[size=14.000000pt]Height Shrinkage, Mortality and Health: Evidence from ELSA
2 作者信息
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4 摘要
[size=12.000000pt]Using latest panel data from English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA), I investigate theassociations of height shrinkage with health and mortality of those aged over 50, finding thatshrinkage is significantly associated with mortality, and that this association can only partlyexplained by socio-economic status, self-assessed health and diagnosed diseases. The estimatesindicate that one standard deviation increase in shrinkage raises the mortality risk by over 9percent. The analysis also finds that not only is shrinkage associated with previous and currenthealth status, but also it has predictive power on health deterioration and morbidity in the future,indicating it may be potentially cost saving to take precautions when height starts shrinking.
[size=12.000000pt]JEL classification: [size=12.000000pt]I10, I12, J14
Keywords: Height shrinkage, Health, Mortality