arizvisa/ataf .. The advanced traffic analysis framework is capable of extracting metadata from network traffic or a byte-stream. This allows one to perform analysis or apply techniques such as machine learning to any information inferred from a network sensor. The framework is multiprocess capable and platform…
kskk02/Fraud_Detector .. Fraud Detection using ensemble of Statistical, Network analysis and Machine learning approach.
teammcr192/spherical-k-means .. Spherical k-means implementation in Matlab, Python (work-in-progress), and C++ (with multithreading). The spherical k-means algorithm is used to automatically group text documents into a set of k clusters. Machine learning, data mining.
rmfarber/farbopt .. A TF/s to PF/s numerical optimization and machine-learning framework as discussed in my Dr. Dobbs and tutorials
vothane/cognition-ignition .. Machine Learning exercises in Clojure. Mostly ported Python exercises from the excellent book “Programming Collective Intelligence”.
jdwittenauer/insight-net .. Insight .NET is a C# library that provides APIs for a number of common machine learning tasks.
avasbr/nnet .. My custom implementations of neural networks, with concepts taken from Andrew Ng and Geoffrey Hinton’s machine learning classes