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jp carpenter 的实验经济学课件

发布时间: 来源:人大经济论坛
I. Origins & Classics
Class 1: September 8th Economics as an Experimental Science
Class 2: September 15th Markets
Class 3: September 22nd Risk and Time Preferences
Class 4: September 29th Asset Markets and Stats review
Class 5: October 6th Auctions
II. Strategic Interaction and Social Preferences
October 13th No Class - Fall Break
Class 6: October 20th Alternating Offers Bargaining and Fairness
Class 7: October 27th Dictators and Altruists
Class 8 November 3rd Trust and Positive Reciprocity
Class 9: November 10th Social Dilemmas (PD, VCM, CPR)
November 17th No Class - Prof. at BFRB
Class 10: November 24th Punishment and Negative Reciprocity
III. Frontiers
Class 11: December 1st Field Experiments
Class 12: Neuroeconomics
Finals week Oral Exams
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