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发布时间:2015-04-01 来源:人大经济论坛
食品科学与工程论文范文 目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目录III 1 绪论1 1.1 我国食品防腐剂的发展现状1 1.2 生物防腐剂1 1.2.1 生物防腐剂的研究进展1 1.2.2 复合防腐剂的抑菌效果2 1.3 本实验的研究目的和意义2 1.4 本实验的研究内容和预期结果3 1.4.1 研究聚赖氨酸对各腐败菌的抑菌效果3 1.4.2 开发聚赖氨酸复合防腐剂3 1.5 本章小结3 2 实验部分4 2.1 材料与仪器4 2.1.1 主要材料4 2.1.2 主要仪器4 2.2 实验方法5 2.2.1 菌悬液的制备5 2.2.2 菌悬液浓度确定5 2.2.3 抑菌实验(滤纸片法)6 2.3 复合防腐剂的抑菌效果测定6 2.3.1 聚赖氨酸抑菌效果的测定6 2.3.2 聚赖氨酸和乳酸链球菌素复合的抑菌效果的测定6 2.3.3 聚赖氨酸与纳他霉素复合的抑菌效果的测定7 2.4 本章小结7 3 结果与讨论8 3.1 聚赖氨酸抑菌效果8 3.2 聚赖氨酸和乳酸链球菌素复合抑菌效果9 3.3 聚赖氨酸与纳他霉素复合抑菌效果11 3.4 本章小结11 4. 总结与展望12 致谢13 参考文献14 摘 要:聚赖氨酸(PL)是一种含有25~30个赖氨酸残基的同型单体聚合物。由赖氨酸残基通过 -羧基和 -氨基形成的酰胺键连接而成,具有广谱抑菌性。乳酸链球菌素(Nisin)称乳酸链球菌肽或乳链菌素,是由34个氨基酸组成能抑制大部分革兰氏阳性菌及其芽孢的生长和繁殖的抗菌素。纳他霉素(Natamyein)也称游链霉素(Pimaricin),是一种能够专性抑制酵母菌和霉菌的多烯类抗菌素。三种抗菌素均为安全、高效的生物抗菌剂,具有广泛的开发前景。 本实验以Staphylococcus aureus和Aspergillus niger为供试菌,通过滤纸片法、光电比浊法等方法分别研究了聚赖氨酸对各腐败菌的抑菌效果,基本确定了最小抑菌浓度;通过将聚赖氨酸分别与乳酸链球菌素、纳他霉素以不同比例复合,研究开发新型安全、营养的复合防腐剂。实验结果表明:聚赖氨酸、乳酸链球菌素和纳他霉素有很好的抑菌性能,通过复合可以在降低使用成本的同时提高抑菌效果。 Abstract: PL is a kind of monomer polymer including 25 ~ 30 lysine units which are linked by the bond formed by carboxyl group and amino. PLhas the broad spectrum bacteriostasis ability. Nisin is composed of 34 amino acids which can inhibit growth and reproduction of Gram-positive bacteria and its spore. The natamycin also called Pimaricin, is a kind of polyalkene antibiotic. It can specially inhibit yeast and the mold. Three antibiotics are all safe, and efficient biological antibacterial agent which deserve to develop. In this paper, Staphylococcus aureus, and Aspergillus niger were use as subject. By filter sheet and colorimetric method, the inhibition ability of poly-L-lysine, to the above subjects were experimented. The minimum inhibitory concentration was determined. The inhibition action of compound with poly-L-lysine, natamycin, nisin by different molar ratio was studied too. The results showed that poly-L-lysine, natamycin and nisin deserved to be developed with remarkable inhibition activity, specially for the compounds. 关键词:聚赖氨酸;纳他霉素;乳酸链球菌素;复合防腐剂 Keywords: PL; Nisin; Natamycin; Compound preservative
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