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【劳动和实验经济学】behavioral impacts of China's one child policy

发布时间: 来源:人大经济论坛
1 论文标题
Little Emperors - behavioral impacts of China's one child policy
2 作者信息
Lisa Cameron, Nisvan Erkal, Lata Gangadharan, and Xin Meng
3 出处和链接(比如,NBER working paper No.11000)
4 摘要
This paper examines the behavioral patterns exhibited by individuals
exposed to theOne-Child Policy. We conductanexperiment with
individuals born just before and just after the One-Child Policy who
are otherwise similar.Thosewho grew up as only children asa
consequence ofthe policyare found to be less trusting, less
trustworthy, less likely to take risks, and less competitive than if they
had had siblings. They are also less optimistic, less conscientious, and
more prone to neuroticism. Thus, the One Child Policy has significant
ramifications for Chinese society and for the world with which China
increasingly deals.

【主讲】Xin Meng 教授(澳大利亚国立大学)

【主题】Little Emperors - behavioral impacts of China's one child policy

【时间】2012年3月5日(周一) 15:30-17:00


【语言】 英文

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