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  • 儿科护士压力源调查分析

    儿科护士压力源调查分析 摘 要 目的 调查儿科护士工作的主要压力源,探讨应对措施。 方法 选择西安市3家三级甲等医院儿科护士,用改良的进行问卷调查。 结果 回收的160份有效问卷,在调查的5个方面,30个问题中,护士工作的主要压力来源有:家长对操作技术要求高;担心患儿死亡,担心家长的过激行为;工作环境差,任务繁重;社会地位低,晋升机会少,同工不同酬。非主要压力源有:.护理的病人病情过重;与医生发生冲突;同事之间缺乏理解和支持。 结论 儿科护士存在较大的工作压力,医院的护理领导者及管理者应注重儿科临床护理工作的规范培训,提高护士业务技术水平。营造一个良好的工作环境,建立支持系统,帮助护士减轻或消除压力,另外,护理人员应加强自身综合素质的培养,在工作中注意锻炼自己解决问题的能力。树立正确的价值观,善于调整心态,尽可能减少压力因素的侵袭,当压力来临时要寻找正确的宣泄方式并寻求外界的支持,减轻或消除压力。 【关键词】 儿科护士; 压力源; 调查 目录 1 前言…………………………………………………………………………………4 1.1研究背景及意义 …………………………………………………………………4 1.2研究目标 …………………………………………………………………………5 1.3关键词及定义 ……………………………………………………………………5 2 研究设计……………………………………………………………………………6 调查对象…………………………………………………………………………6 2.2 测量工具…………………………………………………………………………6 2.3 方法………………………………………………………………………………6 2.4 统计分析…………………………………………………………………………6 3研究结果……………………………………………………………………………7 4 讨论…………………………………………………………………………………9 4.1儿科护士工作压力的相关因素分析 ……………………………………………9 4.2缓解或消除儿科护士压力源的措施……………………………………………10 5 结论 ………………………………………………………………………………12 感谢 …………………………………………………………………………………13 参考文献 ……………………………………………………………………………14

  • 护理人员倦怠的调查

    护士职业倦怠的调查分析 摘 要 目的: 调查山东省立医院护士在职业生活中倦怠的程度 , 为抑制和消除护士的职业倦怠 ,保障护士的身心健康, 提高护理质量 ,分析护士职业倦怠的产生原因 ,及时进行有效应对。 方法: 采用随机抽样法对123名护士进行调查 ,问卷内容采用的马氏倦怠感通用量表(MBI2GS)进行评分。 结果: 65.8 % 的护士有一定程度的玩世不恭现象 , 72.3 %的护士有一定程度的情绪衰竭现象 , 89.8%的护士没有成就感。非本科的护士成就感低于本科护士、倦怠感高于本科护士(均 P< 0.01) 。 结论: 调查发现, 性别、 工龄、 岗位、 婚姻状态和教育程度都对护士职业倦怠有影响 ,护理岗位多、 业务范围广对护理人员素质要求高 ,各岗位工作高峰不一致, 职业倦怠作为客观存在,已经成为许多人积极行为的障碍 ,在性别方面, 女性比男性职业倦怠高, 工龄也是职业倦怠的一个潜在因素 ;工龄越高职业倦怠最高, 而年龄越大所面临的工作压力越大 ,其工作倦怠感最严重; 在婚姻状态方面 ,离异比已婚护士的职业倦怠高 ;在教育程度方面 ,低学历比高学历的护士心理健康差 ,心理健康水平的下降又进一步加重职业倦怠 ,从而形成恶性循环。 关键词 护士;职业倦怠 论文类型:调研报告 Abstract Objective: To investigate the extent of the Shandong Provincial Hospital, nurse burnout in the professional life, in a timely manner to respond effectively to the suppression and elimination of the burnout of nurses, to protect the physical and mental health of nurses and improve the quality of care, analyze the causes of nurse burnout. Methods: A random sampling survey of 123 nurses, the questionnaire used Markov burnout the General Scale (MBI2GS) score. Results: 65.8% of nurses have a certain degree of cynicism in 72.3% of nurses have a certain degree of emotional exhaustion phenomenon, 89.8% of the nurses, no sense of accomplishment. Non-undergraduate nurses a sense of achievement is lower than the undergraduate nurse burnout is higher than the undergraduate nurses (all P

  • 提高护校学生心理健康水平的方法

    提高护校学生心理健康水平的方法 摘 要 研究背景 在新的历史时期,护校学生作为介于大学生和中学生之间的一个特殊群体,其学生群体全部是女生,她们的学习、生活与交友都有其自身的特点。在医科院校中,相关学科内容枯燥乏味,学习任务特别繁重,生活气氛单调,医学生心理障碍,尤其是焦虑、抑郁的发病率明显高于其他院校。研究表明,医务工作者的心理问题大多始于医学教育阶段的紧张应激。面对日益严峻的医学生心理卫生间题,确保医务工作者健全体魄,因此有必要开展相应领域的探讨,并探索出提高其心理健康的方式方法。 研究目的 (1)分析护校女生焦虑症状的因素,找出相应的措施以提高护生的心理健康水平,塑造健全的人格。 (2)对明显存在心理问题的学生给予及时的心理咨询或诊治提供理论依据。 研究方法 利用焦虑自评量表(SAS)、艾森克个性问卷(EPQ)及自拟调查表对安徽医学高等专科学院1~4年级、17~22岁的251名在校女生进行问卷调查。将回收后的有效答卷按年龄、年级分组,进行各年龄、年级、学历组焦虑水平及检出率比较,分析研究对象中焦虑与人格特征的关系,并对焦虑状态危险因素进行多元逐步回归分析。 研究结果 233名护校女生的焦虑检出率为6.44%。与19~20岁组比较,17~18岁组、21~22岁组SAS标准分均值及焦虑检出率有显著性差异(P

  • 护理干预对卧床老年患者压疮发生发展的影响

    护理干预对卧床老年患者压疮发生发展的影响 摘 要 研究目的: 探索卧床老年患者压疮的发生发展状况,护理干预的内容及影响。 方法:以安徽省铜陵市妇幼保健院内科为研究现场,以2007.1-2008.7月在该院住院的卧床老年患者为研究对象,采用该院自行设计的压疮风险评估表。对患者进行全身情况评估,评估分值≥8分者被认定有风险性。随后对38名有压疮风险的患者分为实验组和对照组,分别进行干预护理和常规进行护理,比较两组患者压疮的进展。 结果:38名有压疮风险的患者在住院期间压疮的发生为4例,为10.52%;其中干预组在入院第7天时没有发现压疮患者,对照组在入院第7天有1名,在入院15天评估时干预组压疮发生为1人为I度,对照组3人患有压疮,其中2人为I度,1人为Ⅱ度。在出院时评估时均没有压疮。干预组在压疮的发生和压疮的病程进展均低于对照组,两组比较有显著统计学意义。 结论 针对卧床老年患者采用综合措施进行早期干预,可以改善压疮的发生和发展。 关键词 褥疮护理;老年人;压疮 论文类型:研究报告 Study on Nursing Intervention among Bedridden elderly patients from Pressure Sores ABSTRACT Objective To determine the occurrence and the development of pressure sore among bedridden elderly patients and to know the content and pattern of nursing intervention. Methods The study was conducted in Tongling, Anhui Province Maternal and Child Health Hospital. The people who suffer bedridden elderly patients and stayed in the hospital during 2007.1-2008.7 were invited to be as subjects. Use self-designed pressure sore risk assessment form hospital. Assessed the situation in patients who systemic score ≥ 8 points were identified as having risk. The subsequent 38 patients with pressure sore risk. Divided into experimental and control groups. Then intervene in care and routine care to compare the two groups of patients with pressure sores progress. Results There are 4 bedridden elderly patients have pressure sores during the hospital, the rate of 10.52%, the intervention group was admitted to the first 7 days in patients with pressure sores have not found the control group in the hospital 7 days 1, in the hospital 15-day assessment, pressure sores occur in the intervention group as a person I degrees, the control group, three were suffering from pressure sores, in which two people I degrees, a man-made Ⅱ degree. In the discharge assessment, did not pressure sores. The intervention group in the incidence of pressure sores and pressure sores of the disease progression were lower than the control group, two groups was statistically significant. Conclusions Integrated early intervention measures could promote the incidence of pressure sores and development . KEY WORD: Bedsore Care,Elderly,Pressure Sores TYPE OF THESIS: Research Report 目 录 1 前 言1 1.1研究背景及意义1 1.2研究目标2 1.3 关键词及定义2 1.4 文献回顾2 2 研究设计5 2.1 研究对象5 2.2 研究方法5 2.3 资料分析处理6 2.4 质量控制6 3 结 果7 3.1 病人的一般特征7 3.2 两组患者压疮发生和发展情况7 4 讨 论9 5 推论及建议12 致 谢13 参考文献14 附 录15

  • 肝炎后肝硬化患者心理状况及相关因素分析

    肝炎后肝硬化患者心理状况及相关因素分析 摘要 目的:研究肝硬化患者的心理健康状况,并分析其与性别、年龄、职业、文化程度、病情和社会支持系统等因素的关系。 方法:作者采用肝硬化患者一般情况调查,临床表现调查及肝硬化症状自评量表对80例确诊为肝硬化的患者进行问卷调查。将患者的一般情况及病情列表描述,并将肝硬化患者心理状况调查结果与国内常模进行对比,根据患者性别 年龄、职业、文化程度和病情的不同进行分组比较,用频数描述、相关因素分析 、t检验、多元逐步回归、方差分析等统计学方法,分析肝硬化患者的心理状况及相关因素。 结果: 肝炎肝硬化患者各症状因子评分均与国内常模有显著差异,以躯体化 焦虑 抑郁 强迫症状因子得分明显高于国内常模。 不同性别肝硬化患者症状自评量表调查结果有差异,男性病人的敌对因子明显高于女性病人。 不同年龄肝硬化患者各因子得分无显著差异。 不同职业肝硬化患者各症状稍有差异,干部焦虑和恐怖因子明显高于其它,工人农民悲观、抑郁、敌对比较明显,自由职业者强迫症状及人际关系敏感因子得分较高,而病退人员其焦虑 恐怖 偏执和精神病性很明显。 不同文化程度肝硬化患者各症状因子无显著差异。 不同病情肝硬化患者在强迫症状、焦虑、抑郁和精神病性等方面有明显差异。 不同社会支持系统肝硬化患者各症状方面也有差别,支持系统越强大心理状况越好。 肝硬化患者心理健康状况的相关因素分析,以肝硬化患者症状自评量表总分为因变量,经多元逐步回归分析,进入回归方程的变量是肝功代偿情况和患者对疾病的认识。 结论:肝炎后肝硬化患者大都存在不同程度的心理健康问题。 关键词:肝硬化患者, 心理状况 , 相关因素 Abstract The purpose of this study is to understand the psychological status of patient with liver cirrhosis, and analyse the relations between sexual and age and professionand culture level and patient's condition and society sustain system and so on. The general status questionnaire on patient with liver cirrhosis, clinical manifestation questionnaire and hepatocirrhosis symptom self-check list were used. 80 patients with liver cirrhosiss were investigated, general condition,disease condition and psychological status of patient were stated with form, and compared with the healthy people. At the same time, they were grouped according to their sex, age, profession, educational level and disease condition.analyzing the relative factors. The frequency contribution, t-test,ANOVA, stepwise regression analysis, correlation analysis were used to analy the related factors of patient with liver cirrhosiss. Results: 1.All symptom mark of patient with liver cirrhosis after hepatitis differ from heathy people,the symptom mark is significant higher than that of heathy people on somatization , anxiety, depression, obsession. 2.There is significant difference for the hepatocirrhosis patient with different sex,they are significant higher than the female patients for the male patients in the items of hostile. 3.There is no significant difference for the patient with liver cirrhosiss with different age in all symptom. 4.There is a little difference for the patient with liver cirrhosis with different profession, they are significant higher than that of others in anxiety and phobia for cadre, they are significant higher than that of others in pessimistic,depression and hostile for worker and peasant, they are significant higher than that of others in obsession and sensitivity of people relationship for freedom profession, but they are significant higher than that of others in anxiety, phoia, paranoid and psychotic for the people who is discharged from office because disease. 5. There is no significant difference for the patient with liver cirrhosiss with different educational level. 6. There is significant difference for the hepatocirrhosis patient with different illness condition in obsession, anxiety, depression and psychotic. 7. There is difference for the patient with liver cirrhosis with different condition of supporting system, it means the stronger supporting system, the better psychological status. 8. To analy the patient with liver cirrhosiss' psychological status and the related factors, by the analyzing of the patient with liver cirrhosiss stepwise regression, the varities of condition of patient with liver cirrhosiss' replace function' and the recognization degree of the disease got into the formule. conclusion: mental health problems, in varying degress, exist in most patients with liver cirrhosis after hepatitis. keywords: patient with liver cirrhosis, psychological status, relative factors 目 录 中文摘要···························1 英文摘要···························2-3(2) 目的·······························4-5(4) 实习内容·······························5-15(5) 调查对象及方法·················5-6(5) 结果···························6-12(6) 讨论···························12-15(12) 结论···························15-16(15) 参考文献····························17 致谢································18

  • 急诊科护士心里压力分析及对策

    急诊护士压力分析及对策 摘 要 目的:急诊护士压力分析及对策的研究主要目的在于探讨急诊护士了解急诊护士工作压力及心理压力产生的原因, 评估急诊科护士工作压力及心理健康程度,描述急诊科护士压力状况及不同压力源类型,并对产生压力的原因进行分析,分析急诊科护士心理健康程度与急诊科护士心理压力的相关性,提出缓解急诊护士压力的建议。 方法:急诊护士压力分析及对策为描述性研究,采用急诊室护士SCL-90各因子与中国成人常模作比较和护士工作压力源量表,采用问卷调查的方法,对天津市三所三级综合医院不同年龄、不同职称、不同学历的107名急诊科护士进行调查。 结果:急诊护士SCL-90各因子分值与健康成人(P<0.05)无显著性差异,表明急诊护士心理健康水平正常。但急诊护士工作压力状况显示,79.2%的急诊护士感到压力较大或很大,工作疲溃感,其中30-39岁年龄段急诊护士心理压力最大,40-49岁年龄段急诊护士心理压力相对较小。导致她们心理压力的原因主要为: 担心出现护理纠纷和差错事故;工作责任重、劳动强度大;多种有害因子;知识技能压力;工作环境的复杂特殊性;精神极度紧张;护患沟通的复杂性;缺乏社会支持和管理层的重视。结论:通过对107名急诊科护士心理健康状况及工作压力调查,分析出急诊科护士心理健康状况良好,但在工作方面存在一定的压力, 急诊科护士是抢救患者的直接执行者,时间就是生命,在最短的时间内,以最快的速度,最熟练的抢救措施配合医生抢救患者生命。高强度工作压力会使护士产生工作疲劳,感觉紧张忧郁,应积极采取应对措施,减轻急诊科护士的心理压力。 关 键 词:急诊科;护士;工作压力;心理压力;对策 论文类型:研究报告  Emergency nurses analysis and Countermeasures ABSTRACT Objective: emergency nurses analysis and countermeasures research aims to explore the emergency nurses' understanding of emergency nurses' working pressure and psychological pressure causes, assessment of emergency department nurses work pressure and mental health of nurses in emergency department, to describe the stress status and different pressure source type, and the cause of stress analysis, analysis of emergency department nurses the extent of mental health of nurses in emergency department and psychological stress of nurses in emergency department, put forward to alleviate pressure recommendations. Methods: emergency nurses' stress analysis and Countermeasure for descriptive study, using emergency room nurse SCL-90 each factor and Chinese adult often die for comparison and nurse job stressors scale, using the method of questionnaire survey in Tianjin city, three general hospitals of different age, different titles in different degree, the 116 operation room nurses investigation. Results: the emergency nurse SCL-90 each factor score and adult health ( P < 0.05 ) without significant differences, showed normal levels of mental health of nurses in emergency department. But the emergency nurses' working pressure status display, 79.2% emergency nurses feel the pressure of large or great, job burnout, which 30-39 age of emergency nurses' mental stress maximum, 40-49 age of emergency nurses' mental stress is relatively small. Because of their psychological pressure of the main reasons is: fear of nursing disputes and mistakes and accidents; working responsibility heavy, large labor intensity; a variety of harmful factor; knowledge and skills; work environment complicated particularity; spirit is exceeding and nervous; nurse-patient communication complexity; lack of social support and management attention. Conclusion: according to the 107 emergency nurses mental health status and work pressure survey, analysis of the psychological health state of emergency nurses in the work is good, but there exist certain pressure, emergency nurses is rescuing a patient with the direct executant, time is life, in the shortest possible time, the fastest speed, the most skilled rescue measures with the doctors rescue patients life. Work pressure will make nurses feel nervous fatigue, depression, should be adopted actively answer measure, reduce emergency department nurses' mental stress. key words: emergency department; nurse; job stress; psychological stress; countermeasure;TYPE OF THESIS:Applied Research 目 录 1 绪论1 1.1 背景及意义1 1.2 研究目的及目标2 1.3 关键词及定义………………………………………………………………………2 1.4 文献回顾……………………………………………………………………………3 1.4.1 急诊科护士工作压力及心理压力现状…………………………………….3 1.4.2 急诊科护士压力源………………………………………………………….4 2 研究方法7 2.1 研究设计7 2.2 研究对象7 2.3 研究工具/方法……………………………………………………………...………7 2.4 研究步骤……………………………………………………………………………7 2.5 统计学分析方法……………………………………………………………………8 3 研究结果9 3.1 一般资料9 3.2. 急诊科护士心理健康水平9 4 讨论11 4.1 急诊科护士心理健康程度11 4.2. 急诊科护士压力状况11 4.2.1 护理专业及工作方面……………………………… ……………… ….. 11 4.2.2 工作量及时间分配问题………………………………………………… 11 4.2.3 环境及资源方面的问题…………………………………………… ……12 4.2.4 患者护理方面的问题…………………………………………………… 12 4.2.5 管理及人际关系方面的问题…………………………………………….12 5 推论及建议13 5.1 推论13 5.2 建议 5.2.1 疏导情绪…………………………… ……………………………………..13 5.2.2 强化急诊科护士执业意识和技能教育…………………………………...13 5.2.3 提高自身保护意识…………………………………...................................13 5.2.4 改善人际关系培养良好的心里素质14 5.2.5 护理管理者的支持14 致 谢15 参考文献17 附 录19

  • 心理干预在防治老年糖尿病人精神障碍中的应用

    心理干预在防治老年糖尿病人精神障碍中的应用 摘 要 目的:分析糖尿病老人的心理特点,制定针对性心理护理。 方法:用Zung焦虑自评量表(SAS)、Zung抑郁自评量表(SDS),对40例糖尿病老人进行问卷调查,将测试结果与国内常模进行比较,并从不同性别、年龄、经济状况、文化程度、病程方面及干预前后进行心理状况的分析。 结果:糖尿病老人SAS评分(45.18±9.64)、SDS评分(51.81±12.18)与国内常模比较,差异有统计学意义(P

  • 三种压疮危险评估量表对急诊病人压疮预测能力的比较研究

    三种压疮危险评估量表对急诊病人压疮预测能力的比较研究 摘 要 目的:了解急诊病人压疮发生的一般情况:确定Braden量表、Braden量表(修订版)及Norton量表用于急诊病人压疮危险评估时的诊断界值;综合比较这三种量表在急诊病人应用的预测效果。 方法:选取2008年8月至H月沈阳市某三级甲等医院的急诊病人作为研究对象。采用方便抽样的方法,对研究期间符合纳入标准的病人进行压疮危险评估和调查,观察期为病人在急诊停留时间。研究者每天在急诊护士交接班时应用Braden量表、Braden量表(修订版)及Norton量表,在急诊病人来诊24小时之内进行压疮危险评估,根据美国国家压疮顾问组使用的压疮分期标准,观察研究对象的皮肤状况并记录病人一般资料、压疮预防和护理措施,直至病人离诊转入病房或死亡数据采用SPSS13.0统计软件进行分析。 结果:在1819例急诊病人中,院内发生99例124处压疮,发生率为5.4%,其中I期压疮57处(45.9%),11期压疮66处(53.2%),111期压疮1处(0.8%)。压疮好发部位为骸尾部,共92处;急诊病人压疮发生高峰时间是来诊第24小时、48小时和72小时。 结论:急诊护士不仅要重视急救护理,还应提高急诊病人压疮的预防与护理意识,特别是急诊病人来诊24小时、48小时和72小时期间应进一步加强压疮的预防与护理。 关键词:急诊病人;压疮;危险评估 论文类型:描述性研究 Comparative research of capability on three kinds of pressure ulcer risk assessment scale for emergency patients pressure ulcer prediction  ABSTRACT Objective: to understand the emergency patients of pressure ulcers Braden: determine generally Braden scale, and Norton scale (revised edition) for emergency patients pressure ulcer risk assessment of boundary values; diagnosis Comprehensive comparison of the three kinds of scale in emergency cases of application prediction effect. Methods: August 2008 on a H shenyang three level of first-class hospital emergency patients as the research object. Using convenience sampling method, the study of patients with into standard and pressure ulcer risk assessment for patients in the emergency department, probation for time. Researchers in emergency relief when the nurse daily Braden scale, Braden scale applications (revised edition), and in emergency cases, Norton to dre within 24 hours to pressure ulcer risk assessment, according to the national pressure ulcer tags used pressure ulcer stage of object of study, standard and record the patient skin condition commonly material, pressure ulcers, prevention and care measures from attending to ward until the patient died or by statistics software SPSS13.0 data analysis. Results: in 1819 cases occur in hospital emergency patients 99 cases of 124 for in pressure ulcer, the incidence of 5.4%, stage I pressure ulcer 57 (45.9%), 11 pressure ulcers (66 53.2%), 111 (pressure ulcers (0.8%) 1. Pressure ulcer location for the skeleton, 92; tail, The peak pressure ulcers emergency patients attending the first time is to 24 hours, 48 hours and 72 hours. Conclusion: emergency nurses should not only seriously, still should improve emergency care patients of pressure ulcers prevention and care consciousness, especially for 24 hours dre Ed patients, 48 hours and 72 hours period should further strengthen pressure ulcer prevention and care. Keywords: emergency patients, Pressure ulcer, Risk assessment 目 录 摘 要I ABSTRACTI 1 绪论1 1.1研究背景及意义1 1.2研究目标2 1.3关键词及定义2 1.4文献回顾2 2 研究设计4 2.1研究设计4 2.2研究对象4 2.3研究工具4 2.4研究步骤4 2.5统计分析5 3.结果6 3.1急诊病人压疮发生一般情况(见表l)6 3.2压疮发生部位及分期(见表1)6 3.3压疮发生时间(见图l)6 4.讨论7 5.推论与建议8 5.1推论8 5.2建议8 参考文献9 致谢10

  • 恶性肿瘤患者饮食指导调查

    恶性肿瘤患者饮食指导调查 摘 要       研究目的 掌握宜昌市三峡大学仁和医院常见恶性肿瘤住院患者对饮食营养知信行的程度,并评估和分析其影响因素,为开展针对性肿瘤病人营养知识的宣传、营养健康教育提供科学依据;在实地观察的基础上对病人及家属提出建议,使病人及家属掌握一定的饮食营养知识并能根据自身情况改变饮食方式,通过饮食调整缓解化、放疗的副反应,提高机体抵抗力及对化、放疗的承受力,从而提高生活质量。       研究方法采取问卷调查(自制量化问卷调查表)。发放给宜昌市三峡大学仁和医院2011年至2012年住院期间恶性肿瘤(食管癌、胃癌、直肠癌、肝癌、宫颈癌及卵巢癌)自愿入选的患者,在住院期间分别发放调查问卷,问卷由患者自行填写,确保调查结果的真实性与有效性。当场收回调查问卷。        研究结果 恶性肿瘤患者对肿瘤护理满意度评价(满意,基本满意,不满意分别占74.2%,22.6%,3.2%);对肿瘤饮食指导信息的需求率为100%,尤其关注治疗期间(手术后及放化疗期间)的饮食指导;对肿瘤饮食指导信息渠道的要求(管床护士指导94.4%,书面形式指导34.2%,讲座形式指导70.2%,肿瘤患者俱乐部形式80.2%,其他形式12.1%)。        结论 恶性肿瘤患者在住院期间极其需要专业医护人员给予系统化及个体化的饮食指导,护理工作者通过多个信息渠道,全方位的给予恶性肿瘤患者系统化及个体化的饮食指导,可以缓化、放疗的副反应,提高机体抵抗力及对化、放疗的承受力,从而提高生活质量,甚至延长生存时间。 关键词 恶性肿瘤 治疗饮食 健康指导 论文类型 研究报告 Investigation of dietary guidance in patients with malignant tumor ABSTRACT Objectives: In this paper, The grasping of the KAP on nutrition level of the inpatient with common malignant tumors in Renhe Hospital of Three Gorges University in Yichang and their impact factors are studied, in order to provide a scientific basis of targeted promotional nutrition knowledge, nutrition and health education to the patient with common malignant tumors. Give some advises to the patients and their families on the basis of field observations, So that the patients and their families have a certain knowledge of nutrition and can change their diet according to their own health situation. They can increase the body's resistance afford ability to the chemotherapy and radiotherapy side effects and improve the quality of life through the ease of dietary modification. Methods: Adopt questionnaire(Homemade quantitative questionnaire). Released survey questionnaire to the cancer patients (esophagus, stomach, rectum, liver, cervical and ovarian cancer) enrolled voluntarily in Renhe Hospital of Three Gorges University in Yichang 2011-2012 period of stay to fill out. Make sure the correctness and validity of thire answers and then take back the questionnaire on the spot. Results: The results of the satisfaction of oncology nursing by cancer patients (satisfaction, satisfied, dissatisfied accounted for 74.2%, 22.6%, 3.2%); needs of the information on the tumor dietary guidance was 100%, with particular attention the dietary guidance during the treatment (after surgery and during chemotherapy); requirements of the ways and means of the information on cancer diet (94.4% of tube-bed nursing guidance, 34.2% of written guidance, 70.2% of lectures form, 80.2% of the club form of cancer patients, 12.1% of other forms) Conclusion: Cancer patients in the hospital desperately needed medical professionals to give a systematic and individualized dietary guidance. Care workers give cancer patients a full range of systematic and individualized dietary guidance through multiple channels of information can help the patients to increase the body's resistance afford ability to the chemotherapy and radiotherapy side effects, improve the quality of life and even prolong survival time. KEY WORDS: Malignant tumor Therapeutical diet Health guidance TYPE OF THESIS: Research report 目 录 1绪论……………………...……………………………………...…1 1.1背景和意义………………...………………………………....1 1.2目的和目标……………………………...……………………2 1.3关键词和定义……………………………..……………….…2 1.4文献回顾………………………………….……………..……3 2研究方法……………………………………………………...…...5 2.1研究设计…………………………………………………...…5 2.2研究对象…………………………………………………...…5 2.3研究工具/方法………………………………………………...5 2.4研究步骤…………………………………………………...….6 2.5统计学分析…………………………………………………....6 3研究结果……………………………………………………...…....7 4讨论……………………………………………………………......10 5推论及建议…………………………………………………..........12 致 谢………………………………..……..…………….............13 参考文献…………………………………………………….............15 附 录……………………………………………………......... .17

  • 老年患者跌倒坠床相关因素及护理对策

    老年患者跌倒、坠床相关因素及护理对策 摘 要 目的:对老年住院患者跌倒/坠床危险因素进行分析,明确高危人群和重点对象,给予相应防范措施,预防住院期间意外事件发生,确保患者住院安全。 方法:2009年1月至2010年12月我院呼吸科收住65岁以上的老年患者456例,随机分2组,2009年为对照组2010年为观察组,对照组行常规护理,观察组针对高危人群和相关危险因素给予相应防护措施。 结果:对照组跌倒/坠床5人,其中3人轻微外伤,(前额头皮擦伤2人,出现双下肢膝关节血肿1人,上臂轻微破皮擦伤及淤血1人,1人完好无伤。)1人右髋骨骨折急转骨科处理。实验组跌倒、坠床2人,1人无明显受伤,1人前额轻微擦伤。后因肺癌死亡。 结论:预防措施做得好,跌倒伤害自然少。 关 键 词:老年患者;跌倒、坠床;危险因素;护理对策 目 录 摘 要I 目 录III 1 前言1 2 方法3 2.1 一般资料3 2.2 内因3 2.2.1 生理因素3 2.2.2 病理因素3 2.2.3 药物因素3 2.2.4 心理社会因素4 2.3 外在因素4 2.3.1 环境因素4 2.3.2 与老年人活动状态有关的危险因素4 2.4 跌倒易发生人群4 2.5 跌倒易发生地点4 2.6 最易发生跌倒坠床的时间5 3 跌倒、坠床的预防及跌倒、坠床后的护理6 3.1 跌倒、坠床的预防6 3.1.1 医疗环境的安排6 3.1.2 医疗环境的适应6 3.1.3 重视疾病的预防7 3.1.4 重视患者运动7 3.1.5 注重物品摆放7 3.1.6 协助进行日常活动7 3.1.7 安全防范7 3.1.8 合理使用保护具8 3.1.9 合理用药8 3.1.10 心理护理8 3.1.11 健康指导8 3.1.12 使用辅助器8 3.1.13 护理部8 3.2 跌倒、坠床的护理9 3.2.1 病情观察9 3.2.2 针对损伤后给予相应的护理9 3.2.3 一般外伤处理9 3.2.4 骨折9 3.2.5 颅脑损伤10 3.2.6 颈椎、脊髓损伤10 3.2.7 意识丧失10 4 结果10 5 讨论13 致 谢14 参考文献15