

limingmingli 发表于243楼  查看完整内容

Actually, I think each student especially university student should practice English more and more to reach a level so that you can use it to communicate with foreigners smoothly. As English now is an international language in fact and most foreigners feel it very difficult to learn Chinese, if you have a good oral and listening English, you can let more foreigners know better about China. Then m ...

inertialife 发表于242楼  查看完整内容

That's a good idea as I need coins right now. Another thing maybe we could do is having reading groups. For example, form groups like corporate finance, investment, risk management. And we could discuss some journal papers there.

ly9860 发表于246楼  查看完整内容

This idea should be supported by our fellows.

王航 发表于233楼  查看完整内容

I did not participate in this disscussion for a long time .Because there is no time to join after graduation.

hizhangqi 发表于227楼  查看完整内容

Thanks to the efforts and dedication of the moderator, learning English,however,relies on oneself.

sareta 发表于226楼  查看完整内容

ok, sounds great! I will practice english everyday!

JiaBinXu 发表于225楼  查看完整内容

Great idea Studying economics need better English Forum gave me a lot to learn ways of knowledge Have better ideas to explain their point of view

jackylee2010 发表于223楼  查看完整内容

this is good thing for us. i agree with you. I believe i can .

古伦木帝国 发表于209楼  查看完整内容

My English is very poor, so i willl study with spare no efforts. with a beautiful dream, i really someday that my written English become better. so i consider manager's idea is very excellent. i hope our forum get widely acception in the soceiety. thanks for all.

whaizhuang 发表于207楼  查看完整内容

English is only a tool in academics like mathematics. Thus, we shall not emphasize it over normal level. But, in my opion, the guys with the same interests communicate each other around one topic in English.

cpa888 发表于208楼  查看完整内容

Good,, this is a so good advice!

spirit-moon 发表于203楼  查看完整内容

join together ,it is good for your english level ,it is a good style for english study

detouroffce 发表于201楼  查看完整内容

Investigating the current economic issues is indeed a overwhelmingly challenging task, which may be beyond my accumulations. Admittedly, I'm extremely eager to take this challenge. I will take some actions if I'm well prepared.

Jiangdanping 发表于199楼  查看完整内容

IT'S so wonderful. I hope everyone can improve english here . English is a necessary instrument now. come on! Fighting.

aheadjing 发表于195楼  查看完整内容

thank you for sharing this place to practice my English.

sunnywu72 发表于186楼  查看完整内容

OMG, it seems a lot of folks are poor and need more money. So do I. The key point is that we need a good topic that interests many people so that participants are active in discussion. This is not easy.

wtc#sofa 发表于184楼  查看完整内容

Avoid negative people, negative habits and negative sources of information. 远离消极的人,不良的习惯,和负面的信息。 Believe in yourself and your closest confidants. 相信你自己,还有你的死党 Create a healthy balance between career, family and social responsibilities. 在事业、家庭及社交关系中间找一个健康的平衡点 Dare to be unique and creative. 勇于特立独行,敢于创新 Enjoy yourself everyday. ...

henduoweixiao 发表于183楼  查看完整内容

It is a good idea .we try write in english

大国士 发表于182楼  查看完整内容

I think this is a good approach, provided that may correct the error

关注环境类统计 发表于181楼  查看完整内容

You really did a good job! We can chat and share our ideas here. Actually, it's awkward to make some mistakes at the beginning, not only in grammar,but also spelling.Cover large distances in small steps.we will make it finally!

hippoxk 发表于179楼  查看完整内容

It's a good idea for us to commuicate in English. I hope everyone enjoy it

bot2007 发表于176楼  查看完整内容

I agree with you. English is important desides Chinese, many people join the exams by English, and many people express their essays by English, this is a good opportunity to learn English by daily practices, thanks!

sandra201312 发表于175楼  查看完整内容

Actually, there is not double that English as an internetional which brings us many benefits .By learning English we can broaden our horrizon and learn more about foreign customs ,which will be good for our life and career . However , it is not easy to learn a new language .As a student ,I have learned English more than 12 years ,but still stay in low level. It is hard to imagine that you le ...

xts1xts 发表于174楼  查看完整内容

Since I began to work as an intern in Hong Kong, I found that only English and Cantonese can be used. There is still a long way to go to be a professional person. But I believe English is just a tool. So if you cannot use English as a native speaker, don't be frustrated. Practice makes perfect. Keep on fighting!!

水木年华135790 发表于169楼  查看完整内容

This is a good chance for us to practice our English ! Thank You, boss! I hope more people can join us, so I will publish a post and more. I find that others' posts are very good, they can give me much information.Today is a special day, Qi Xi Festival, I hope every lovers can hole the love for ever! May be they can express their love in English! For the single, I think you will say goodbye to sin ...

weapoul 发表于168楼  查看完整内容

It's very important for us to study English. Now, we often search English journals , articles, and we use English software. Furthermore, some of us write English articles, will connect with foreign editors. We cannot study without English. However, we don't use English as far as we should. It's a great opportunity to communicate with others by English here!

RZZ 发表于167楼  查看完整内容

this idea could be better.......but I still don't understand why you start the misson....for education ,or just create A plate for us to practice ENG? ........kinda confused

harrow 发表于165楼  查看完整内容

it is strongly recommended! no more chances to use English and it is great to write here.

伤心太平庸 发表于164楼  查看完整内容

I cannot agreement more

hejihai 发表于162楼  查看完整内容

Well, we fully support it!

yaozhiyan 发表于166楼  查看完整内容

This is a very good idea,let us join together!

hzhuang9 发表于141楼  查看完整内容

That is a nice ideal.I will try my best to communicate with each other in english!

kangwater 发表于140楼  查看完整内容

Try my best to learn and improve English. Every day Enjoy the pleasure of learning I wish everyone happy, good luck in everything!

hillary1988 发表于139楼  查看完整内容

Awesome! Wish our forum to be better and better.

285906498 发表于137楼  查看完整内容

That's a good idea,So I think we'd better read more English books and try to use English to communicate.

ccnumathslp 发表于135楼  查看完整内容

Wooooooow!!!Pretty good. Hope the future of this forum will be better.

liaoqiumin 发表于131楼  查看完整内容

it is of course a good idea. Communication in English will be conducive to improving english, but what iscommunicated is very important. in my point of view, discussion about english literature should be encouraged. by this way, not only can we improve our language skill, but also we will be professional in economic field.

qq328315037 发表于132楼  查看完整内容

i strongly recommend the book named "psychology,from a standpoint from behaviourist" it talks about things as u can see from the title.it will be a little academic,however,it must be an inspiration,especially in behavioral economy. and is absolutely a great reading for us on account of its view of how people's irrational behavours make the "strange" result,and how can we the use of it!

痛定思痛 发表于133楼  查看完整内容

I have time I will visit this section of the BBS ,my English is more and more poring,what I write is translated by youdao.I must learn English well.Let's come on!

qq328315037 发表于125楼  查看完整内容

!first of all,the title can be written in english!like[empowering!]let's communicate in english! and my suggestions are as below: I.in my stand of view,english to us can be devided into daily engish and technical english,which refers to our major.therefore,english practice should be diverse according to which aspect that we want to improve. II.Analyzing foreign news could also contribute the s ...

Beant3721 发表于123楼  查看完整内容

It is really a good idea on the improvement of English writing. When we think the level of our English, most of us think it is a pain in our heart, it looks like we pay so much on the learning. It is said " no pain no gain", while we paid so much, why we dont receive the fruits according. Years oven year, when and how we meet the goals in mind.

njusunli 发表于121楼  查看完整内容

If we have a topical subject to discuss,the discussion will be more significant.

aroma1985 发表于120楼  查看完整内容

great idea

mavistong 发表于118楼  查看完整内容

What is language for? some people seem to think it’s for practicing grammar rules and learning lists of words——the longer the words the better. that’s wrong. language is for the exchange of ideas, for communication. The way to learn a language is to practice speaking it as often as possible.Try to think in english whenever possible. when you see something, think of the english word of it; ...

莫问太多 发表于119楼  查看完整内容

We 'd better not begin a day with those empty connotation,just read a book with a cup of tea at an unusual hour.And I should not be a man who never gets out of bed who is the most difficult to rouse.I am living a bit,I want to live more.Drinking it while the day began

i88 发表于114楼  查看完整内容

i agree with your idea but we need a theme

wenjiaobian 发表于110楼  查看完整内容

I really appreciate your idea though great challenges also exist. I don't think it's just for improving English, instead, English works as a tool to help us in learning and problem solving. Best wishes!

山水樵人 发表于107楼  查看完整内容


yangshanqi 发表于105楼  查看完整内容

benefit a lot

nkqgly04 发表于103楼  查看完整内容

I agree with the comments made by the author in the article, but I also want to give my own opinions.

wenzhut 发表于102楼  查看完整内容

Some students always asked me the same question,"Why should we learn English well? We are Chinese!" I had no idea how to answer this question before I began my economics research. Now, I answer them like this, "Yes, I am also wondering why the best papers are written in English! And I hope one day they are all written in Chinese, then we would not learn English any more. "

miyue2008 发表于98楼  查看完整内容

This is a good idea. I'll try my best. Wish this forum to be better. Thanks to @reduce_fat.

zgdr 发表于97楼  查看完整内容

Interesting,i saw some Chinglish. I bet those ppl haven't pass cet 4. Or typing Chinese in some softwares. I strongly recommend moderator can offer some topics. Then we can do more discussion. It is gonna be fun.. best luck!

lowei 发表于96楼  查看完整内容

strongly support your advice. while it is also recommended that we should more pay attention to the contends, especially to the academic suggestions.

happylois 发表于92楼  查看完整内容

strongly support this idea!

6851934lyy 发表于87楼  查看完整内容

What a good idea.

navy911 发表于88楼  查看完整内容

I support the proposal very much ,and I hope more exchanges

hyf28 发表于84楼  查看完整内容

That is good idea and a chance of practicing my poor english writing

叶子灵 发表于82楼  查看完整内容

Can't agree with U more! I've always been thinking about an efficient way to gain approvement ! I really appreciate what U have endeavored! Thanks,anyway!

leonzuo000 发表于83楼  查看完整内容

Really feel happy for your suggestion. The best way to learn a foreign language is to practise. You know, practice makes perfect! I will try my best to practise English here.

zpf614 发表于81楼  查看完整内容

good idea. sometimes, it's just make me depressed since i have so little opportunity to use it.

wy2003b 发表于79楼  查看完整内容

practice makes perfect, let's start and keep going.

inankai 发表于76楼  查看完整内容

good idea

ihc7788 发表于72楼  查看完整内容

support! Just as an old saying goes: cover large distances in small steps

576579442@qq.co 发表于71楼  查看完整内容

Since u encouraging everybody communicate in English why the message is Chinese? Just a joke!

墙皮 发表于65楼  查看完整内容

I just want to know how do you translate the "论坛币" in English. The forum virtual currency or what?

mchyale 发表于59楼  查看完整内容

It is a good way to improve our professional English faced with the global trending! We'd like to ues it to talk with each other about Economy!

xiang8482890 发表于55楼  查看完整内容

I much appreciate your idea and I also recommend everyone size this chance to communicate ability in English. This is an important step forward, a giant step.

veronica0620 发表于53楼  查看完整内容

That is a pretty good idea.During the smmer vacation, I have translated several papers in English, to tell the truth, that is such a efficient way to get to know the latest research in my field.

dolnn 发表于52楼  查看完整内容

we believe Chinese is the most powerful language in the world, so why should we use English as the prefered language here for talking? There must be alot of misunderstanding if we use English.

HN-yifan 发表于45楼  查看完整内容

Double Seventh Day--Chinese Valentine’s Day Today is the 7th day of the 7th lunar month,a traditional festival full of romance.The Weaving Girl and the Cowherd in heaven would meet at the Magpie Bridge. "Double Seventh Day" is also a phenomenon of number worship——"七" bears the same pronunciation with "妻" (wife), thus the Double Seventh Day is to a great extent a festival related to ...

2010520 发表于44楼  查看完整内容

Wow,I love this part.Thanks to the manager.I think all the menbers can put forward some topics base on the news or lives,and everybody can jion in to talk their views.It will be better.

egg10 发表于43楼  查看完整内容

The idea is nice! I hope that this kind of activity could be held everyday.

charles2011 发表于42楼  查看完整内容

It's a very good idea and I strongly support our manager.Though lots of us passed CET-4 or CET-6, we could not express ourself fluently. So, it is a good chance to practise our writing and oral English!

kexinkeqing 发表于41楼  查看完整内容

good idea

mingke24 发表于40楼  查看完整内容

That's good idea. Best wishes!

bidaning 发表于37楼  查看完整内容

Sounds good. But for me, it takes too much time to understand the opinions of everyone.

shelf317 发表于35楼  查看完整内容

I have pretty much used English on this forum, ever since I joined the forum. I asked and answered questions in English all the time. I will keep doing so.

412223770 发表于32楼  查看完整内容

That's perfect! My English is so bad.I want study it,but always give up in the end.This board is very nice.I hope that I can insistent on studying.

Ben910128 发表于31楼  查看完整内容

What a creative idea it is !

adgjmptw0047 发表于30楼  查看完整内容

Pretty good,but in my opinion,we should not only write back. Communication with others will be more helpful. And a topic should be given, then we can have something to talk about.

babyli 发表于29楼  查看完整内容

For me, I strongly support the manager's ideas. I think through this way we have earning and motivation to try to write our best English sentence in this forum. One of my advice is that if somebody wrote the wrong sentence with wrong words or wrong grammars, and somebody else correct them, this guy should get some forum points. If the manager of this forum agrees with me, please give me some ...

ytshao 发表于27楼  查看完整内容

this is a good idea! wonderful!

林心辰雨 发表于25楼  查看完整内容

As for us,I think it is a great idea to learn English well. I really appreaciate about what you did for us.I think what you wish will accomplish someday.

8848sovereign 发表于23楼  查看完整内容

It is a good idea! recently,i want to promote my english level by studing CFA notes. and later ,i may try the BEC .

pphai 发表于26楼  查看完整内容

HI,my dear. I am so happy to read your topic. I wish you do good job for this new place. English is a kind of language for communication. Chinese feel very hard to learn english. what i try to say is reading,talking and listing every day. then we can improve day to day. maybe one years later, everyone can speak and write very good english. it is important for future study and work at intern ...

ゞ黯夜菰燈→ 发表于21楼  查看完整内容

That's a good idea, but my English is not very good, so,i need constantly practice.fighting !

0376216 发表于18楼  查看完整内容

Searching for what we have lost. Hope to be a regular visitor

busted 发表于15楼  查看完整内容

I think it's a good idea. But for English Forums, there are different variety of terms, such as lol, brb. and so on. Is it possible that the BM could enlighten us with these kinds of terms so that we will not be speaking and typing Chinglish all the time.

greenaven 发表于19楼  查看完整内容

Sounds terrific to me. But in practice, this board lacks high-quality material for discussion while the participants are fumbling with grammar slips. We need some "sea turtles" to stir up.

jocelyn4526 发表于14楼  查看完整内容

English for economics is too uncommon to use in daily life. So it's a wonderful chance for us to improve our professional english skill. Thanks for the forum. Also a suggestion for the admin, would you give some technical terms on the top of the specific posts? I consider it's a short-cut way for accumulation.

逝去的兰亭 发表于11楼  查看完整内容

The best way to improve English is very useful. I hope the way will have a bright tomorrow. Have a good time! Thank you for your help.

zsqiang 发表于10楼  查看完整内容

This is pretty good. Best wishes!

zjb210129 发表于8楼  查看完整内容

The best way to improve English is to use it. So I think we'd better read more English books and try to use English to communicate.My suggest is that the manager of this forum maybe can create a new paticular part called Engliah Corner.Then in this part, everything is in English form. And last,wish our form better and better.

dingdatou0303 发表于7楼  查看完整内容

It's a good idea. I think it will give us a communication opportunity to improve our English level. For me, I will try my best to write English and improve my communication skill. I hope lots of member to jion us, and wish our forum to become better and energetic. Today is Chinese Valentine's Day, I hope everyone get a ideal horse or princess and have a wonderful day!

zjb210129 发表于5楼  查看完整内容

That is pretty good.I will try to use English to communicate with each other.

fankaiqing 发表于4楼  查看完整内容

For me, I strongly support the manager's ideas. I think through this way we have earning and motivation to try to write our best English sentence in this forum. One of my advice is that if somebody wrote the wrong sentence with wrong words or wrong grammars, and somebody else correct them, this guy should get some forum points. If the manager of this forum agrees with me, please give me some ...
已有 10 人评分经验 论坛币 学术水平 热心指数 信用等级 收起 理由
安普QE + 1 + 1 + 1 精彩帖子
onroad24 + 100 + 5 + 5 + 5 楼主花时间 花精力 佩服 做英语培训的?
happylife87 + 3 + 3 + 3 Good idea!
victor_liu11 + 100 + 3 + 3 + 3 鼓励积极发帖讨论
2010slb + 1 + 1 + 1 精彩帖子
小张在线 + 100 + 1 精彩帖子
primmxz + 100 + 3 观点有启发
kongqingbao280 + 20 鼓励积极发帖讨论
fankaiqing + 1 + 1 + 1 鼓励积极发帖讨论
jigesi + 100 鼓励积极发帖讨论

总评分: 经验 + 520  论坛币 + 20  学术水平 + 17  热心指数 + 21  信用等级 + 17   查看全部评分


复制粘贴积分链接 https://bbs.pinggu.org/ext8_airdrop.php?airdropfrom^^uid=2669999
book992008 在职认证  发表于 2013-8-13 07:29:42 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
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reduce_fat + 10 鼓励积极发帖讨论

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sdcch 发表于 2013-8-13 07:35:03 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
This is a very good idear.
已有 1 人评分经验 收起 理由
reduce_fat + 50 鼓励积极发帖讨论

总评分: 经验 + 50   查看全部评分


fankaiqing 在职认证  发表于 2013-8-13 07:53:36 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群

回帖奖励 +347

For me, I strongly support the manager's ideas. I think through this way we have earning and motivation to try to write our best English sentence in this forum.
One of my advice is that if somebody wrote the wrong sentence with wrong words or wrong grammars, and somebody else correct them, this guy should get some forum points.

If the manager of this forum agrees with me, please give me some extra forum points, please.
Wish our forum to be better and better.
Thanks for all.
已有 1 人评分经验 收起 理由
reduce_fat + 10 It was my mistake, but you got 347 token

总评分: 经验 + 10   查看全部评分



zjb210129 发表于 2013-8-13 07:58:29 来自手机 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
That is pretty good.I will try to use English to communicate with each other.
已有 1 人评分经验 学术水平 热心指数 信用等级 收起 理由
reduce_fat + 60 + 1 + 1 + 1 精彩帖子, I have the maximum limit 60 po.

总评分: 经验 + 60  学术水平 + 1  热心指数 + 1  信用等级 + 1   查看全部评分


yoyoaitree1 发表于 2013-8-13 08:06:23 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群

回帖奖励 +1

yeah,i think this is very useful for us to exercise our Chi-english,oh oh
已有 1 人评分经验 学术水平 热心指数 信用等级 收起 理由
reduce_fat + 60 + 2 + 1 + 1 鼓励积极发帖讨论

总评分: 经验 + 60  学术水平 + 2  热心指数 + 1  信用等级 + 1   查看全部评分


dingdatou0303 发表于 2013-8-13 08:15:25 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
It's a good idea. I think it will give us a communication opportunity to improve our English level. For me, I will try my best to write English and improve my communication skill. I hope lots of member to jion us, and wish our forum to become better and energetic. Today is Chinese Valentine's Day, I hope everyone get a ideal horse or princess and have a wonderful day!
已有 1 人评分经验 学术水平 热心指数 信用等级 收起 理由
reduce_fat + 60 + 1 + 2 + 1 鼓励积极发帖讨论

总评分: 经验 + 60  学术水平 + 1  热心指数 + 2  信用等级 + 1   查看全部评分

本人开通了“河南统计数据库∪重大文件”文库,请大家多多订阅!谢谢 !


zjb210129 发表于 2013-8-13 08:17:18 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群

回帖奖励 +1

The best way to improve English is to use it. So I think we'd better read more English books and try to use English to communicate.My suggest is that the manager of this forum maybe can create a new paticular part called Engliah Corner.Then in this part, everything is in English form.
And last,wish our form better and better.
已有 1 人评分经验 学术水平 信用等级 收起 理由
reduce_fat + 60 + 2 + 2 鼓励积极发帖讨论

总评分: 经验 + 60  学术水平 + 2  信用等级 + 2   查看全部评分


41251314hh 在职认证  发表于 2013-8-13 08:25:36 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群

回帖奖励 +1

very nice!
已有 1 人评分经验 收起 理由
reduce_fat + 10 灌水

总评分: 经验 + 10   查看全部评分


zsqiang 发表于 2013-8-13 08:31:12 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
This is pretty good. Best wishes!
已有 1 人评分经验 收起 理由
reduce_fat + 50 鼓励积极发帖讨论

总评分: 经验 + 50   查看全部评分


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