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[区域经济学] Green Economy [ Author :Peter Newton] [推广有奖]

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Economic development model of choice, reflecting the development of the concept of human evolution and updated. To the 1992 Rio Conference on Environment and Development century as a symbol, the human history of “development = economic growth,” “Development = economic growth + industrial pollution control” and “development = economy, 10 environmental protection and social development, ”a series of stages of development, seriously sum up and review, finally moving in the direction of sustainable development has taken a welcome step.

Conference on Environment and Development, with most of the world’s countries and regions, British model of sustainable development of an active research and exploration. Among them, “British local Agenda 21” by the “green economy”concept, development of the economy and environmental protection are highly unified and fully reflects the sustainable development of the strategic thinking

1, Economic development and environmental protection is not only unified opposition

Economic development and environmental protection opposite side is industrialized, As the human economic activities have overlooked the bad ecological construction and environment protection, extensive economic growth and the resource wanton development, coupled with the rapid rate of population growth and irrational consumption, causing a tremendous waste of resources and the ecological environment seriously damaged, in turn, serious constraints of human society, further development; uniformity in its side is, economic development and environmental protection to the fundamental purpose of a high degree of coherence, is to improve human quality of life. Good resources, the ecological environment, the support of the economic development of the basic conditions and resources in a highly efficient and rational exploitation and utilization the protection of the ecological environment, all depend on economic development. As some environmental experts pointed out, “the garbage is the wrong place resources,” and the economic and technological levels, continues to improve, will contribute to the achievement of resources and maximize the conversion of pollutants.

“British local Agenda 21”to the economy’s “sustainable development” is defined as “the maximum reduction in the current energy, the level of consumption of resources and reduce waste production, to protect future generations depends for its existence and development of natural ecosystems, ” and the local“green economy” model of development that the economic development choices fully consider local resources and the ecological environment of the “least” can not sacrifice the fundamental interests of mankind, under the premise of ensuring the development of the local economy “sustainability.”

“British local Agenda 21” “green economy” of the content is mainly reflected in three areas : First, the value of natural resources (cost) under the System of National Accounts, the market mechanism to play a role in allocating resources. energy and other efficiency in the use of resources. 2 is the transformation of the traditional twisted up production patterns and to “end-governance” - based approach to environmental management, the implementation of cleaner production. From the economic activities of each one with the links, by reducing raw material consumption and improve efficiency in the use of resources cycle, as far as possible, to eliminate potential contaminants in the production process, thereby achieving the maximum waste minimization, resources, harmless. Third, rely on scientific and technological progress, the establishment of conservation-oriented economic system. In economic activities focus on saving water and energy, materials, land, extensive use of new equipment, new techniques, new technologies, new products and out of high consumption, high pollution and backward equipment, technologies and products, development of low consumption, low pollution of technology, equipment and products.

2, the local government in the development of a “green economy” an important role to play

“Green economy” of environmental factors into the whole economic cycle, unlike the traditional economy “one-sided. narrow, ” the single economic targets, and to pursuing the environment and economic development of comprehensive goals. As a result, on the one hand, those who ignore the need to protect the enterprise’s survival and development of a more stringent environmental constraints, the other emerging environmental industry for the rise and development of a huge space. The current global market environment than aerospace technology market has potential for growth. According to the analysis, in the coming decades, the British will have the value of 140 billion pounds of product markets.

“British local Agenda 21” that the local government in the development of a “green economy” plays a decisive role. Mainly in the following aspects : First, strict resource management and environmental protection legislation, law enforcement, is the development of “green economy” the basic premise; Second, the government played a dominant role in organizing the resources to conduct comprehensive investigations, exploration, development and utilization of development resources, the planning and protection plans and to implement tracking and surveillance; Third, the government play the role of macro-control, improve the regional economic structure and the distribution of productive forces, the adjustment of the industrial structure and product mix, nurture “green” industries and products to improve the local economic environment sustainability; 4 is to encourage the development of local environmental industry, the emerging environmental industries to be the necessary funds and policy support; It is necessary to conserve resources and protect the environment propaganda.

3, how to foster “green enterprises”

Enterprise is the main force of economic activity, as well as consumption of resources and environmental degradation “culprit.” This is because, any enterprise is able to avoid the impact of various aspects of our living environment. Include : (l) consumption of resources, whether raw materials or processed from the raw material made of semi-finished products; (2) energy consumption; (3) occupy land resources; (4) pollution, constitute the water, air and soil environmental threats (5) may lead to other environmental pollution, such as visual pollution, noise pollution.

It is precisely because of enterprises in developing the economy and protecting the environment dual responsibilities and obligations, therefore, an overall increase in the environmental awareness, lowering the unit products the impact on the environment, enhancing the productivity of green, realize economic development and a win-win situation protection of the environment an important way. The British government published a “green enterprises Guide”points out that from a long-term perspective, any enterprise to ensure that the capacity for sustainable development, it must : (a) Increased resources, especially energy use efficiency; (2) minimize the transport of raw materials and distribution links; (3) increasing the use of renewable and recyclable resources; (4) implementation of cleaner production, try to eliminate waste in the production process, ensuring that the biggest waste of resources.

In addition, the development of“green economy”can have an important impact on the following : (1) increased resources for the future increase in the cost of protection; (2) to enhance the market competitiveness of enterprises; (3) to increase the visibility of products, establishing corporate brand; (4) to avoid possible future environmental litigation; (5) to avoid facing possible future environmental regulations of the sanctions.

4, the development of local“green economy”may exist Misunderstandings

As different areas of uneven economic development, resource conditions and environmental standards there is a certain degree of difference, it different parts of the region should be based on the needs of economic development and environmental objectives identified the development of the “green economy ” mode and focus, avoid falling into Misunderstanding : (1) development of the local environment is too high and the blind pursuit of environmental goals while neglecting economic development, thus lose the protection of the environment and the material foundation of power. (2) excessive reliance on the government's administrative means, lack of corporate ties and cooperation seriously hurt enterprises protection of the environment initiative and enthusiasm; (3) direct government intervention, or to participate in the operation and management of enterprises; (4), with other social groups and nongovernmental organizations lack of communication, the government formed their own with the situation. (5) the success of the experience of the lack of Green-promotion of and measures; (6) “green enterprises”lack of the necessary funding and policy support.

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-6-14 18:03:46编辑过]


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