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  • 具有常闭触点的固态开关研究_电气工程论文

    目 录 摘要Ⅰ AbstractⅡ 1 前 言1 2继电器的结构和原理3 2.1 继电器的定义及分类3 2.1.1 继电器的定义4 2.1.2 继电器的分类4 2.2 继电器的结构和工作原理5 2.2.1 电磁继电器的结构6 2.2.2 继电器的工作原理6 2.3 继电器的应用7 3 固态继电器结构和原理8 3.1 固态继电器的定义及组成8 3.1.1 固态继电器的定义8 3.1.2 固态继电器的分类9 3.1.3 固态继电器的组成9 3.2 固态继电器的结构和工作原理10 3.2.1固态继电器的结构10 3.2.2固态继电器的工作原理10 3.3 固态继电器的优缺点12 3.3.1 固态继电器的优点12 3.3.2 固态继电器的缺点13 3.4 具有常闭触点的固态开关(继电器)的设计13 3.4.1具有常闭触点的固态开关的定义13 3.4.2具有常闭触点的固态开关的结构13 3.4.3 具有常闭触点的固态开关(继电器)的电路设计和原理14 3.5固态开关(继电器)的应用前景及注意事项15 3.5.1 固态开关(继电器)的应用前景15 3.5.2 固态开关(继电器)应用中的注意事项16 4 总 结19 致 谢20 参考文献21 摘 要 随着社会经济的发展,人民群众生活水平不断提高,继电器在工程,机械,电子,电气领域起着重要的作用,继电器是一种电子控制器件,它具有控制系统(又称输入回路)和被控制系统(又称输出回路),通常应用于自动控制电路中,它实际上是用较小的电流去控制较大电流的一种“自动开关”。故在电路中起着自动调节、安全保护、转换电路等作用。 从20世纪70年代前后发展出一种固态继电器。固态继电器是一种两个接线端为输入端,另两个接线端为输出端的四端器件,中间采用隔离器件实现输入输出的电隔离。随着固态继电器的普遍应用,先后又有了常开触点的固态开关,此开关的诞生在科技领域中有着非常重要的作用,具有普遍的现实意义。 本文要在常开触点的基础上,研究一种具有常闭触点的固态开关,以适应市场及工程上的需求。 关键词:常闭触点、固态继电器、开关 Abstract With the social and economic development, constantly improve people's living standards, the relay in the works, machinery, electronics, electrical play an important role in the field, the relay is a kind of electronic control devices, it has a control system (also known as the input circuit) and control system (also known as the output circuit), usually used in automatic control circuit, it is actually a smaller current to control a larger current "automatic switch." It plays in the automatic adjustment circuit, security protection, such as the role of the conversion circuit. 70s from the 20th century, before and after the development of a solid-state relay. Solid-state relay is a two input terminals for the other two output terminals for the four-terminal devices, the use of isolation among the input and output devices to achieve electrical isolation. With the widespread application of solid-state relay has normally open contacts and a solid-state switches, switch the birth of this field of science and technology has a very important role, is of universal relevance. This article in the normally open contacts on the basis of the study a normally closed contact of the solid-state switch, in order to adapt to market and engineering requirements. Keywords:normally closed contact, solid state relays, switches

  • 四川大发SF120-206500型水轮发电机电磁设计_电气工程论文

    电气工程论文 目录 摘要I AbstractII 第1章 绪论1 1.1 概述1 1.2 课题简介2 1.3 发展趋势3 1.4 基本工作原理4 1.5 给定额定数据5 1.6 研究方案5 第2章 电磁计算的基本理论6 2.1 定子铁心内径和铁心长度的选择6 2.2 极距的选择6 2.3 定子铁心长度的选择7 2.4 定子绕组形式的选择7 2.5 定子槽数的选择8 2.6 定子绕组接线9 2.7 定子槽形10 2.8 电负荷的选择11 2.9 定子槽形尺寸及槽数12 2.10 外型尺寸的估算13 2.11 隙长度选择13 2.12 磁极铁心各部尺寸的选择15 2.13 阻尼绕组尺寸的选择16 2.14 励磁绕组尺寸的选择18 2.15 磁路计算19 2.16 负载磁动势计算21 2.17 参数及时间常数22 2.18 损耗与效率22 第3章 电磁计算25 3.1 基本数据25 3.1.1 额定数据25 3.1.2 定子绕组数据26 3.1.3 励磁绕组及阻尼绕组数据27 3.2 空载磁势计算28 3.2.1 磁路尺寸28 3.2.2 空载特性计算29 3.3 电抗和时间常数的计算32 3.4 负载磁势计算36 3.4.1 短路和额定千伏安时磁势的计算36 3.5 励磁数据37 3.6 损耗和效率38 3.7 温升计算41 3.8 经济指标42 第4章 电磁方案的比较分析44 4.1 对比方案44 4.2 方案对比44 4.3 几种方案对比分析46 4.4 方案对比总结47 结论48 致谢49 参考文献50 摘要 本课题对水轮发电机做了概括性的介绍,包括分类、工作原理、运行状态、相对于其他发电机的优点等,对水轮发电机的基本结构和运行性能有了一定的了解。随着大型水轮发电机在各个领域的应用越来越广泛,关于水轮发电机的优化成为一个非常热门的话题,因此电磁设计就显得尤为重要。本研究课题结合四川大发电站12万千瓦水轮发电机的电磁算例,对电磁设计进行更深一步的研究。通过改变单一变量的方式,通过对气隙的长度、定子铁心内外圆半径、铁心长度、电负荷大小的调节对电磁设计方案进行研究分析,比较了各种方案中各个参数的变化对水轮发电机的结构尺寸、铜铁材料用量、性能、效率、飞轮力矩、电压调整率和过载能力等的影响,总结了各种方案的优缺点,从而得出了最合理的设计方案。通过本次研究计算,得出了调整采用不同参数的各种方案,并进行对比研究,这项研究有利于提升和改良大型水轮发电机的工作性能,为水轮发电机初步设计时的数据选择提供了较好的参考,进而为得出最佳优化方案提供了依据。 关键词 水轮发电机;电磁设计;优化方案 Sichuan dafa SF120-20/6500 type generator electromagnetic design Abstract The subject of the generator made a brief introduction, including classification, working principles, operation status, relative to other advantages such as generators, the basic structure of the generator and operating performance has some understanding. With the large-scale hydro in various fields has been widely applied on the hydro optimization will be a very hot topic, so electromagnetic design is especially important. This research project combined 120,000 kilowatts in Sichuan hydro power station electromagnetic example, the electromagnetic design of the further investigation. By changing a single variable of the way through the length of the air gap, stator core and outside radius, core length, adjust the size of electrical load on the electromagnetic design study analyzed and compared the various programs in various parameters on the water wheel power machine structure size, metallurgy and materials consumption, performance, efficiency, flywheel torque, voltage regulation and overload to the effects, summed up the advantages and disadvantages of various options to arrive at the most reasonable design. Through this time is calculated using the adjustment obtained using different parameters of various programs, and conduct comparative studies, this study has to upgrade and improve Daxing Li Yu's Gongzuoxingneng Generator, Wei 水轮发电机 Chubusheji when the Shu Ju choose to provide a better reference, which in turn provides the optimum basis for optimization programs. Keywords  Generator; electromagnetic design; optimization program 不要删除行尾的分节符,此行不会被打印

  • LED点阵套件开发(硬件)_电气工程论文范文

    电气工程论文 目录 摘要I AbstractII 1绪论1 2 系统总体方案设计2 2.1 系统总体结构2 2.1.1 系统总体设计的目的2 2.1.2 系统总体设计的思路2 2.2 系统主要硬件描述3 2.2.1 单片机STC89C543 2.2.2 LED点阵6 2.2.3 移位寄存器74HC5956 2.2.4 DS1302时钟模块8 3 系统硬件设计10 3.1 系统硬件设计原理图10 3.1.1 STC89C54单片机部分10 3.1.2 LED点阵模块部分11 3.1.3 移位寄存器74LS595部分11 3.1.4 LED显示驱动部分12 3.1.5 时钟电路部分13 3.2 系统硬件设计实物图13 4 系统软件设计15 4.1 系统软件设计的基本思路15 4.2 程序流程图15 4.2.1 LED静态显示16 4.2.2 LED动态左移显示16 5总结18 致 谢19 参考文献20 摘要 LED(Light Emitting Diode)显示屏是八十年代后期在全球迅速发展起来的新型信息显示媒体,它利用发光二极管构成的点阵模块或像素单元组成在面积显示屏幕,以可靠性高、使用寿命长、环境适应能力强、价格性能比高、使用成本低等特点,在短短的十来年中,迅速成长为平板显示的主流产品,在信息显示领域得到了广泛的应用【1】。 本文介绍了一种实用的LED点阵显示屏系统设计。利用PC(Personal Computer)机将汉字或数字转换成点阵显示数据,通过串行口发送给STC89C54,STC89C54利用接收到的数据控制LED点阵显示屏,同时系统利用PC机实现了对汉字或数字移动方向和移动速度的控制。本文简单介绍LED点阵显示系统中单片机与LED点阵的搭建以及LED点阵的驱动,着重介绍硬件的设计与实现【2】。 关键词:LED显示屏; STC89C54; 点阵 Abstract LED (Light Emitting Diode) display is the late 1980s and the rapid development of the new information in the global media show, It posed by the use of LED dot matrix module or modules in the area of the display screen pixel, high reliability, long lifetime, ability to adapt to the local environment, the price performance ratio and the use of low cost, in a short period of 10 years. Rapid growth in the mainstream of flat panel display products in a wide range of fields of information display applications. This paper introduces how to design a kind of LED dot matrix display. It utilizes PC(Personal Computer)to translate basic characters into dot matrix data. Then the data are sent to the AT89C52. AT89C52 controls the LED dot matrix display utilizing the receiving data. Meanwhile, the system realizes to control the moving direction and speed of the basic characters. This article explains the LED dot matrix display system microcontroller and LED dot matrix LED dot matrix structures, and the drive to highlight the design and implementation of hardware. Keywords: LED display; AT89C52; dot matrix

  • 竞技坦克的设计_电气工程论文范文

    电气工程论文 摘 要:你可能乘过飞机(当然不是战斗机),也可能坐过轮船(当然不是军舰),但是,你大概没坐过坦克。坦克和汽车的区别,比起民航飞机和战斗机、客轮和军舰的区别要大多了。本毕业设计将把坦克缩小15倍,让你在弹指间感受它带来的魅力。 本毕业设计的坦克模型包括车体及设置在车体内的电源、IC控制板及行走机构、无线电接收器、以及设置在车体顶部的炮塔和炮管等部件,炮塔内另设有炮塔转动装置、炮管抬动装置,还设有发声、发光及发烟装置,并可配备由激光发射器,无线摄像头组成的火控系统。除此,还可以通过每辆坦克设置不同频率的晶振,实现多部坦克在同一地点同一时候共同参与“实战演习”。 目前市场上并没出现一款真正意义的可以作竞技娱乐的玩具坦克,可见制作一辆仿真的遥控坦克,并在上面加装一定的竞技设备,使之成为一种竞技娱乐,将为日常生活提供一种别样的乐趣。 关键词:坦克;无线电;遥控;竞技 Abstract:You may have an experience by plane (of course, not fighters), or by ship (of course, not warships), but you probably never had been in tanks. The distinctions between tanks and vehicles are bigger than those of civil aircraft and fighters, passenger ships and warships. My thesis design is to narrow the tanks by 15 times and let you feel its charm in a snap of the fingers. This model tank includes the body and the power supply set up in it, IC control panel and walking, radio receivers, and barbette and other parts of gun barrel on top of the turret, there are also a turret rotating devices, barrel lift devices, the model is also equipped with audible, luminescence and smoke devices, and optional laser transmitters. And fire-control system. consists of the wireless camera. Furthermore, it could also set up frequency oscillator for each tank. It is possible for multi-tanks at the same location in the same time to participate in the combat exercises. Currently, the market hasn’t witnesses the real meaning of toy tank that can be used for entertainment and contest, obviously, it will supply a kinda fun for life to make a simulated remote control tank, which equipped competitive devices and make it as a kind of contest and a entertainment. Keywords:Tanks; Radios; Remote control; Competitive

  • 基于routercli的DOSNIPE防火墙终端控制_电气工程论文

    电气工程论文 摘要: 随着科技的不断发展,越来越多人感觉到网络已经成为生活中不可或缺的一部分了。人们通过网络来购物,通过网络来进行交易,通过网络来进行转帐,等等。但随之而来的就是网络安全问题。是的,网络安全已经成为现今计算机领域的一大主题,而在所有的网络安全产品中,防火墙就当之无愧的稳当霸主地位。 为了极大限度的发挥防火墙的功效,对防火墙进行各种配置,状态查看就成为必然。 比如,设置ip地址,设置过滤规则,设置保护主机;查看主机流量,查看攻击种类, 查看系统日志等等。而选择合适的控制手段将会大大提高防火墙的防御能力,虽然WEB页面控制具有非常直观的用户交互界面,但还需加上终端控制手段方能如虎添翼。 routercli 就是一款操作简单,而功能强大的控制终端.本文从其产生背景,应用领域,使用方法,以及项目部署等各个方向对其进行详细描述. 关键词:网络安全; 防火墙; routercli Abstract:With the development of technology, more and more people can’t live without networking. They do shopping ,make business deal , transfer accounts through network. However, It invokes the networking security problem , which is very harmful. Yes ,networking security has become one of the hottest topic in computer area, and it goes without saying that Firewall product has established the hegemony in all of the network security products. It becomes necessary to do kinds of configurations and inspect the running status for fully playing the performance of firewall. Such as setting ip address ,filter rules, protected hosts and inspecting flows, types of attacking, system logs and so on.. Under this situation ,it will great improve the defense ability of firewall ,as long as you choose a proper control strategy. although WEB-based controlling has a friendly user interface., Terminal-based controlling should be added as a appurtenance. RouterCli is a powerful control terminal. This article describes it in detail from its background ,application area, usage, project deployment and the like. Keywords: Network Security;Firewall;routercli

  • 数字温度电子钟设计_电气工程论文

    目录 摘要I AbstractII 1 绪 论1 2 PIC单片机在设计中的应用3 2.1 PIC16F877A单片机功能简介3 2.2 外围功能模块特性3 2.3 外部引脚说明4 2.3.1主电源引脚4 2.3.2 外接晶体引脚4 2.3.3 输入/输出引脚4 2.4 存储器概述6 2.4.1 程序存储器6 2.4.2 数据存储器7 2.5 PIC16F877A单片机的中断8 2.5.1 中断源的分类8 2.5.2 中断的使能方式9 3 方案设计10 3.1 电路框图10 3.1.1 时钟模块10 3.1.2 DS1302的电路原理图14 3.2 温度模块15 3.2.1 DS18B20的电路原理图17 3.3 显示模块18 3.4 按键模块24 4. 程序设计25 4.1 主程序流程图25 4.1.1 中断程序流程图:26 5 结 论27 致 谢28 参考文献29 附录30 附件1 DS1302子程序30 附件2 DS18B20子程序34 附录3 总电路图36 摘要 在此设计中所设计的钟表不但具有普通钟表的功能,它还能实现多个额外的功能:温度测量、年,月,日,星期。 本设计主要分为硬件电路设计和软件实现两大部分。硬件电路设计采用模块设计:中央处理电路、时钟电路、温度测量电路三大部分;软件采用C语言编程实现,设计采用按功能模块划分,包括:主程序、显示程序、温度测量程序、时钟程序。 单片机又称微控制器,即MCU,是Microcontroller Unit的英文缩写。PIC系列单片机是美国微芯科技公司(MIicrochip公司)的微控制器产品。本次设计的CPU的采用PIC16F877。 在时间功能上主要依靠时间芯片DS1302来完成大部分功能。它的主要特点是采用串行数据传输,可为掉电保护电源提供可编程的充电功能,并且可以关闭充电功能。采用普通32.768kHz晶振。此款芯片来实现时间功能是完全能满足电路的要求。 温度方面工作由数字式温度传感器DS18B20来完成,这款温度传感器是具有线路简单,体积小,方便易用等特点,温度测量范围为-55℃~+125℃,选用这个芯片使电路简化,提高了效率。 关键词:单片机、时钟芯片、温度传感器 Abstract In this design in the design of watches and clocks, watches and clocks, not only has the general function, it can achieve a number of additional functions: temperature measurement, year, month, day, week. The design can be divided into hardware and software circuit design to achieve two major parts. Hardware circuit design uses modular design: the central processing circuit, the clock circuit, the three most temperature measurement circuit; software used C programming language, designed with functional module division, including: the main program that process, temperature measurement procedures, the clock procedutes. SCM also known as micro-controllers, that is, MCU, a Microcontroller Unit of the initials. PIC MCU is a micro-core technology companies in the United States (MIicrochip) of the microcontroller products. The design of the CPU used PIC16F877. In the main function of the time relying on the chip DS1302 time to complete the majority of functionality. Its main feature is a serial data transmission, power-down protection for the provision of programmable power charging capabilities, and can close charging function. Using ordinary 32.768 kHz crystal.In this chip to achieve a fully functional time to meet the requirements of circuit. Key words: single chip microcomputer Clock Chip Temperature Sensor

  • 毛纺厂35KV变电所一次系统设计

    目 录 摘要.I 1 绪论1 1.1 设计背景及意义1 1.2 本次设计内容及步骤2 2原始设计资料及设计要求4 2.1 毛纺厂原始资料4 2.2 与供电部门的供用电协议6 3 负荷计算统计7 3.1 负荷统计方法7 3.2 车间变电所的负荷统计7 3.2.1 NO.2车间变电所下属各车间的负荷计算7 3.2.2 NO.2车间变电所380V母线处负荷统计. 9 3.2.3 NO.2车间变电所10KV进线侧负荷的计算. 10 3.2.4 全厂车间变电所负荷统计11 3.3 总降压变电所负荷的统计13 3.3.1 10KV母线侧负荷计算. .13 3.3.2 高压无功补偿13 3.3.3 35KV母线侧负荷统计. .13 4 主接线的设计. .16 4.1 变压器的选择16 4.1.1 主变压器台数的选择16 4.1.2 主变压器容量的选择16 4.2 总降压变电所系统图确定17 5 短路电流的计算. .19 5.1 短路计算介绍19 5.2 标幺值法计算短路电流19 5.2.1 短路等效图及基准值19 5.2.2 系统最小运行方式下短路电流计算20 5.2.3 系统最大运行方式下短路电流计算21 5.3 短路计算结果22 6 一次设备的选择与校验.24 6.1 电气设备选择的一般原则24 6.2 高压开关柜的选择24 6.3 断路器及电流电流互感器的选择24 6.3.1 断路器的选择与校验方法25 6.3.2 35KV侧断路器的选择与校验. .26 6.3.3 10KV侧断路器的选择与校验. .27 6.3.4 电流互感器的选择与校验方法28 6.3.5 35KV侧电流互感器的选择校验. .29 6.3.6 10KV侧电流互感器的选择. .29 6.4 其它一次设备的选择30 7 变电所线路及母线的选择32 7.1 电缆导线的选择方法32 7.2 母线的选择32 7.2.1 35KV母线的选择. .32 7.2.2 10KV母线的选择. .33 7.3 线路的选择33 7.3.1 35KV架空线进线的选择. .33 7.3.2 10kV馈电线路电缆选择. .34 7.3.3 10KV备用电源进线的选择. .36 8 变电所的继电保护. 38 8.1 变压器的继电保护38 8.1.1 变压器的继电保护措施38 8.1.2 变压器继电保护的整定38 8.2 电力线路的继电护40 8.2.1 电力线路的继电保护措施40 8.2.2 电力线路的继电保护整定40 9 防雷及接地42 9.1 电力线路的防雷措施42 9.2 变配电所的防雷措施42 9.3 公共接地装置的设计43 10 总结. .46 致谢.47 参考文献. .48 附录:一次系统图 摘要 随着我国国民经济的快速增长,用电已成为制约我国经济发展的重要因素。为保证正常的供配电要求,各地都在兴建一系列的供配电装置。 本文主要介绍了毛纺厂35kV总降压变电所的设计。文中对主接线的选择、高压设备的选择、负荷计算、短路电流计算,各种继电保护选择和整定计算皆有详细的说明。特别对主接线的选择,变压器的选择,还有一些电气设备如断路器、电流互感器、电压互感器等的选择校验作了详细的说明和分析。 本次设计以电力供应和传输安全、可靠、灵活、经济为原则。设计的内容紧密结合实际,通过查找大量相关资料,设计出符合当前要求的变电所。其中主变压器容量的选择是根据所带负荷多少,并考虑到经济运行,采用两台变压器SL7-2500/35。 关键词: 变电站、负荷计算、变压器 Abstract With the fast growth of the our country national economy,using the electricity also becomes important of the development and supervision in our country. Everywhere a series of electricity device are built. This paper mainly introduces the design of 35kV substation of Woolen mill. It discusses the choice of main wiring, high pressure equipment and all kinds of the protection of relay, the calculation of load, short current and so on in detail, especially, the choice of main wiring, transformer and some electric equipment such as circuit breaker, current and Voltage sensor. This design take the electric power supply and the transmission safe, reliable, is nimble, the economy as the principle. The design is closely related to reality in order to design the suitable substation by studying a lot of materials. Main transformer capacity choice is according to brings to shoulder how many, and considered Economic Operation, uses two transformers SL7-2500/35. KEY WORDS: Substation Load forecasting Transformer

  • 天生桥电站水轮发电机电磁设计与计算_电气工程论文

    电气工程论文 目录 摘要I AbstractII 第1章 绪论1 1.1 天生桥水电站概述1 1.2 课题研究目的2 1.3 课题研究的意义2 1.4 课题内容2 1.5 课题综述3 1.6 本章小结3 第2章 电磁计算的基本原理、方法及其步骤4 2.1 定子绕组、磁路尺寸及阻尼绕组的选择4 2.1.1 水轮机所给额定值4 2.2 定子绕组的确定4 2.3 磁路尺寸9 2.4 空载特性计算12 2.4.1 极身根部磁通的确定12 2.4.2 空气隙的磁势12 2.4.3 转子轭与磁极接缝处之磁势12 2.5 参数及时间常数12 2.6 阻尼绕组及励磁绕组尺寸的确定13 2.6.1 阻尼条节距13 2.6.2 阻尼环尺寸的确定13 2.6.3 阻尼直径的确定14 2.7 同步电抗的确定14 2.8 电机损耗14 2.9 电机效率16 2.10 同步发电机的运行特性16 2.11 同步发电机的磁场和功率、转矩方程及运行特性17 2.11.1 空载和负载时同步发电机的磁场17 2.11.2 电磁设计步骤17 2.12 本章小结18 第3章 电磁方案计算19 3.1 基本数据19 3.1.1 额定数据19 3.1.2 定子绕组数据19 3.1.3 励磁绕组及阻尼绕组数据21 3.2 空载磁势计算22 3.2.1 磁路尺寸22 3.2.2 空载特性计算24 3.3 电抗和时间常数的计算28 3.4 负载磁势计算32 3.4.1 短路和额定千伏安cosφ=0时磁势的计算32 3.5 励磁数据34 3.6 损耗和效率35 3.7 温升计算38 3.7.1 定子温升计算38 3.7.2 转子温升计算40 3.8 经济指标41 3.9 本章小结42 第4章 计算结果及分析43 4.1 计算方案43 4.2 方案对比分析43 4.3 各方案对比分析总结51 4.4 本章小结53 结论54 致谢55 参考文献56 摘要 随着超大型水轮发电机的应用越来越广泛,各国对水轮发电机的研究越来越深入,水轮发电机的优选也变得越来越重要。对水轮发电机的优选也就是对其电磁方案的优化。水轮发电机电磁方案的优化不仅可以提升电机运行效率,也可以降低电机设计成本,在企业竞争激烈以及能源短缺的今天这些尤为重要。本文在掌握电磁设计的方法基础上,对天生桥水电站水轮发电机电磁方案进行计算,然后通过改变发电机的气隙长度、定子内外径长度、铁心长度、电负荷等参数来观察电磁量、励磁量、损耗、材料用量、效率、电压变化率、温升等因数的变化,对该水轮发电机的尺寸结构、材料用量、性能等因素进行了优选处理。通过上述几个方案的对比分析得到了改变不同设计变量电机性能的变化规律。此研究成果的意义在于,参数的调整可以针对多种不同方案进行利弊比对,有利于对大型水轮发电机的工作性能进行最大程度的提升和改良,同时在水轮发电机初步设计时的数据选择上,有较好的参照性结论,使大型水轮发电机在实际应用中发挥最大效用。本文所作的工作可以为相关电机的设计提供重要的参考依据。 关键词 水轮发电机;电磁设计;性能对比 The Electromagnetic Design Calculation of Tianshengqiao Hydro generator Abstract With the application of large-scale hydro generator increasing more and more widely, the study on them are more and more deeply in many countries, the optimization of the hydro generator is also more and more important. The optimization of the hydro generator is actually equal to the optimization of its electromagnetic program. Electromagnetic Optimization of Hydro generator can not only improve the efficiency of the motor, but can also reduce costs, intense competition among the enterprises and energy shortage today of these is particularly important.. The main contents of this dissertation is electromagnetic design of Tianshengqiao hydro generator, and then by changing the generator air gap length, stator inner diameter,outer diameter , core length, load and other parameters to observe the electromagnetic parameters, excitation volume parameter loss, material losses, efficiency, the voltage regulation, temperature and other factors change. The significance of the results of this study lies in the fact that parameters can be adjusted for a number of different programs to contrast and analyze advantages and disadvantages of these changes’ influence on these programs. It is useful to help the work of improving or maximizing the performance of a large generator. Besides, it is a better reference in the parameters selection during the preliminary design of the hydro generator, so that the large hydro generator can maximize effectiveness in practical applications. This can provide important reference for the generator design. Keywords  hydro generator; electromagnetic design; function contrast