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> 印刷工程
  • 基于色彩管理的色彩测量及其应用研究_印刷工程专业论文

    印刷工程专业论文范文 目 录 摘 要I AbstractII 目 录III 1 绪论1 1.1 色彩测量的现状与发展1 1.2 色彩测量在色彩管理中的作用2 1.3 课题研究的背景与意义2 1.4 课题研究的主要内容3 2 色彩与色彩测量原理4 2.1 色彩描述4 2.2 色彩测量的原理6 2.3 颜色测量的标准7 2.4 色彩测量仪器10 3 色彩测量数据处理13 3.1 色彩测量数据在色彩管理中的重要性13 3.2 色彩数据处理14 4 实验19 5 结论与展望24 5.1 结论24 5.2展望25 致 谢26 参考文献27 摘 要:本论文论述色彩对于印刷的重要性,特别是在印刷流程中实现色彩的真实呈现,现如今使用数字化印刷是实现的最佳方案,但前提是色彩数据正确,这就涉及到色彩测量方法与准确度。而最早期最简单的方法是用颜色名词,给它们每一个固有的名称,并冠以适当的形容词,但随着时间的前进,这样的办法根本无法满足人们对色彩的需求,这就需要使用色彩测量仪器进行测量,得到精确的数据,使得色彩具体化、有形化,方便印刷流程中所需数据的准确性。 本文将以色彩管理为理论基础,色彩测量为研究目标。研究、分析和比较各种色彩测量仪器的原理、方法和操作要点,并使用其中的测量仪器进行色彩测量,得到数据使得色彩管理有更坚实的基础,提高色彩管理的精确度,能更好的应用于印刷生产中。 关键词:色彩管理;色彩测量;数据处理 Abstract: This article Color is extremely important to the printing, especially in the printing process to achieve the true color . Now using digital printing is the best solution, but only if the color information is correct, which relates to color measurement methods and accuracy. The earliest and simplest way is to use color terms, give them the names of each of the inherent and known as the appropriate adjective.But as time progress, such an approach simply can not meet the needs of people of color, which requires color measuring to be accurate data, the color specific, tangible, and to facilitate the printing process required for the accuracy of the data. This article will be the theoretical basis for color management and color measurement . Research, analysis and comparison of different colors of the principle of measuring instruments, methods and operational elements, and use of measuring instruments which color measurement, color management makes the data have a more solid foundation to improve the accuracy of color management can be better used in printing production. Keywords:Color Management ;Color Measurement ;Data Processing

  • 专色墨调配研究_印刷工程专业论文范文

    印刷工程专业论文范文 目 录 中文摘要II 英文摘要III 目 录IV 1 绪论1 1.1 专色印刷在包装行业的应用1 1.2 研究背景3 1.3 研究目的4 1.4 研究内容4 2 油墨调色基础5 2.1 专色油墨的呈色原理5 2.2 基本色油墨5 2.3 深色油墨的调配6 2.4 浅色油墨的调配8 3 对专色配色的各种方法比较11 3.1 经验配色法11 3.2 仪器配色法14 3.3 计算机配色法14 3.4 PANTONE配色法16 展 望21 致 谢22 参考文献23 附件24 摘 要:本文介绍了专色印刷在包装行业的应用情况以及一些专色墨的配色原理,讨论了专色油墨调配的各种方法,指出了专色墨调配研究的必要性;通过对比发现计算机配色法是最方便、快捷、迅速、精确的,但是各个企业、公司没有统一的标准,以至于得不到广泛运用。另外,本文还详细介绍了国外发达国家广泛采用的美国PANTONE 配色法,PANTONE色彩系统作为颜色标准已是必然趋势,也是我们印刷、油墨业与国际接轨的比较快捷的方法之一。 关键词:专色油墨;配色;专色印刷 Abstract:In this paper, spot-color printing applications in the packaging industry, as well as a number of spot-color ink color theory, discussed the deployment of spot-color ink methods, pointing out the spot-color ink study the need for deployment; by comparing the color is found in computer the most convenient, efficient, rapid and accurate, but every company there is no uniform standard that is not widely used. In addition, the article also detailed the extensive use of foreign developed countries, the United States law PANTONE color matching, PANTONE color system as the standard color is an inevitable trend, which we print, ink industry in comparison with international practice, one of the shortcut method. Keywords: Spot-color ink ; Color ; Spot Color Printing

  • 纸张表面性能对油墨色域影响的研究_印刷工程专业论文

    印刷工程专业论文范文 目 录 摘要II Abstract.III 目 录IV 1 绪论1 1.1引言1 1.2 课题的主要研究内容和目的意义1 2 纸张表面性能及油墨颜色评价3 2.1纸张表面性能3 2.2 油墨颜色评价4 3 实验方案6 3.1实验材料与仪器6 3.2研究方法7 (一)实验的设计思路7 (二)研究过程7 4 纸张表面性能对油墨色域的影响分析8 4.1纸张表面性能的测试8 4.2各纸样的综合性能分析14 4.3 印刷纸表面性能与油墨色域的关系14 4.4 利用一元线性回归方法进一步分析纸张表面性能与油墨色域的关系18 5 纸张表面性能不良对油墨色域的影响21 5.1纸张性能不良的后果21 5.2 针对这些纸张表面性能提出印刷工艺中应采取的应对措施22 6 结论与展望24 6.1结论24 6.2展望24 致 谢25 主要参考文献26 摘要:纸张的表面性能是印刷工艺中一项很重要的指标,它包括白度、平滑度、光泽度等。它的性能直接影响油墨在印刷品上的色彩呈现,并进一步影响印刷品的质量。本论文研究了几种不同的常用纸张的表面性能以及对油墨色域的影响,通过纸张适性、数字印刷实验,对纸张表面性能与油墨色域之间的关系进行研究,为改进印刷工艺和提高印刷质量提供可靠的科学依据。 关键词:纸张表面性能;油墨色域;白度;光泽度;平滑度 Abstract: The surface properties of paper printing technology in a very important indicator, which includes brightness, smoothness, gloss.Its performance directly affects the color of ink printed on the show, and further affect the print quality.This thesis used several different surface properties of paper and ink color gamut on the impact of adaptive through the paper, digital printing experiments, the surface properties of paper and ink color gamut, the relationship between the research can improve the printing process andimprove the print quality to provide reliable scientific evidence. Keywords: Paper surface properties; ink color gamut; brightness; gloss; smoothness

  • 计算机配色研究_印刷工程专业论文范文

    印刷工程专业论文范文 目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目录III 1. 绪论1 1.1 课题背景2 1.2 课题目的 2 2. 实验部分3 2.1 实验设计 3 3. 建立数据库8 3.1 测量底材8 3.2 创建数据库9 3.3 配色15 4.结论分析21 4.1 影响配色准确率的原因分析21 4.2 计算机配色实验室所需条件和注意事项22 5.总结23 致谢24 参考文献25 附录126 附录227 附录328 附录429 附录530 附录631 附录732 附录833 附录934 附录1035 摘要:现代计算机配色通常由分光光度计和计算机配色软件组成,分光光度计测取颜色样品着色基质和染料等色彩的原始数据后经过计算机运算处理给出配方。当复制色和目标色之间由于原料性质和工艺参数等因素的影响存在较大颜色差异时,由计算机配色系统对所用配方进行修正,将色差控制在允许范围内。本文通过测取不同浓度油墨分别在80g胶版纸和157铜版纸的L、a、b值建立数据库,进行配色,经修正表明配方基本正确。并且讨论了配方色差较大产生的主要原因,提出了减少色差产生的措施,提高配色效率。 关键词:数据库;修正;色差;配色效率 Abstract: Modern computer color matching is usually color spectrophotometer and computer software, the color samples measured spectrophotometer colored dyes, such as matrix and the original color data processing is given through the computer formula. When the target color and color reproduction between the nature of raw materials and process parameters and other factors when there is a big difference in color by computer color matching system used in formulation of an amendment to allow the difference in the scope of control. In this paper, measured in different concentrations of ink and paper 80g offset paper 157 of the L, a, b values of the establishment of databases to carry out color matching, as amended, shows that the basic right formula. And discussed the formula have the main reason for the larger color difference is proposed to reduce the chromatic aberration arising from measures to improve the efficiency of matching colors. Key words:Database; amendment; chromatism; matching efficiency

  • CTP制版工艺的数字化与标准化探讨_印刷工程专业论文

    印刷工程专业论文范文 目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目录III 1 绪论1 1.1 CTP技术的应用现状1 1.2 CTP技术的种类及优势2 2 CTP制版工艺流程的关键技术4 2.1 文件输入处理4 2.2 页面拼版5 2.3 数码打样5 2.4 色彩管理6 3 CTP工艺流程中影响网点复制的因素8 3.1 制版工艺中的影响因素8 3.2 印刷工艺的影响因素9 3.3 其它影响因素11 4 CTP印版成像质量测试实验12 4.1 测试标版的设计12 4.2 实验设备、仪器、材料及其参数15 4.3 实验内容16 4.4 实验数据分析与评价16 4.5 结果与措施18 5 CTP工艺的数字化、规范化22 6 结论23 致 谢24 参考文献25 摘 要:在印刷技术迅猛发展和市场竞争日益激烈的今天,CTP技术是印刷数字化时代重要的研究与应用热点,也是印刷业从传统工作模式转变为现代工作模式的一个重要契机。CTP的种类可以分为多种,且各有优缺点,其工艺流程中的关键技术包括文件输入处理、页面拼版、数码打样、色彩管理。本文从CTP制版、印刷和其他方面分析了CTP工艺流程中影响网点复制的因素,并通过CTP印版成像质量控制的实验,检测了网点扩大值、实地密度和相对反差值,探讨了印版的线性化和印刷网点扩大补偿,并提出了制版工艺的优化方案。最后总结了CTP工艺的数字化、规范化。 关键词:CTP;标准化;网点扩大;网点复制 Abstract: Nowadays, with the rapid development of printing technology and drastic business competition, the CTP technology has become an important topic of research and application in the era of digital printing. It's also a good chance for graphic art to change from the traditional mode to a modern one. CTP can be divided into many types, and each CTP technology had its own advantages and markets. The key technologies of CTP process include files imputing and processing, pages make-up, digital proofing, and color management. Form the angles of plate-making, printing and digital image presetting, the factors which impact dot reproduction results in CTP process were analyzed in this article. The experiment of imaging quality control by CTP process was carried out, and dot gain, solid ink density and relative contrast value were tested, the linear of plate and dot gain compensation were discussed, the optimum proposal of plate –making process was proposed. In the end, the CTP digitalization and standardization were summarized. Keywords: CTP;Standardization;Dot gain;Dot reproduction

  • 环保油墨的使用现状与发展趋势探析_印刷工程专业论文

    印刷工程专业论文范文 目 录 摘要 Abstract 引言……………………………………………………………………………………1 1、环保油墨国内外使用现状与发展状况分析 ……………………………………3 1.1国内外的相关环保政策………………………………………………………3 1.2国外油墨行业概况……………………………………………………………4 1.3国内油墨行业概况……………………………………………………………5 2、绿色印刷的必由之路——环保油墨………………………………………………6 2.1国内油墨行业掀起绿色环保风暴……………………………………………6 2.2全球绿色印刷业发展概况……………………………………………………7 3、企业环保油墨运用实例剖析……………………………………………………10 3.1水性油墨的组成…………………………………………………………… 10 3.2水性油墨的安全环保特性………………………………………………… 12 3.3水性油墨性能对印刷质量的影响………………………………………… 18 4、环保油墨将促使印刷业走上可持续发展道路…………………………………21 4.1可持续发展的基本概念…………………………………………………… 21 4.2油墨的危害性……………………………………………………………… 21 4.3绿色环保油墨与可持续发展战略………………………………………… 22 4.4印刷企业可持续发展战略初探…………………………………………… 23 5、结论与展望………………………………………………………………………25 参考文献…………………………………………………………………………… 27 致谢………………………………………………………………………………… 29 附样………………………………………………………………………………… 30 摘 要 随着环境保护呼声日益高涨,作为绿色印刷的主要组成部分,对油墨的环保要求也日益提高。在当今“绿色”、“环保”呼声高涨的形势下,印刷作为一个对环境有一定影响的产业,也开始关注自身的行为,开始参与到这个世界范围的行动中来。油墨,作为印刷的第二大原辅材料,也开始了自己的绿色之路。 本文以此为背景,通过对环保油墨在国内外使用情况与发展趋势的对比、环保油墨促成绿色印刷之路、企业环保油墨运用实例剖析、印刷业走可持续发展道路的四方面深层次描写来对环保油墨的使用现状与发展趋势进行探析。 关键词:绿色印刷 环保油墨 绿色贸易壁垒 印刷油墨标准化 可持续发展政策 Abstract With the growing voice of Environmental Protection ,ink which is the main component of green printing ,the environmental requirement are also increasing :under the situation that ,as a environmental impractive industry ,printing industry begin to pay attention to the action ,commence to join the worldwide activity .As the second accessorial material of printing, ink starts its green road. As a background about this, through comparing the use and the development trend of green ink in the domestic and international situation ,the green printing road green ink contributed to ,the sustainable development of printing industry ,these four-depth’s description to illuminate the use status and the development trend of green ink. Key word: Green printing Green ink Green trade Barrier Standardization of printing inks Sustainable development policies

  • 印刷测控条的设计与应用_印刷工程专业论文范文

    印刷工程专业论文范文 目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目 录III 1 课题的研究背景与意义1 2 测控条在印刷质量控制中的作用2 2.1 印刷品质量控制要素2 2.2 印刷测控条2 2.3 测控条的分类3 2.4 测控条的原理及使用目的4 2.5 常见的测控条4 3 测控条的制作12 3.1 渐变条检测段12 3.2 单色及多色叠印实地段12 3.3 灰平衡检测段13 3.4 重影检测段14 3.5 对比度检测段14 3.6 滑动变形检测段15 3.7 分辨率检测段15 4 结论16 致谢17 参考文献18 摘要:随着社会和科学技术的发展,现今的印刷品越来越精致,人们对印刷质量的要求也越来越高。印刷质量的检测与控制可以分为基于密度测量的检测与控制和基于色度测量的检测与控制。传统的印刷质量检测与控制是建立在密度测量基础上的。测控条为控制印刷质量提供了直观、简便的方法。 针对企业对于印刷质量的要求,本次实验使用Coredraw图文制作软件进行制作,参考现有的测控条,根据实际的需求,设计了本次实验。该测控条由渐变条检测段、单色及多色叠印实地段、灰平衡检测段、重影检测段等七个检测段组成。结果表明:自己设计测控条可以有效地控制印刷质量,且非常的方便、实用。 . 关键词:测控条;印刷质量;套准 Abstract:With the social and scientific and technological development, more and more sophisticated now in print, people are printing more and more high quality requirements. Print quality measurement and control can be divided into detection-based density measurement and control and color measurement based on the detection and control. Traditional print quality inspection and control is established on the basis of density measurement. Control strip for the control of print quality provides an intuitive, easy way. For enterprise requirements for print quality, this experiment made use of Coredraw graphics production software, refer to the existing control strip, according to the actual needs, the design of the control strip. Article by the gradual change of the control strip test section, monochrome and multicolor overprint on the ground segment, gray balance test section, test section of ghosting in seven test blocks. The results showed that: Control Strip own design, can effectively control the print quality, and very cheap to use. Keywords: Measurement and Control Article ; Printing Quality; Registering

  • 基于包装印刷的色度测量的研究_印刷工程专业论文范文

    印刷工程专业论文范文 目 录 中文摘要Ⅰ 英文摘要Ⅱ 目录Ⅲ 1 绪论1 1.1 概述1 1.2 研究的背景及意义1 1.3 课题的提出和研究的主要内容2 2 色度学理论基础3 2.1 颜色视觉3 2.2 CIE标准色度学系统3 2.3 色度6 2.4 影响印刷品呈色的因素分析7 3 实验方案10 3.1 实验目的和要求10 3.2 实验基本内容10 3.3 实验设备及材料10 3.4 实验环境13 3.5 实验原理13 3.6 实验过程设计14 3.7 实验数据和结果分析14 3.9 此实验存在的缺陷24 4 结论与展望25 4.1 结论25 4.2 展望25 致 谢26 参考文献27 摘 要:在包装印刷行业中,印刷品色彩质量检测至关重要,关系着印刷品直接质量。本论文主要研究检测印刷色彩质量三大方法之一——色度测量方法在包装印刷中的使用。 由于色度检测没建立起一套完整的色度理论检测体系,目前应用受到较大制约。本文从色度学基础入手,分析作为印刷行业检测印品色彩质量的色度测量的原理和作用,阐述了影响印刷品呈色的影响因素,并从这方面着手通过设计具体的实验方案验证色度测量在印刷品检测中体现的作用。 分光光度计作为最为合理的色度测量仪在此实验中担当重任,在标准照明和观察条件下,对于在同种油墨下不同纸张性能的色度测量和在同种纸张的情况下不同油墨的色度测量的测试。实验模拟中排除一些在实际印刷中难以消除的因素影响,在油墨和纸张两个可控因素下分别对其进行数据分析,并总结出根据油墨和纸张的两个性能进行适当的颜色补偿,在生产过程中的具有实际指导意义,使之能在色度测量的完整理论建立并规范化中起到一定的作用。 关键词:色差;色度测量;分光光度计;包装印刷 Abstract: In packing printing, the quality inspection of the printing products is crucial, directly relating to the quality. This paper mainly studies one of the three methods in quality detection of color printing——the use of chromaticity detection in packaging printing. Due to unestablish a complete examination system of chromaticity detection, so the theory restricted largerly. So the paper, starting from the basic colorimetry, I analyse its principle and function as a test of the quality of colour printing color measurement,then it expounds the influence factors affecting the color generation of printing products , and by designing a concrete experiment to test the function of chromaticity detection in packing printing. As spectrophotometer is the most reasonable color measurement instrument bears responsibility in this experiment, under the standardization of the lighting and observation, include chromaticity detection in the same ink under different paper performance and in the same paper performance under ink. In the simulation experiments exclude some difficult to eliminate the influent factors in actual printing, analyse datas under the two controllable factors—— ink and paper to color compensation, finds the factors to experimental data and summarizes the significance in the practical production process, enable to have a complete theory in colorimeter and plays a role in standardization. Keywords:chromatism; chromaticity detection; spectrophotometer; packing printing;

  • 有限空间内印刷废气的扩散特性_印刷工程专业论文范文

    印刷工程专业论文范文 目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要III 目录Ⅴ 1. 绪论1 1.1 印刷过程产生的废气污染概述1 1.2 分析印刷过程中产生有害气体的情况,确定本文研究对象2 1.3 气体扩散模型的概况3 1.4 影响气体扩散的因素的研究及分析 5 1.5 本文的研究目标及内容 6 2. 气体扩散模拟软件FLUENT概述7 2.1 FLUENT软件简介7 2.2 FLUENT数值模拟7 2.3 本章总结 8 3. 气体扩散模拟的数学模型和数值方法9 3.1 数学模型9 3.1.1 基本假设9 3.1.2 基本控制方程 9 3.2 湍流模型9 3.3 数值方法 9 3.4 本章总结 14 4.有限空间内甲苯气体的数值模拟及分析15 4.1 利用FLUENT软件建立立体长方体模型 15 4.2 设置相关参数,进行甲苯气体扩散数值模拟计算 16 4.3 截取FLUENT软件数值模拟时的相关图片并进行分 18 4.4 本章总结 23 5. 结论 24 致谢25 参考文献26 摘 要:目前环境污染日益严重,典型油墨挥发气体的有机挥发物和毒性越来越得到人们的关注,这些印刷废气的扩散特性值得深入的研究。在这样的背景下,国际上逐渐兴起了对有害气体扩散问题的研究,而这些研究又带来了扩散模式和数学模拟等理论的不断创新和迅速发展。近年来,伴随着计算机技术的高速发展,研究者们把先进的计算机技术运用到数值模拟领域,开发出了多种实用的数值模拟软件,其中FLUENT软件就是被广泛应用在传热和流动领域的数值模拟软件。本文针对有限空间内的印刷废气的扩散,运用FLUENT软件对其扩散过程进行了数值模拟,得到印刷废气的不同时间的空间分布,扩散方向和浓度分布状况,并且分析了扩散过程中的一些特殊现象,这对印刷废气的相关排放的设计提供了可借鉴的指导意见。本文的主要内容和结论主要是: (1)参考相关文献和资料,分析印刷过程中产生的废气的主要成分。并且确定要研究的对象,同时介绍气体扩散模型的发展概况和气体扩散的影响因素。 (2)介绍气体扩散模拟软件的发展概况,阐述FLUENT气体扩散模拟软件概况和数值模拟两方面内容。 (3)了解气体扩散模拟的数学模型和数值方法。 (4)结合上述的数学模型,利用FLUENT软件对有限空间长方体内的甲苯气体的扩散进行数值模拟,并且根据数值模拟计算的结果,截取相关的分布图形,讨论模拟长方体内的甲苯气体的时空分布,浓度分布特点,气体扩散方向等。 关键词:有限空间;气体扩散;数值模拟;浓度分布 Abstract: At present, the environmental pollution is turning worse , the organic volatile compound and toxic gas of typical ink volatile gas has been more attention, the diffusion characteristics of these printing emissions is worth in-depth studying. In this context, the international gradually rises interesting of proliferation of harmful gas researching, and these studies bring continuous innovation and fast developing in diffusion model and the theories of mathematical modeling. In recent years, along with the rapid development of computer technology, researchers use the advanced computer technology to the field of numerical simulation and develop a variety of useful numerical simulation software, and the FLUENT is one kind of software that widely used in the field of heat transfer and flow numerical simulation. For the exhaust of the diffusion of printing in the limited space, this article uses FLUENT software for its diffusion process simulation, gets the space distributing of printing emissions at the different time, realizes the pervasion direction and concentration distribution, and analyses some special phenomena in the diffusion process, it gives the effective guidance to the design of exhaust-related emissions . The main contents and conclusions of this article: (1) Refer to the relevant literature and data, analysis of the main ingredient of printing process emissions. And confirms the targets for investigation, introduces the development profiles of gas diffusion model and the effect factors of gas diffusion. (2) Describe the development survey of gas diffusion model software, expatiates two aspects about the gas diffusion simulation software of the FLUENT and the numerical simulation. (3) Understand the mathematical model of gas diffusion simulation and numerical methods. (4) Combine the mathematical model which mentions above , uses FLUENT software to numerically simulate gas diffusion about the toluene within the limited rectangular space numerical simulation, and bases on the results of numerical simulation, intercepts the related distribution graphics, discusses the temporal distribution, concentration distribution, diffusion direction of toluene gas in the rectangular spatial. Keywords: Limited Space; Diffusion of Gases; Numerical Study; Concentration Distribution

  • G7在我国印刷企业中的应用研究_印刷工程专业论文范文

    印刷工程专业论文范文 目 录 摘 要I 目 录III 1 绪论1 1.1 引言1 1.2 研究现状与趋势3 1.3 研究内容3 1.4 课题研究意义4 2 G7技术的基本原理5 2.1 G7的工作原理5 2.2 G7工艺方法5 2.3 G7工艺实际应用实验及数据分析8 3 G7实验实例13 3.1 材料测试13 3.2 方法实践15 3.3 测试结论18 4 G7工艺的规范要求和测试要点22 4.1 印刷企业应用G7 工艺的规范要求22 5 G7工艺的优点25 5.1 使用G7工艺,可以为我们带来的好处25 6 G7的现状与前景26 7 总结与建议28 致 谢29 参考文献30 摘要:随着科技的进步和印刷技术的飞速发展,人们对精美印刷品的需求越来越多。高质量的精美印刷品早已成为人们生活中不可或缺的组成部分。现今,印前数字网络化、印刷多色高效化和颜色精确的高质化是印刷市场的普遍追求。而现代色彩管理,通过对各种设备呈色特性的数字化描述和颜色特征文件的色空间转换,突破了不同设备、材料、环境对于生产的制约,实现“所见即所得”。其中的G7技术是GRACoL委员会提出以控制中性灰平衡为主要手段的工艺方法来控制印品质量,它主要是通过分光光度计对印张上中性灰平衡部分进行测量控制, 以一个新的NPDC曲线(Neutral Print Density Curve)来匹配图像的视觉效果。本文浅谈对G7技术在我国印刷企业中的应用研究。研究表明:GRACol 7技术规范仍需考虑进一步的改进,提出公差范围,完善G7的标准化,国际化。 关键词:GRACol 7;G7工艺;色彩管理;灰平衡;NPDC曲线; Abstract: With the development of science including printing technology, there has been more public’s requirement to exquisite printing product. High qualified print takes an important part in people’s daily life. Now, online digital preprint process, efficient multicolor print process and qualified accuracy of color figures leads the market demand. In modern color management, through controlling the color spaces transformation of digital definition and color feature files among the equipments, it shift the constraints from different devices, materials and environment, make the WYSWYG come true. Besides, G7 technology is found by GRACol committee to control the quality of print based on mainly Gray Balance process, it generally use the spectrophotometer to measure and operate the Gray Balance part, making a new NPDC adjustment of visual effect. In this paper utilization research of G7 technique in Chinese printing enterprises was introduced near to professional, and it was indicated by research that GRACoL 7 need to be improved. Put its tolerance area forward, bring the standard to completion internationally as well. Key words: GRACol 7;G7 process;color management;Gray Balance;NPDC;