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  • 空调自动控制其设计

    目 录 摘要……………………………………………………………………………. . .……………..II Abstract……………………………………………………………………………...III 1 前言……………………………………………………………………………………………1 1.1 研究的背景和意义………………………………………………………………. . ..1 1.2 目前主要技术现状………………………………………………………………. . ..1 1.3 本课题的主要任务………………………………………………………………. . ..2 2 总体设计方案……………………………………………………………………………. . .3 2.1 遥控器设计的简单介绍 ……………………………………………………………..3 2.2 遥控器总体方案设计………………………………………….... …………………...3 3 具体方案设计 ……………………………………………………………………………...4 3.1 空调遥控器的硬件设计……………………………………………………………..4 3.1.1 CPU AT89S51及其外围电路设计 4 3.1.2 键盘的硬件设计 …………………………………………………………….12 3.1.3 温度检测电路的设计………………………………………………………...13 3.1.4 湿度检测电路的设计………………………………………………………...15 3.1.5 红外发射电路设计.…………………………………………………………..16 3.1.6 LED显示方案设计 18 3.1.7 日历芯片选择方案.…………………………………………………………..19 3.2 空调遥控器的软件设计……………………………………………………………..21 3.2.1 键盘的软件设计.…………………………………………………………….21 3.2.2 DS1302芯片设置的软件设计…… ………………………………………….23 3.2.3 温度检测的软件设计..……………………………………………………….26 3.2.4 温度设置的软件设计程序……………………………………………………27 3.2.5 LED显示软件设计……………………………………………………………29 4 总结…………………………………………………………………………………………...31 致谢……………………………………………………………………………………………...32 参考文献……………………………………………………………………………..33 摘 要 近年来,随着经济的迅猛发展和科学技术的突飞猛进,人们的生活水平得到了极大的提高。空调、电视机、电冰箱、洗衣机、微波炉等作为普通的家用电器早已铺天盖地的进入了寻常百姓家。这些家电随着技术的进步,其质量和性能的提高从没有停止过。然而,人们对家电的要求并不仅限于此,简单方便易操作是人们追求的一个目标。因此,这些家电在销售时通常会附带有相应的遥控器,如空调遥控器、电视遥控器等等。本设计就是为了现代人们对家电更高要求的满足而设计的空调自动控制遥控器。 目前的遥控器普遍采用的是红外技术。该技术使用850nm的红外光传输语音及数据,能够实现点对点的简单的数据传送和文件同步。然而,红外技术也有着其固有的缺点。例如,它要求设备之间必须具有无障碍的直线信道,而且通信范围小,穿透能力差、支持的设备数目少等,因此红外遥控器并不是十分理想。 声控遥控器的缺陷则更明显,它通常所需接受的声音一般都比较尖锐,从而容易误操作,因此也不理想。 蓝牙技术是另一种可选的方案,它具有功耗低、操作过程简单、通信距离远、支持设备数目多、不需要直视信道等优点。但蓝牙技术的缺点也很明显。首先,蓝牙技术复杂度高,因此蓝牙硬件设计、软件及其协议编程不但复杂而且昂贵;其次,蓝牙芯片价格较高。 但是为了节省成本又不影响设计结果,因此在本设计中的遥控器采用的是仍是红外技术。它具有结构简单、系统的技术复杂度小、成本低、方向性好、信息安全性高、可用频率资源多等优点。 本设计包括硬件和软件设计两个部分。硬件部分包括红外发射模块的设计,CPU 89S51模块及其外围电路的设计,LED显示、键盘、人机交互模块的设计,温、湿度传感器模块的设计。软件部分主要包括温、湿度的检测与设定,开、关机时间的设定。 关键词:单片机,温、湿度传感器,红外发射 Abstract In recent years, with rapid economic development and scientific and technological advances, people's standard of living has been greatly improved. Air-conditioning, TV, refrigerators, washing machines, microwave ovens and other common household appliances as overwhelming already entered the home of ordinary people. These appliances with technological advances, the quality and performance improvement has not stopped. However, the requirements of the appliances are not limited to, simple easy-to-use is a goal pursued. Therefore, when in the sales of these appliances are usually attached to a corresponding remote control, such as air-conditioning remote control, TV remote control and so on. The design is to modern people's higher home appliances are designed to meet the requirements of automatic remote control air-conditioning. At present, the remote control is commonly used infrared technology. The use of the technology 850nm infrared light transmission of voice and data, to achieve the simple point-to-point data transfer and file synchronization. However, the infrared technology also has its inherent shortcomings. For example, it requires equipment must be accessible between the straight-line channel, and the communication range of small, poor penetration, the number of small devices such as infrared remote control is therefore not very satisfactory. Voice-activated remote control is even more obvious shortcomings, it is usually the voice of the general requirements for acceptance are more acute, thus easy to mistake, it is not ideal. Bluetooth technology is another alternative approach, which has low power consumption, simple operation, communication distance, the number of support equipment, and do not have the advantages of open channel. However, the shortcomings of Bluetooth technology is obvious. First of all, the high complexity of Bluetooth technology, the Bluetooth hardware design, software programming and its agreement not only complex and expensive; Secondly, the higher the price of Bluetooth chips. However, in order to reduce costs without affecting the design, so in the design of the remote control is still used infrared technology. It has a simple structure, the technical complexity of the system of small, low cost, good orientation and information safe and available frequency resources, etc.. The design includes hardware and software design in two parts. Hardware, including the design of infrared transmitter module, CPU 89S51 module and its peripheral circuit design, LED display, keyboard, Human-Computer Interaction module design, temperature and humidity sensor module design. Some of the major software, including temperature and humidity testing and configuration, the shutdown time set. Key words: microcontroller, temperature and humidity sensors, infrared emission

  • 基于SVPWM技术的交流传动系统仿真研究

    目 录 摘要 II Abstract III 1 绪论 1 1.1 交流传动技术的国内外现状 1 1.2 PWM技术在交流传动中的应用 1 1.3 MATLAB计算机仿真软件 2 1.3.1 MATLAB仿真软件简介 2 1.3.2 SIMULINK软件包 2 2 交流传动中的PWM技术 3 2.1 SPWM技术及其工作原理 3 2.2 SVPWM技术及其工作原理 3 2.2.1 空间矢量的定义 3 2.2.2 电压与磁链空间矢量的关系 8 3 交流调速控制方式和异步电机数学模型 9 3.1 异步电机调速的基本控制方式 9 3.2 异步电机数学模型 9 3.2.1 异步电机在三相轴系下的模型 9 3.2.2 异步电机的坐标变换 10 3.2.3 异步电机在两相轴系下的模型 11 3.3 矢量控制系统的基本思想 13 4 仿真模型的建立 16 4.1 两相轴系下异步电机的仿真模型 16 4.1.1 3s/2s变换模型及仿真结果 16 4.1.2 2s/2r变换模型及仿真结果 17 4.2 坐标变换仿真模型 17 4.2.1 SVPWM仿真模型的建立 17 4.2.2 SVPWM 仿真模型及仿真结果 19 4.3 两相旋转轴系下异步电机的仿真模型 22 5 VVVF调速仿真 24 6 结论 26 致谢 27 参考文献 28 摘 要 脉宽调制是利用微处理器的数字输出来对模拟电路进行控制的一种非常有效的技术,广泛应用于测量、通信、功率控制与变换等许多领域,它以三相波形整体生成效果为前提,以逼近电机气隙的理想圆形旋转磁场轨迹为目的,用逆变器不同的开关模式所产生的实际磁通去逼近基准圆磁通,由它们的比较结果决定逆变器的开关,形成PWM波形。本文主要分析SPWM、SVPWM控制方案的原理,以MATLAB/SIMULINK为平台,建立两相坐标系上的异步电机仿真模型,并在SVPWM方式下对交流调速系统进行仿真。 关键词:交流传动、SVPWM、仿真 Abstract Pulse width modulation is the use of the microprocessor to the digital output of analog circuits for the control of a very effective technology, widely used in measurement, communications, power control and many other fields with the transformation, which generates three-phase waveform of the overall effect of the premise in order to approximate the ideal of the electrical air-gap circular trajectory for the purpose of rotating magnetic field with different inverter switching model to the actual magnetic flux close to the base circle, the results from their decision to switch the inverter to form a PWM waveform. In this paper, analysis of SPWM, SVPWM control principle to MATLAB/SIMULINK as a platform to build on the coordinates of two-phase induction motor simulation model, and under way in the SVPWM AC Drive system simulation.In modern society, the measurement of electrical power is becoming more and more important. The traditional way of power measurement is manual, its accuracy is not good and sometimes troublesome. Along with life quality enhancement, the measurement is gradually going to wireless and remote control. Lets the measurement become more accurate, more reasonable, is the development direction. Keywords:AC drive、SVPWM、Simulation

  • 轴承加热器控制回路设计

    目 录 摘要……………………………………………………………………………. . .….................П Abstract………………………………………………………………………. . .……….........Ш 1 前言…………………………………………………………………………………………..1 2 总体设计方案……………………………………………………………………………. ..2 2.1 系统总体结构及指标要求……………………………………………………….........2 2.2系统的硬件示意图……………… ……………………………………………….........3 2.3 系统程序框图………………………………………………… ……… ………...... ...4 3 单片机的选取及其应用…………………………………………… …………................5 3.1单片机的引脚示意图…………………………………………… ……………………5 3.2 PIC16F877的数据存储器……………………………………… ……………………7 3.3单片机的寄存器表……………………………………………………………………9 3.4程序存储器的分页………………………………………………… … ……………10 3.5CPU特性……………………………………………………………… …… …………10 3.6 模/数转换器模块……………………………………………… …… ………………10 4 热敏电阻的选取 …………………...……...……...……...……...……...……...……13 4.1温度传感器的种类……………………………………………………………………15 4.2温度传感器的选取……………………………………………………………………15 4.3 热电阻如何选型………………………………………………………………………15 5 控制回路的设计………………………………...………...………...……….............….17 5.1控制回路的基本原理及分类…………………………………………………………17 5.2控制回路的基本要求…………………………………………………………………17 5.3控制回路的数据采集…………………………………………………………………18 5.4 控制回路的键盘输入…………………………………………………………………19 6 结论……………………………………………………………………………………….....22 致谢………………………………………………………………………………………….....24 参考文献……………………………………………………………………………………....25 附录1……………………………………………………………………………………..........27 摘 要 传统的轴承加热,以简单加热法最常见,利用感应加热法进行轴承的装配成为在过盈配合中使用最好的一种方法。与其他的加热方法相比较,感应式轴承加热器具有更多优点。轴承加热过程需要对其加热时间与温度进行较为精确的控制,因此需要设计一套相应的温度控制系统给予控制。本文设计的温度控制系统是以PIC 16F877单片机为控制核心。整个系统硬件部分包括温度检测系统、信号放大系统、A/D 转换、单片机、I/O 设备、控制执行系统等,具有检测并显示轴承温度,预设加热温度,LED显示加热状态(加热中与加热完成)功能。该温度控制系统具有处理能力强、运行速度快、功耗低等优点,控制简单方便,测量范围较广,精度较高。 关键词: 轴承加热器;单片机;控制回路,热敏电阻 Abstract In the traditional bearing assembly, heating is the most common method induction heating for bearing assembly is the best method in alignment. Compare to other heating methods, inductive bearing heater has more advantages. The heating time and temperature need more accurate control in the bearing heating process, so we need to design a set of corresponding temperature control system to control. The temperature control system that designed in this paper takes microcontroller PIC16F877 as its control core. The entire system hardware parts include temperature testing system, amplification system, A/D conversion, SCM, I/O device, control system, etc, with the function including bearing temperature examination and display, heating temperature setting, heating condition display by LED(heating or heated). The temperature control system has advantages including strong handling ability , fast operation, low power consumption, simple and convenient control, wide range measure and high precision. Keywords:bearing heater ; temperature ; single chip ;human-machine interface

  • 基于PSIM仿真的有源滤波器的研究

    目 录 摘要……………………………………………………………………………. . .……………Ⅱ Abstract……………………………………………………………….....................Ⅲ 1 绪论…………………………………………………………………………………………1 1.1 问题的提出……………………………………………………………………………...1 1.2 谐波研究的意义………………………………………………………………………...1 1.3 谐波抑制………………………………………………………………………………...2 1.4 国内外有关有源滤波及混合滤波的研究现状………………………………………...2 1.5 本文主要研究的内容 3 2 滤波器的特性研究………………………………………………………………………4 2.1 无源LC滤波器….………………………………………………………………….…..4 2.2 有源滤波器………………………………………………………………….... . ............6 2.2.1 APF的类型、构成和工作原理………………………………………………6 2.2.2 电力有源滤波器的分类………………………………………………………7 2.2.3 APF的前景……………………………………………………………………8 2.2.4 PPF与APF的比较……………………………………………………………9 3 瞬时谐波电流检测技术的研究………………………………………………..11 3.1 谐波电流检测的研究现状……………………………………………………………..11 3.2 基于瞬时无功功率理论谐波电流检测方法研究……………………………………..12 3.2.1 传统的功率理论回顾………………………………………………………...12 3.2.2 瞬时无功功率理论概述………………………………………………….......13 3.2.3 瞬时功率理论的pq谐波电流检测法.………………………………………14 3.2.4 谐波电流检测方法研究 15 4 PWM控制方法的研究 16 4.1 PWM控制的基本原理 16 4.2 滞环比较方法 16 4.3 三角波比较方式 17 4.4 空间矢量控制方法……………………………………………………………………..18 4.5 无差拍控制方法…………………………………………………………………….19 5 并联型滤波系统的设计和仿真……………………………………………………..20 5.1 PSIM仿真软件………………………………………………………………………20 5.2 主电路设计………………………………………………………………………….20 5.3 仿真结果及分析…………………………………………………………………….22 6 总结………………………………………………………………………………………24 致谢…………………………………………………………………………………………...25 参考文献………………………………………………………………………………………26 摘要 随着电力电子装置的广泛应用及大量非线性负荷的投入运行,电力系统的谐波污染也日趋严重。传统用LC滤波装置虽然简单,但有一定的局限性。电力电子技术的发展,为电力系统谐波的治理提供了新的方法,采用有源滤波(Active Power Filter-APF)技术既可对电网的谐波进行抑制,改善电力线路的电流波形,还能补偿电网的无功功率,提高电网的功率因数。有源电力滤波器(APF)由于能动态补偿电网中各次谐波,且响应速度快而正成为治理谐波污染的最有效设备之一。电力有源滤波器作为目前谐波抑制非常行之有效的措施,对它的研究很有价值。 本文从传统的PPF(无源滤波器)和目前对谐波抑制非常有效的APF(有源滤波器)的比较入手,对两种滤波器进行全面的比较,从结构上和电路原理上分析了电力有源滤波器抑制谐波的原理,本文主要分析目前较为典型的并联型APF及其拓扑结构的特点。 本文以并联型APF为对象,选用基于瞬时无功功率理论的谐波电流的检测方法,克服了传统谐波电流检测方法实时性能差的缺点,并且容易实现,并且运用PWM的控制方法,运用PSIM仿真软件建立模型,进行仿真成功。 关键词:电力有源滤波器;谐波;瞬时无功功率理论;PSIM仿真; Abstract Power electronic devices with a wide range of applications and a large number of non-linear load operation, the harmonic pollution in power systems are becoming increasingly serious. The traditional simple LC filter, but have some limitations. The development of power electronics technology for the management of power system harmonics provides a new method, the use of Active Filter (Active Power Filter-APF) technology can be carried out on the grid harmonic suppression, power lines to improve the current waveform, but also compensation for reactive power grid and improve grid power factor. Active power filter (APF) as a result of dynamic compensation to the various harmonic grid, and the fast response and harmonic pollution is becoming the treatment of one of the most effective equipment. Active power filter harmonic current suppression, as a very effective measures, the study of it very valuable. This article from the traditional PPF (filter out), and currently very effective harmonic suppression APF (APF) to start the comparison of two types of filters to conduct a comprehensive comparison of the structure and analysis of the circuit power active principle of harmonic suppression filter, this paper, a more typical analysis of the current shunt APF topology and its characteristics. In this paper, shunt APF for the object, chosen based on instantaneous reactive power theory of the harmonic current detection methods, overcome the traditional harmonic current detection method of the shortcomings of poor real-time performance, and easy to implement. And the use of PWM control method, the use of PSIM simulation software simulation to establish a successful model. Keywords:Active power filter; harmonics; instantaneous reactive power theory; PSIM simulation

  • 模糊控制应用

    目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目录III 前言1 1. 模糊控制的概述2 1.1 模糊控制的基本理论2 1.2 模糊控制的特点2 1.3 模糊数学的兴起与模糊控制的发展3 1.3.1 模糊数学的兴起3 1.3.2 模糊控制的发展3 1.4 模糊控制的应用状况和发展趋势4 1.4.1 模糊控制的应用状况4 1.4.2 模糊控制的发展趋势5 2. 系统仿真的介绍7 2.1 系统仿真的发展与现状 7 2.2 系统仿真的一般控制方法8 2.3 应用MATLAB进行仿真的现状8 3.MATLAB仿真软件的介绍11 3.1 MATLAB简介11 3.2 MATLAB主要结构及工具箱简介11 3.2.1 MATLAB的主要组成部分11 3.2.2 MATALB软件工具箱简介12 3.3 MATLAB的功能与特点12 3.3.1 MATLAB主要功能12 3.3.2 MATLAB主要特点13 3.3.3 MATLAB7.0的新功能14 3.4 simulink简介15 3.4.1 simulink的功能15 3.4.2 simulink的建模方法以及运行16 3.4.3 simulink仿真模型的运行16 3.4.4 模糊逻辑工具箱的简介19 4 构建系统和仿真21 4.1 基于模糊逻辑工具箱的控制器设计21 4.1.1 隶属函数的建立21 4.1.2 模糊控制规则与决策方法21 4.2 利用simulink图形编辑构造模糊控制系统及仿真22 4.3 基于simulink进行模糊控制的仿真分析23 结论25 致谢26 参考文献27 摘 要 本设计是一个基于simulink的模糊控制计算机仿真研究,它用MATLAB语言设计了一个菜单式操作界面,应用MATLAB的Fuzzy Logic Toolbox 工具箱和SIMULINK实现了的计算机仿真。 将MATLAB 的FUZZY TOOLBOX 中的模糊推理系统(Fuzzy Inference System) 编辑器与SIMULINK有机地结合起来,充分利用它们各自的优势,方便地实现了模糊控制系统(FCS) 的计算机仿真,从而克服了对复杂控制律无法直接应用SIMULINK进行仿真的缺点,拓宽了SIMULINK的应用范围。 [关键词] 模糊控制 仿真 simulink Abstract The design is based on the fuzzy control simulink computer simulation study.It designs a menu interoperational interface using MATLAB. It uses Fuzzy Logic Toolbox and SIMULINK in MATLAB to Computer Simulation. The organic combination of SIMULINK and Fuzzy Inference system editor in theFUZZY TOOLBOX of MATLAB makes their advantages be fully played and the computer simulation offuzzy control system be easily realized ,and thus overcomes the shortages that the SIMULINK can not bedirectly used to realize the simulation to the complex control and promotes its applications. [Keywords]:fuzzy control simulate simulink

  • 温室大棚温湿度测控系统软件设计

    目录 摘 要II AbstractIII 1 前言1 1.1 选题的背景与意义1 1.2 温室测控技术的发展状况和趋势1 2 系统的研究与设计2 2.1 研究内容2 2.2 总体方案2 2.3 硬件系统设计2 2.4 温湿度采样系统4 2.5系统仿真5 2.5.1系统仿真图5 2.5.2 主要组件简介5 3 软件系统设计7 3.1 系统初始化模块7 3.2 键盘显示模块8 3.3 数据采集模块9 3.4 温湿度控制模块10 3.5 报警模块10 4 系统调试方案11 4.1 系统电路的调试11 4.2 功能模块的调试方案11 5总 结12 致 谢13 参考文献14 附录15 摘 要 随着现代工业生产与电子技术的联系越来越紧密,温、湿度测量在各个行业和领域中得到了广泛运用,实施对温、湿度的实时监控,对保证生产安全因素,提高劳动效率,改善生产环境有很重大的应用价值。 对于温室的监测系统,温湿度环境条件是重要的。本课题针对温室大棚内温、湿度实时测量进行设计。采用DHT90专用芯片作为温、湿度传感器,通过其内部信号处理与模数转换,将输出数据送入AT89C52单片机进行数据处理与显示。论文分析了DHT90的工作原理,设计了完善的温、湿度实时测量系统。硬件设计采用Proteus 7 Professional工具,软件设计采用Keil uVision2版本c语言编程。 系统设计完成后,功能稳定可靠,且具有声音与发光管报警、时钟显示等扩展功能。 关键字 温度测量;湿度测量;预值报警;时钟显示 Abstract With the modern industrial production and electronic technology becoming closer than ever before, temperature measuring and humidity measuring have been widely used in many industry applications. Monitoring temperature and humidity can help to ensure the safety of work house, enhance labor efficiency and also has a great practical value in improving the producing environment. Monitoring system for the Greenhouse storage, environmental conditions of the temperature and humidity is important. The design was mainly for the measuring of temperature and humidity inside the Greenhouse. DHT90 was chosen as a temperature and humidity sensor. After series of internal signal processing and analog-to-digital conversion, digital DATA were sent into AT89C52 single-chip microcomputer for the calculation and finally displayed on a monitor. This study analyzed the operational principle of DHT90, design the perfect system for measuring temperature and humidity in real-time. Took Proteus 7 Professional as a tool to design hardware, and utilized Keil uVision2 Version to design the software in the form of C language. When the design has been accomplished, system was able to perform stably and output reliable DATA, and had some extra functions like voice &LED alarm and time display. Keywords Temperature measuring;Humidity measuring;predefined warning gate;time display

  • 轴承加热器控制界面设计

    目 录 摘要…………………………………………………………………………….….…..П Abstract……………………………………………………………………….….………Ш 1 前言……………………………………………………………………………………………1 2 总体设计方案……………………………………………………………………………….2 2.1 系统总体结构及指标要求……………………………………………………………..2 2.2 系统程序框图…………………………………………………………………………..3 3 PIC系统硬件及功能概况……………………………………………………………….4 3.1 PIC16F877原理简介……………………………………………………………………4 3.2 PIC16F877RAM配置及功能……………………………………………………………..4 3.3 PIC16F877RAM特殊内嵌功能…………………………………………………………..5 3.4 PIC16F877输入输出接口…..…………………………………………………………..6 3.4.1 端口A和TRISA寄存器..………………………………….…………………..6 3.4.2端口B和TRISB寄存器………………………………….…………………..7 3.4.3端口C和TRISC寄存器………………………………….…………………..7 3.4.4端口D和TRISD寄存器………………………………….…………………..8 3.5 存储器分类…………………………………………………………9 4 模数(A/D)转换器..11 4.1 A/D转换的基本原理…..………………………………………………………….11 4.2 A/D转换器的主要技术指标………………………………………………………..12 4.2.1 分辨率…..…………………………………………………………..12 4.2.2 精度…..…………………………………………………………12 4.2.3 转换时间..…………………………………………………………..12 4.2.4 电源灵敏度……………………………………………………….12 4.2.5 量程…..…………………………………………………………12 4.2.6 输出逻辑电平…….………………………………………………13 4.2.7 工作温度范围…..……………….………………………………..13 4.4 A/D转换器..………………………………………………….……….13 4.3.1 A/D转换器模块……………..………………………….13 4.3.2 A/D转换器采集要求………..…………………….14 4.3.3 选择A/D转换器时钟………..………………………..14 4.3.4 配置模拟输入端口………..………………….…..15 4.3.5 A/D转换………..……………………15 4.3.6 在睡眠期间A/D操作………..….…….…..16 5 显示器接口技术…..….….17 5.1 LED显示器…………………………………………………….17 5.2 LED显示方式………………………………………….17 5.2.1 静态显示………………..…….…….………………………17 5.2.2 动态显示………………..…….…….………………………18 5.3 LCD显示器………………………………………….18 5.4设计中使用的显示接口技术………………………….19 6 总结…..….…..20 致谢…..….…21 参考文献….…..22 附录1 系统原理图..23 附录2 A/D转换温度显示系统程序25 摘 要 轴承加热器主要用于对轴承、齿轮、衬套、轴套、直径环、滑轮、收缩环、连接器等多种类型的金属件进行加热,轴承加热器通过加热使之膨胀,达到过盈装配的需要。我们通常采用的是感应式轴承加热器。此种加热方式温度易于控制,所能加热的轴承型号范围广。此轴承加热器需要有一个温度控制器对其加热温度进行控制,控制界面在整个温度控制过程中占有十分重要的地位。本文设计的控制界面系统是以PIC 16F877为控制核心与温度检测系统、信号放大系统、A/D 转换、I/O 设备等相设备结合组成一个温度控制系统,此温度控制系统主要是用来对轴承加热器的轴承加热温度进行检测,通过键盘预设加热温度,通过数码管对加热温度进行显示,以及通过LED显示加热状态等功能。 关键词: 轴承加热器;人机界面;键盘技术;LED Abstract Heater of bearings mainly used in bearing , gears, bushings, bushings, diameter, pulley, shrinkage, connectors, etc. Various types of metal heat, bearing heater by heating of inflation, achieve a assembly needs. We usually use is inductive bearing heater. This heating temperature easy control, can the bearing type heat range. This bearing heater needs a temperature controller for the heating temperature controlling, control interface in the whole process of temperature control is an important position. This design control interface system is 16F877 PIC as control core and temperature testing system, amplification system, A/D conversion, I/O devices composed A combination of equipment, the temperature control system of the temperature control system is mainly used for bearing heater bearing heating temperature testing, through the keyboard by default heating temperature, temperature of heating tube digital display, and displayed by LED heating condition etc. Function. Keywords: bearing heater, Human-machine interface, Keyboard technology, LED

  • 某宾馆低压配电系统的设计

    目 录 摘要 II ABSTRACT III 引言 1 1 电气设计与施工总说明 --------------------------------------------------------2 1.1 工程设计概况 --------------------------------------------------------------2 1.2 设计依据 ------------------------------------------------------------------2 1.3 设计范围 ------------------------------------------------------------ 2 1.4 供配电设计 ------------------------------------------------------------------2 1.5 照明设计 ------------------------------------------------------------------3 1.6 火灾自动报警及消防联动控制系统设计 ----------------------------------3 1.7 防雷与接地设计 ------------------------------------------------------------4 1.8 其他事项----------------------------------------------------------------------4 1.9 主要图例与标注说明 ------------------------------------------------------5 2 照明系统设计 -------------------------------------------------------------------------7 2.1 照明种类 ---------------------------------------------------------------------7 2.2 灯具的选择照度的计算、及导线的敷设方式---------------------------7 2.3 照明配电设备 ------------------------------------------------------------------7 2.4 照明系统设计 ---------------------------------------------------------------8 2.5 其他说明 ---------------------------------------------------------------8 3 空调及动力系统设计 -------------------------------------------------------------------9 3.1 导线和桥架的敷设 ---------------------------------------------------------9 3.2 其他说明 ------------------------------------------------------------------9 4 火灾自动报警系统设计 ----------------------------------------------------------10 4.1 设计施工说明 --------------------------------------------------------------10 4.2 相关图例 ------------------------------------------------------------------------11 4.3 系统说明 ----------------------------------------------------------------11 4.3.1 火灾探测器的选择和设置 ---------------------------------------11 4.3.2 保护等级 ----------------------------------------------------------------11 4.3.3 消防联动控制----------------------------------------------------------------12 5 防雷与接地系统设计 ---------------------------------------------------------------14 5.1 建筑物防雷系统设计 --------------------------------------14 5.1.1 建筑物年计算雷击次数的经验公式 ------------------------------14 5.1.2 建筑物易受雷击部位 ------------------------------15 5.1.3 等电位连接导线的最小截面 -------------------------- 15 5.1.3 施工说明 --------------------------------------------------------------16 5.2 建筑物接地系统设计 ---------------------------------------------------16 5.2.1 低压配电系统接地方式 -------------------------------------------------- 17 5.2.2 施工说明 ---- ------------------------------------------------------17 5.3 综合说明 -------------------------------------------------------18 6 配电箱系统设计 ----------------------------------------------------------------------19 6.1 总述 19 6.2 相关公式 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------19 6.3 负荷计算 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------19 6.4 线路导线选择原则 ---------------------------------------------------------------20 6.5 断路器选择原则 ------------------------------------------------------------------20 7 结论 ----------------------------------------------------------------------21 致谢 ----------------------------------------------------------------------22 参考文献 ----------------------------------------------------------------------23 附录 ----------------------------------------------------------------------24 摘 要 本毕业设计是对宾馆的建筑电气设计,其包括:照明系统设计、空调及动力系统设计、火灾自动报警系统设计、防雷与接地系统设计、地下室人防系统设计。 照明系统设计:严格按照建筑照明标准中的照度要求设计,重点注意:照明节能、照明控制和照明质量,做到设计更为人性化。 空调及动力系统设计:用电尽量节省,尽量靠近负荷中心。 火灾自动报警系统设计:本工程按保护等级分属于二级。 防雷与接地系统设计:本工程属于三级防雷建筑, 在建筑物屋面四周及屋脊上暗敷Φ12镀锌圆钢作为避雷带,在大楼屋顶设置避雷小针作防雷保护。本工程接地系统属于TN-S系统及三相五线制,中性线和PE线分开。 地下室人防系统设计:各消防器材配电,疏散电源和应急电源的安装,人防火灾自动报警设备的设计。 本设计严格按照设计规范对该建筑物进行了系统化的设计,其内容能够充分体现出建筑电气专业的特色及行业的严密性。关键词:照明系统;火灾自动报警系统;防雷与接地 ABSTRACT This page is about common hotel’s electricity design, including lighting system design, air-condition and motive system design, fire auto report to the police system design, defend the thunder and connect the ground system design, underground floor person defend system design . lighting system design: Strict design according to the standard of the building lighting’s request. Notice: economize on lighting energy, lighting control and lighting quantity, make the design humanization. air-condition and motive system design: Consume energy to the best limit, to the best close to the center carry. fire auto report to the police system design: this engineering belong to two according to the grade of safety. defend the thunder and connect the ground system design: this engineering belong to three defend the thunder building, on all sides and roof of the building place Φ12 steel of zinc regard as lightning rod, on the roof of the high building use the lightning rod for protect function. this engineering connect the ground system belong to TN-S system defend the thunder and connect the ground system design: this engineering belong to three defend the thunder building, on all sides and roof of building place Φ12 steel of zinc regard as lightning rod, on the roof of the high building use the lightning rod for protect function. this engineering connect the ground system belong to TN-S system. underground floor person defend system design: each fire fight device electrical allotment, install of evacuate lighting and lighting power that meet an urgent need. The person defend fire auto report to the police equipments design. This design carries on the systematical design to that building according to the design norm strictly, its contents can well appears to construct the special features of the electricity profession and tight sex of the profession. Key words:lighting system; fire auto report to the police system; defend the thunder and connect the ground. Keyword:lighting system;fire auto report to the police system;defend the thunder and connect the ground system

  • 楼宇室内甲醛检测模块设计

    目 录 摘 要II AbstractIII 1绪论1 1.1 课题研究背景1 1.1.1甲醛的危害1 1.1.2 室内甲醛的来源1 1.1.3设计甲醛检测仪的意义1 1.2 甲醛检测意义2 1.3 论文的结构2 2整体方案设计3 2.1 系统整体设计规划3 2.1.1 设计需求分析3 2.1.2 控制方案的确定3 2.2 各模块设计规划4 2.2.1 核心控制模块4 2.2.2 人机对话模块4 2.2.3 报警模块5 2.2.4 测量模块5 3硬件电路的设计6 3.1 AT89C51基本电路6 3.1.1 AT89C51的系统电路6 3.1.2 时钟电路设计9 3.1.3 复位电路设计10 3.2 外围接口电路设计12 3.2.1 数码显示电路设计12 3.2.2 键盘输入模块电路设计14 3.2.3 检测模块电路设计15 3.2.4 报警模块电路设计16 3.2.5 模数转换模块电路设计17 4 软件设计21 4.1 编译语言的选择21 4.2 系统总软件设计21 4.3模数转换模块软件设计23 4.4显示模块软件设计23 4.5 检测报警模块软件设计23 5 系统的抗干扰措施25 5.1 数字滤波25 5.2 指令冗余和“看门狗”26 5.3 切断干扰传播途径27 5.4 抑制干扰源27 6 总 结29 致 谢30 参考文献31 附录 1. 系统电路原理图32 附录 2. 源程序33 摘 要 由于甲醛存在于人们的日常生活中,且当空气中甲醛含量超过一定量时,会对人体造成危害,因而设计实用、偏于携带的检测仪受到人们重视。 该楼宇室内甲醛检测模块设计以单片机为控制核心,具有数据处理、数值显示、超标报警等功能。本次设计选用基于电化学原理的甲醛传感器,其原理是空气中的甲醛在电极下发生氧化反应,产生的扩散电极电流与空气中的甲醛浓度成正比,通过检测放大电路和放大倍数的调整经A/D转换后送单片机 、由单片机现场自动控制检测并显示甲醛浓度。 该检测系统可分为:空气甲醛浓度检测模块、数据采集,处理模块、键盘输入模块、显示模块和报警模块。甲醛检测模块由甲醛传感器组成,数据采集处理模块由AT89C51单片机构成,显示模块主要液晶显示屏构成。 关键词 单片机;甲醛检测;A/D转换 Abstract As the formaldehyde present in people's daily life, and when the air exceeds a certain amount of formaldehyde, the body will cause harm, so the design of practical, biased detector carried by the people's attention. The indoor formaldehyde detection module of the building design to control the microcontroller core, with data processing, numerical display and alarm functions exceeded. The design is based on the principle of formaldehyde electrochemical sensors, the principle is the air oxidation of formaldehyde on the electrode reactions occur, the resulting current and the air diffusion electrode proportional to the concentration of formaldehyde, by detecting the amplification circuit and the adjustment of magnification by A / D conversion evacuation microcontroller, to detect and control by the MCU on-site show concentrations of formaldehyde. The detection system can be divided into: air formaldehyde concentration measurement modules, data acquisition, processing module, the keyboard input module, display module and alarm module. Formaldehyde detection module by the formaldehyde sensors, data acquisition and processing module consists of AT89C51 MCU structure, the main LED display module form. Keywords AT89C51 MCU ; Formaldehyde testing; A / D conversion

  • 基于单片机的智能家居控制器硬件设计

    目 录 摘 要II AbstractIII 1 绪 论1 1.1序言1 1.1.1智能家居的概述1 1.1.2智能控制系统模块2 1.1.3智能家居发展现状5 1.2设计要求与研究内容6 1.2.1设计要求6 1.2.2 研究内容6 2 系统设计的研究7 2.1智能化家居中央控制系统的构成7 2.2 系统控制核心单片机技术8 2.3 红外遥控技术15 2.3.1 红外遥控系统15 2.3.2红外线及红外发光二极管16 2.3.3红外编码17 2.3.4自学习型红外遥控系统17 3 智能家居控制系统硬件设计19 3.1基本键盘功能设计19 3.2系统总体设计20 3.3控制系统硬件设计21 3.3.1遥控信号发射和接收电路21 3.3.2 键盘电路23 3.3.3系统功能设计24 3.3.4 PC机与单片机通信部分26 4 总 结27 致 谢28 参考文献29 附录1:系统原理图30 摘 要 随着社会经济水平的发展,智能家居这个新兴的名词已经被越来越多的人们所接受,智能控制技术在智能家居电子产品中的广泛应用,不仅优化人们的生活方式和居住环境,而且方便人们有效地安排时间和节约各种能源,实现了家电、照明、窗帘控制和防盗报警、定时控制及电话远程控制等。 本文主要介绍了中央集成控制系统实施方案,基于AT89C51单片机的应用系统的设计,并着重分析该系统的硬件设计,详细介绍了核心芯片的选型,外围电路的链接,芯片与芯片之间的连接电路,其中包括红外遥空发射和接收电路、键盘电路、继电器控制电路、PC机与单片机通信等内容。系统运行简单,可实现近距离或远距离的电视机开关控制,频道选择控制,空调的开关控制以及模式的转换和温度调节控制。 关键词 智能家居;红外遥控;单片机;AT89C51 Abstract With the socio-economic level of development, smart-home this new term has been accepted by more and more people, intelligent control technology in smart home electronic products widely applied not only to optimize people's lifestyles and living environment, and convenient for people to effectively schedule and various energy saving, Realized the appliance, lighting, curtain controls and burglar alarm, timing control and telephone remote control devices. This paper mainly introduces the integrated control system implementation plan, based on AT89C51 singlechip Microcomputer application system design, and focus on analysis of the system hardware design, detail the core chip selection, links to external circuit, the connection between the chip and chip circuit, including the infrared transmitter and receiver circuits telecontrol, the keyboard circuit, relay control circuit, PC and MCU communications content. The systems operation is simple, may realize the short distance or the long-distance range television stop-go control, the channel selectivity control, air conditioning's stop-go control as well as the pattern transformation and the temperature control control. Keywords smart-home;Infrared Remote Control;Singlechip Microcomputer;AT89C51