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  • 全方位冷冻治疗中晚期肝癌术后并发症的观察与护理

    全方位冷冻与手术治疗中晚期肝癌患者疗效的比较研究 摘 要 研究目的 目前我国发病人数约占全球的半数以上,占全球肝癌病人的55%,已经成为严重威胁我国人民健康和生命的一大杀手,其危险性不容小视。冷冻治疗中晚期肝癌成为进一步提高其疗效和存活率的一种有效途径。通过对比相同病理类型的肝癌患者采用全方位冷冻及手术治疗的并发症发生率、患者术后满意度、患者1年及3年生存率,选取对患者更有利的治疗手段。 研究方法 将因患中晚期肝癌入住肝胆外科需治疗患者按其所选治疗方案分成全方位冷冻治疗组(冷冻组)和传统手术组(手术组),记录比较两组病例术后并发症的发生,随访调查患者1年及3年生存率,评价更为有效的治疗手段。 研究结果 ⑴两组患者的临床资料包括性别、发病起源、乙型肝炎表面抗体、病理分期相比,表明两组临床资料无显著差异(p>0.05),具有可比性。 ⑵相同病理类型,病情严重程度相当的中晚期患者接受手术及冷冻治疗后,两组患者的并发症发生率有差异,总体上讲冷冻治疗的并发症发生率低于手术治疗组,P

  • 早产儿喂养不耐受的因素的分析报告

    早产儿喂养不耐受的因素的分析报告 摘 要 目的:总结肠道营养与肠外营养相结合的新生儿喂养效果,评价新生儿喂养不耐受对营养的影响,计算喂养不耐受的发生率,分析发生喂养不耐受的相关危险因素。 方法:438例新生儿进行临床观察,早产儿381例。对早产儿及足月儿采用不同的喂养,母乳喂养早产儿135例,奶瓶喂养早产儿167例,胃管喂养早产儿79例。按黄瑛诊断标准即频繁呕吐≥3次/d,奶量不增或减少>3d,胃潴留(潴留量>前次喂养量的1/3)分为喂养不耐受组(feedingintolerance,FI组)和非喂养不耐受组(non-FI组)。喂养不耐受组用小剂量红霉素治疗,剂量3-5 mg/kg.次,1-2次/日,连用5-7天,部分病例疗程>7天。记录每日奶量、热卡、体重增长情况,比较喂养不耐受组与非喂养不耐受组的喂养效果,分析喂养不耐受的相关危险因素,计算喂养不耐受的发生率。 结果:低体重(p 7 days.Record daily milk, calorie, weight gain, feeding intolerance group compared with non-feeding group feeding intolerance effects of feeding intolerance and the risk factors to calculate the incidence of feeding intolerance.Results: The low birth weight (p

  • 不同喂养方式对婴幼儿体格发育的影响

    不同喂养方式对婴幼儿体格发育的影响 摘 要 目的 为提高母乳喂养率,了解喂养方式与民族、性别差异,探讨不同喂养方式对婴儿体格发育的影响。 方法 选择2009年10月-2010年10月在我院出生的足月产的0-4个月婴儿120例进行0~4个月时的喂养方式调查和生长监测,,并由专业人员对体重、身长、头围进行测量,应用生长发育软件进行分析、测评。采用SPSS11.0软件进行统计学分析,对资料进行t检验、方差分析。 结果 两民族不同喂养方式在小儿性别、体重、身高间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。0~4个月婴儿母乳喂养率为69.30%;其中,朝鲜族母乳喂养率为66.96%,汉族为69.93%。0~4个月母乳喂养方式的婴儿体重高于混合喂养及人工喂养,差异有显著性(P

  • 鼻内镜下鼻窦开放术围手术期的护理

    鼻内镜下鼻窦开放术围手术期的护理 摘 要 研究背景 鼻内镜手术是近年来开展的一项新技术,它是在鼻内镜直视下,以尽可能保留鼻腔、鼻窦的结构和功能为前提,以消除病变、改善和重建鼻腔、鼻窦通气引流功能为目的的鼻外科手术。是治疗慢性鼻窦炎及鼻息肉的新方法,具有痛苦小,操作精细,观察准确等优点,在清除发病因素的基础上重建和恢复鼻腔鼻窦的通气和粘膜纤毛的功能,是一种符合鼻腔鼻窦生理的手术方法,把以往根治性或者破坏性手术改变为功能性手术。鼻窦镜手术的目的1.拓宽鼻腔和鼻窦间的联系空间2.最大限度的保留正常的解剖结构和粘膜,对局部生理功能的保护贯穿于整个治疗的过程中。对于慢性鼻窦炎而言,手术只是治疗的开始,术后要经过复杂的处理过程,才能彻底治愈,单纯依靠手术而不注重手术后的处理并不能获得可靠的疗效。特别是手术后的鼻窦冲洗尤其重要,它能有效地去除干痂,增加局部血液循环,促进黏液纤毛清除功能,收缩水肿组织,更加有利于鼻腔和鼻窦的充分通风和引流,从而大大缩短术后治疗时间。系统的鼻内窥镜手术围手术期的护理!对于缩短手术恢复时间、提高治疗效果至关重要。 研究目的 对鼻内镜下鼻窦开放术治疗慢性鼻窦炎的传统护理及系统化术前术后护理、并发症观察及护理进行探讨,预防和避免并发症的发生,以保证治疗效果,提高治愈率。 研究方法 选择大学第二附属医院耳鼻喉科2009年8月至2010年08月实施鼻内镜手术病例490例。490例随机分为标准组和对照组,标准组245例,采用系统化护理,包括术前准备、制定有预见性的护理措施、术中配合和术后护理重点及措施、出院指导;对照组245例,采用常规护理。根据疗效标准统计有效率及无效率、并发症发生率。 研究结果 两组有效率比较有显著性差异(P<0.05)。标准组有效率为98%,与对照组比较有显著性差异;无效率为2%,与对照组比较有显著性差异;并发症发生率为3%,与对照组比较有显著性差异。。 结论 鼻内镜下鼻窦开放术是较好的治疗方法,其手术前后的各种护理措施是否到位,直接关系到手术效果和术后复发等并发症发生机会。所以为了提高疗效,根据术后恢复的不同阶段开展规范化的护理及随访非常重要。 关键词:慢性鼻窦炎;内镜手术;护理 论文类型:应用研究论文 Comparison of the effect of different feeding methods to neonates  ABSTRACT Background As one kind of nature food, breast-feeds can bring large advantage. It can be absorbed easily, and be of plenty of antibody and immunocyte. At the same time, it can promote the sensation communication. So it is important to mental and physical development of infants. But many mothers have not plenty of latex. Because of latex lack, infants will have hypoglycemia and jaundice easily. So it is necessary to add appendix feeding in good time when latex lack occurs. Objectives To study the influences of two different breast-feeds to neonatal three days after delivery,including jaundice, blood glucose and low weight. Methods 118 neonates were randomly divided to experimental group (58 cases) and control group (60 cases), monitored the items of physiology such as: weight, blood glucose, time of fetal feces discharge end, and jaundice index. The neonates in experimental were raised by breastfeeding and mixed feeding, while the neonates in control were raised totally by breastfeeding. Results: The items of physiology between two groups have statistical difference( P<0.05). Incidence of jaundice , low weight and hypoglycemia in experimental group is lower than that in control group. In experimental group, the number of low weight was 0(0%), the rate of hypoglycemia was 10%, and the incidence of pathological jaundice was 3.4%. compared with ones in control group, there were significant difference. Breastfeeding adding appendix feeding can decrease the incidence of low weight, hypoglycemia and jaundice significantly three days after delivery. Conclusion If breast-feed were not enough, appendix feed should be given to neonates in the first three days, which could decrease jaundice and prevent hypoglycemia of neonates. KEY WORDS: breast-feed;mixed-feed;neonate;jaundice;hypoglycemia;low weight TYPE OF THESIS: Research Report 目 录 1 绪论1 1.1研究背景及意义1 1.2研究目标1 1.3关键词及定义1 1.4文献回顾2 1.4.1鼻内镜下鼻窦开放术概述…………………………………………………………………2 1.4.2鼻内镜下鼻内镜下鼻窦开放术围手术期的护理现状………………………………………3 2研究设计4 2.1研究类型…………………………………………………………………………….4 2.1研究对象4 2.2研究步骤5 2.3研究工具5 2.4资料分析5 3结果与分析6 3.1一般资料…………………………………………………………………………...6 3.2两组有效率人次比较6 3.3两组无效率人次比较6 3.4两组并发症发生率人次比较7 4讨论……………………………………………………………………………………….8 4.1总结讨论…………………………………………………………………………..8 4.2术前准备及护理制定有预见性护理措施9 4.3术中配合10 4.4术后护理重点及措施10 4.5出院指导………………………………………………………………………12 5结论与展望14 致 谢15 参考文献17

  • 孕期妇女营养和适宜体重增长的研究

    孕期妇女营养和适宜体重增长的研究 摘 要 目的:调查了解西安市孕期妇女膳食食物消费量和营养素摄入情况,搜集孕期妇女体重增长数据,以便提供合理的膳食建议,研究西安市孕期妇女体重增长的适宜值,指导孕期保健。 方法:于2010年4月-2010年8月收集了西安市242 名孕妇进行了一项纵向研究,用以观察她们孕期膳食食物消费量、营养素摄入量;孕期体重变化和最终的妊娠结局。研究中用24 小时膳食回顾法调查了不同孕期妇女的膳食情况,测量了孕妇的孕前体重和孕期体重,记录其妊娠结局情况,以调查问卷形式获得她们的社会经济方面的资料。分析了食物消费量、营养素摄入量;孕期增重;不同年龄、孕前不同BMI 、新生儿出生体重不同孕妇的孕期体重增加状况。 结果:① 孕早期和孕中期妇女能量摄入量均未达到推荐摄入量〔 RNI ) , 孕早期能量摄入量1652kcal ,为RNI 的78.7% ,中期1914kcal ,为RNI 的83.2 % ,晚期2365 kcal ,为RNI 的102.8 %。孕早期蛋白质摄入量达到RNI 的80.2 % ,中期为83.2 % ,晚期为96.8%。各期维生素A 的摄入量分别达到RNI 的75.7 % , 78 .4%, 82.4 % ; 维生素Bl 达到RNI 的49.3 % , 54.67 % , 70.7 % ;维生素B2达到RNI 的43.5 % , 55.9%, 68.8 %;维生素C 的摄入量均不同程度地超过了RNI 。早、中、晚孕期钙的摄入量仅达到适宜摄入量(AI)的56%, 58.6 % , 54.2 % ;铁的摄入量分别为Al 的122.2%,107.6%,63.9%。② 本研究中孕妇的年龄为28.1士3.9岁,孕前体重为58.14士8.91kg,孕前BMI为22.56士3.06kg/m2,孕期末体重增加15.94士4.67kg,新生儿出生体重在2500-4000g的孕妇孕期体重增加值为15.80士4.67kg 。孕前BMI 过低、正常和超重者增重高于肥胖者;新生儿出生体重正常的孕妇,孕前BM 工过低、正常和超重者孕期增重均高于肥胖者。 结论:西安市孕期妇女膳食种类多样,但营养素摄入水平不均衡,建议加强孕妇健康教育,增加动物性食品、奶及奶制品的摄入。同时本次调查孕妇孕期体重增加值高于推荐值12.5kg 。孕妇在孕28 周后应加强监测体重的增加情况。 关 键 词:孕妇;膳食;营养;妊娠期;体重增长 论文类型:调研报告 Title: The research for nutrition and appropriate weight gain of pregnant women ABSTRACT Objectives: Investigate and understand the diet of pregnant women in Xi'an food consumption and nutrient intake, weight gain in pregnant women to collect data in order to provide reasonable dietary advice, weight gain of pregnant women in Xi'an appropriate to advise health care during pregnancy. Methods: 2010 In April 2010 in Xi'an in August to collect the 242 pregnant women conducted a longitudinal study to observe their food consumption during pregnancy diet, nutrient intake; pregnancy weight change and the final pregnancy outcome. Study using 24-hour dietary recall method investigated the situation of different diets of pregnant women, pregnant women were measured pre-pregnancy weight and pregnancy weight, pregnancy outcome was recorded cases, the form of a questionnaire to obtain their socio-economic information. Analysis of food consumption, nutrient intake; pregnancy weight gain; different ages, different pre-pregnancy BMI, birth weight in pregnant women during pregnancy weight gain in different conditions. Results: ① second trimester pregnant women in early and did not meet the recommended intake of energy intake (RNI), energy intake during early pregnancy 1652kcal, the RNI of 78.7%, medium 1914kcal, the RNI of 83.2%, late 2365 kcal, for the RNI 102.8%. Protein intake in early pregnancy to 80.2% RNI-, medium-83.2%, 96.8% late. The intake of vitamin A, 75.7% of RNI, respectively, 78.4%, 82.4%; vitamin Bl to RNI of 49.3%, 54.67%, 70.7%; RNI of vitamin B2 to 43.5%, 55.9%, 68.8% ; vitamin C intake volume to varying degrees over the RNI. Early, middle and late calcium intake during pregnancy to achieve adequate intake only (AI) 56%, 58.6%, 54.2%; iron intake of Al, 122.2%, respectively, 107.6%, 63.9%. ② age of pregnant women in this study was 28.1 ± 3.9 years old, pre-pregnancy weight was 58.14 ± 8.91kg, pre-pregnancy BMI was 22.56 ± 3.06kg / m2, the end of weight gain during pregnancy 15.94 ± 4.67kg, neonatal birth weight in pregnant women in 2500-4000g weight gain during pregnancy is 15.80 ± 4.67kg. Low pre-pregnancy BMI, weight gain in normal and overweight than obese; pregnant women of normal birth weight, pre-pregnancy BM workers is too low, normal and overweight weight gain during pregnancy were higher than obese. Conclusion: Xi'an pregnant women dietary variety and nutrient intake level but uneven, proposed to strengthen the health education of pregnant women, increased animal food, milk and dairy intake. The survey also weight gain during pregnancy is higher than the recommended value 12.5kg. Pregnant women after 28 weeks pregnant weight gain should be strengthened to monitor the situation. KEY WORDS: pregnant women;food;nutrient;pregnancy;weight gain TYPE OF THESIS: Research Report 目 录 摘 要I ABSTRACTIII 目 录V 1 绪论3 1.1 背景及意义3 1.2 研究目的及目标3 1.3 关键词及定义3 1.4 文献回顾4 2 研究设计5 2.1研究对象5 2.2 一般资料5 2.3 研究工具5 2.4 研究方法5 2.5 研究步骤7 3 研究结果9 3.1孕妇的一般情况9 3.2孕妇的食物摄入量和营养素摄入量10 3.3孕妇孕期的体重增长情况14 3.4新生儿情况14 3.5孕妇产后情况14 3.6孕妇营养素摄入和孕期末增重的关系15 4 讨论17 4.1孕妇孕期膳食摄入17 4.2孕妇孕期营养素摄入17 4.3孕妇孕期增重19 5 推论及建议21 致 谢23 参考文献25 附 录27

  • 关于小儿围手术期低体温护理要点的探讨

    小儿围手术期低体温护理干预 摘 要 目的:通过对小儿围手术期实施一系列低体温护理干预,评价干预措施的有效性,为临床护理提供指导作用。 方法:两组患者均采用温度监测仪测定患者体温。全麻开始后将测温导线探头插入直肠内至手术结束,每30min测1次直肠温度并记录。(1)对照组患者术野以外身体盖双层大单,用常温皮肤消毒剂,术中输血输液及冲洗采用常温液体。(2)干预组患者采用保温护理干预穿上开放型分段式非手术部位保温棉衣,将温度调节至36~40℃,皮肤消毒剂加温至40℃左右,术中输液使用输液加温器,冲洗液用恒温箱加温至38℃左右。手术结束后抽取静脉血及收集尿液,检测电解质;记录麻醉苏醒时间、有无寒战发生;并随访术后切口感染率。 结果:与干预组比较,对照组围手术期MAP、HR、T、变化较大(P<0.05,P<0.01);SaO2、电解质、LDH变化不大(P<0.05);CK、心律失常和术后并发症明显增高(P<0.05);低温出现血小板减少、凝血酶原时间延长和术中渗血增加(P<0.05);年龄和体表面积与低温发生呈相关性。 结论:小儿围手术期易出现低温,低温可增加围手术期的危险性,术中及早发现体温过低并及时进行护理干预可以有效的防止低体温并发症的发生,以利患儿的早日康复。 关键词:小儿;低温;围手术期;护理干预 论文类型:应用研究 Perioperative Hypothermia pediatric nursing intervention ABSTRACT Objectives: Through the pediatric perioperative nursing intervention inimplement in gaserieso flowbody temperature to evaluate the effective nessof interventions,in order to provide guidance on the role of clinical care. Methods: Two groups of patients were used to measure the temperature monitoring in patients with body temperature.Conductor temperature after an esthesia began to probe into the rectum to the end of surgery,each measuring a sub-30min rectal temperature and recorded.(1)control group covered the body outside the surgical field in patients wth large single-layer,with normal temperature of skind is infectants,blood transfusion and washed with room temperature liquid.(2)The intervention group were treated with thermal insulation of nursing intervention to put an open sub-type of non-surgical site insulation cotton-padded clothes,the temperature adjusted to 36~40℃,the skind is infectant heated to 40℃ or so,the use of intraoperative fluid infusion warming device,flushing fluid with the incubator heated to about 38℃.After the surgery to collect blood and urine to detect electrolyte;record of recovery from anesthesia time,whether shivering occurred;and follow-up postoperative incision infection rate. Results: Compared with the constant temperature,low-temperature group of perioperative MAP,HR,T,changed greatly (P

  • 临床护理人员循证护理认知和实践素质的调查-毕业实习报告

    临床护理人员循证护理认知和实践素质的调查 摘 要 目的:调查临床护理人员循证实践基本素质的现状,并针对调查分析的结果,提出对策,为将来进一步在临床推广循证护理培训和继续教育提供依据和指导,为广泛开展循证护理工作提供参考。 方法:采用问卷调查的方式对西安市3家医院532名一线护理人员对循证护理的认知和实践素质进行调查,由专人先对调查者讲解问卷的填写方式,和具体题目含义,再由调查者自行填写,由专人立即收回,共发放问卷562份,收回543份,532有效。 结果:89.2%的护士解决临床护理问题的主要依据仍是高年资护士或护士长的经验,只有10.8%的护士会通过查阅中英文文献来寻求制定护理措施的证据;在对循证护理的掌握情况上,不同学历,职称的护士存在显著差异(p

  • 护士化疗药物防护知识知晓情况的调查

    护士化疗药物防护知识知晓情况的调查 摘 要 研究目的:调查临床护士对化疗药物的防护只是了解情况及影响因素,为提高临床护士职业防护能力,为临床护理继续教育提供依据。 方法:在大量文献检索的基础上自行设计调查问卷,经肿瘤科专家修改,并进行临床25份问卷的预试验。问卷经统计软件Spss11.0检验信度为0.729,调查对象为我院肿瘤科及内科、外科病房共100名临床接触化疗药物的护士,将调查问卷结果全部量化输入计算机,用Spss11.0统计软件进行分析,得出我院护士化疗药物防护知识了解的实际情况。 结果:护士对化疗药物防护知识的认知和防护行为均较差。分析原因除相关的制度、规程不健全,必要的防护物品和设施不到位,这些管理上的原因,主要原因是护士缺乏必要的职业培训,导致对化疗药物职业防护的认知较差,防护意识淡漠,要提高防护行为,必须加强护士的职业培训。 结论:目前我院护士化疗防护知识仍然缺乏,防护行为极不规范,化疗药物配置仍为分散式管理,切需要加强培训,规范管理,完善防护设施,以更好的维护护士健康。 关键词:护士;细胞毒性药物;职业防护;化疗 论文类型:调查研究报告 The survey report about protection against catatonic drugs of nurses ABSTRACT Objective: To investigate the situation and influence factor of chemotherapeutic self-protection among nurses in order to improve self-protection and provide evidence of continuing education on BSC. Methods: A self-designed and modified by oncology specialist questionnaire on the basis of reviewing a great many of documental was used.25 preliminary test was under taken. The questionnaire wad tested by Spss11.0 with reliability of 0.729. 100 nurses who touched chemotherapeutic from oncology, internal medicine and surgical ward was investigated. The result was put into computer, analyzed by Spss11.0. Results: The level of nurses’ knowledge and behavior of chemotherapy protection was not high. Besides the unsoundness of the system and the lack of the chemotherapy protection instrument, the deficiency of necessary professional safety education is the main reason which resulted the low awareness. It is necessary to enhance the education about chemotherapeutic self-protection knowledge for nurses to improve the behavior of protection. Conclusions: The chemotherapeutic self-protection knowledge is still insufficiency and the behavior of protection is not standard. The preparation of the chemotherapeutic is still managed dispersedly. It is essential to enhance education, establish protection rules so as to protection rules so to protect the health of the nurse. Keywords: nurses, catatonic drugs, occupational protection, chemotherapy protection knowledge Type of dissertation: application research report 目 录 1..前言-9 1.1背景及意义- 9 1.2研究目的及目标-10 1.3关键词及定义-10 1.3.1护士-10 1.3. 2化疗药-10 1.3.3职业-11 1.3.4 化疗防护知识12 1.4文献回顾- 12 1.4.1 护士吸收细胞毒性药物的主要途径13 1.4.2 细胞毒性药物对职业接触者健康的影响15 1.4.3 国内外胞毒性药物职业安全防护情况15 2 .研究方法-15 2.1 研究设计-15 2.2 研究对象- 15 2.3 研究方法-15 2.4 研究工具15 2.5 资料分析- 16 3.结果- 17 3.1 一般资料- 17 3.2护士了解化疗药物对正常人体影响情况-17 3.3护士了解化疗药物防护知识的情况- 17 4. 讨论- 20 4.1 临床护士的调查结果分析- 20 4.1.1 护士对配置细胞毒性药物防护措施不重视- 20 4.1.2 临床科室防护条件不齐全- 20 4.1.3 加强防护教育,提高慎独精神- 20 4.1.4 人员素质培养措施-21 5.结论-22 6.参考文献- 23 致谢

  • 心理护理在改善胃癌患者围手术期焦虑及抑郁状况中的应用

    心理护理在改善胃癌患者围手术期焦虑及抑郁状况中的应用 摘 要 目的:探讨胃癌患者围手术期抑郁焦虑心理影响因素及心理干预对胃癌患者围手术期的焦虑和抑郁的护理效果。 方法:将 80例行胃癌的手术患者随机分为观察组 40例和对照组 40例,观察组采用心理护理, 对照组采用常规护理方法, 患者均采用抑郁 ( SDS)和焦虑自评量表 ( SAS)进行评价,并比较二者的护理效果。 结果:应用抑郁和焦虑自评量表 (SDS 、SAS)对80名胃癌围手术期患者进行检测, 辅以自行设计影响因素调查表进行相关因素调查,对疾病和手术的恐惧感、 手术治疗效果、 医疗氛围、 家庭经济状况、 疼痛程度、 睡眠质量、 婚姻关系、 事业受影响、 对病情了解程度、 担心医护不精心10项因素与抑郁焦虑状态的发生显著相关。 观察组抑郁和焦虑指数在治疗后比治疗前显著下降 ( P< 0.01), 而对照组治疗后比治疗前抑郁和焦虑指数下降不明显 ( P> 0.05) ,治疗后对照组的两项指数均明显高于观察组 ( P< 0 . 01)。 结论: 1、胃癌患者围手术期抑郁焦虑心理与疼痛、对疾病和手术的恐惧感、担心手术治疗效果等因素相关。 2、对胃癌患者围术期进行心理干预, 可以有效降低患者的抑郁和焦虑程度,值得临床推广应用。 关键词: 胃癌; 围手术期; 抑郁焦虑; 影响因素 Psychological care in improving stomach cancer patients perioperative anxiety and depression in application ABSTRACT Objective Explore stomach cancer patients perioperative anxiety psychological factors and psychological intervention on patients with cancer of the stomach perioperative care effect of anxiety and depression. Methods 80 cases of gastric cancer will surgery patients were randomly divided into trial group and control group in 40 cases 40 cases, the observation group using psychological care, control group was used by routine care method, the patients were depression (SDS) and anxiety from rating scale (SAS) evaluation, and in comparison of the nursing effect.. Results Application of depression and anxiety from rating scale (SDS, of 80 cancer of the stomach SAS) around the time of surgery patients for testing, complementary with self-designed questionnaire influence factors related factors to the disease, and surgery investigation of the fear and surgery, the effect, the medical atmosphere, family economic conditions, pain, the sleep quality, marriage, career affected, to know the degree, the worry about medical condition not elaborate ten of the factors and the anxiety of the state have significantly related. The observation group depression and anxiety index after the therapy before treatment than decreased significantly (P < 0.01), whereas the control after treatment than before treatment depression and anxiety exponential decline is not obvious (P > 0.05), after treatment of two index in the control group were significantly higher than that of the observation group (P < 0.05). Conclusion 1, stomach cancer patients perioperative depression anxiety and pain, to the disease and the operation to fear, worry about surgical treatment effects related to such factors. 2, to cancer of the stomach perioperative period in patients with psychological intervention, can effectively reduce the patients of depression and anxiety level, and clinical application. Key words: Stomach cancer; Perioperative; Anxiety; Influence factors 目 录 摘 要I ABSTRACTIII 目 录3 1 绪论3 1.1 背景及意义3 1.2目的4 1.3关键词及定义4 1.4文献回顾4 2研究设计7 2.1研究设计7 2.2研究对象7 2.3研究工具7 2.4研究方法7 2.4.1术前心理干预:7 2.4.2术中心理干预8 2.4.3.术后心理干预。8 2.5研究步骤9 2.6统计分析9 3研究结果11 3.1抑郁焦虑测评结果11 3.2胃癌患者围手术期抑郁焦虑心理影响因素分析11 3.3两组患者手术前后抑郁自评量表评分比较12 3.4两组患者手术前后焦虑自评量表评分比较12 4讨论13 4.1抑郁焦虑影响因素分析13 4.2心理干预在胃癌患者围术期的应用14 5 推论及建议16 5.1结论16 5.2建议16 5.3本研究局限性及展望16 致 谢17 参考文献18

  • 临床护理人员循证护理认知和实践素质的调查

    临床护理人员循证护理认知和实践素质的调查 摘 要 目的:调查临床护理人员循证实践基本素质的现状,并针对调查分析的结果,提出对策,为将来进一步在临床推广循证护理培训和继续教育提供依据和指导,为广泛开展循证护理工作提供参考。 方法:采用问卷调查的方式对西安市3家医院532名一线护理人员对循证护理的认知和实践素质进行调查,由专人先对调查者讲解问卷的填写方式,和具体题目含义,再由调查者自行填写,由专人立即收回,共发放问卷562份,收回543份,532有效。 结果:89.2%的护士解决临床护理问题的主要依据仍是高年资护士或护士长的经验,只有10.8%的护士会通过查阅中英文文献来寻求制定护理措施的证据;在对循证护理的掌握情况上,不同学历,职称的护士存在显著差异(p