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发布时间:2015-01-24 来源:人大经济论坛
通信工程专业论文 目 录 引 言1 第1章 绪论2 1.1 数字水印的背景与意义2 1.2 数字水印的定义与分类2 1.3 数字水印应用现状和发展方向3 第2章 数字图像水印技术5 2.1 数字图像的定义5 2.2 人类视觉系统对数字图像的感知特性5 2.3 数字图像水印系统的模型与算法8 2.3.1 数字图像水印系统的模型8 2.3.2 数字水印常见算法原理9 2.3.3 数字图像水印的一个具体算法11 第3章 Matlab7.0介绍14 3.1 MATLAB简介及发展历史14 3.2 MATLAB7.0安装和启动15 3.2.1 安装MATLAB7.015 3.2.2 启动MATLAB7.016 3.3 MATLAB优点和特点17 3.4 MATLAB在图像处理应用实例19 第4章 数字图像水印实现21 4.1 水印生成21 4.2 水印的嵌入22 4.3 水印信息的检测23 结论与展望25 致 谢27 参考文献28 附录A 一篇引用的外文文献及其译文29 附录B 主要参考文献及其摘要34 摘 要 数字水印的基本思想是在原始媒体数据中,如音频、视频、图像等,隐藏具有一定意义的附加信息作为标记,这些信息与原始数据紧密结合,并随之一起被传输。在接收端,通过计算机水印信号被提取出来用于各种目的,可能的应用包括数字签名、数字指纹、广播监视、内容认证、拷贝控制和秘密通信等。本次论文任务主要是对图像信号实现数字水印,过程首先是对图像信号加入水印信息,接下来对数字水印信息进行检测抽取, 最后对嵌入水印的图象进行不同的攻击,测试水印的鲁棒性。整个过程是通过Matlab软件运行实现。 与加密技术不同,数字水印技术并不能阻止盗版活动的发生,而是通过检测在数字载体中加入的独特记号,即从中提取水印以监视被保护数据的传播、鉴别数据的真伪、解决版权纠纷及为法庭提供证据等。由于数字作品是在非加密状态下进行传递的,作为水印的信息通常是不可见不可察觉的,但通过一些算法可以进行检测或提取。 数字水印技术是通过对媒体数据做微量修改来嵌入水印信息,从而达到信息隐藏的目的。该过程不影响原来数据的正常使用,不改变原来数据量的大小,不改变媒体的外观。该技术在军事通信、国家信息安全、数字化网络、多媒体及印刷出版领域都具有十分广阔的应用前景。 关键词:数字水印;Matlab;信息隐藏;频域法;鲁棒性; Digital Watermarking Algorithm Research and Implementation based on Matlab Abstract The basic idea of digital watermarking in the original media data, such as audio, video, images and so on, to hide a certain significance as a marker of additional information, the information and raw data are closely linked together and then transfer. At the receiving end, the computer signals are extracted watermark for various purposes, possible applications include digital signatures, digital fingerprints, broadcast monitoring, content authentication, copy control and secret communications. The main task of this paper is a digital watermark image signal, the process is the first image signal by adding a watermark information, the next to detect digital watermark information extraction, the final image of the embedded watermark different attacks, the test of robust watermark sexual. The entire process is run through the realization of Matlab software. And encryption technologies, digital watermarking technology and will not prevent the occurrence of piracy, but by detecting in the digital carrier to add a unique mark, that is extracted from the watermark data to be protected in order to monitor the spread of the authenticity of identification data to resolve the copyright dispute and provide evidence for the court. Due to the number of entries is carried out under a state of non-encrypted transmission, as the watermark information is usually not visible (Invisible) or non-detect (Imperceptible), but through a number of algorithms can be detected or extracted. Digital watermarking technology is done through micro-media data modified to embed watermark information, so as to achieve the purpose of information hiding. The process does not affect the normal use of the original data, the amount of data does not change the size of the original, do not change the appearance of the media. The technology in military communications, the national information security, digital networks, the field of multimedia and print publishing are very broad application prospects. Keywords: Digital watermarking; Matlab; Information Hiding; Frequency domain method; Robustness;
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