“……economic growth will occur if property rights make it worthwhile to undertake socially productive activity. The creating, specifying and enacting of such property rights are costly, ……. As the potential grows for private gains to exceed transaction costs, efforts will be made to establish such property rights. Governments take over the protection and enforcement of property rights because they can do so at a lower cost than private volunteer groups. However, the fiscal needs of government may induce the protection of certain property rights which hinder rather than promote growth; therefore we have no guarantee that productive institutional arrangements will emerge. ”摘自英文原版第8页。
“……如果所有权使从事社会生产性活动成为合算的,便会出现增长。这种所有权的创立、规定和实施是有代价的,……。当私人收益的潜在增长超过交易费用时,便会为建立这种所有权进行种种尝试。ZF承担对所有权的保护和实施,因为它为此付出的成本低于私人自愿团体所付的成本。不过,ZF的财政要求可能导致对某些不是促进增长而是阻碍增长的所有权的保护;因此我们不能担保一定会出现生产性的制度安排。” ——《西方世界的兴起》中文版第13页,厉以平、蔡磊译,华夏出版社,1999年。
两种译文一比较,“高下菜田,可见一斑”。厉以平等人的翻译真是误人子弟,将“property rights”译为“所有权”,“所有权”应该是“ownership”吧。