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发布时间:2015-01-27 来源:人大经济论坛
不同治疗时机对妊娠梅毒的预后影响研究_临床医学专业毕业论文 【摘要】目的 探讨不同时机妊娠梅毒治疗对患儿预后的影响。方法选取2008年1月~2010年4月于我院进行生产治疗的妊娠梅毒患者80例为研究对象,将其随机分为A组(≤12周治疗组)20例、B组(13~28周治疗组)20例、C组(≥29周治疗组)20例和D组(未治疗组)20例,将四组患者的足月分娩率、早产率、死胎率及低体重儿发生率、畸形率、Apgar评分及母婴RPR滴度进行检测及比较。结果经研究比较发现,A组的足月分娩率高于B、C及D组,以D组最低,A组的早产率、死胎率及低体重儿发生率、畸形率均低于B、C及D组,以D组最高,A组1min及5minApgar评分均优于B、C及D组,母婴RPR滴度A组也最佳,其中A组中治疗2个疗程者母婴RPR滴度优于1个疗程者,P均<0.05,均有显著性差异。结论早期的治疗对改善妊娠梅毒的预后有着积极的意义,因此主张早期的治疗。 【关键词】 治疗时机;妊娠梅毒;预后;影响 AbstractObjectiveTo discuss the effect of different curative opportunities on the prognosis of pregnant syphilis. Methods80 cases with pregnant syphilis were randomly divided into 4 groups: group A (≤12 gestational weeks), group B (from 13 to 28 gestational weeks), group C (≥29 gestational weeks) and group D, 20 cases in each group; patients in group A, B and C received certain treatment but those in group D received no; the tem delivery rates, premature delivery rates, fetal death rat, occurrences of low weight infants, deformity rates, Apgar scores and titers of RPR of mothers and infants were detected and a comparison was made among the 4 groups. ResultsThe term delivery rate of group A was higher than those in group B, group C and group D, that of group D was the lowest; the premature delivery rate, fetal death rate, occurrence of low weight infants and deformity rate in group A were all lower than those in group B, group C and group D, those rates in group D were the highest; group A was superior in the 1st min and 5th min Apgar scores to those in group B, group C and group D; the detection results of the titers of RPR of mothers and infants in group A were good, especially those of mothers and infants having 2 courses of treatment, even better than those of mothers and infants having 1 course of treatment (P<0.05);the differences among the 4 groups were significant. ConclusionsEarly treatment has a positive effect on the prognosis of the patients with pregnant syphilis. KEYWORDScurative opportunitypregnant syphilis prognosiseffect 如何治疗以改善妊娠梅毒的预后非常重要,以往的报道也较多,但对于治疗时机的选择的报道较少[1-2]。本文中就不同治疗时机对妊娠梅毒的预后的影响进行研究,现将结果总结报道如下。 1资料与方法 1.1临床资料 选取2008年1月~2010年4月于我院进行生产治疗的妊娠梅毒患者80例为研究对象,将其随机分为A组(≤12周治疗组)20例、B组(13~28周治疗组)20例、C组(≥29周治疗组)20例和D组(未治疗组)20例。A组的20例中,年龄22~36岁,平均(26.8±3.2)岁,其中初产妇13例,经产妇7例,均于妊娠12周内进行治疗;B组的20例中,年龄21~35岁,平均(26.2±3.7)岁,其中初产妇14例,经产妇6例,均于妊娠13~28周内进行治疗;C组的20例中,年龄20~34岁,平均(25.9±4.1)岁,其中初产妇12例,经产妇8例,均于妊娠29周及以后进行治疗;D组的20例中,年龄23~37岁,平均(26.1±3.8)岁,其中初产妇13例,经产妇7例,均未进行治疗。四组患者在年龄及经、初产构成比方面比较,P均>0.05,具有可比性。所有产妇均为单胎。 1.2方法 A组、B组及C组均采用苄星青霉素常规治疗方案进行治疗,给予患者苄星青霉素240万单位,肌内注射,1次/周,3次为1个疗程,其中部分患者进行第二疗程的治疗,第一与第二疗程间间隔2周[3],过敏者采用盐酸四环素、红霉素等进行治疗[4]。后将四组患者的足月分娩率、早产率、死胎率及低体重儿发生率、畸形率、Apgar评分及母婴RPR滴度进行检测及比较。 .3统计学方法 将文中检测所得的数据采用统计学软件进行相关处理,统计学软件选用SPSS12.0,计量资料采用t检验,计数资料采用χ2检验,采用P<0.05为有显著性差异。 2结果
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