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Canada’s pension funds Maple revolutionaries Canada’s public pension funds are changing the deal-making landscape


Mar 3rd 2012 | MONTREAL AND TORONTO | from the print edition

THEY own assets all over the world, including property in Manhattan, utilities in Chile, international airports and the high-speed railway connecting London to the Channel tunnel. They have taken part in six of the top 100 leveraged buy-outs in history. They have won the attention both of Wall Street firms, which consider them rivals, and institutional investors, which aspire to be like them.


These giants are Canada’s largest public pension-fund groups. They manage around C$640 billion ($643 billion) between them. Of the 40 largest public pension funds in the world, four are Canadian, according to Preqin, a research firm (see table). America aside, no other country has more on the list. But size is not what marks them out. Their approach to investment is intriguing.

这些巨头是加拿大最大的公共养老基金组织。他们共同管理着大约 6400亿加元(约合6430亿美元)。根据研究公司Preqin(见附表)的报告,在世界上40个最大的公共养老基金中,有四个属于加拿大。除美国之外,没有其他国家有更多的组织上榜。但并不是规模令他们突出。而是,他们的投资方法引人关注。

Unlike those in charge of public pension funds elsewhere, the Canadians prefer to run their portfolios internally and invest directly. They put more of their money into buy-outs, infrastructure and property, believing that these produce higher returns than publicly traded stocks and bonds. They are in some ways like depoliticised sovereign-wealth funds. Jim Leech, the boss of Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan, calls them a “new brand of financial institution”. And as public pensions around the world cope with painfully low yields on their assets, many see them as a template. Michael Bloomberg, New York City’s mayor, is among the model’s admirers.


Ontario Teachers pioneered this style of investing in the 1990s when it brought more of its investments in-house. Other large funds soon followed suit, building up teams to handle deals on their own. The Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System (OMERS) wants to have 90% of its assets managed internally by the end of 2012, leaving some room for allocations to external managers in specific areas.


The funds will do smaller deals alone but often act as “co-sponsors” with leading private-equity firms on bigger transactions. This allows them to have more control over the investment and to save on fees. CPP Investment Board and PSP Investments, for example, worked with Apax, a buy-out firm, to acquire Kinetic Concepts, an American medical-devices company, for $6.1 billion. It was one of the biggest buy-out deals in 2011.

这些基金独自进行规模较小的交易,但往往作为“共同投资人”与领先的私募股权一起做更大型的交易。这使他们更好地控制投资并节省费用。例如, CPP投资委员会和PSP投资,与收购公司APAX合作,花费61亿美元,得到Kinetic Concepts,一家美国医疗设备公司。这是2011年最大的收购之一。

The main draw of the Canadian model is cost savings. Running operations directly helps plug “the incredible leakage that goes out through fees” to pricey external managers, says Gordon Fyfe, the boss of PSP Investments, a large fund. In private equity, for example, many managers charge a fee equal to 2% of assets and 20% of profits. Hiring staff and building up internal capabilities costs far less. Keith Ambachtsheer of KPA Advisory Services, a pensions consultancy, says running assets internally costs a tenth of what it would if they were outsourced.

加拿大模式的主要优势是节约成本。直接运作,帮助消减了在支付给昂贵的外部经理人各种费用中导致的令人难以置信的资金流失,大型基金PSP投资的老板戈登·法伊夫说。例如,在私募股权投资行业内,许多经理人收取的费用相当于2%的资产和20%的利润。录用人员,并建立内部能力团队所需的成本却少得多。养老金顾问,KPA 咨询服务的Keith Ambachtsheer 说,内部资产运作所需费用仅是外包的十分之一。

There are other advantages. Public pension funds have a longer investment horizon than private-equity firms, so the Canadian behemoths can choose to sell when the time is right, mitigating some of the risks of investing in illiquid assets. In December, for example, Ontario Teachers announced it would sell its majority stake in Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment, a large Canadian sports business, for around C$1.3 billion. They had been invested in Maple Leaf since 1994, far longer than a private-equity firm’s typical five-year horizon, and are expected to get a return of five times their money.


Because they are saving so much on fees and only need to meet the liabilities of scheme-members’ pensions, moreover, the Canadian funds feel less pressure to chase the high returns that leading buy-out firms do. They can pursue investments with less risk and leverage. “Because returns don’t have to be as good, they can bid more for companies,” says one buy-out boss. It sounds like a loser’s lament.

因为他们节省这么多的费用,并只需要满足投资策划成员的养老金,此外,加拿大基金在追逐高回报方面比领先的收购公司的压力小。他们可以从事风险小和杠杆率低的投资。 “由于并不要求回报要多么好,他们可以给公司更好的出价,”一家收购公司的老板说。这听起来像一个失败者的哀叹。

So far the funds’ strategy has paid off. Over the past ten years Ontario Teachers has had the highest total returns of the biggest 330 public and private pension funds in the world. Some of this outperformance stems from the relative strength of Canadian stockmarkets and property, to which Canadian pension funds have higher allocations than others. But not all of it. In 2010 OMERS returned $25 on every dollar spent on internal management, for instance, compared to only $10 for every dollar spent on external managers’ fees.


Those seeking to understand how Canadians have pulled it off are given two answers: governance and pay. There is little political interference in the funds’ operations. They attract people with backgrounds in business and finance to sit on their boards, unlike American public pension funds, which are stuffed with politicians, cronies and union hacks.


Just as important is their approach to compensation. In order to recruit the best executives, Canadian pension funds have ensured their pay is competitive with Bay Street, Toronto’s version of Wall Street. They pay a base salary, annual bonus and long-term performance award (which many pension funds elsewhere do not) to make their employees take a long-term view of investments. Mr Leech of Ontario Teachers made over C$3.9m in 2010; 51% of that was a long-term performance award, 36% his annual bonus and only 13% of his base salary. He would doubtless earn more on Wall Street, but this is a huge pay packet by public-pension standards. Anne Stausboll, the boss of CalPERS, the largest American public pension fund, made around $380,000 in the year to June 30th 2011, including a $96,638 bonus.

同样重要的是他们的薪资支付方式。为了招到最好的高管,加拿大养老基金,确保他们的薪酬比起海湾街,多伦多的华尔街的同行,具有竞争力。他们支付基本工资,年度奖金和长期业绩奖励(在其他地区许多养老基金并不这样做),以使他们的员工,进行长期投资。安大略教师退休金的Leech在2010年的薪资是390万加元; 其中51%,是长期业绩奖励,36%是年度奖金,他的基本工资只占13%。在华尔街,他无疑将赚得更多,但是依据公共养老金行业标准,这堪称巨大薪酬待遇。Anne Stausboll,美国最大的公共养老基金CalPERS的老板,到2011年6月30日为止一年得到约380,000美元薪资,包括奖金96638美元。

Such disparity may hinder the Canadian model’s spread. Joe Dear, the chief investment officer of CalPERS, has said it is “not politically feasible” to set up this sort of compensation structure. For politicians, not to mention voters, multi-million-dollar salaries are not going to be popular.

如此差距可能阻碍了加拿大模式的传播蔓延。 CalPERS的首席投资官,Joe Dear,说建立这种薪酬结构是无政治可行性的。对于政治家来说,几百万美元的工资是无法通行的,更不用说选民。

Many officials at American public pension funds would not want to copy the model anyway. If a big deal were to go south, they might be sued. But Mr Ambachtsheer says board members also have a fiduciary duty to consider how fees are eroding assets. If they have an option to pay 90% less, they should try to take it.


Another obstacle to the adoption of Canadian ways is scale. A fund needs to be a certain size to buy companies and invest in infrastructure projects, and to swallow the upfront costs of building internal teams. Smaller Canadian funds have been unable to follow suit, for example. Sometimes the large funds will syndicate their deals and give the minnows a chance to take part. In 2009 OMERS won approval to manage assets of smaller pension funds in Canada.


Cuddly Canucks


The giants face problems of their own. One, paradoxically, is the growth of assets: CPP, for example, expects to manage C$275 billion by 2020 and C$1 trillion by 2050. Getting bigger makes it harder for each investment to make a difference to overall returns. “How we can scale our direct investing so it continues to be meaningful in a fund that’s doubled its size is a challenge,” says David Denison, CPP’s boss.

巨头也面临自己的一些问题。其中之一,看起来比较矛盾,是资产增长:例如,CPP预计到2020年管理2750亿加元和到2050年升至1万亿加元。规模越大,使每项投资都对整体效益具有重大影响的难度也越大。 “我们该如何扩展我们的直接投资,使它对规模扩大一倍的基金仍然意义重大,这是一个挑战,CPP的老板大卫丹尼森说。

Another challenge is handling expansion into more volatile emerging markets. To find good deals, funds need people on the ground. But as they become global, they may spread themselves too thinly. The Canadian model assumes that diversification is not as important as deep knowledge: the funds are likely to be better at doing deals in Montreal than Moscow. Some funds have opened foreign offices, but Mr Fyfe of PSP Investments is wary: “These people are going to be sitting there telling you to do a deal, so they’re not irrelevant.”


Even so, Canadian pensions are primed to do well in these dismal times. Some are planning to do more in credit, since banks are lending less. Cash-strapped governments are also lining up a huge number of infrastructure-asset sales. Politicians find the Canadians cuddlier partners than many others. According to Michael Sabia, the boss of Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec, another pension-fund group: “If they’re faced with the consortium of ‘Bonfire of the Vanities’ from New York versus a consortium of large public institutions who are long-term investors… I think I know who they’re going to pick.”

即便如此,加拿大养老金已经准备在这令人沮丧的时候依旧做好投资交易。一些计划扩大信贷,因为银行贷款减少。现金短缺的ZF也在准备将数量庞大的基础设施资产进行排队销售。政客发现作为合作方加拿大人比其他人更可爱。另一养老基金财团Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec的老板迈克尔·萨比亚说:“如果他们面对着纽约的“虚荣的篝火”财团和长期从事投资的大型公共机构财团,......我想我


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关键词:加拿大 Compensation Transactions CAPABILITIES Institutions including property 加拿大 Channel public

yuye001 发表于 2014-12-6 17:16:13 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群


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