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Comparing and contrasting micro-payment models for E-commerce systems
Current macro-payment  systems used by most E-commerce  sites are not  suitable  for high-volume,  low-cost produce or
service purpose, such as charging per-page for web site browsing. These payment technologies suffer from use of heavy-
weight  encryption  technologies  and  reliance  on  always  on-line  authorisation  servers. Micro-payment  systems  offer  an
alternative  strategy  of  pay-as-you-go  charging,  even  for  very  low  cost,  very  high-volume  charging. However,  several
different micro-payment schemes exist, not all suitable for all E-commerce uses. We compare and contrast several micro-
payment models and outline a new micro-payment technology we have been developing.
Keywords: electronic commerce, micropayment, off-line.
Macro-payment systems are used by most E-commerce systems today. These typically use credit card debiting, digital cash or
real-time bank transfers, where a customer pays for products or services before or at the time of delivery. Such systems typically use
complex encryption technologies and require communications with an authorisation server to request and confirm payment. This
model suits low-to-medium volume transactions of medium-to-high value e.g. books, food, office stationary, home appliances, toys
and so on.
There  is  a  trend  towards  charging  for  site  content on  the  Internet  [2]  in order  for  companies  to make direct profits  from
information they provide, rather than relying on fickle or insufficient on-line advertising revenue [9, 10]. For example, many sites
have become subscription-only access e.g. on-line newspapers, academic and trade periodicals, help and advice columns, and so on.
Subscription has the disadvantage of locking customers to one site (they need to subscribe to every site they want access to) and a
“one size fits all” scenario where even if the customer wants a few items from the site, they have to pay for them all.
An alternative model is where a customer pays as they go from a previously acquired (by macro-payment) E-wallet with E-
coins i.e. is charged per-page or per-group or per-download for material, often very low cost per item [7, 9, 10]. Ideally they can
move  to other  sites  and use  the  same E-money. This  is  the micro-payment model of on-line  information, product  and  service
In the following sections we introduce an example scenario – an on-line newspaper – that wants to charge on an article usage
basis. We  review  the  typical macro-payment model’s  interactions between  customer, vendor  (E-newspaper  site)  and  authoriser
(bank  or  credit-card  company). We  then  compare  several  micro-payment  models  and  discuss  their  various  advantages  and
disadvantages for supporting this pay-as-you-go purchasing model.
Assume a  reader wants  to  read an on-line newspaper. Using  subscription-based payment,  they would  first have  to
subscribe  to  the  newspaper  by  supplying  payment  details  (credit  card  etc)  and  the  newspaper  system would make  an
electronic  debit  to  pay  for  their  subscription,  by  communicating  with  an  authorisation  server.  The  user  would  then
normally go to the newspaper’s site where they login with an assigned user name and password. The newspaper looks up
their details and provides them access to the current edition if their subscription is still current. If the user’s subscription
has run out, they must renew this by authorising a payment from their credit card. Figure 1 (a) outlines the key interaction use
cases  for  this  scenario. Problems with  this  approach  are  that  there  is no  anonymity  for  the user  (the newspaper  system  knows
exactly who they are and when and what they read), they can not browse other newspapers without first subscribing to them too,
and they must pay for the whole newspaper, even if they want just one or two sections or articles.
An alternative approach  is a micro-payment model. The user first goes  to a broker and purchases “E-coins” using a single
macro-payment. These are stored in an E-wallet on the user’s machine. The user can then visit any newspaper site they wish, their
wallet giving the site an E-coin. Each time they view an article (or section or page, depending on the item charged for) their E-coin
is debited. The vendor redeems debits with the broker (for “real” money”) periodically e.g. each night/week. The user can move to
another site and unspent money associated with their E-coin is transferred from the first vendor to the second. If coins run out, theuser communicates with the broker and authorises another macro-payment debit. Figure 1 (b) outlines the key interaction use cases
for this scenario.
Read Article
Subscribe Make Macropayment
Debit Coin
Get E-coins
Read Article
Redeem Debits
(a) Typical macro-payment interaction model. (b) Possible micro-payment interaction model.
Figure 1.  Two on-line newspaper interaction scenarios.
The standard macropayment methods cannot be effectively or efficiently applied for buying inexpensive information
goods,  like single articles of an on-line newspaper, because  transaction costs are  too high. Encryption mechanisms used
are  slow  and  each  transaction  typically  “costs”  a  few  cents. Macro-payment  suits  spending  small  numbers  of  large
amounts. An Internet micropayment system would allow spending large numbers of small amounts of money at web sites
in exchange for various content or services, as in the E-newspaper scenario above. The design of micro-payment systems
are  usually  quite  different  from  existing  macro-payment  systems,  since  micropayment  systems  must  be  very  simple,
secure,  and  efficient, with  a  very  low  cost  per  transaction.  This must  also  be  taken  into  consideration  for  transaction
security: high security leads to high costs and computation time. For micropayments low security can be applied.
There are a number of payment systems in various stages of development from proposals in an academic literature to
systems  currently  in  commercial  trials.  Payment  protocols  that  are  exclusively  designed  for  electronic  payments  in  a
normal customer to vendor transaction can be categorized as either online or offline protocols. On-line payment systems
include  iKP, Netbill,  and CyberCash  [1,4,15].  In on-line  systems,  every payment needs  to be  authorized by  the  central
payment  authority  that  issued  the  coin  in order  to prevent double  spending. This  is  called  an  on-line  payment  scheme
since  the  issuing bank  is  involved  in every  transaction.   Unfortunately  the central organization very quickly becomes  a
potential bottle-neck and point-of-failure.
Protocols that do not rely on a third party (broker) to guard against double spending are called off-line micropayment
protocols, such as PayWord, MiniPay and NetPay [13,8,6]. These protocols are typically credit based. In some there is no
protection mechanism to prevent a customer from double spending, and spending more than the balance in their account
(overspending). Double  spending  is detected  at  the  time of  the  clearing process, when  the vendor  turns  in  the  received
coins  to  their  respective  banks.  Once  double  spending  is  detected,  the  malicious  customer  are  usually  penalized  and
expelled.  Though  off-line  protocols  have  received  a  lot  of  attention  from  researchers  and  cryptographers,  no  off-line
payment systems yet exist in the general public use.
Macro-payment Model
Within macropayment systems there are three distinct payment methods that are credit card based, digital cash, and
electronic check (account based). Credit based payment systems, such as SET and CyberCash [14,15], are both online and
post paid payment by credit card. There are many payment systems based on e-cash payment, such as DigiCash which is
online and prepaid payment system, and CAFÉ which  is offline and prepaid payment system  [5,3]. NetCheque employs
an account server to transfer and authenticate electronic checks [12]. Figure 2 represents a model how credit cards can be
used  in  a  secure  way  across  the  Internet.  The  protocol  is  called  CyberCash  that  provides  customer  software,  vendor
software and a gateway to support the secure communication of credit card transaction over the Internet.

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关键词:网络金融 英文版 Subscription Technologies disadvantage 金融 英文版 网络



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