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发布时间:2015-03-29 来源:人大经济论坛
食品科学与工程论文范文 目 录 中文摘要 I 英文摘要 II 目录 III 1 绪论1 1.1 背景1 1.2 门店引入条件1 1.3 利民厂现状分析2 1.4 案例分析2 2 重要性分析4 2.1 对品牌的影响4 2.2 扩张需求4 2.3 利民厂的担忧分析5 3 门店开设流程9 3.1 市场分析与商圈调查9 3.2 门店资金的预算与筹措11 3.3 开业手续的办理12 3.4 门店的装修和布局12 3.5 门店的营销与日常经营13 3.6 门店顾客服务与人员管理16 3.7 门店规章制度的建立18 3.8 门店QSC水平提高计划18 4 总结与展望19 致 谢20 参考文献21 摘要:随着食品行业的发展,食品企业在这一过程中将面临越来越多,越来越大的挑战。怎么样才能使企业在这一竞争过程中发展起来,壮大起来,已经成了许多食品企业迫切需要解决的问题。究竟食品企业的出路在哪里,食品企业未来的发展模式是怎么样的,这些都是值得我们去深思的。如今,在焙烤行业竞争日益残酷的国内市场中,甜品和西点无疑是一片潜力巨大的新天地,而且许多创业人士也想到了通过开设门店来涉足这一领域。那么门店究竟能否引入,怎么引入,引入后又会对食品企业产生什么样的影响呢。这几个问题对企业对于是否投资门店可能会产生较大的影响。 关键词:门店;管理;营销;重要性 Abstract: With the development of the food industry, food companies will face in the process more and more, more and more challenges. How to be competitive in this business development process, and grow up, many food companies has become an urgent need to be addressed. Where food industry the way out and the future development of food enterprises that how it is going, and these are worth pondering. Now, in the baking industry increasingly brutal competition in the domestic market, dessert, and West Point is a new world of potential, but many people think of entrepreneurship through the creation of stores to set foot in this area. Well, whether the introduction of stores, how the introduction of food enterprises will be introduced and then what impact it. Several issues as to whether the investment-to-business stores may have a greater impact. Key words: store; management; marketing; importance
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