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发布时间:2015-01-12 来源:人大经济论坛
市场营销论文范文  目录 摘要1 Abstract1 第1章 绪论3 第2章 中国房地产市场的发展状况4 2.1 中国房地市场现状分析4 2.1.1 市场化程度日益提高,买方市场初步形成4 2.1.2个人成为购房主体且日益理性和挑剔4 2.1.3消费者需求日益多样化4 2.1.4开发项目的规模化4 2.2 中国房地产市场未来发展展望5 2.2.1从推销阶段向全程营销发展5 2.2.2营销主题的专业化分工细化5 2.2.3信息化发展5 第3章 中国房地产企业市场营销的现状及存在的问题5 3.1 中国房地产企业市场营销现状概述5 3.2 中国房地产企业市场营销存在的问题7 第4章 中国房地产企业市场营销战略的规划和实施9 4.1市场细分9 4.2 目标市场选择10 4.3 营销组合策略11 结论12 参考文献12 致谢13 摘要 本文简单分析了中国房地产市场的发展过程,指出了当前房地产市场存在的问题以及市场营销对房地产企业的重要性.并对不同的营销手段进行了简单阐述。只有不断加强企业的市场营销,才能在未来市场得到充分发展。 中国的房地产市场经过十余年的发展,先后经历了卖“看得见摸得着”的东西,卖“看得见摸不着”的东西和卖“看不见摸不着但感觉得到”的东西三个不同的阶段。本文还对现阶段我国房地产市场的新的特点进行了简要的分析。 在以上分析的基础上,本文就国内房地产企业的关系营销战略进行了探讨。结合国内成功房地产企业的实践,先后提出和分析了房地产服务战略、房地产顾客满意战略、价值沟通战略、缺憾最小化战略以及房地产投诉应对战略。及以上关系营销战略在国内房地产企业的整合,这些探索性的研究将有助于其在新有动态市场和企业环境下做出正确的决策,也有助于其提高自身营销管理和客户服务的水平,在创造顾客价值和顾客满意的同时,为实现其生存和发展的目标赢得更为广阔的空间。 关键词 房地产,市场营销,价值沟通,研究 Abstract This paper briefly analyzes the development of China’s real estate market, pointed out the problems in the real estate market and marketing the importance of the real estate business,and marketing of different meal” of a simple set.Only continue to enhance their marketing in order to fully develop in the future market. China’S real estate market has already experienced more than 10 years of development, in a process of 3 stages;first sales that Can be seen and touched,second sales that Can be seen but not touched,and third sales that Can’t be seen or touched,but can be felt.The article also gives a brief analysis of the Chinese real estate market,and its new characteristics.The marketing strategy of Chinese real estate enterprises has been changed from the 4P(Product, Price,Place,Promotion) theory, to the 4C theory(Consumer, Cost, Convenience,Communication). Based on the analysis referred to above,the article discusses internal real estate sales relationships,The article includes discussion of successful internal experiences of real estate companies,and advocates an analysis of the strategies used in the real estate business, the strategies of real estate customer-satisfuction,the strategies of value communication,strategies of minimal loss and regret in making transactions from the point of view of the customer, as well as strategies of dealing with customer dissatisfaction.The sales relationships referred to above,Can be used in internal real estate development and reconstruction.This explorative study describes new market trends and the appropriate enterprise environment which is useful for real estate companies to make the right decisions within.The article is also helpful for enterprises to focus on how to improve their sales management and customer services, how to create customer values and satisfaction,and in helping companies to fulfill their development goals and survival in business,and widen their scope. Keyword:Beal estale;marketing;Communication Values;research
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