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  • 液晶显示器设计_电气工程论文

    液晶显示器设计_电气工程论文 摘要 TFT(Thin film Transistor)技术是二十世纪九十年代发展起来的,采用新材料和新工艺的大规模半导体全集成电路制造技术,是液晶(LC)、无机和有机薄膜电致发光(EL和OEL)平板显示器的基础。TFT是在玻璃或塑料基板等非单晶片上(当然也可以在晶片上)通过溅射、化学沉积工艺形成制造电路必需的各种膜,通过对膜的加工制作大规模半导体集成电路(LSIC)。 本文主要介绍了TFT的一些简单的基本原理和液晶显示器的制作流程,通过本文,我们可以了解到液晶显示器的一些简单的知识。液晶显示器的成色是三种基本的颜色组成,分别是红、黄、蓝。再通过驱动电路的电压的大小来控制液晶的角度来达到透光率的控制,进而形成各种颜色。在未来的几年内,液晶显示器将成为新的主流产品出现在我们的生活里。 关键词: TFT、液晶显示器、液晶 目录 摘要……………………………………………………………………………………I 1 绪论…………………………………………………………………………………1 1.1 本课题的意义……………………………………………………………………1 1.2 课题的研究方向…………………………………………………………………1 1.3 本文所做的工作…………………………………………………………………2 2 主要显示器…………………………………………………………………………3 2.1 CRT显示器………………………………………………………………………3 2.2 FED显示器………………………………………………………………………4 2.3 PDF显示器………………………………………………………………………5 2.4 TN STN显示器…………………………………………………………………...6 2.5 TFT显示器………………………………………………………………………7 3 TFT工作及成像原理……………………………………………………………….9 3.1 TFT-LCD工作原理………………………………………………………………..9 3.2 TFT成像原理原理……………………………………………………………….10 3.2.1 LCD三原色产生原理……………………………………………………….11 3.2.2 各种光色的形成原理……………………………………………………....12 4 TFT彩色液晶显示器的驱动模块…………………………………………………13 4.1彩色液晶显示模块……………………………………………………………….13 4.2 OA 多媒体的彩色液晶显示模块………………………………………………….14 4.3 彩色液晶显示模块的驱动系统…………………………………………………...14 5 TFT液晶显示器的控制电路……………………………………………………….17 5.1控制电路的硬件电路设计………………………………………………………...17 5.1.1 AD9883A芯片……………………………………………………………..19 5.1.2 ADSP-21160芯片………………………………………………………….21 5.1.3系统功能及实现…………………………………………………………...22 5.2系统软件实现…………………………………………………………………......24 6 液晶显示器制作过程LCM制程和使用要求……………………………………....26 6.1液晶显示器制作过程之LCM制程…………………………………………………26 6.2 前段制程介绍……………………………………………………………………27 6.3 后段制程介绍……………………………………………………………………28 6.3.1 ASSY制程介绍…………………………………………………………….28 6.3.2 Aging制程介绍…………………………………………………………...29 6.3.3 C/D检…………………………………………………………………….29 6.4 TFT-LCD的使用要求和保养……………………………………………………….30 6.4.1 LCD对空气要求…………………………………………………………....30 6.4.2 如何防止LCD烧毁像素…………………………………………………….30 6.4.3维护和保养常识…………………………………………………………....30 7 结论………………………………………………………………………………….32 致谢…………………………………………………………………………………….33 参考文献……………………………………………………………………………….34 Abstract The TFT (Thin film Transistor )technology was developed since the 1990s ,making use of new materials and new technology for large-scale integrated circuits the entire semiconductor manufacturing technology, based on A liquid crystal (LC), inorganic and organic thin film electroluminescent (EL and OEL) the basis of flat-panel displays. TFT is a membrane by sputtering in a glass or plastic substrate, and other non-single-chip (of course, can also on the chip), creating a chemical deposition process necessary for film circuit, integrated circuits (LSIC) completed through the membrane of the large-scale manufacture semiconductor This paper presents some simple and basic principle and production process of the night crystal display, Through this paper, we can understand that some simple knowledge of Liquid Crystal Display. The condition of the liquid crystal display is composed of three basic colors, namely red, yellow and blue. To drive through the circuit voltage to control the size of the angle of LCD to achieve transparency of control, then a variety of colors. In the next few years, Liquid Crystal Display will become the new mainstream products in our lives. Keywords:TFT 、Liquid Crystal Display 、Liquid Crystal

  • 集中式电器红外遥控系统设计_电气工程论文

    电气工程论文 目 录 摘要III AbstractIV 1 绪论7 2 集中式控制系统的构成8 2.1 集中式控制系统结构8 2.2 集中式控制系统设备的连接3 2.3 红外遥控的原理5 2.3.1 红外遥控码的研究和分析5 2.3.2 红外遥控信号接收与发送6 3 集中式控制系统的设计9 3.1 系统总体设计9 3.2 硬件电路设计10 3.2.1 系统控制10 3.2.2 音视频控制11 3.2.3 环境控制12 3.2.4 键盘输入13 3.2.5 PC机与单片机通信14 3.2.6 P红外遥控电路设计15 3.3 软件设计16 3.3.1 系统控制软件设计16 3.3.2 音视频控制软件设计18 3.3.3 投影机电源延时控制20 3.3.4 键盘程序设计21 3.3.5 PC机与单片机的通信程序设计25 3.3.6 红外遥控程序设计28 3.4 开发工具和开发方法31 3.4.1 开发系统的功能31 3.4.2 应用系统的调试32 4 总结34 致 谢35 参考文献36 附录1:系统原理图37 附录2:控制系统电源部分程序代码38 摘 要 本文介绍了集中式电器红外遥控系统设计的过程,主要介绍了多媒体集成控制系统发展状况以及此项目控制系统的实施方案,单片机应用系统的设计和调试过程,并着重分析了电源控制部分硬件及其软件设计,其中包括电源控制子程序、矩阵键盘、PC机与单片机通信等内容。 在此基础上还对硬件设备的工作原理进行了简单的介绍。因为各厂家是自由选择一个现有的传输协议,或者创建一个新的、独特的传输方法。针对此现象,系统设计方面采用了自学方式来完成不同类型红外码的读取并生成仿真码来达到统一控制。 系统采用单片机技术和系统集成技术,将被控制设备的信号传输和各种操作功能按照用户的实际需要进行综合处理,变分散控制为集成控制。单片机采用的是MCS-51单片机,文中介绍了MCS-51系列主机的工作原理和线路连接图。 关键词:红外遥控;多媒体控制系统;单片机 Abstract The paper introduces a designation of centralized infrared remote electric control system. And it maily introduces multimedia integrated control system development and the project control system scheme, SCM system designs and commissioning process. And it focuses on analyzing the power control hardware and software design. It includs power control procedure, matrix, PC keyboard with communication, etc. The paper is also including the working principle of the hardware equipments. Each manufacturer is free to select an existing transmission protocol or create a new, unique transmission methodology. According to this phenomenon,This System design adopted to complete different types of self-study and generating infrared code reading to achieve unified control simulation code. System adopts SCM technology and system integration technology. It is controled equipment of signal transmission and various operating functions according to the actual needs of users, change control for integrated control. Using single-chip microcontroller is MCS - 51, the paper introduces the MCS - 51 series of working principle and main circuit connected graph. Key word: Infrared remote control;Multimedia control system;SCM

  • 温室大棚温湿度测控系统硬件设计_电气工程论文范文

    温室大棚温湿度测控系统硬件设计_电气工程论文范文 目 录 摘 要II AbstractIII 1 前 言1 1.1 选题的背景与意义1 1.2 研究的基本内容与拟解决的主要问题1 2 温湿度测量系统3 2.1 温湿度概念3 2.1.1 温度的定义3 2.1.2 湿度的定义3 2.2 温湿度传感器的分类及特点4 2.2.1 温度传感器的分类和特点4 2.2.2 湿度传感器的分类和特点4 2.3 基于51单片机的温湿度测控系统原理5 3 温湿度测控系统硬件选择6 3.1 系统的设计6 3.2 系统主要功能要求6 3.3 单片机AT89C52介绍7 3.3.1 内部结构、资源7 3.3.2 机器周期和指令周期8 3.4 DHT90温湿度传感器8 3.5 LCD1602显示器12 3.5.1 1602字符型LCD简介12 3.5.2 液晶显示器的原理和分类14 3.5.3 1602LCD的基本参数及引脚功能15 4 温湿度测控系统硬件设计17 4.1 总电路图17 4.2 系统结构的总体研究17 4.3 系统时钟的设计18 4.4 DHT90电路19 4.5 显示电路19 4.6 报警电路20 5 系统软件设计与调试21 5.1 系统的软件设计介绍21 5.2 主程序流程图21 5.3 温湿度读取与显示流程图22 5.4 报警子程序流程图23 5.5 系统调试23 6 总结24 致谢25 参考文献26 附录27 摘 要 温室坏境测控,即根据植物生长发育需要,自动调节温室内环境的总称。进行环境测控是实现温室生产管理自动化、科学化的基本保证,通过对监测数据的分析,结合作物生长发育规律,控制环境条件,使作物在不适宜生长发育的反季节中,可获得比室外生长更优的环境条件,达到作物优质、高产、高效的栽培目的。 本文主要介绍AT89C52单片机的温湿度测控系统设计原理。该系统采用AT89C52单片机作为控制器,采用DHT90专用芯片作为温、湿度传感器,通过其内部信号处理与模数转换,将输出数据送入AT89C52单片机进行数据处理与显示。 关键词:单片机、温湿度、传感器 Abstract Testing and controlling system of the intelligent greenhouse environment could adjust automatically all kinds of the circumstance condition by the demand of the vegetable development. It is the basis of the automation and science of the greenhouse management. It makes the the greenhouse vegetable to get better indoor condition than outdoor in the unfit season by analyzing the data and combining the rules of the vegetable growth and controlling the circumstance condition in order to achieve high quality and high yield. In this paper, temperature and humidity monitoring AT89C52 MCU system design theory. This system uses AT89C52 single chip microcomputer as the controller, DHT90 was chosen as a temperature and humidity sensor. After series of internal signal processing and analog-to-digital conversion, digital DATA were sent into AT89C52 single-chip microcomputer for the calculation and finally displayed on a monitor. Keywords: Microcontroller、Temperature and Humidity、Sensors

  • 文件同步系统软件开发_电气工程论文范文

    电气工程论文 摘 要 本文首先对软件同步系统进行了一些介绍,包括软件同步系统这个问题的提出,以及主要解决办法。接着就对软件同步系统中三个重要组成部分进行了分别的介绍,即文件监视的实现、注册表监视的实现、网络传输的实现。在文件监视中介绍了一些API函数,及具体实现过程;因为注册表监视用到的API函数与文件监视中用到的API函数基本一样,所以主要介绍了注册表的一些概念,及注册表监视的实现过程;最后介绍了网络中的一些概念,网络传输的具体实现过程,网络传输中用到了Delphi的TNMFTP控件,利用它实现了FTP客户端软件,用于下载FTP服务器端的软件,而FTP服务器使用了Microsoft Internet Information Server(IIS)4.0的FTP服务器,我们只需要把需要下载的文件放到它的目录下就可以了。 关键词:文件同步;注册表;网络传输;服务器 目 录 摘 要 …………………………………………………………………………………………………I Abstract ……………………………………………………………………………………………II 1绪论 ………………………………………………………………………………………………1 1.1 问题的提出 ……………………………………………………………………………………1 1.2 主要的解决办法 ……………………………………………………………………………2 2 软件同步系统的总体构成 ……………………………………………………………………4 2.1 软件同步系统的总体构成…………………………………………………………………4 3 文件监视的实现 …………………………………………………………………………………6 3.1 文件监视需要的API函数及其主要…………………………………………………………6 3.2 文件监视的实现过程………………………………………………………………………9 3.3 小结 …………………………………………………………………………………………13 4 注册表监视的实现 …………………………………………………………………………… 14 4.1 注册表监视用到的API函数及关于注册表的一些概……………………………………14 4.2 注册表监视的实现过程……………………………………………………………………18 5 网络传输的实现 ……………………………………………………………………………… 21 5.1 网络传输的概念和一些基本概念…………………………………………………………21 5.2 网络传输的具体实现过程…………………………………………………………………22 6 总结 ………………………………………………………………………………………………28 6.1本文所做的有意义的研究成果……………………………………………………………29 6.2本文存在的不足和后续研究方向…………………………………………………………29 致谢 …………………………………………………………………………………………………30 参考文献 ……………………………………………………………………………………………3 Abstract First,we do some introduce of The synchro system of software,also include why the problem been questioned,and how to deal with the problem.then introduce the three important parts of The synchro system of software.that is the monitor moudle of file,the monitor moudle of register and internet transfer.In the moniter moudle of file,we introduce the function of API and how to come true it;Because the function of API used by the minitor moudle of file,we don’t introdue it again,we mainly introduce the procedure of how to come true it.In the end,we introdue something about how to come true the the moudle of internet transfer,In the moudle of internet transfer,we use the TNMFTP,to use it come true the FTP software in the customer,in the server,we use the FTP SERVER of Microsoft Internet Information Server(IIS)4.0,we only need to put the file which needed to be transform into his directory. Keywords:Registry;Server;Network transmission

  • TPMS系统CAN总线接口_电气工程论文范文

    TPMS系统CAN总线接口_电气工程论文范文 摘 要 轮胎是汽车的重要部件,其可靠性对汽车行驶安全具有重要意义。全世界每年因轮胎故障所引发的交通事故占很大比例。研究表明轮胎气压是造成轮胎故障的重要原因是轮胎气压不足或超标,仅会增大耗油、减少轮胎乃至整车寿命,更会造成严重的爆胎事故,因此保持标准的车胎气压和及时发现车胎漏气是防止轮胎故障和爆胎的关键。 TPMS足汽车轮胎压力监视系统“Tire Pressure Monitoring System”的英文缩写形式,主要用于,汽车行驶实时的对轮胎进行自动检测.对轮胎漏气和低气压进行报警.以保障行车安全。TPMS属于主动型安全系统,可在轮胎出现危险征兆时及时预警,从而将事故消灭在萌芽状态。相对于汽车ABS、EDS、EPS等被动型安全系统,TPMS有更好的避灾性。近年来全球TPMS市场需求正在快速增长,对TPMS的研发已成为汽车电子产品设计的重点。TPMS主要有两种实现方式,即间接式(Wheel—Speed Based)TPMS和直接式(Pressme—SensorBased)TPMS,这两种系统各具特点。 关键词:轮胎压力监视;直接式;报警;安全系统 目 录 摘要…………………………………………………………………………………………………..I Abstract………………………………………………………………………………………………. II 1 绪论………………………………………………………………………………………..…..….1 2 总体方案设计…………………………………………………...………………………….…..2 2.1 系统总体功能分析……………………………………………………………….……………2 2.2 系统总体软件流程……………………………………………………………………….…....3 2.3 CAN总线概述…………………………………………………………………….……4 2.4 轮胎模块设计…………………………………………………………………….……5 2.5 直接式TPMS…………………………………………………………………….……5 3 信号发射系统原理………………………………………………………………………..…...7 3.1 RF传输协议………………………………………………………..…………….……….7 3.2 LF传输协议…………………………………………..……………..………………7 3.3 发射模块基本程序流程………………………………………..……………..………………8 4 TPMS的工作原理原理…………………………………………………………..….……….…..10 4.1 基于CAN总线的的轮胎自动定位…………………………………….…………………...10 4.2 TPMS的试验方法研究………………………………………………………….………...…11 4.2.1 TPMS的低压报警功能………………………………………...………………..…11 4.2.2 TPMS的压力探测精度……………………………………………………….……12 4.2.3 TPM的耐压性………………………………………………..….………….13 4.2.4 TPMS的温度报警功能………………………………………………..….………….13 4.2.5 TPMS的寿命……………………………………………………..….………….14 4.2.6 TPMS的耐旋转加速度性能…………………………………………..….………….14 4.2.7 TPMS的耐湿度影响……………………………………………..….………….15 4.2.8 TPMS对不同安装方式传感器的要求………………………………..….………….15 4.2.9 TPMS的电磁兼容性……………………………………………..….………….15 4.2.10 TPMS的耐低温性……………………………………………………..….………….15 4.3 TPMS的未来展望……………………………………………………………….………...…16 5 结论……………………………………………………………………………..………….……17 致 谢………………………………………………………………………………..…………….……19 参考文献…………………………………………………………………………………………....…19 附 录1:国外对TPMS传感器对环境的适应性要求…………………………..………20 附 录2:系统总图………………………………………………………………..………21 附 录3:系统程序………………………………………………………………..………21 Abstract Tires is an important component of motor vehicles, the reliability of steam: vehicles of great significance to safety. Worldwide each year due to tire failure caused by a large proportion of traffic accidents. Research indicates that tire pressure is an important reason for tire failure: inadequate or excessive tire pressure only increases fuel consumption, reduce tire life as well as vehicles, this may result in serious accidents puncture, the tire pressure to maintain standards and to detect flat tires to prevent tire failures and the key blow. TPMS Tire Pressure adequate monitoring system "Tire Pressure Monitoring System" form of the letters used, Car tire of the real-time automatic detection. On a flat tire and the low pressure alarm. In order to protect the traffic safety. TPMS are active safety systems, tires can be dangerous warning signs in time, so that the accident nipped in the bud. Compared with the vehicle ABS, EDS, EPS, such as passive safety systems, TPMS better avoid sex. Global market demand for TPMS in recent years is the rapid growth of research and development of TPMS automotive electronics have become the focus of product design. TPMS There are two main ways, namely indirect (Wheel-Speed Based) TPMS and direct (Pressme-SensorBased) TPMS, which have the characteristics of the two systems. Keywords: Tire pressure monitoring; Direct; Alarm; Security systems.

  • 继电保护用开源电源的设计_电气工程论文范文

    电气工程论文 摘 要 继电保护装置对电力系统的安全可靠运行有着十分重要的作用, 而继电保护用开关电源是继电保护装置中的主要功能模块, 电源性能的好坏直接影响到继电保护装置可靠性。由蓄电池组构成的高频开关直流电源因其高可靠性成为电力操作电源系统中的重要组成部分。本文分析了国内外高频开关电源的发展和现状,研究了开关电源的基本原理以及开关电源在电力直流操作电源系中的应用,设计出一种实用于继电保护的开关电源。本文设计的开关整流模块还具有多种保护措施,如过压、过流等,该电源主电路采用反激式电路,应用反馈手段和脉冲调制技术实现多路电压的稳定输出。由于开关电源用继电保护的特殊要求,故系统具有体积小、重量轻、可靠性高等一系列优点。  关键词 开关电源;继电保护;反激式电路 目 录 摘要…………………………………………………………………………………………………Ⅰ Abstract………………………………………………………………………………………………II 1 绪论…………………………………………………………………………………………………1 1.1 研究背景……………………………………………………………………………………1 1.2 课程的意义…………………………………………………………………………………2 1.3 本文的主要内容和工作……………………………………………………………………3 2 开关电源的工作原理……………………………………………………………………………4 2.1 继电保护用开关电源的特殊要求…………………………………………………………4 2.2 开关电源的基本原理………………………………………………………………………4 2.3 开关变换器…………………………………………………………………………………7 2.4 控制电路……………………………………………………………………………………10 3 开关电源主电路的设计………………………………………………………………………12 3.1 开关电源电路设计分析……………………………………………………………………12 3.2 主电路输入级电路设计……………………………………………………………………13 3.3 变压器的设计………………………………………………………………………………15 4 开关电源控制电路的设计……………………………………………………………………19 4.1 PWM控制器…………………………………………………………………………………19 4.2 输出过欠压保护……………………………………………………………………………22 4.3 5V与24V时序配合…………………………………………………………………………22 5 总结………………………………………………………………………………………………25 致谢……………………………………………………………………………………………………26 参考文献………………………………………………………………………………………………27 Abstract Protective relay play the important part in the safety of power system, and switching power supply for relay protection is the mail functional modules for protective relay, power performance to a direct impact on the reliability of relay protection devices. In the power plant and transformer substations, the DC operation power is supplied from high frequency switching power supply (HF SPS) and uses bulky batteries as alternative power. The paper analyze the present situation development of high frequency switching power supply domestically and overseas, study and research the basal principle of HF SPS and its application in electric power system, then design HF SPS applied in electric power system. System exceptions, such as over-voltage, over-current, etc, are dealt with by carefully designed protection circuits. The reverse excitation circuit is applied for the power circuit. We get static outputs by using the methods of feedback and pulse-width modulation. Because the switching power supply for relay protection system, the switching mode power supply has many advantages: light weight, small physical size, high reliability, etc. Key word switching power supply;relay protection; reverse excitation circuit

  • 基于PWM的标准光源控制系统设计_电气工程论文范文

    基于PWM的标准光源控制系统设计_电气工程论文范文 目 录 摘要II AbstractIII 目 录IV 1 绪 论1 2 总体设计方案3 2.1 系统结构设计3 2.2 系统控制面板设计4 3 系统硬件电路设计5 3.1 基于PWM的电路设计5 3.2 液晶屏电路设计7 3.3 按键电路设计9 3.4 供电电源电路设计10 3.5 激光器电路设计10 3.6 蜂鸣器电路设计11 3.7 数据存储器电路设计11 3.8 复位电路设计12 3.9 DEBUG指示灯电路设计13 3.10 主控电路设计13 4 软件设计16 4.1 使用函数说明16 4.2 程序设计16 5 总结22 致谢23 参考文献24 附 录126 附 录227 摘 要 汽车前照灯检测仪校准器是光轴可以转动的标准光源,它由光源、直流稳压电源及电压表、光轴角转动及读数机构、水平调整机构和找正机构等部分构成。按JJG 967-2001机动车前照灯检测仪校准器检定规程要求,应对其发光强度、光轴角及水平调节机构进行计量性能检定以保证其正常使用。本次设计考虑到大功率管在使用上的局限,使用了在功能上可以替换大功率管调节的另一种调节方式,即采用PWM调节控制输出电压,这样可以保证标准光源的输出光照强度不会出现因线性电路存在漂移而不精确的问题,更为准确的调节输出电压来达到目的。 关键词 前照灯检测仪;校准器;PWM Abstract Calibrators of Headlamp Tester for Motor Vehicle is the standard source which the optical axis can rotate. It consists of lighting, DC regulated power supply and voltage meter, optical axis angle of rotation and reading institutions, horizontal adjustemt institutions and the parts of find are institutions. By JJG 967-2001 Motor Vehicle headlamp tester calibrator verification procedures required, we should deal with its luminous intensity, the optical axis angle and the horizontal adjusting mechanism for measuring the performance test to ensure its normal use. The design considerations to the limited of the power tube use. We use in the functional regulation can replace the power control means another adjustment, that adjustment by PWM control of output voltage, so we can ensure that the standard output of light intensity light source is not occur due to the existence of linear electric drift problem without accurate, more accurate output voltage regulation to achieve their goals. Keywords Headlamp Tester;Calibrators;PWM

  • CANLIN混合网络车门控制系统_电气工程论文

    电气工程论文 目 录 摘 要I AbstractII 1 前 言1 2 总体设计方案介绍3 2.1 系统硬件结构3 2.2 系统软件流程3 3 CAN总线概述5 3.1 CAN总线特点5 3.2 CAN 协议的基本概念5 3.3. CAN 协议6 3.4 CAN可靠性11 4 LIN总线概述12 4.1 LIN的特性12 4.2 LIN协议2.0组成13 4.3 LIN节点的通信模型14 4.3.1 符合OSI的基本分层结构14 4.3.2 L1N2.0中的节点模型15 4.4 LIN通讯机制15 4.4.1 主机和从机15 4.4.2 报文帧组成16 4.4.3 报文帧时隙18 4.4.4 报文帧调度表19 4.5 LIN网络管理19 4.5.1 唤醒19 4.5.2 进入睡眠20 4.5.3 功率管理20 4.6 LIN物理层规范20 5 CAN/LIN比较及其网关建立22 5.1 CAN/LIN总线的比较22 5.2 CAN/LIN网关建立23 6 硬件设计24 6.1 模块简介与芯片选择24 6.2 主模块介绍24 6.2.1 主要控制芯片电路24 6.2.2 电源电路25 6.2.3 LIN/CAN总线接口电路25 6.3 从模块(即门区模块)介绍27 6.3.1 车门模块控制芯片电路27 6.3.2 电机控制电路27 7 软件设计29 7.1 主模块软件设计29 7.1.1主程序29 7.1.2中断服务程序29 7.1.3 LIN通讯30 7.1.4按键处理31 7.1.5 CAN报文处理32 7.2 门区模块软件设计32 7.2.1 主程序33 7.2.2 从节点LIN通讯33 8 总结39 致 谢40 参考文献41 附录42 摘 要 20 世纪90 年代以来,随着人们对汽车动力性、舒适性、经济性要求的提高,汽车上的电控系统的数量越来越多,增加的ECU 及其通信设备使汽车电路复杂程度增加,相应地降低了汽车的可靠性。这就要求必须采用能够满足高速、多路的复用通信网络,以共享的方式传送多种控制信息。 CAN总线在汽车网络中的应用虽然效率显著但成本过高,LIN总线恰好能弥补这一不足。本文对比了CAN、LIN总线的性能,分别阐述了CAN和LIN网络控制的特点,并给出CAN/LIN混合网络控制方案,说明CAN/LIN结合才是车载网络的发展趋势。 关键词:CAN总线;LIN总线;单片机;网关;协议 Abstract Since the 1990s, as people on the motor power, comfort, the improvement of the economic requirements, automotive electronic control system on the increasing number and increasing the ECU and its communications equipment to increase the complexity of the car circuit, the corresponding Reduce the reliability of the car. This requires to be used to meet high-speed, multi-channel multiplexing communications network, to share the transmission of a variety of control information. CANbus features high performance and expensive cost when applied in the in-vehicle network. In this case,LINbus can offer cost-effectiveness,compared with CANbus.Firstly a comparison between CANbus and LINbus is established in performance and features. Secondary traits of CANbus and LINbus for network control are expounded respectively,and a solution of CAN/LIN mixed network is given the combination of CANbus and LINbus will become future in-vehicle network. Keyword:CANbus;LINbus;MCU;Gateway;specification

  • 智能信息终端开发(硬件)_电气工程论文范文

    电气工程论文 目录 摘 要I AbstractII 1绪 论1 2系统总体方案设计2 2.1 系统总体结构及设计目的2 2.2 系统总体设计的思路2 2.3 系统硬件设计框图2 3主控板各模块工作原理3 3.1 控制芯片的特点及引脚说明3 3.1.1 控制芯片MSP430F235的简要介绍3 3.1.2 MSP430F235的特点以及独特的低功耗原理3 3.1.3 MSP430F235的引脚说明4 3.2 电源模块工作原理7 3.3 时钟模块工作原理7 3.4 USB模块的结构及工作原理10 4240128液晶模块工作原理12 4.1240128液晶显示器及T6963C芯片的一般介绍12 4.1.1 240128液晶显示器简介12 4.1.2 T6963C芯片简介12 4.2 键盘接口电路12 4.3 内置 T6963C 控制器的液晶显示器的外特性13 4.4 内置 T6963C的液晶显示模块与MCU的接口方法14 5RD-W32热敏打印机工作原理17 5.1 RD-W32热敏打印机概述及技术参数17 5.2 RD-W32打印机接口连接18 5.2.1 RD-W32接口说明18 5.2.2 串口数据发送方法18 5.3 RD-W32指令系统部分例子19 6总 结22 致 谢23 参考文献24 附 录1 系统总原理图及PCB图25 附 录2 系统各模块C语言程序27 摘 要 在日常生活中,由于信息来源的技术特点不同,信息获取的方法也多种多样,但是,通过感觉器官获取信息存在很大的局限性,很多信息是五官难以在快节奏的生活中捕捉的。因此,智能终端的出现给人们的生活带来了很大的便利。 在智能终端方面,目前市面上已经成熟的终端机也有不同的方案。由于设计者考虑到智能终端的使用场合及人群,各种智能终端开发时基于的开发平台也会有很大区别。这里主要介绍的是通过MSP430F235单片机控制液晶显示打印的智能终端,它的主要原理是根据MSP430F235单片机,RD-W32热敏打印机模块和240128点阵液晶显示模块组成这个智能终端的三大核心板块,主控板MSP430单片机对热敏打印机和液晶显示进行控制,实现操作。 本文主要介绍的核心部分采用MSP430F235对信息进行处理,对液晶显示屏、打印机等外围设备进行控制。MSP430F235单片机是一个低功耗的单片机,特别适合于电池应用的场合或手持设备。 液晶模块采用内藏 T6963C 的液晶显示器,优势在于:已经实现了T6963C 与行、列驱动器及显示缓冲区RAM 的接口。打印模块采用RD-W32系列打印机,支持全切,半切功能,打印纸宽为57mm;整台打印机只由一块控制板,一个带切刀的打印头组成。 关键词:MSP430F235;T6963C;液晶;RD-W32热敏打印机 Abstract In daily life, because the technical characteristics is different from the sources of information, diverse methods of information acquisition, however, access to information through the sense organs, a lot of limitations, a lot of information is difficult to capture in the fast-paced of life. Therefore, the intelligent terminal bring a big convenience to people’s lives. The intelligent terminals, the current market mature terminals have different options. As the designers consider the use of intelligent terminals and crowd situations, the development platform will be very different when development of a variety of intelligent terminals based on. This introduction is through the MSP430F235 MCU LCD printing intelligent terminal, its main principle is based on MSP430F235 MCU, RD-W32 thermal printer module and 240x128dot matrix liquid crystal display, which make up of intelligent terminal modules of three core sections. The MSP430 MCU on the thermal printer and LCD control, to achieve operation. This article focuses on the core of information processing using MSP430F235 on the LCD screen, printer and other peripherals to control. MSP430F235 MCU is a low-power microcontrollers are ideally suited for battery applications or handheld device. LCD module containing the chip T6963C. Advantage: already implement the T6963C and the rows, columns, drive and display buffer RAM interface. Print module using RD-W32 series printer, support full, half cut functionality, 57mm paper width; the entire printer only by a dashboard, a print head with cutter. Key words: MSP430F235; T6963C; LCD; RD-W32 thermal printer

  • 工业生产线综合信息电子看板系统设计_电气工程论文

    电气工程论文 目录 摘要I AbstractII 目录III 1 引言1 1.1 背景1 1.2 研究内容1 1.3 本文的结构2 2 系统的总体设计3 2.1 系统研究的方法和技术路线3 2.2 系统要求达到的预期目标3 2.3 系统硬件图4 2.4 系统的硬件构成5 2.4.1 数据采集系统5 2.4.2 数据传输系统6 2.4.3 数据处理系统7 2.4.4 数据显示系统8 2.5 系统的软件构成9 2.5.1 软件部分9 2.5.2 系统信息显示方法的工作流程10 3 上位机设计11 3.1 C++语言的介绍11 3.2 Visual C++6.0编程环境的介绍11 3.3 串口通信的介绍12 3.3.1 串口信号线的接法14 3.3.2 电气参数15 3.4 上位机界面设计16 3.4.1 MFC程序框架介绍16 3.4.2 上位机界面图16 4 上下位机的通信18 4.1 PC机和单片机通信的简要介绍18 4.2 PC机和单片机通信的自定义协议18 4.3 上下位机通讯方式20 4.3.1 RS232/RS485转换电路设计20 4.4 利用MSComm控件实现串口通信功能22 4.4.1 MSComm控件的介绍22 4.4.2 MSComm工程设计常用的属性23 4.4.3 MSComm控件实现串口通信25 5 下位机设计29 5.1 处理模块MPS430单片机29 5.1.1 MPS430单片机的概述29 5.1.2 MSP430单片机的特点29 5.1.3 MPS430单片机的外围模块30 5.2 12864 带字库液晶显示屏31 5.2.1 12864带字库液晶31 5.2.1 12864带字库液晶使用注意事项31 5.3 单片机硬件原理图32 5.4 单片机的程序设计33 6 系统的分析40 6.1 系统总体评价40 6.2 系统改进方向40 7 结论41 致谢42 参考文献43 摘要 本课题研究的是工业生产线综合信息电子看板系统的设计。我们要解决的问题是如何对工业生产线上的各个工位的信息进行获取并在当前工位显示当前信息,对产品产量和生产效率进行跟踪,记录并进行统计,将统计数据传输到PC机上进行综合信息处理。该课题涉及到数据库的编程,单片机的应用,串口通信,液晶显示等模块。 本系统的设计大致可分为两个部分。第一部分主要是系统的硬件设计,第二部分是系统的软件设计。 软件设计主要是指上位机的设计。本系统以PC机作为上位机,利用Visual C++ 6.0版本来开发串行通信软件,编写上位机软件及数据库对信息进行综合处理,实现PC机与MCU之间,扫描枪与MCU之间的通信功能。 硬件设计是指下位机的设计,也就是单片机的设计,本文中使用的单片机型号为MPS430F169。单片机主要负责实现三个功能:扫描枪从各个工位获取来的信息需传递到单片机内实现数据的处理;单片机需将处理后的数据信息送往该工位的LCD显示器显示,使LCD显示器能准确实时的显示当前工位的信息;各个单片机能将处理后的信息传至主机,实现与主机的通信。根据以上三个功能,我们对系统的硬件进行设计。 最后,我们要对系统进行调试运行,以实现系统预期要达到的目标。使用该电子看板系统设计后,使每个产品的生产耗时都被记录下来并与预设的标准时间做比较。从而可以更好地安排工作的时间段,合理的设定每天的工作量以提高生产效率。 关键词 电子看板;MCU;VC++6.0;串口通信 Abstract The research of the subject is the design of e-Kanban system which are used for the line of the industrial production of integrated information. The question we need to address of is how to access the industrial production line of each station's information and display the current yield-information in the current position and do the productivity tracking, recording. Transmit the statistical data to the PC to do the information processing. The issue relates to database programming, microcontroller applications, serial communication and LCD modules. The system design can be divided into two parts. The first part is the hardware design, the second part of the system's software design. Software design mainly refers to the PC design. In this system, we use Visual C + + 6.0 version to develop the serial communication software and the PC software. At the same time we do the Comprehensive processing of information to realize the communication between PC machine and MCU, the communication between the scanner and MCU. Hardware design is the design of next-bit machine, that is, the design of MCU. The microcontroller used in this model MPS430F169. the MCU is responsible to achieve three functions: scanning guns from all station access to the information .This information is required to deliver to the MCU to realize the processing of data; Each MCU must send the processed data to the LCD display to display; the MCU can handle all the information then transmit it to the pc to achieve communication with the pc. Based on the above three functions, we design the system hardware. Finally, we have to debug the system, so that we can achieve the expected objective. After using the electronic Kanban system, we can record the consuming time easily and make a comparison with the standard time. So every day you can better organize work time, set a reasonable amount of work to improve productivity. Key words E-Kanban system; MCU; VC + +6.0; Serial communication