I have thousands of city folders (say city1, city2, and so on, but in reality named like 北京, 上海, etc.)
Each folder further contains two subfolders: land and house.
So the directory structure is like
---- city1
----- house
------ many .xlsx files
----- land
----- city2
----- city3
----- city1000
I want to get the complete list of all subdirs and do some manipulation (like import excel). I know there is a macro extended function:
- local list: dir
to handle this issue, but it seems it can only return the first tier of subdirs, like city_i, rather than those deeper ones.
I use the following snippet of codes to test my ideas, if the approach works, it should return a full list of city names and each city's project
set more off
local folder:dir . dirs "*"
foreach i oflocal folder {
di "`i'"
local `i'_house : dir "G:\Data_backup\Soufang_data/`i'\house" files"*.xlsx"
foreach j of local `i'_house {
di "`j'"
However, the outcome on the screen is something like
It seems the code only loops one round, over the first city, but fails to come to city2,city3 and so on. I suspect it's due to my problematic writing of the local,espcially in this line
- foreach j of local `i'_house
but I'm not sure.