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  • 临床护理实习生的教育

    临床护理实习生的教育 摘 要 目的对临床护理实习生的教育问题进行探讨,并对实习护生的培养和教育成效进行调查分析,以助于有针对性地改进护理教学工作和实习带教工作。方法 结合长期带教经验 ,就临床护理实习生教育进行探讨。同时利用住院患者对实习护生信任度的调查分析来了解教育成效。本次调查共发放调查表100份,回收100份,其中有效91份,有效率91%。调查表共设计了41项问题,其中31项为正性项目,10项为负性项目,内容包含信任概念的5个方面“一贯性”“知识和技术的权威性”“对未来的信心”“安心感”“尊重”, 采用SPSS统计软件进行分析。结果住院患者对临床实习护生信任度评分最高(3.76±0.48)分,最低(2.34±0.92)分。41个调查项目有34项得分在3分以上。说明在宜昌市第二人民医院实习后的护生基本素质很高,该院对临床护理实习生的带教管理,政治思想、业务知识教育和实践经验的培养是卓有成效的。结论 加强对实习生进行人生观、专业知识、职业道德、三基三严训练、安全意识、创新意识等方面进行教育和管理。对带教工作起到了很好的促进作用,提高带教质量,保质保量为各级临床医疗单位输送优秀护理毕业生。 关 键 词:护理;实习生;教育;信任度调查与分析 linical nursing intern's education ABSTRACT Objectives:Carry on discussion to clinical educational problem to attend to intern,and to investigate and analyse student nurse’s cultivation and education effect, in order to help improvement attends to teaching and practises the area to teach the work pointedly. Methods:Unifies the long-term education experience, discuss on clinical educational problem to attend to intern.While taking advantage of inpatients of student nurses confidence survey analysis to understand the educational effectiveness.The survey questionnaires were issued 100 copies, 100 were recovered, of which 91 were effective, effective percentage is 91%.The questionnaire has altogether 41questions,of which 31 for the positive items,10 for the negative items, contains five aspects of trust in the concept of "consistency" "authoritative knowledge and technology" "confidence in the future" "safe sense" "respect", using SPSS statistical software for analysis. Results: Inpatient give nursing students for clinical practice the highest confidence score (3.76 ± 0.48) points, the lowest (2.34 ± 0.92) points. 41 research projects have 34 scoring three more points. Indicative of that the nursing students basicly have high quality after practise in second people’s hospital of Yichang city, the hospital clinical nursing interns with teaching management, political ideology, education, business knowledge and practical experience of the training is effective. Conclusion:Pairs of interns to enhance life, professional knowledge, professional ethics, three base three strict training, safety awareness, sense of innovation in areas such as education and management.To promot the lead teaching,to promote teaching quality, quality and quantity for the delivery of outstanding medical units at all levels of clinical nursing graduates. KEY WORDS: Nursing; Intern;Education; Survey and Analysis of Confidence TYPE OF THESIS: Research Report 目 录 1 绪论1 1.1 本研究的背景及意义1 1.2本研究的目的及目标1 1.3关键词及定义2 1.3.1护理…………………......................………………................. ................. ....2 1.3.2实习生……………......................………………........... 2 1.3.3教育…………......................………………...........2 1.3.4信任…………......................………………...........2 1.3.5调查…………......................………………...........3 1.3.6分析………………………………………………………………………… .3 1.4.文献回顾………………………………………………………………………… .3 1.4.1临床护理实习生的教育……………………………………………………..3树立正确的人生观,强化职业道德教育…………………………………3注重专业知识学习,提高业务理论水平…………………………………4强化“三基三严”训练,严格各项技术操作规程………………………4注意培养创新意识,提高综合素质………………………………………4 1.4.2评估临床实习生的教育质量5 2. 研究设计6 2.1研究对象6 2.2研究工具6 2.3研究方法6 2.4统计学方法7 2.5研究步骤……………………………………………………………………… ……...7 2.5.1资料收集过程……………………………………………………………… ..7 2.5.2研究过程……………………………………………………………………..7 3 研究结果9 3.1患者对临床护理实习生信任度9 3.2信任度5方面排序(表3-1)9 3.3信任度调查表各项评分(表3-2、表3-3)9 4 讨论11 4.1细致真诚的护理帮助患者树立战胜疾病的信心…………………………………..11 4.2准确合理的实习方式有利于为患者提供一贯性护理……………………………..11 4.3掌握扎实的理论知识对患者进行及时有效的健康宣教…………………………..11 4.4彼此互信促使患者积极配合护理计划……………………………………………..11 5 结论及建议13 5.1结论13 5.2建议…………………………………………………………………………………..13 致谢14 参考文献15

  • 老年人压疮的预防和护理

    老年人压疮的预防和护理 摘 要 研究目的:压疮是一个全球性的健康问题,不仅给患者带来痛苦,而且增加了医疗需求、治疗难度和住院费用,因此,卫生管理部门和临床专家建议在临床护理中需早期识别压疮危险因素和尽早启动预防护理。骨科患者因疼痛和制动等原因造成长期被动体位,是压疮发生的高危人群。积极评估患者情况,早期识别压疮发生的危险因素是预防骨科患者压疮的关键。本文主要探讨探讨老年骨科患者发生压疮的特殊危险因素。 研究方法:对188例行牵引或支具固定的骨科患者在人院时进行压疮危险评估,评估内容包括自制危险因素调查表及压疮评估量表,前瞻性观察该组患者发生压疮的情况,并进行统计学分析。 研究结果:188例行牵引或支具固定的骨科患者中发生压疮11例。单因素分析结果显示,不同骨折部位、年龄、牵引及支具固定时间、疼痛程度患者的压疮发生率差异有统计学意义(P

  • 心理社会因素对社区高血压患者血压控制的影响

    心理社会因素对社区高血压患者血压控制的影响 摘 要 研究目的 高血压病是我国居民中患病率最高的慢性病,是最常见的危及生命和致残率很高的慢性病之一[1]。了解社区老年高血压患者的现状,探讨有效控制高血压的途径。在社区人群中实施以健康教育和健康促进为主导,以高血压防治为重点的干预措施,提高整个人群的健康水平和生活质量。运用时间治疗学理论对社区高血压患者进行综合干预,实施个体化指导,并对干预效果进行初步评价。 研究方法 将78例高血压病患者(符合WHO诊断标准)男46例,女32例,年龄32~65岁,均为已婚患者,文化水平为初中~高中。将患者按出院顺序随机分为观察组和对照组,每组39例,两组患者一般资料具有可比性。两组患者在住院期间均接受了本科系统的健康教育,在饮食控制、药物疗法、自我监测、运动疗法方面进行指导,并有书面内容。两组患者均表示已接受并掌握所指导的内容。出院后即对观察组进行社区护理干预,具体措施:观察组: (1)出院后发放病情追踪卡,每个月进行一次家庭随访,共6个月。目的是了解患者在饮食控制、药物疗法、自我监测、运动疗法几方面的遵医情况,存在什么问题,以便给予针对性的指导和帮助。(2)督促患者定时监测血压,每月监测血压不少于15次,根据血压控制情况,调整降压方案。同时了解家庭情况,取得家庭成员的最大支持,为患者遵医提供家庭帮助,并指导患者与周围的高血压病患者建立联系,互相帮助。(3)与患者保持电话联系,不定时询问患者的遵医情况,患者也可随时来电话咨询,以经常提醒和监督患者遵医。对照组:只在出院半年后进行遵医行为的问卷调查而不施加任何措施。采用SPSS16.0软件包进行统计分析,采用了检验和秩和检验分析组间平行、组内前后认知和治疗依从性的差异,X2检验分析组间血压控制率的差异。 研究结果 二组干预前后平均血压均有下降。但干预组下降幅度与对照组差别有显著性意义(P

  • 老年人的心理护理探讨与体会

    老年人的心理护理及体会 摘 要 目的:随着社会的进步,人类的寿命逐渐延长,老年人逐渐增多,患病率随之增加。老年人除了机体发生一些生理性或病理性改变外,心理状态也发生着复杂的变化。心理因素对人体既有导致疾病的作用,又有医治和预防疾病的作用,心理因素从不同方向上严重影响老年人的身心健康。因此,了解老年人的内心世界,掌握他们的心愿,根据老年人的心理特点,适当加以疏导,做好老年病人的心理护理工作,实施有效的护理措施,可以提高对疾病的治疗效果,达到治愈的最终目的。 方法:通过对我国近期老年人的心理疾病发病状况、发展趋势、症状表现、护理要点、家属配合等方面进行系统论述,进一步提高专业及非专业护理人员对老年人心理护理的重视程度、了解老年人病人心理状态、分析发病原因,对老年人的心理护理形成系统认识。 结果:通过对老年病人的心理分析与护理,说明心理护理工作在临床中是十分重要的,是某些药物所不能代替的,因此要想做好心理护理,就必须掌握丰富的医学心理学和护理心理学知识,以满足日益发展的临床护理工作的需要。并运用这些知识帮助老年人更新观念,正确对待疾病,为家庭和社会发挥余热安度晚年。 结论:老年人的心理疾病在专业人员的指导以及家人和全社会的共同努力下,通过科学的方式方法能够进行有效的控制和治疗,老年人在自身努力调节及周边人员的帮助下,能够保持良好的心理状态,从而达到身心愉快,度过幸福安详的晚年生活。 关 键 词:老年人;心理护理;心理健康 论文类型:理论研究 Psychological care and experience of the elderly ABSTRACT Objectives: With the progress of society,humanity's life is lengthens gradually,the senior citizen increases gradually,and the prevalence rate increases along with it.The senior citizen has some physiologies besides organism or pathology changes, the psychology is also having the complex change. The psychological factor both has to the human body causes disease's function, and has the treatment and the prevention disease's function, psychological factor from different direction serious influence senior citizen's physical and moral integrity. Therefore, According to senior citizen's psychological characteristic,understands senior citizen's inner world, grasps their wish,carries on unblocking suitably, can enhance disease's curative effect. Achieves the cure the final goal. Methods: Through our country in the near future senior citizen's psychological disease morbidity condition、trend of development、symptom performance、nursing main point、family member coordination,andso to carries on the system elaboration。Enhances specialized and the non-specialized nursing staffs the senior citizen psychology nursing value degree、understands the senior citizen patient psychology、analysis aetiological agent,forms the system understanding to senior citizen psychology nursing. Methods: Through the old age patient's psycho-analysis and nursing, explained that the psychological nursing work in clinical is very important, is certain medicines cannot replace, if therefore wants to complete psychological nursing, must grasp the rich medical psychology and the nursing psychology knowledge, flourishes more and more daily satisfiedly clinical nursing work need. And utilizes these knowledge to help the senior citizen to renew the idea, treats disease correctly, displays the afterheat for the family and the society to have a comfortable old age. Results: Through the old age patient's psycho-analysis and nursing, explained that the psychological nursing work in clinical is very important, is certain medicines cannot replace, if therefore wants to complete psychological nursing, must grasp the rich medical psychology and the nursing psychology knowledge, flourishes more and more daily satisfiedly clinical nursing work need. And utilizes these knowledge to help the senior citizen to renew the idea, treats disease correctly, displays the afterheat for the family and the society to have a comfortable old age. Conclusion: Senior citizen's psychological illness gets sick in specialists' instruction as well as the family member and under the entire society's joint effort, can carry on the effective control and the treatment through the science ways and means that the senior citizen, in oneself adjusts and under diligently the peripheral personnel's help, can maintain the good psychology, thus achieves the body and mind to be happy, passed the happy serene old age life. KEY WORDS: Senior citizen; Psychological nursing; Psychologically healthy TYPE OF THESIS: Fundamental research 目 录 1 绪论1 1.1 背景及意义1 1.2 研究目的及目标2 1.2.1 目的2 1.2.2 目标2 1.3 关键词及定义2 1.4 文献回顾3 2 研究设计5 2.1研究对象5 2.2一般资料5 2.3研究方法5 2.4研究步骤6 3 研究结果7 3.1结果7 3.2分析评价7 4 讨论9 4.1体会9 4.2问题9 4.2.1对象狭窄9 4.2.2内容单一9 4.2.3工具较少9 4.3致病原因9 4.4护理要点10 5 推论及建议13 5.1推论13 5.2建议13 5.2.1提高认识13 5.2.2抓住机遇13 5.2.3做好保障13 5.2.4理论研究14 致 谢15 参考文献17 附录119 附录222 附录323

  • 83例机构痴呆老人应用干预性照料方法临床护理分析

    83例机构痴呆老人应用干预性照料方法临床护理分析 摘 要 目的:探讨研究与实践干预性照料在机构痴呆老人护理中的作用与效果。 方法:对我院2008年5月至2010年l2月入院的83例痴呆老人通过干预性照料护理的介入方法,对痴呆老人存在的主要护理问题及采取实施干预性照料个案护理前后的改善情况进行统计分析。 结果:实施个案的干预性照料护理后,痴呆老人的主要护理问题:激越、昼夜颠倒、躁动不安、不知饥饱、吞食异物、便秘等问题发生率有明显下降(P0.05,差异无显著性。 结论:采取干预性照料的方法在对机构痴呆老人的个案护理中是有一定成效的,值得进一步研究探讨。 关键词:机构;老年痴呆;干预性照料;个案护理 论文类型:描述性研究 目 录 摘 要IV 1 研究背景及研究目的1 1.1背景及意义1 1.2研究目的及目标1 1.3关键词及定义1 1.4文献回顾2 2 研究内容3 2.1研究类型3 2.2研究对象3 2.3研究方法3 2.4研究步骤3 2.5统计方法3 3.研究结果4 4.研究总结与体会7 5 致 谢10 参考文献11

  • 重症住院患者家属应对方式与焦虑状况浅析

    论文编号:HL149论文字数:7569.页数:19 题目:重症住院患者家属应对方式与焦虑状况浅析 摘 要 目的:为了了解重症住院患者家属焦虑情绪与应对方式之间的相互关系,分析其原因及其产生的其他影响,指导家属采用正确的应对方式,帮助患者家属缓解焦虑情绪,提高患者家属的心理健康水平并有效指导患者配合医院工作,达到更好的治疗效果。采用方便抽样的方法抽取西安市北方医院2011年2月到2011年7月随即入院治疗的118名重症住院患者家属为研究对象,应用焦虑自评量表和建议应对方式问卷对患者家属的应对方式和焦虑情况进行调查,所有数据应用SPSS数据处理软件进行分析。 结果:118名重症住院患者家属用状态焦虑量表测量的平均得分为(51.438.79)分,高于国内平均水平(38.978.45)分,差异有统计学意义(P

  • 妊娠中晚期孕妇抑郁现状及其影响因素的分析

    妊娠中晚期孕妇抑郁现状及其影响因素的分析 摘 要 背景:有研究认为,到2020年抑郁症将成为仅次于冠心病的人类致残的全球第二大疾病。然而,孕妇经历妊娠过程中,长期的应激和不良情绪都与可能会对孕妇本人及其家庭、子代造成诸多严重的和长期的不良影响。目的:调查妊娠中晚期孕妇产前抑郁状况并分析其影响因素,为临床进行有效地干预提供依据。方法:对116名孕妇以爱丁堡产后抑郁量表(EPDS)、孕妇生活事件量表(LESPW)、妊娠压力量表(PPS)和社会支持评定量表(SSRS0)进行问卷调查,根据EPDS评分是否≥10分将调查对象分为抑郁组和非抑郁组。结果:在妊娠中晚期孕妇中存在抑郁情绪者达22.41%,抑郁组“为确保母子健康和安全而引发的压力感”和“其他因素引发的压力感”显著高于非抑郁组,客观支持显著低于非抑郁组,良性生活事件的得分显著低于非抑郁组。结论:孕妇产前存在抑郁情绪者较普遍,与多种社会心理因素有关。对中晚期孕妇抑郁现状目前尚需大样本的调查研究以探讨对策。 关键词:妊娠;抑郁;影响因素 论文类型:调研报告 目 录 摘 要I 目 录III 1 研究目的1 1.1研究背景及意义1 1.2研究目标1 1.3 关键词及定义1 1.3.1 妊娠1 1.3.2 抑郁2 1.3.3 影响因素2 1.4 文献回顾2 1.4.1 产后抑郁情况2 1.4.2不同妊娠时期孕妇的焦虑抑郁症状调查结果2 1.4.3高龄孕产妇易患抑郁症3 1.4.4孕妇抑郁症的迹象3 2 实习内容5 2.1 研究设计5 2.2 研究对象5 2.3 研究方法5 2.3.1调查工具5 2.3.2 调查方法6 2.4 统计学处理6 3 实习结果7 3.1 一般资料7 3.2 产前抑郁状况7 3.3 孕妇压力最常见的来源7 3.4 抑郁组与非抑郁组间各指标的比较7 4 实习总结或体会9 5 致 谢11 参考文献13

  • 关于低分子肝素钙预防老年髋关节骨折患者形成静脉血栓的护理

    关于低分子肝素钙预防老年髋关节骨折患者形成静脉血栓的护理  摘 要 目的:探讨下肢静脉血栓(deep venous thrombosis,DVT)形成是老年髋关节骨折最常见的并发症之一,齐宝庆等[1] 报道,如果不进行干预,采取保守治疗的老年髋关节骨折患者,DVT 的发生率为56.67%。十九世纪中期,法国Virchow最早提出静脉血栓形成的三大因素:静脉血流缓慢;静脉壁的损伤;血液高凝状态[2] 至今仍为各国学者所公认。DVT好发部位为下肢,常见于骨科大手术后,DVT可造成肢体残疾,甚至继发致命性肺栓塞(pulmonaryembolism,PE),由此可见DVT 预防的重要性[3]。高龄、髋部创伤及手术均为DVT 的高危因素[4,5]。 方法:髋关节骨折病人的多数是老年人,常合并多系统、多器官的生理退变和(或)器质性病变,血液处于高凝状态;这些患者术前多因活动明显减少,术后切口疼痛、麻醉反应等又使活动明显受限,使下肢血流处于滞缓状态。同时血液还原粘度和纤维蛋白原增高也是形成DVT的因素。因其极易被忽视,多数病人未能得到及时的诊治,不仅影响原发病的治疗,且极易演变成血栓形成后遗症。下肢深静脉血栓形成最主要而常见的后遗症,是下肢深静脉血栓形成综合征。长期影响患者生活,少数患者可发生肺栓塞,严重威胁生命安全。 目前世界上普遍采用低分子肝素预防治疗DVT的发生: 结果:低分子肝素是将肝素经化学或酶解聚后生成平均分子量在4000~6500间的肝素片段。因分子量较小,不易被在血栓形成中血小板释血的血小板第Ⅳ因子中和,抗凝效果和纤溶作用得以增强,而抗血小板、诱发出血的作用大为减弱,对脂质代谢的影响极小,加之生物利用度高达98%,量效关系明确、固定剂量时抗凝效果易于预测,血浆半衰期较普通肝素长2~3倍,不透过胎盘屏障,例如,释放组织因子途径抑制物(tissuef actorp athwayi nhibitor,TFPI)和组织型纤溶酶原活化素,调节细胞粘连分子,从血管壁释放促纤溶和抗血栓介质,使血循环中von Willebrand因子和致炎细胞因子减少,还有对血流变学的影响以及与血小板和白细胞的相互作用[5-7] TFPI是外源凝血途径的生理性抑制物, 结论:故而进行积极有效的抗凝是治疗老年髋关节骨折患者静脉血栓的重要方法,而且我们已经取得了令人满意的效果。 关 键 词:老年人;静脉血栓;低分子肝素钙 论文类型:理论研究 Abstract Goal: The discussion lower limb vein thrombus (deep venous thrombosis, DVT) forms is one of old age coxa bone fracture most common complications, Qi Bao celebrates and so on to report, if does not carry on the intervention, adopts the conservative treatment the old age coxa bone fracture patient, the DVT formation rate is 56.67%.The 19th century intermediate stages, French Virchow most early proposes the phlebothrombosis three big factors: The vein blood stream is slow; Vein wall damage; The blood congealed condition still to recognize until now high as the various countries' scholar.DVT good sends the spot is a lower limb, after orthopedics major surgery, DVT may create the body disability common, even continues sends the lethality pulmonary embolism (pulmonaryembolism, PE), thus it can be seen DVT prevention important .The advanced age, the hip department wound and the surgery are DVT high-risk factor . Method: Coxa bone fracture patient's most is the senior citizen, often merges the multi-systems, the multi-organ physiology draws back changes with (or) the organic pathological change, the blood is at congeals high the condition; In front of because these patient technique many moves reduces obviously, after the technique the margin ache, the anaesthesia response and so on cause the activity to receive obviously limit, cause the lower limb blood stream to be at the slow condition.Simultaneously the blood return to original state viscosity and the fibrinogen advance also are form DVT the factor.Because it is neglected extremely easily, the most patients have not been able to obtain the prompt diagnosis, not only the influence the primary affection treatment, also extremely easy to evolve the thrombus to form the sequela. The lower limb deep phlebothrombosis are most main and the common sequela, is the lower limb deep phlebothrombosis synthesis drafts.Affects the patient to live for a long time, the minority patient may have the pulmonary embolism, threatens the safety seriously. At present in the world generally uses the low molecular heparin prevention to treat DVT the occurrence: Finally: During the low molecular heparin is produces the heparin after chemistry or the enzyme depolymerization the mean molecular weight in 4000~6500 heparin fragments.Because the molecular weight is small, is formed in the thrombus the blood platelet to release not easily the blood the blood plateletⅣFactor neutral, the antifreeze effect and the filament dissolve the function to be able to strengthen, but the anti-blood platelet, the suggestion hemorrhage function for is weaken greatly, is minimum to the lipin metabolism influence, adds the biological exploitability to reach as high as 98%, measures the effect relations is clear about, when the fixed dosage prevents clotting the effect easy to forecast, blood plasma half-life ordinary heparin long 2~3 times, do not penetrate the placenta barrier, for example, the release organizes the factor way inhibitor (tissuef actorp athwayi nhibitor, TFPI) and theorganization plasmin original activation element, the adjustment cell adhesion member, presses the filament from the blood vessel wall release to fuse theanti-thrombus medium, causes in the blood circulation von the Willebrand factor and sends the phlogocyte factor to reduce, but also has to the blood rheology influenceAs well as affects TFPI with the blood platelet and the white blood cell is mutually the extraneous source hemoglutination way physiology inhibitor, Conclusion: Therefore carries on the positive effective antifreeze is treats the old age coxa bone fracture patient vein thrombus the important method, moreover we have already obtained the satisfying effect. Key word: Senior citizen; Vein thrombus; Low molecular heparin calcium paper type: Fundamental research 目 录 1 绪论9 1.1本研究的背景和意义9 1.2本研究的目的与目标9 1.2.1研究的目的9 1.2.2研究的目标9 1.3关键词及定义9 1.4 文献回顾9 1.4.1老年髋关节骨折的发生情况9 1.4.2下肢深静脉血栓形成9 1.4.3 低分子肝素钙对于预防DVT的作用10 2方法错误!未定义书签。 2.1研究对象错误!未定义书签。 2.2一般资料错误!未定义书签。 2.3研究方法错误!未定义书签。 2.4研究对象错误!未定义书签。 2.5研究工具17 2.6研究步骤研究方法18 3.结果19 4.讨论20 参考文献23

  • 不同营养方式对昏迷病人营养状态影响的分析

    不同营养方式对昏迷病人营养状态影响的分析 摘 要 目的 比较不同营养方式对昏迷患者营养状态的影响。 方法 选取我院120例不能经口进食的昏迷住院患者,分为肠外营养组(PN组,20例)、肠内营养组(EN组,50例)和肠外加肠内营养组(PN+EN组,50例),3组给予等能量治疗,观察营养治疗前及治疗7~10天后患者的营养状态,并比较不同营养治疗方式的治疗效果。 结果 营养治疗后,3组营养治疗组间总蛋白、白蛋白和血糖的差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05),治疗后3组白蛋白高于治疗前白蛋白水平,PN组和PN+EN组血红蛋白显著低于EN组(P0.05),the levels of albumin before nutitional intervention were higher than after that and the levels of hemoglobin in PN and PN+EN group were significantly lower than those of the EN group(P

  • 老年心脏病病人的护理

    老年心脏病人的心理护理 摘 要 研究目的:了解心脏病病患者抑郁焦虑的发生率及其与社会支持、述情障碍的相关性,从而为建立心脏病病人社区综合治疗模式,改善心脏病病人的心身健康提供客观依据。 研究方法:根据2005年中国心脏病防治指南心脏病诊断标准,入选观察组100人,来源于2007年3月1日至2008年11月30日某社区卫生服务中心已建档的心脏病病患者,年龄41~75(57±7.78)岁,男性56人,女性44人;初中以上文化程度,能够正确理解量表含义;入组前三个月未服任何精神药品或已过药物的5个半衰期。采用Hamilton(HAMD)、Hamilton焦虑量表(HAMA)、社会支持评定量表(SSRS)、应付方式问卷(CSQ)、多伦多述情障碍量表(TAS)。在统一指导语和填表方法的前提下,让2组对象完成以上量表。量表由专业软件进行评分,对评分结果进行统计学分析。 研究结果:1)心脏病患者抑郁、焦虑发生率(分别为11.11%,30.16%)高于正常对照组(分别为0.00%,7.69%),两者比较有显著性差异(p<0.025);HAMD、HAMA总分均分(分别为12.11±4.83,12.59±6.26)均比对照组(分别为7.96±4.56,7.25±4.56)高,两者比较有显著性差异(p<0.001)。并发现心脏病组收缩压、舒张压与HAMD、HAMA总分呈正相关。提示社区心脏病患者有明显的抑郁焦虑负性情绪体验。 2)心脏病患者的社会支持总分均分(35.38±6.17)、主观支持均分(19.59±4.06)及社会支持利用度均分(6.79±2.27)均低于正常对照组(分别为39.54±6.74,22.44±4.02,7.71±2.08),两组比较有显著性差异(p<0.001或p<0.05)。而客观支持分(9.17±3.19)与对照组(9.53±3.17)相近,两者比较无显著性差异(p>0.05)。提示心脏病患者的社会支持方面存在缺陷,尤其在主观支持及社会支持利用度方面。HAMD总分与社会支持总分(P<0.01)、客观支持分(P<0.01)、主观支持分(P<0.01)及对支持的利用度(P<0.01)呈负相关;心脏病组HAMA总分与社会支持总分(P<0.01)、主观支持分(P<0.01)及对支持的利用度分(P<0.01)呈负相关。 结论:心脏病患者有着明显的抑郁焦虑等负性情绪,其抑郁焦虑情绪与社会支持、应付方式及述情障碍相关,对其进行心理卫生教育,改善不良的认知行为模式及社会支持,选择适宜的心理治疗措施,是心脏病综合治疗的有效途径之一。 关 键 词:老年人 心理特点 psychological characteristics of the elderly and psychological care  Abstract Objective: To understand the heart disease patients the incidence of depression and anxiety and its relationship with social support, alexithymia correlated to heart disease patients for the establishment of integrated community treatment model to improve the physical and psychological health of cardiac patients provide an objective basis. Key words: psychological characteristics of elderly Methods: According to heart disease prevention guidelines in 2005, heart disease diagnostic criteria, 100 were selected for the observation group, from March 1, 2007 to November 30, 2008 a community health service centers have been on file for heart disease patients, age 41 ~ 75 (57 ± 7.78) years, male 56, female 44; junior high school or higher, be able to correctly understand the meaning of scale; into the group of the first three months without taking any drugs, psychotropic substances or five half-lives have passed. With Hamilton (HAMD), Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAMA), Social Support Rating Scale (SSRS), Coping Style Questionnaire (CSQ), Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS). Filling in a unified language and methods of guiding premise, let two groups object to complete the above scale. Scale by professional software score right score the results were analyzed statistically. Results: 1) heart disease, depression, anxiety and the incidence of (respectively 11.11%, 30.16%) was higher than the normal control group (respectively 0.00%, 7.69%), both have more significant difference (p