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  • 老年痴呆分期护理的临床效果评估

    老年痴呆分期护理的临床效果评估 摘 要 研究背景: 随着社会老龄人口的增加,世界各国老年痴呆的发病率逐年增加的趋势。流行病学调查表明:65岁以上老年痴呆患病率为3%—8%,80岁以上增加到30%或更高。权威调查显示,目前我国痴呆病人已超过600万人。预测到2025年将增加至1009万人。老年痴呆平均生存期为5.5年该病已成为现代社会老年人的主要致死疾病之一。老年痴呆因起病隐匿,治疗效果差,严重危害老年人的心身健康,不仅给社会和家庭带来了巨大的经济负担,还会给家属和直接照料者带来严重的身心压力,如何认识、预防老年痴呆的发生,实现对老年痴呆患者的日常生活护理、记忆障碍护理、行为异常的预防及护理、心理护理,是关系老年痴呆患者治疗成败的重要因素。 目的: 认识老年痴呆的临床特征,掌握预防老年痴呆的关键时机与方法,完善老年痴呆患者的护理对策与方法,以达到降低老年痴呆的发病率,延缓发病进程,提高老年痴呆患者的生活质量。 方法: 对76例老年痴呆住院患者,按其病情不同分期分为三组,按护理的侧重点,分别进行不同的护理,并设对照组,共55名患者,以普通的护理为主,分别用老年痴呆生活质量量表,日常生活自理能力量表以评估其病情变化,来探讨护理的方法的可行性。 结果: 通过一年的观察,并与对照组对比,发现老年痴呆症患者在不同的病情阶段采取适当的和个体化的护理措施,可以延缓病情的发展,可以提高病人的生活质量。 结论: 目前老年痴呆尚无特效药物治疗,预防性护理措施是延缓老年痴呆的发生,发展,减轻疾病发作和恶化的唯一的有效手段。在护理上应根据病人的病情采取不同的护理措施,不同的护理侧重点,可以有效的延缓该病的进展,从而提高病人的生活质量,延长病人的生存周期。 关 键 词:老年痴呆;分期; 护理; 评估 论文类型:研究报告 Stages of dementia care in clinical evaluation ABSTRACT Backgrounds: As social aging population increases, the world the incidence of dementia increased year by year trend. Epidemiological survey showed that: 65 years old Alzheimer's prevalence rate of 3% -8%, over the age of 80 to 30% or higher. Authoritative survey shows that China's current dementia patients have been more than 6 million people. Projected to 2025 will increase to 10.09 million people. The average survival time of Alzheimer's disease 5.5 years old has become a modern society, one of the major killer diseases. Hidden due to onset Alzheimer's, treatment is poor, seriously endanger the physical and psychological health of the elderly, not only to the society and the family has brought enormous economic burden, but also to the families and caregivers directly result in serious physical and psychological pressure, How to understand, prevent the occurrence of senile dementia and realize the daily life of patients with Alzheimer's care, memory impairment care, abnormal behavior prevention and care, psychological care, the relationship between Alzheimer's patient is an important factor in the success or failure. Objectives: To know that the senile dementia the clinical characteristic, grasps the prevention senile dementia the essential opportunity and the method, the perfect senile dementia patient's nursing countermeasure and the method, achieves reduces the senile dementia the disease incidence rate, delays the morbidity advancement, improves the senile dementia patient's quality of life. Methods: Of 76 cases of senile dementia inpatients, according to their condition at different stages divided into three groups, according to the focus of care were carried out in different care, and let the control group, a total of 55 patients, consisting mainly of ordinary care, respectively Alzheimer's Quality of Life Scale, daily self-care ability scale for evaluation of their condition changes, to explore the feasibility of the method of care. Results: A year of observation, compared with the control group and found that Alzheimer's disease patients at different stages of the condition of appropriate and individualized nursing interventions can delay the disease progresses, patients can improve quality of life. Conclusions: At present there is no effect of drug treatment of Alzheimer's disease, preventive care measures are delay the occurrence of dementia, development, and reduce the onset and deterioration of the disease the only effective means. In care should be based on the patient's condition to take care of different measures, different care focus, can effectively slow down the progress of the disease, thereby enhancing the quality of life of patients and prolong the patient's life cycle. Keywords:Alzheimer,Stages,Nursing ,Assessment Paper Type: Research report 目 录 1绪论…………………………………………………………………………………………2 1.1背景及意义…………………………………………………………………………2 1.2研究目的及目标.……………………………………………………………………2 1.3关键词及定义..………………………………………………………………………2 1.4文献回顾……………………………………………………………………………..3 1.4.1老年痴呆的发病病因…………………………………………………….…..3 1.4.2临床特点及发病过程…………………………………………………………3 1.4.3老年痴呆的预防保健…………………………………………………………4 1.4.4老年痴呆的护理………………………………………………………………4 2研究设计……………………………………………………………………………………5 2.1研究对象5 2.2一般资料5 2.3研究方法5 2.4研究步骤…………………………………………………….………………………5 3.研究结果……………………………………………………………………………………9 3.1研究对象一般情况9 3.2住院六个月病情变化情况………………………………………………………….9 3.3住院一年病情变化情况………………………………….…………………………9 4讨论11 4.1研究结论11 4.2研究过程11 4.3研究中存在的问题……………………………………………………………...…11 5推论及建议13 5.1推论13 5.2建议13 致 谢15 参考文献17

  • 护理干预对宫颈癌根治术后尿潴留的影响

    护理干预对宫颈癌根治术后尿潴留的影响 摘 要 目的:本研究采用病例对照探讨护理干预对宫颈癌根治术后尿潴留的影响,通过加强宫颈癌患者术前、术后综合护理,达到有效预防和减少宫颈癌患者术后尿潴留的发生。 方法:研究对象来源于2010年9月到2011年7月期间在我院行广泛子宫切除加盆腔淋巴结清扫术的患者。将入选的60位患者按入院先后随机分为两组,实验组30人,对照组30人。实验组患者术前给予心理疏导、盆底肌肉的锻炼,术后采用个体化放尿、膀胱冲洗的护理干预措施。对照组患者术后按长期留置尿管护理。 结果:两组研究人群在年龄上的差别无统计学意义,实验组的残余尿量明显低于对照组,差别有统计学意义,实验组尿潴留发生率为10%;对照组尿潴留发生率为36%,实验组尿潴留发生率明显低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P

  • 探讨健康教育对高血压患者的影响

    探讨健康教育对高血压患者的影响 摘 要 目的:宣传高血压病的防治知识,提高人群自我保健意识,倡导健康的生活方式,改善不良行为,减少高血压危险因素的流行,预防和控制高血压及相关疾病的发生,改善人民生活质量,提高健康水平,为社区高血压防治与管理工作提供指导。方法:在社区卫生服务机构对200例接受高血压病例管理者进行健康指导,时间为6个月,包括药物治疗和非药物治疗。在管理的过程中根据患者的不同情况提供相应的健康教育内容和行为指导,定期随访。结果:经过6个月的管理,提高了高血压基本防治知识的知晓率,患者服药依从性,非药物治疗依从性均大大提高。体重系数,血压,血脂,血糖与管理前比较均有统计学差别。结论 健康教育对高血压患者的影响作用是积极有效的,值得全面推广。 关 键 词:高血压 健康护理教育 论文类型 :应用研究 目 录 1 实习目的或研究目的1 1.1研究目的1 1.2 研究目标1 2 实习内容3 2.1研究对象…………………………………………………………………………….3 2.2健康教育的内容…………………………………………………………………….3 3 实习结果5 3.1 干预前后体重指数、血压、糖脂代谢情况比较……………………………........5 3.2 干预前后高血压基本知识知晓率比较………………………………………………5 3.3 干预前后对高血压危险因素知晓率比较………………………………………………5 4 实习总结或体会7 4.1健康教育的主要内容……………………………………………………………………7 4.1.1保持良好的心理状态…………………………………………………………….7 4.1.2提高高血压防治知识及危险因素知晓率……………………………………….7 4.1.3减轻体重…………………………………………………………………………7 4.1.4休息与运动指导…………………………………………………………………7 4.1.5用药指导…………………………………………………………………………7 4.2总结………………………………………………………………………………………7 5 致 谢9 参考文献11 附 录13

  • 中专护生临床实习各期心理特点与教学对策

    中专护生临床实习各期心理特点与教学对策 摘 要 目的:探讨中专护生临床实习各期存在的心理特点,并根据存在的心理问题实施相应的带教对策,指导和帮助她们尽快适应角色,较好地完成临床实习任务。方法:选择2007年6月-2008年6月在我院康复部实习的5所护校50名中专学生。将一个实习周期做划分,6~8月定为实习初期,8~4月定为实习中期,5~6月定为实习后期。分别于护生实习初期、中期、末期出科前发放自制调查问卷40份,共发放120份,收回120份,回收率100%,且均为有效问卷。根据调查结果显示的心理特点,调整带教计划,制定分期教学目标,使中专护生的较好地完成临床实习。结果:问卷调查结果显示,在实习初期,护生的好奇心理、胆怯心理最为明显,达到95%,求知欲强烈,占92.5%,90%反应有紧张心理,自卑担心不能胜任工作占80%,70%对护理工作、护士职业憧憬;实习中期,骄傲自满心理和松懈情绪突出,分别占90%和87.5%,厌烦情绪有所上升,22.5%;实习后期好奇、胆怯、紧张等不良心理基本消失,但82.5%的护生存在怕苦怕累及对临床工作的厌恶心理,职业认同感下降,对未来就业没有信心。根据这一结果,护理部要求各实习科室对原带教计划进行调整,并按分期教学目标实施带教。实习结束前进行师生双向评价反馈,该方法一定程度减轻临床带教压力,教师对教学目标更明确,也避免重复劳动;护生能适应实习环境,减轻心理负担,提高基础护理技能,培养良好的沟通,树立自信心,提高职业认同力,实习效果较满意。结论:对护生实习期间心理特点的研究和了解,有助于临床带教中有的放矢的的调整教学方案,减轻中专护生不同实习时期存在的不良心理压力,减少护理差错的发生,提高学生对护理工作的认识,增强了临床实习的兴趣和效果,对临床护理管理也起到促进作用。 关 键 词:中专护生;实习;心理特点;教学 论文类型:其它 Nursing students clinical practice phases of the psychological characteristics and Teaching Strategies ABSTRACT Objective: To explore nursing students clinical practice phases of the existence of the psychological characteristics and, based on psychological problems exist in the implementation of appropriate measures with a teaching guide and help them to adapt to the role of good clinical practice to complete the task. Methods: June 2007 -2008 year in June in our hospital rehabilitation department internship five secondary students in nursing school 50. To do an internship period will be divided, 6 to August as the initial attachment, 8 April as the medium-term internship, 5 June as a post-internship. Nursing students, respectively, the early, mid, late Chuke self-questionnaire pre-release 40, a total of 120 to recover the 120, 100% recovery rate, and are valid questionnaires. According to the survey results show that the psychological characteristics, adjusting the belt teaching plans, teaching objectives to develop in phases, so that a better secondary school students to complete clinical practice. Results: The survey results show that in practice beginning nursing students curious about psychology, the most obvious cowardice, reaching 95%, a strong thirst for knowledge, accounting for 92.5%, 90% of psychological stress reactions, low self-esteem does not fear for jobs accounted for 80%, 70% of the nursing work, nurses and occupational aspirations; internship mid lax complacency psychological and emotional prominent, accounting for 90% and 87.5%, tired of feeling had increased, 22.5%; internship late curiosity, shyness, nervousness and other bad psychological disappeared However, 82.5% of the care and live in fear of suffering Palei aversion to the clinical work, vocational identity down for future employment, lack of confidence. According to this result, Nursing Department request the internship with the Education Departments of the original plan adjustments, in accordance with a phased implementation of the teaching objectives to teach. Internships for students and teachers before the end of a two-way evaluation feedback, the method to a certain extent reduce the pressure of clinical teaching, teachers teaching more targeted, but also to avoid duplication of work; nursing students to adapt to practical environment, reduce the psychological burden, and improving basic nursing skills, develop good communication, foster self-confidence and raise their professional identity strength, internship satisfactory results. Conclusion: The psychological characteristics of nursing students during the study and understanding of clinical teaching will help the adjustment of teaching programs targeted to alleviate the nursing students in different periods internships adverse psychological pressure exists to reduce the occurrence of nursing errors and improve student awareness of the work of nursing, increased interest in clinical practice and effectiveness of clinical nursing management also play a catalytic role. KEY WORDS: nursing students; practice; psychological characteristics; Teaching TYPE OF THESIS: Other 目 录 1 绪论………………………………………………………………………………………..1 1.1背景与意义…………………………………………………………………………1 1.2研究目的及目标……………………………………………………………………1 1.3关键词及定义………………………………………………………………………1 1.4文献回顾……………………………………………………………………………2 2 研究设计…………………………………………………………………………………..3 2.1研究对象……………………………………………………………………………3 2.2一般资料……………………………………………………………………………3 2.3研究方法…………………………………………………………………………….3 2.4研究步骤…………………………………………………………………………….4 3 研究结果…………………………………………………………………...………………5 4 讨论……………………………………………………………………………………… ..7 4.1实习初期…………………………………………………………………………….7 4.1.1尊重爱护护生,加强交流沟通…………………………………………….…….7 4.1.2强化理论知识,提高操作技能…………………………………………….…….7 4.1.3培养沟通能力,建立良好的护患关系…………………………………….…….7 4.2实习中期…………………………………………………………………………….8 4.2.1严格带教,控制易出错的环节…….…………………………………………….8 4.2.2增加专科护理技能、较复杂操作技术的培训……………….………………….8 4.2.3培养基本观察、处理能力………………………………….…………………….8 4.3实习后期…………………………………………………………………………….9 4.3.1重视职业道德教育,培养慎独精神……………………………….…………….9 4.3.2培养对护理对象的认识………………………………………….……………….9 4.3.3培养独立工作能力………………………………………………………….…….9 5 推论与建议……………………………………………………….……………………....11 5.1推论………………………………………………………...………………………....11 5.2建议………...………………………………………………………………………....11 致 谢………………… ……………………………………………………………..…12 参考文献………………………………………………………………………………….....13

  • 护理程序在预防老年下肢骨折患者便秘中的应用

    护理程序在预防老年下肢骨折患者便秘中的应用 摘 要 目的:通过对预防老年下肢骨折病人便秘的不同方法进行研究,为临床老年下肢骨折病人便秘的治疗提供科学的依据,并期待能在临床护理中得到推广。从而进一步减轻病人的痛苦,并对病人的病情的好转起到推波助澜的作用。 方法: 2008年2月~2009年1月入院的60例老年下肢骨折患者列为对照组。男40例,女20例,年龄60~82岁,平均67岁。股骨颈骨折12例,股骨粗隆间骨折9例,胫腓骨骨折27例,髌骨骨折12例。2009年2月~2010年1月入院的60例患者列为实验组。男38例,女22例,年龄60~84岁,平均68岁。股骨颈骨折12例,股骨粗隆间骨折9例,胫腓骨骨折26例,髌骨骨折13例。两组患者均在受伤后24h内入院,既往饮食正常,无便秘史。两组患者年龄、性别、受伤部位及病情比较差异无显著性意义(P>0.05)。对照组患者采用骨外科常规护理,出现便秘者遵医嘱给与导泻药或灌肠。实验组在骨外科常规护理的基础上,运用护理程序进行排便的护理。观察两组患者便秘发生情况,率的比较采用 x 2检验,P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。 结果: 对照组便秘发生率为35%,实验组应用护理程序后,便秘发生率为10%,明显低于对照组(P<0.05),差异有显著性意义 结论: 通过运用护理程序对下肢骨折患者进行有针对性的护理,有效降低了便秘发生率,改善了患者生活质量。 关 键 词:护理程序;老年;下肢骨折;便秘 论文类型:应用研究 Abstract Objective: the treatment of patients with constipation to provide the scientific basis for clinical elderly lower limb fractures through different approaches to the prevention of elderly lower extremity fracture patients with constipation, , and look forward to promotion in clinical nursing. To further reduce the suffering of the patients, and the patient's condition improved play a role in fueling. Methods: admitted 60 cases of elderly patients which from February 2008 to January 2009 with lower extremity fractures as a control group. 40 males and 20 females, aged 60 to 82 years, the average age of 67. 12 cases of femoral neck fracture, intertrochanteric fractures in 9 cases, 27 cases of fracture of the tibia and fibula, patella fracture in 12 cases. 60 cases of hospitalized patients which from February 2009 to January 2010 as the experimental group. 38 males and 22 females, aged 60 to 84 years, the average 68-year-old. 12 cases of femoral neck fracture, intertrochanteric fractures in 9 cases, 26 cases of fracture of the tibia and fibula, patella fracture in 13 cases. All patients were admitted to hospital within 24 hours after the injury, past a normal diet, no history of constipation. Patients age, sex, injury location and the difference was insignificant (P> 0.05). The control group were treated with routine care of Orthopedic Surgery, doctor's advice to give to guide laxative or enema of constipation. Experimental group on the basis of the routine care of Orthopedic Surgery, the use of nursing procedures for bowel care. We observed in patients with constipation, the rate used to compare the x 2 test, P

  • 母婴饮食状况的护理研究

    母婴饮食状况的护理研究 摘 要 目的 本文通过对产后母亲饮食护理和婴儿饮食护理一般规律的研究,为正确指导母婴饮食提供临床参照。 方法 本研究通过分析产后妇女饮食结构情况对其母乳分泌量的影响、婴儿不同喂养方式对其身体发育情况的影响、以及婴儿是否即时添加辅食对其身体发育状况的影响,寻找更为科学合理的饮食方案。 结果:结果表明加强产后产妇饮食方面的干预不仅有利于产妇身体的迅速恢复而且能够增加母乳分泌量;婴儿的合理喂养有利于其身体的健康发育。 结论:产妇产后加强营养能够增加乳液的分泌量;0-4月月龄的婴儿最佳的喂养方式是纯母乳喂养;婴儿应在4-6个月开始适当的添加辅食。 关 键 词:饮食护理;母乳;辅食 论文类型:调研报告 Maternal and infant diet of Nursing Research ABSTRACT Objectives: In this paper, the post-natal care and baby food diet nursing general law is studied, in order to correct maternal diet and also providing the clinical reference guide. Methods: This study analyze the structural conditions of post-partum women, the breast milk secretion of post-natal women, three-month-old baby of their different feeding methods, ,and if have an immediate supplementary food feeding, through the analyzing in order to look for a more scientific and reasonable diet program. Results: The results show that maternal post-natal nutrition conditioning should be strengthened,this is not only beneficial to the body's rapid recovery, but also can increase the secretion of the amount of emulsion;infant feeding beneficial to the rational development of their physical health. Conclusion: Postpartum better nutrition can increase the secretion of the amount of emulsion; 0-4 month-old infant the best way of feeding is breastfeeding; baby 4-6 months should be started to add the appropriate complementary feeding. KEY WORDS: Diet Care, Supplementary food ,Breast TYPE OF THESIS: Research report 目 录 摘 要I ABSTRACTIII 目 录V 1 绪论2 1.1背景及意义2 1.2研究目的及目标2 1.3关键词及定义2 1.4文献回顾2 2 研究设计5 2.1 研究对象5 2.2 一般资料5 2.3 研究方法6 2.4 研究步骤6 3 研究结果1 3.1母亲的饮食护理研究1 3.2婴儿的饮食护理1 4 讨论5 4.1母亲饮食护理的讨论5 4.2婴儿饮食护理的研究与讨论6 5 推论及建议9 5.1推论9 5.2建议9 致 谢11 参考文献13

  • 老年病人的护理

    老年病人的护理 摘 要 目的:将临床护理路径引入本科工作中,使患者从入院到出院都按一定的模式接受护理,制订标准的护理流程,提供有时间的、有序的、有效的照顾。探讨临床护理路径用于老年股骨颈骨折患者的康复效果。 方法:对2008年3月~2010年3月我院骨科收治的76例60岁以上移位性股骨颈骨折患者进行了随访研究,将本院76例老年股骨颈骨折患者随机分为对照组和观察组各38例,对照组采用传统护理教育方法;观察组在对照组的基础上制订住院期间临床护理路径进行健康教育,比较2组患者的住院天数、满意度及并发症发生情况。 结果:1.观察患者平均住院时间20天,最短17天,最长23天。观察组(20±3天)和对照组(14±7天)相比,住院天数明显减少,具有统计学意义(p

  • 妇女保健知识现状研究

    妇女保健知识现状研究 摘 要 目的 了解当前妇幼群体对健康教育知识的需求情况,以便有针对性和前瞻性的对其进行健康教育,提高他们的自我护理能力。加强以母婴保健为核心的生殖健康教育是妇幼保健工作的核心部分。以生殖健康为目的, 控制出生人口缺陷, 提高中华民族人口素质, 核心是在妇女, 基础是在婴幼儿。营造一个妇幼健康教育的社会氛围, 使人们树立健康意识是妇幼保健事业中贯彻预防为主的一项重要措施, 是承担对社会、国家和民族的责任。 方法 对324名女职工对保健知识的了解程度进行了考察,探讨了普及与加强妇幼保健的可行策略并对妇幼保健这一任务在医学护理工作中应用的情况进行了阐述。 结果 综合多方讨论,得出了普及妇幼保健工作的必要性及与此相关的可行措施;结合国情与妇幼保健工作的现状,加强母婴健康指导工作方面也得出了具体方案;对在护理行业中实施妇幼保健工作也提出了要求。 结论 健康教育在妇幼群体中有重要作用,仅仅通过临床治疗并不能保证这个群体的健康发展,而采取灵活多样的形式,促进妇幼健康教育的普及与加强,才能取得以母婴健康为核心的全社会的健康。 关 键 词:妇幼保健;健康教育;策略;指导 论文类型:应用基础 Discussion about health education of women and children ABSTRACT Objectives: To have a basic knowledge about the healthcare education needed by women and children alike,thus we can carry out the healthcare educatoin for them in a targeted and profound way, meanwhile improve their self-care ability.To strenghten the maternity and infant centered healthcare education is the core part of our healthcare wok.With the purpose of healthy birth and low deficiency rate,to improve the overall quality of population in China,the key point lies in women,while the fundamental in infants.Given this condition,to create a good environment for healthcare education ,to establish a prevention-conscious mindset are our responsibility to society ,our country and the whole Chinese nation. Methods: An experiment was conducted among 324 women workers to study the extent of the women and children alike knowing about healthcare knowledge.Then there are discussions on the reliable stragies for the promoting and intensifying of healthcare knowledge.Apart from this we give some statements on the application of healthcare knowledge in medical care process. Results: Due to the comprehensive discussions, reliable measures on women-children healthcare work are attained,and also its necessity has been proved; Detailed guidance plans on women-children healthcare work have been worked out,which are based on current national situation and healthcare work done before;New requirements are raised out on the work of the promotion of women-children healthcare in medical care field. Conclusion: Healthcare education plays a principal role among women and children,since temporary treatment can never guarantee the health of this special group, thus a more flexible and varified method is quite vital to promote and strenghthen the healthcare education among women and children. Only by this means can we establish a social-wide healthcare system that`s centered by women and children. KEY WORDS: maternity and infant healthcare;healthcare education ;strategy;guidance TYPE OF THESIS: basic application 目 录 摘 要I ABSTRACTIII 1 绪论1 1.1 背景及意义1 1.2 研究目的及目标1 1.3 关键词的定义1 文献回顾2 2研究设计3 2.1 对象与方法3 2.2结果(表1,2,3)3 3 研究结果7 3.1效果评价7 3.2妇幼保健机构健康教育的发展对策7 4 讨论9 4.1妇幼健康教育效果9 4.2加强健康教育提高妇幼保健水平9 5 推论及建议11 5.1推论11 5.2建议11 6 结论及展望13 致 谢15 参考文献17

  • 不同气道湿化对气管切开患者的效果比较

    不同气道湿化对气管切开患者的效果比较 摘 要 目的:比较间断气管内滴药、雾化吸入湿化、注射泵控制持续气道内湿化法的临床效果。 方法:选择60例气管切开病人随机分为三组分别进行间断气管内滴药、雾化吸入湿化、注射泵控制持续气道内湿化。统计分析比较三组的临床效果。 结果:注射泵控制持续气道内湿化,发生刺激性咳嗽、气道黏膜出血、肺部感染发生率均优于其他两种方法。 结论:注射泵控制持续气道湿化可以明显减少刺激性咳嗽、气道黏膜出血及肺部感染的发生。 关键词:气道湿化;气管切开 论文类型:研究报告 Thesis topic: the airway to different wet process, the effect of the patients with trachea comparison Pick to Objective: to compare the discontinuous endotracheal dropping, aerosol inhalation of injection pump control, wet moist method for airway in the clinical effect. Method: choose the trachea 60 cases were randomly divided into three groups of patients are intermittent endotracheal dropping, aerosol inhalation of injection pump control wet, continue to moist in the airway. Statistical analysis the clinical effect of three groups. Results: injection pump control continued in the airway wet, happen irritating cough, airway mucosal bleeding, and pulmonary infection rate is better than the other two kinds of methods. Conclusion: injection pump control continuous airway moist can significantly reduce irritating cough, airway mucosa and pulmonary hemorrhage of infection. Key words: the airway to moist; Trachea cut Paper types: research report 目 录 1 绪论 1.1 背景及意义………………………………………………………………………..8 1.2 研究目的……………………………… …………………………………… ……8 1.3 关键词定义… …………………………………………………………………...8 1.4文献回顾……………………………………………………………………… …...9 2 研究设计 2.1 研究对象及一般资料……………………………………………………………..10 2.2研究方法………… …… ………………………………………………… …… 11 2.2.1调查工具……………… ……… ……………………………………….. 11 2.2.2调查方法…………… ……………………………….. ………………….. .11 2.3湿化液的选择及温度…………………… …………… ……….………. ………. 11 2.4 统计学方法… ……………………………………………… …… ...……………11 2.5 研究步骤及技术路线图………………………………………………………….12 2.6 统计学方法………………………………………………………………………..13 3研究结果 3.1间断气管内滴药湿化法通过临床观察发现存在的问题。………… 13 3.2雾化吸入湿化法存在的临床问题…… ……… ……… ……………… …………13 3.3注射泵控制持续气道内湿化法具有的优点….…………………………………13 4 讨论 4.1气管切开后气道湿化的重要性………………………………………………………… .14 4.2本次研究注射泵控制持续气道内滴注湿化法优于其它方法………… …14 4.3气管切开后气管套管的护理…………………………… … …………………… ……...14 5 推论与建议……………………………………………………………………………..16 致谢………………………………………………… ………………………… ……… …..16 参考文献………………………………… …………………………………………………16

  • 老年冠心病住院患者生活质量及心理状态病例对照研究

    老年冠心病住院患者生活质量及心理状态病例对照研究 摘 要 目 的:冠心病是对人类健康与寿命影响最大的慢性病之一,在传统注重内科疗效的基础上,关注其心理状态及其生活质量问题将具有十分重要的现实意义。我们采用艾森克个性问卷(EPQ)[1]、症状自评量表(SCL-90)[2]及生活质量综合评定问卷(GQOLI)[3]对60例冠心病患者进行了测试,并同健康人加以比较,旨在了解冠心病患者的心理状态及其生活质量,为冠心病综合性治疗和康复提供心理学依据。 方 法:采用“老年人生活质量调查表”评定生活质量,生活满意度内容共11项:满意为3分,一般为2分,不满意为1分,总评价30~33分为良,22~29分为中等,11~21分为差。采用症状自评量表(SCL-90)[3]评定临床症状,SCL-90包括90个项目(按0、1、2、3、4评分)9个症状因子。将两量表测试结果与全国常模进行对照。所有测试均在经过培训的2名主治医师指导下,由受试者独立完成。全部数据采用t检验及直线相关分析。 结 果:影响老年冠心病患者生活质量满意度的有身体健康、医疗保健、家庭生活、经济收入、人际关系、子女孝顺等因子,躯体化、人际敏感、抑郁、焦虑、敌对、恐怖等因子与常模比较有极显著性差异(P