或近或远,或直接或间接,近年来人民币国际化就发生在我们身边,中国要发展为世界强国,一个重要的因素就是推行人民币成为世界主流货币。那么人民币成为世界主流货币,有着怎样的有利条件和不利因素,前景如何?这些都成为了值得关注的热点问题,值此清华班戈MBA第21/22期学员开学典礼之际,深圳清华大学研究院上海教学中心特邀班戈大学商学院院长ProfessorJohn Thornton,就人民币成为世界货币的前景进行深度解析,诚邀新老学员及各界精英人士参与!
ProfessorJohn Thornton,班戈大学商学院院长,国际货币基金组织(IMF)助理主任,
John Thornton isHead of Bangor Business School and Professor of Global Finance. Prior tojoining the Business School in 2008 he was with the International Monetary Fund(IMF) in Washington DC, where he was, respectively, an Assistant Director inthe Western Hemisphere Department, the Fiscal Affairs Department, and in theMiddle East and Central Asia Department. He also held posts as the IMF residentrepresentative in Nepal and in Costa Rica.
Professor Thorntonhas also been a staff member of the Economics Department of the Organization ofEconomic Development and Cooperation in Paris, and was Vice President ofEconomics at Merrill Lynch International in London. He previously spent a yearas Lecturer in Banking and Finance at Bangor University and was a Lecturer inMacroeconomics at the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris.
Macroeconomicpolicy in emerging market economies; finance and economic development;financial market regulation; macroeconomic management and fiscaldecentralization; economics of terrorism.