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发布时间:2015-01-19 来源:人大经济论坛
基于UG的电话机机座下盖塑料模具设计与仿真分析_自动化专业毕业论文范文 基于UG的电话机机座下盖塑料模具设计与仿真分析 摘要:模具工业在国民经济中占有重要地位,其生产技术水平的高低,己成为衡量1个国家产品制造水平高低的重要标志。为了进行注塑过程的CAE模拟,本文先根据实物用UG软件进行实体建模,再用UG下的注塑模具向导模块进行模具设计,最后对电话机底座壳体的前壳部的实体CAD模型进行了有限元网格的划分和修改。塑料熔体的充填、流动和模具的冷却等是注塑过程中几个重要的过程。在注塑过程中,各种工艺参数如压力、温度、时间等都是影响塑料制品质量高低的重要因素。本文采用CAE软件moIdflow对充填、流动和模具的冷却等过程进行了模拟分析。根据模拟分析结果,对注塑工艺参数进行了修改和优化,得出了比较合理的工艺参数,设计了电话机壳体的模具。 关键词: 模具 ; UG ; CAD According to UG telephone machine the lower cover enjection Mold design and imitate true analysis Abstract:  Mold industry occupies an important place in the national economy. The level of the mold manufacturing techniquesh as become a significant symbol of national manufacturing. At the same time, this paper canvasses the CAE software1moldflow and its application in engineering. In order to apply the Moldflow, this paper enlarges the plastic materials database and establishes a local plastic materials database which lay a foundation of setting our own domestic one.For the mould plastics CAE analysis, this paper carrie son division and modification of the net of the computer’s fore element CAD model. The processes of the filling, flowing of the plastic melt and the cooling of the mould and so on are the more important process in the plastic injection. In t he process of the llastic injecting various kinds of craft parameters, such as pressure, temperature, time, etc... are several important factors of the quality level of influencing the plastic products. This paper has imitated this process with software moldflow of CAE. Setting from the result of imitating, the craft parameters are revised and optimized to moulding plastics, more rational craft parameters are drew from it.Setting from imitating the analysis result,the author designs the injection mould of the telephone1element. Keyword:  mold ; UG ; CAD
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